The 2017/18 English Premier League season starts on 11 August. Start selecting your team at Fantasy Premier League
If you played last season and using the same email address, you'll automatically join the CC.Com Premier League.
If you are new to playing, you can join our league using the code: 625022-148278.
JamaicaDays (Trinity?) is our defending Champ but I have every intention to reclaim my title.
Good luck to All!
Message Board Archives - Football Fantasy League
Last Season's final standings;
1 JamaicaDays 77 2132
2 Alli-Kane-Spurs 76 2110
3 Eerie Bruhs 74 2021
4 Real- United 50 2019
5 Barsenal 61 1983
6 Arsanola 54 1926
7 Davester City! 52 1917
8 Yorkeys Knob 62 1851
9 JamD 65 1815
10 NewcastleNoMore 69 1801
11 Acid (^_^) 44 1796
12 Biting Bachacs 47 1772
13 inaam89 67 1763
14 G-Stars FC 90 1751
15 Positive G's FC 48 1668
16 Freeport great again 46 1646
17 DG's Resurgent (UTV) 40 1498
18 Fyahballers 48 1390
19 Gabby FC 54 471
Entries so far;
Team Manager
1. Wembley Hotspur - Ninesy
2. Can't Beat a Coleco!
3. Teambwoy! - Dave400
4. Real-United - Real-Cricket
5. Ray ball - Ray
6. Postive XI - Positiveg
7. Everton Royals
don't know what I am doing...but I joined
In reply to ray
Nice one... don't worry, it's easy to learn, just make sure you pick 3 Spurs players!
In reply to NineMiles
I did auto I have to figure out how to change
In reply to ray
Click on 'Transfer' and there will be plenty of player options to pick from on the right hand side.
It's unlimited transfers until the deadline of 11 Aug 18:45 BST, then one transfer per week from there on.
Worth reading the rules which can be found on the 'Help' button.
In reply to ray
Don't worry...if you know nothing like Jon Snow....
So do seasoned pundits like imusic and trinidave...
ok, I am slowly getting my team selected
Looking forward
Is two seasons now we can't get a sticky!
In reply to DAVE400
No love from Admin, Wackie or the Mods
A gentle reminder...
In reply to NineMiles
Funny fantasy team names...
In reply to DAVE400
The picks on the list for me are;
9 more days to go to kick off
In reply to NineMiles
Yeah...really liked Benteke Fried Chicken...but hands down Balotellitubbies takes win!
Yeeeeeehhhhhh.... We've got a sticky.
8 more days to go to kick-off
In reply to NineMiles
Thanks and praises..
C'mon peeps...we need players.
In reply to DAVE400
9 players so far....
Team Manager
1. Wembley Hotspur - Ninesy
2. Can't Beat a Coleco!
3. Teambwoy! - Dave400
4. Real-United - Real-Cricket
5. Ray ball - Ray
6. Postive XI - Positiveg
7. Everton Royals
8. Grove Town X1
9. Arsanola - Samwells
In reply to NineMiles
Who is Grove Town?
In reply to DAVE400
His team name last season was JamD... don't know his moniker.
Could players declare their pseudo names here please.
Back in the game! Let's see if I can get lucky two years in a row
English footie sucks!!! Can we expand to the Bundesliga and La Liga?
In reply to Larr Pullo
LOL... at least the EPL is competitive.
Only one team in the Bundesliga - Bayern Munich
Only two teams in La Liga - Real and Barca
In reply to Trinity
Not if I have something to say about it!

Participants up to 12;
Team Manager
1. Wembley Hotspur - Ninesy
2. Can't Beat a Coleco!
3. Teambwoy! - Dave400
4. Real-United - Real-Cricket
5. Ray ball - Ray
6. Postive XI - Positiveg
7. Everton Royals
8. Grove Town X1
9. Arsanola - Samwells
10. Attacking Bachacs
11. Barsenal
12. JamaicaDay - Trinity
Two more days to kick-off...keep them coming!
In reply to NineMiles
And Atletico could beat EVERY team in the EPL!
Dortmund could beat EVERY team in the EPL!!!
In reply to Larr Pullo
That may be the case but the top ten most entertaining leagues in the world are ranked as follows:
1. English Premier League
2. Spanish La Liga
3. German Bundesliga
4. Italian Serie A
5. French Ligue 1
6. Dutch Eredivisie
7. Chinese Super League
8. Major League Soccer
9. Portuguese Primeira Liga
10. Brasileiro Serie A
Ranking the Most Entertaining Leagues in World Football
I rest my case!
In reply to Larr Pullo
Boy, if you do this EPL fantasy thing you would realise how difficult this league is to predict...
that alone makes it more interesting than La Liga also known as Madrid, Barcelona and teams eighteen other teams ending in vowels,
Less than 24 hours to kick-off
Two more additions to take the numbers to 14.
Team Manager
1. Wembley Hotspur - Ninesy
2. Can't Beat a Coleco!
3. Teambwoy! - Dave400
4. Real-United - Real-Cricket
5. Ray ball - Ray
6. Postive XI - Positiveg
7. Everton Royals
8. Grove Town X1 - jamfan4lyfe
9. Arsanola - Samwells
10. Attacking Bachacs
11. Barsenal
12. JamaicaDay - Trinity
13. Olecastle
14. (^_^) Acid - Acid
4 hours to go....get your teams in!
In reply to NineMiles
Good lineup of teams...too many quitters from previous years..
In reply to DAVE400
Yeah... Some will join after the competition has already started and have no chance of winning!
G-Stars joins to take numbers to 15.
I have no horses in tonight's fixture.
In reply to NineMiles
Neither me...I had Fuchs on the bench
In reply to DAVE400
Grove Town X1 - jamfan4lyfe.
GOOD Luck all
Wasted captain hesus
not a good start...but I am figuring things out...already made a substitution
In reply to ray
It will all come together with experience and choice of captain can be very important.
See you took my advice and selected 3 Spurs players!
Gameweek 1
1 Wembley Hotspur 86
2 Grove Town X1 69
3 Binary Fc 65
4 Everton Royals 62
5 Can't Beat a Coleco! 57
6 (^_^) Acid 55
7 JamaicaDay 54
8 AutoMatic2ManUall 48
9 Arsanola 48
10 Teambwoy! 47
11 Postive XI 47
12 Barsenal 45
13 Olecastle 45
14 G-STARS 44
15 Attacking Bachacs 39
16 Ray ball 33
Scores are in and Ninesy caps a great weekend with a top score of 86 and leads after week one!
In reply to NineMiles
Nice start there ninesy.
In reply to DAVE400
Good start, early days!
Game week 2
1 Wembley Hotspur 47 133
2 Tilly Devine 61 118
3 Everton Royals 50 112
4 AutoMatic2ManUall 64 112
5 Binary Fc 39 104
6 Olecastle 55 100
7 Grove Town X1 30 99
8 Barsenal 53 94
9 (^_^) Acid 32 87
10 Teambwoy! 34 81
11 Attacking Bachacs 41 80
12 G-STARS 36 80
13 JamaicaDay 22 76
14 Postive XI 28 75
15 Arsanola 25 73
16 Ray ball 29 62
17 HuronSquad 37 37
Top scorer for the week is AutoMatic2ManUall with 64 points and moves 4 place up to 4th.
HuronSquad joins to take the number of players to 17
In reply to NineMiles
Early days yet
In reply to NineMiles
I'm in. First time player learning the ropes.
In reply to JR_Cool
Welcome brother, you had a good week
In reply to JR_Cool
Welcome Cool JR... and you taking good account of yourself!
In reply to Real-cricket
I had a poor week!
Did you change the name of your team? Looks like you are now AutoMatic2ManUal!
ManU look strong this season bro!
Game week 3
1 AutoMatic2ManUal 64 176
2 Wembley Hotspur 33 162
3 Tilly Devine 43 157
4 Teambwoy! 74 155
5 Binary Fc 49 153
6 JamaicaDay 74 150
7 Olecastle 49 149
8 CoolJ 11 62 148
9 Grove Town X1 47 146
10 Everton Royals 21 133
11 Barsenal 35 129
12 (^_^) Acid 40 127
13 Bachacs FC 38 118
14 Arsanola 42 115
15 G-STARS 34 114
16 Postive XI 29 104
17 Ray ball 38 100
18 HuronSquad 51 76
Endsie and Trinity are joint top scorers for the week with 74 points.
Real-Cricket is playing like ManU and moves to the top of the table!

In reply to NineMiles
Yeah that's me.Yes we do. We not driving boring automatic vehicles anymore lol. It's Manual all the way
Thanks to Cheslea they gave us a real piece of the puzzle in Matic. But I'm not get carried away this early but I like what I see compared to last year. We look more fluid
In reply to NineMiles
Concerned about the international break. Hope all my players come back fit
In reply to Real-cricket
Right, thoughts are now turning to this weekend's fixtures after the internationals. Hope your players came out unscathed.
Game week 4
1 Wembley Hotspur 58 220
2 AutoMatic2ManUal 41 217
3 Teambwoy! 54 209
4 Binary Fc 45 198
5 Olecastle 47 196
6 CoolJ 11 47 195
7 Tilly Devine 46 187
8 Grove Town X1 40 186
9 Arsanola 71 186
10 Everton Royals 51 184
11 JamaicaDay 30 180
12 Ray ball 64 164
13 (^_^) Acid 34 161
14 G-STARS 44 158
15 Bachacs FC 37 155
16 Barsenal 26 155
17 HuronSquad 62 138
18 Postive XI 33 137
Arsanola top scores this game week and Ninesy goes back to the top of the table.
Next update will be slightly late as I'm away for week's break!
In reply to NineMiles
Ebdsie climbs nicely
Game week 5
1 Binary Fc 83 281
2 Wembley Hotspur 61 277
3 AutoMatic2ManUal 52 269
4 CoolJ 11 67 262
5 Everton Royals 65 249
6 Teambwoy! 37 246
7 Grove Town X1 59 245
8 Tilly Devine 58 245
9 Arsanola 58 244
10 Olecastle 45 241
11 JamaicaDay 50 226
12 Barsenal 70 221
13 Ray ball 51 215
14 G-STARS 46 204
15 Bachacs FC 51 202
16 HuronSquad 59 197
17 (^_^) Acid 22 183
18 Postive XI 39 176
Binary FC top scores with 83 points and moves up from 4th to 1st place.
Game week 6
1 Binary Fc 64 345
2 Wembley Hotspur 50 327
3 Grove Town X1 81 326
4 AutoMatic2ManUal 52 321
5 CoolJ 11 55 317
6 Arsanola 69 313
7 Teambwoy! 65 311
8 Tilly Devine 59 300
9 Barsenal 81 298
10 Everton Royals 47 296
11 JamaicaDay 70 296
12 Olecastle 54 295
13 Ray ball 60 275
14 HuronSquad 74 271
15 G-STARS 64 268
16 Bachacs FC 49 251
17 (^_^) Acid 50 233
18 Postive XI 34 210
Both Grove Town XI and Barsenal score 81 points in the game week, but as Barsenal made more than the allowable number of transfers for the week (i.e. costing -4 points), Grove Town XI gets the top scorer award for the week.
Binary FC still top of the table!
In reply to NineMiles
This league is a marathon. I could use some more funds!!
Headache for fantasy owners with Aguero out
Game week 7
1 Binary Fc 50 395
2 Wembley Hotspur 56 383
3 JamaicaDay 77 373
4 Teambwoy! 60 371
5 CoolJ 11 58 371
6 Grove Town X1 41 367
7 AutoMatic2ManUal 39 360
8 Arsanola 50 355
9 Olecastle 56 351
10 Everton Royals 53 349
11 Tilly Devine 52 348
12 Barsenal 33 331
13 Ray ball 51 326
14 HuronSquad 51 322
15 G-STARS 52 320
16 Bachacs FC 67 318
17 (^_^) Acid 28 261
18 Postive XI 49 259
JamaicaDay top scores with 77 points and moves up 8 places to 3rd.
We take a weeks break for the internationals!
I am having a rough start to the season. Too busy. Thanks for the tip on Kane last year it paid off last week.
Game week 8
1 Binary Fc 53 448
2 JamaicaDay 62 435
3 Wembley Hotspur 51 434
4 CoolJ 11 58 429
5 Teambwoy! 47 418
6 AutoMatic2ManUal 50 410
7 Grove Town X1 42 409
8 Olecastle 47 398
9 Arsanola 38 393
10 Tilly Devine 53 393
11 Everton Royals 35 384
12 Barsenal 36 363
13 G-STARS 41 361
14 Bachacs FC 38 356
15 Ray ball 28 354
16 HuronSquad 35 353
17 Postive XI 46 305
18 (^_^) Acid 33 294
JamaicaDay top scores with 62 points and moves one place up to 2nd.
Binary FC is still top dog for the 4th week running!
In reply to NineMiles
Our league is so competitive. Love it!
In reply to Real-cricket
Yep, no one running away with it....not yet anyway!
Played my wildcard...but think I would have scored more points had I left my team as it was.
Game week 9
1 Binary Fc 71 519
2 CoolJ 11 67 496
3 JamaicaDay 54 489
4 Wembley Hotspur 55 489
5 Arsanola 81 474
6 AutoMatic2ManUal 58 468
7 Tilly Devine 70 463
8 Olecastle 63 461
9 Grove Town X1 46 455
10 Teambwoy! 34 452
11 Everton Royals 57 441
12 Barsenal 71 434
13 Ray ball 57 411
14 HuronSquad 59 408
15 Bachacs FC 45 401
16 G-STARS 39 400
17 Postive XI 44 349
18 (^_^) Acid 37 331
Samwells tops scores with 81 points and moves up 5 places to 4th. Good week for CoolJ 11 as well moving up from 4th to 2nd place.
Binary FC opens a little gap of 23 points at the top.
In reply to NineMiles
Getting some steady results.
What was the winning total last season?
In reply to JR_Cool
Winning totals for the past three seasons:
2014/15 Ninesy 1,916
2015/16 Ninesy 2,141
2016/17 JamaicaDay aka Trinity 2,132
You think you can get anywhere near that?
In reply to NineMiles
Maybe. If I figure out how to choose the right captain.
Game week 10
1 Binary Fc 58 577
2 CoolJ 11 55 551
3 Wembley Hotspur 43 532
4 JamaicaDay 42 531
5 Arsanola 44 510
6 Olecastle 46 507
7 AutoMatic2ManUal 38 506
8 Tilly Devine 39 502
9 Teambwoy! 56 500
10 Grove Town X1 42 497
11 Everton Royals 52 493
12 Barsenal 37 471
13 Ray ball 41 452
14 Bachacs 50 451
15 HuronSquad 37 441
16 G-STARS 31 431
17 Postive XI 46 395
18 (^_^) Acid 30 361
Binary FC top scores with 58 points and extends his lead at the top to 26 points.
Game week 11
1 Binary Fc 54 631
2 JamaicaDay 67 598
3 CoolJ 11 31 582
4 Wembley Hotspur 49 581
5 Olecastle 56 563
6 Lost......... Farm? 65 555
7 Grove Town X1 52 549
8 Arsanola 40 546
9 Teambwoy! 48 544
10 Everton Royals 44 537
11 Kung Fu Evra 30 536
12 Bachacs 65 516
13 Barsenal 47 514
14 HuronSquad 70 511
15 Ray ball 26 478
16 G-STARS 36 467
17 Postive XI 34 429
18 (^_^) Acid 40 401
HuronSquad top scores with 70 points. Good week also for JamaicaDay, scored 67 points and moves two places up to 2nd place.
Some peeps changing their team names constantly, hard to keep up with who is who. Real Cricket can't escape me though, he's now Kung Fu Evra. Doesn't look like that kung fu kick helped you much bro. Only 30 points this game week and dropped 4 places down to 11th.

We take another break for the internationals.
In reply to NineMiles
Yeah I got a kick instead lol. This week was a lil better
some big scores this week.
In reply to DAVE400
Sob sob... you not the only one doing badly you know. I'm in danger of missing out on a Champions League spot!
In reply to NineMiles
My team behaving like spurs lately. Dropping to 7th.
In reply to NineMiles
OK. Bounce coming!
We seem to have lost a few posts here....certainly Games 12 to 15.
Wackie sleeping on the job?
In reply to NineMiles
yeah a few are gone
Game week 16
1 Binary Fc 50 915
2 JamaicaDay 62 890
3 Olecastle 65 850
4 Wembley Hotspur 62 841
5 Grove Town X1 37 821
6 Kung Fu Evra 67 811
7 CoolJ 11 38 808
8 Arsanola 41 795
9 HuronSquad 43 789
10 Bachacs 46 773
11 Barsenal 69 773
12 Anderson 43 767
13 Teambwoy! 43 763
14 Everton Royals 37 733
15 Ray ball 45 677
16 G-STARS 36 664
17 (^_^) Acid 44 658
18 Postive XI 28 631
Barsenal top scores with 69 points
In reply to NineMiles
In reply to NineMiles
Stupid Scout suggested captaining Coutinho...Klopp kept him on bench...
In reply to DAVE400
You follow that scout nonsense? No wonder yuh down there in 13th place!
Who got knocked out in the first round?
I live to fight another day. Player rotation is giving me problems, just like everyone else.
In reply to Real-cricket
Oh shit... didn't realise the Cup competition was up and running. Dats me knocked out of the first round!
In reply to NineMiles
yeah a few others too
In reply to NineMiles
I had a good couple of weeks. The Kung fu starting to kick in
Game week 17
1 Binary Fc 39 954
2 JamaicaDay 52 942
3 Olecastle 36 886
4 Wembley Hotspur 45 886
5 Kung Fu Evra 69 880
6 Grove Town X1 58 879
7 CoolJ 11 45 849
8 HuronSquad 41 830
9 Arsanola 32 823
10 Barsenal 48 821
11 Anderson 49 812
12 Teambwoy! 48 811
13 Bachacs 31 804
14 Everton Royals 41 774
15 Ray ball 46 723
16 G-STARS 39 703
17 Postive XI 61 692
18 (^_^) Acid 26 684
Kung Fu Evra is top scorer for this midweek Gameweek with 69 points and moves up one to 5th.
Binary FC's lead at the top has been narrowed to just 12 points.
In reply to NineMiles
These members have moved on to the next round
Kung Fu Evra
Positive did not qualify
Good luck guys!
Thanks! Out of the cup means you can concentrate on winning the league.
The cup has much more luck to it.
In reply to Trinity
cup is hit or miss
Game week 18
1 Binary Fc 47 1001
2 JamaicaDay 48 990
3 Olecastle 65 951
4 Wembley Hotspur 59 945
5 Kung Fu Evra 53 933
6 Grove Town X1 46 925
7 CoolJ 11 58 907
8 Barsenal 70 891
9 HuronSquad 53 883
10 Arsanola 46 869
11 Teambwoy! 54 865
12 Bachacs 58 862
13 Anderson 42 850
14 Everton Royals 44 818
15 G-STARS 60 763
16 Postive XI 64 756
17 Ray ball 26 749
18 (^_^) Acid 35 719
Top scorer for the week is Barsenal with 70 points. Binary FC is the first to reach 1000 points.
and Acid is still bottom of the pile!

In reply to NineMiles
Half way point of the season.
Lots of work to do in the Jan transfer window.
In reply to JR_Cool
You could win it if you have a large cheque book like Guardiola!
In reply to NineMiles
Only two left in the knockout
In reply to Real-cricket
Good luck in the next round.
In reply to NineMiles
Thanks. Got a tough battle this week. I'm hoping Silva doesn't score caused I got rid of him because of the uncertainty. I see he is playing now
In reply to Real-cricket
Agreed and I missed. I am out of the running. Best of luck to the remaining two.
Silva messed up many people.
Game week 19
1 Binary Fc 72 1069
2 JamaicaDay 69 1059
3 Olecastle 69 1020
4 Kung Fu Evra 87 1020
5 Wembley Hotspur 70 1015
6 Grove Town X1 83 1008
7 Barsenal 84 975
8 HuronSquad 77 960
9 CoolJ 11 40 947
10 Arsanola 76 945
11 Bachacs 73 935
12 Teambwoy! 72 929
13 Anderson 75 917
14 Everton Royals 62 880
15 Ray ball 74 823
16 G-STARS 52 815
17 Postive XI 42 798
18 (^_^) Acid 38 757
High scoring week as Kung Fu Evra top scores wit 87 points and moves up one place to 5th.
In reply to Real-cricket
I see you both made it through to the next round...keep representing!
In reply to NineMiles
yeah, it was tough! Thanks. We tied with 87 but he made an extra transfer and lost 4 points
Do we have any representatives remaining in the Cup?
Game week 20
1 JamaicaDay 92 1151
2 Binary Fc 66 1135
3 Olecastle 101 1121
4 Wembley Hotspur 87 1102
5 Kung Fu Evra 78 1098
6 Grove Town X1 68 1076
7 HuronSquad 83 1043
8 Barsenal 62 1037
9 Arsanola 81 1026
10 Bachacs 71 1006
11 CoolJ 11 59 1006
12 Teambwoy! 56 985
13 Anderson 51 968
14 Everton Royals 40 920
15 Ray ball 81 904
16 G-STARS 54 869
17 Postive XI 45 843
18 (^_^) Acid 55 812
Olecastle top scores with 101 points but remains in 3rd place. Good week also for JamaicaDay with 92 points who replaces Binary FC as top dog!
In reply to Trinity
Yep, Kung Fu Panda and HuronSquad are still representing!
In reply to NineMiles
Nice. It was a heavy scoring week. We'll see what fixture congestion brings.
In reply to NineMiles
yeah we dey
Game week 21
1 JamaicaDay 64 1215
2 Binary Fc 69 1204
3 Olecastle 61 1182
4 Kung Fu Evra 66 1164
5 Wembley Hotspur 52 1154
6 Grove Town X1 44 1120
7 HuronSquad 64 1107
8 Barsenal 49 1086
9 Arsanola 52 1078
10 CoolJ 11 65 1071
11 Bachacs 43 1049
12 Teambwoy! 55 1040
13 Anderson 42 1010
14 Ray ball 49 953
15 Everton Royals 25 945
16 G-STARS 35 904
17 Postive XI 26 869
18 (^_^) Acid 35 847
Premier League matches coming thick and fast....Top scorer for game week 21 was Binary FC with 69 points
Kung Fu Evra and HuronSquad still representing in the Cup competition!

Hmm. What a week! Rotations Rotations!
Mr Acid,
Wat went wrong here
In reply to Halliwell
He's like you...Clueless about the beautiful game!
Game week 22
1 JamaicaDay 54 1269
2 Binary Fc 39 1243
3 Olecastle 53 1235
4 Kung Fu Evra 49 1213
5 Wembley Hotspur 58 1212
6 Grove Town X1 49 1169
7 CoolJ 11 72 1143
8 HuronSquad 30 1137
9 Barsenal 45 1131
10 Arsanola 43 1121
11 Teambwoy! 49 1089
12 Bachacs 35 1084
13 Anderson 63 1073
14 Everton Royals 36 981
15 Ray ball 24 977
16 Postive XI 72 941
17 G-STARS 37 941
18 (^_^) Acid 21 868
We have joint top scorers this week as CoolJ 11 and Positive XI both scored 72 points. JamaicaDay extends his lead at the top to 26 points.
Our last two remaining Cup contestants were eliminated this week...hard luck but it was a good run by Kung Fu Evra and HuronSquad.
We take a break from the busy EPL fixture lists as it is FA Cup weekend!
In reply to NineMiles
Yeah good run. My opponent stocked up on west ham and spurs. I decided not to. Don't want too many hammers on my team. Kane is good enough fir me from spurs
Game week 23
1 JamaicaDay 63 1332
2 Olecastle 76 1311
3 Binary Fc 58 1301
4 Kung Fu Evra 76 1289
5 Wembley Hotspur 70 1274
6 Grove Town X1 43 1212
7 CoolJ 11 61 1204
8 HuronSquad 66 1203
9 Barsenal 61 1192
10 Arsanola 55 1176
11 Bachacs 51 1135
12 Teambwoy! 32 1121
13 Back to Yorkeys Knob 38 1107
14 Ray ball 66 1043
15 Everton Royals 45 1026
16 G-STARS 40 981
17 Postive XI 39 980
18 (^_^) Acid 30 898
Joint top scorers in successive weeks. Olecastle and Kung Fu Evra both scored 76 points.
Olecastle moves one place up to 2nd spot, two points behind leader JamaicaDays.
In reply to NineMiles
Who has the most top scorer titles?
In reply to Real-cricket
Gosh, now you go let me go dig into my archives
Soon come!
In reply to Real-cricket
Like you've been counting! Also doesn't help that some players keep changing their team names.
Top scorers
JamaicaDay 4
Binary Fc 3
Arsanola 2
Grove Town XI 2
CoolJ 11 2
Barsenal 2
Olecastle 2
Wembley Spurs 1
HuronSquad 1
Positive XI 1
In reply to NineMiles
Had a hunch
Final name bro. Name change seems to be working
Game week 24
1 JamaicaDay 50 1382
2 Olecastle 46 1357
3 Binary Fc 55 1356
4 Kung Fu Evra 43 1328
5 Wembley Hotspur 39 1313
6 HuronSquad 58 1261
7 CoolJ 11 54 1258
8 Grove Town X1 44 1256
9 Barsenal 60 1252
10 Arsanola 66 1238
11 Bachacs 52 1187
12 Teambwoy! 63 1184
13 Back to Yorkeys Knob 78 1181
14 Ray ball 70 1113
15 Everton Royals 59 1085
16 Postive XI 40 1020
17 G-STARS 34 1015
18 (^_^) Acid 31 929
Back to Yorkeys Knob top scores with 78 points.
FA Cup this coming weekend followed by Game week 25 mid week.
Game week 25
1 JamaicaDay 66 1448
2 Binary Fc 52 1408
3 Olecastle 40 1397
4 Kung Fu Evra 50 1378
5 Wembley Hotspur 53 1366
6 HuronSquad 43 1304
7 Grove Town X1 45 1301
8 Arsanola 62 1300
9 CoolJ 11 40 1298
10 Barsenal 40 1292
11 Teambwoy! 56 1236
12 Back to Yorkeys Knob 58 1235
13 Bachacs 37 1224
14 Ray ball 33 1146
15 Everton Royals 32 1117
16 Postive XI 78 1098
17 G-STARS 34 1049
18 (^_^) Acid 40 969
Positiveg top scores with 78 points for this game week.
JamaicaDay extends his lead at the top to 40 points
In reply to Real-cricket
Seems like I'm closing in on number 6 for top scorer''s title
Game week 26
1 JamaicaDay 45 1493
2 Binary Fc 40 1448
3 Kung Fu Evra 71 1445
4 Olecastle 36 1433
5 Wembley Hotspur 46 1412
6 CoolJ 11 65 1363
7 Grove Town X1 53 1354
8 HuronSquad 46 1350
9 Arsanola 41 1337
10 Barsenal 40 1332
11 Teambwoy! 51 1287
12 Back to Yorkeys Knob 57 1284
13 Bachacs 48 1272
14 Ray ball 39 1185
15 Everton Royals 44 1161
16 Postive XI 25 1123
17 G-STARS 25 1074
18 (^_^) Acid 32 1001
Congrats to Real-cricket for top scoring with 71 points and moves up to 3rd place...only 48 points behind the leader.
Praises also to Acid for eventually reaching 1000 points after 26 game weeks.

In reply to NineMiles
thanks bro
Game week 27
1 JamaicaDay 70 1563
2 Binary Fc 84 1532
3 Kung Fu Evra 65 1510
4 Olecastle 52 1485
5 Wembley Hotspur 59 1471
6 HuronSquad 84 1434
7 Arsanola 97 1434
8 CoolJ 11 59 1422
9 Grove Town X1 65 1419
10 Barsenal 79 1407
11 Back to Yorkeys Knob 99 1379
12 Teambwoy! 73 1360
13 Bachacs 70 1342
14 Ray ball 39 1224
15 Everton Royals 38 1199
16 Postive XI 52 1175
17 G-STARS 22 1096
18 (^_^) Acid 28 1029
Back to Yorkeys Knob scored 99 points but as he made more than the allowable transfers and conceded -4 points, the weeks award goes to Arsanola who scored an impressive 97 points.
We take a break this FA Cup weekend!
Game week 28
1 JamaicaDay 42 1605
2 Binary Fc 55 1587
3 Kung Fu Evra 56 1566
4 Wembley Hotspur 60 1531
5 Olecastle 40 1525
6 Arsanola 56 1486
7 HuronSquad 48 1482
8 CoolJ 11 56 1478
9 Grove Town X1 54 1473
10 Barsenal 46 1453
11 Yorkeys Knob 74 1449
12 Teambwoy! 47 1407
13 Bachacs 64 1406
14 Ray ball 34 1258
15 Everton Royals 39 1238
16 Postive XI 49 1224
17 G-STARS 20 1116
18 (^_^) Acid 31 1060
Yorkeys Knob will not be denied this he top scores with 74 points.
JamaicaDay's lead at the top is reduced to 18 points.
Game week 29
1 JamaicaDay 49 1654
2 Binary Fc 60 1643
3 Kung Fu Evra 51 1617
4 Wembley Hotspur 51 1578
5 Olecastle 55 1576
6 Arsanola 48 1534
7 Grove Town X1 52 1525
8 HuronSquad 41 1523
9 CoolJ 11 44 1522
10 Yorkeys Knob 63 1512
11 Barsenal 48 1501
12 Bachacs 46 1452
13 Teambwoy! 43 1450
14 Ray ball 35 1293
15 Everton Royals 54 1292
16 Postive XI 43 1267
17 G-STARS 24 1140
18 (^_^) Acid 50 1110
Yorkeys Knob is top scorer for the 2nd week running...
Game week 30
1 JamaicaDay 45 1699
2 Binary Fc 30 1673
3 Kung Fu Evra 27 1644
4 Wembley Hotspur 47 1625
5 Olecastle 31 1607
6 Arsanola 69 1595
7 CoolJ 11 56 1578
8 Grove Town X1 51 1576
9 Yorkeys Knob 46 1558
10 HuronSquad 22 1545
11 Barsenal 30 1531
12 Teambwoy! 47 1493
13 Bachacs 36 1488
14 Everton Royals 61 1353
15 Ray ball 49 1342
16 Postive XI 33 1300
17 G-STARS 29 1169
18 (^_^) Acid 40 1150
Arsanola scored 69 points but having made more than the weekly allocated transfers, he loses 8 points so shares the Manager of the Week award with Everton Royals.
In reply to NineMiles
poor week for me
Bad week for anyone who didn't captain Salah.
In reply to Trinity
good week to use free hit
Game week 31
1 JamaicaDay 112 1811
2 Binary Fc 96 1769
3 Kung Fu Evra 111 1755
4 Wembley Hotspur 94 1719
5 Olecastle 96 1703
6 CoolJ 11 91 1669
7 Arsanola 64 1651
8 Grove Town X1 68 1644
9 Yorkeys Knob 81 1635
10 HuronSquad 76 1613
11 Barsenal 45 1576
12 Teambwoy! 70 1559
13 Bachacs 34 1522
14 Everton Royals 0 1353
15 Ray ball 10 1352
16 Postive XI 15 1315
17 (^_^) Acid 46 1196
18 G-STARS 7 1176
Only four Premier League matches but a record scoring week and JamaicaDay played a blinder by using his 'Triple Captain' chip, scoring 112 points.
Good week also for players who used their 'Free Hit' chip with Kung Fu Evra missing out by a single point.
Everton Royals remarkably failed to score any points.
We now take a break for the International friendlies.
Game week 32
1 JamaicaDay 72 1883
2 Binary Fc 49 1818
3 Kung Fu Evra 54 1809
4 Wembley Hotspur 57 1776
5 Olecastle 45 1748
6 CoolJ 11 60 1729
7 Arsanola 62 1709
8 Grove Town X1 52 1696
9 Yorkeys Knob 59 1686
10 HuronSquad 42 1655
11 Barsenal 53 1629
12 Teambwoy! 47 1606
13 Bachacs 42 1564
14 Everton Royals 39 1392
15 Ray ball 39 1391
16 Postive XI 47 1362
17 (^_^) Acid 66 1262
18 G-STARS 39 1215
JamaicaDay top scores for a successive game week with 72 points and extends his lead at the top to 65 points.
Game week 33
1 JamaicaDay 39 1922
2 Binary Fc 39 1857
3 Kung Fu Evra 30 1839
4 Wembley Hotspur 53 1829
5 Olecastle 15 1763
6 CoolJ 11 32 1761
7 Arsanola 41 1746
8 Grove Town X1 25 1721
9 Yorkeys Knob 29 1711
10 HuronSquad 25 1680
11 Barsenal 41 1670
12 Teambwoy! 27 1633
13 Bachacs 37 1601
14 Everton Royals 29 1421
15 Ray ball 28 1419
16 Postive XI 21 1383
17 (^_^) Acid 37 1299
18 G-STARS 30 1245
Ninesy top scores with 53 points for this game week...about flipping time too!

In reply to NineMiles
Felt like Genius with that TC. Since everyone was captaining Salah I figure it was a sure way to outscore.
This two game week should be a big one!
Game week 34
1 JamaicaDay 86 2004
2 Wembley Hotspur 100 1929
3 Binary Fc 69 1926
4 Kung Fu Evra 82 1921
5 CoolJ 11 93 1854
6 Olecastle 66 1829
7 Arsanola 65 1807
8 Grove Town X1 71 1792
9 Yorkeys Knob 67 1774
10 HuronSquad 66 1746
11 Barsenal 70 1740
12 Teambwoy! 71 1704
13 Bachacs 67 1668
14 Everton Royals 54 1475
15 Ray ball 55 1474
16 Postive XI 37 1420
17 (^_^) Acid 63 1362
18 G-STARS 58 1303
Ninesy top scores for the second week running with a mammoth 100 points!

Good week also for CoolJ with 93 points.
JamaicaDay is first to reach 2000 points and leads by 75 points.
In reply to NineMiles
Congrats bro. Top four shaping up nicely
Game week 35
1 JamaicaDay 57 2061
2 Wembley Hotspur 52 1973
3 Kung Fu Evra 45 1966
4 Binary Fc 37 1959
5 CoolJ 11 37 1891
6 Olecastle 57 1886
7 Arsanola 57 1852
8 Yorkeys Knob 59 1825
9 Grove Town X1 31 1823
10 HuronSquad 26 1772
11 Barsenal 26 1766
12 Teambwoy! 28 1732
13 Bachacs 33 1701
14 Ray ball 25 1499
15 Everton Royals 11 1486
16 Postive XI 26 1446
17 (^_^) Acid 31 1393
18 G-STARS 33 1336
This was a week of only 6 Premier League fixtures and a few among us forfeited points in order to get enough players in.
Although Yorkeys knob scored 59 points he incurred 12 negative points to transfer additional players to his squad, so the top scorers of the week are JamaicaDay (Trinity) and Olecastle with 57 points.
JamaicaDay's lead is now 88 points with three more weeks to go and it's safe to say he's gat this in his pocket unless someone comes up with a miracle score!
In reply to Real-cricket
2nd, 3rd and 4th are too close!
Pardon the interruption, but does Soccer Season ever end?
This thread was created July of 2017, we are now in April 2018!
Only 6 pages in 9 months!
The Bible thread went 8 pages in 4 days!
Apparently this is not as popular as to be up here for 9 months!
In reply to Ayenmol
Perhaps we need to get you to follow football "religiously" to get the pages up on this thread!
This is a football fantasy thread where we post participants scores. It isn't a thread for debating. You might understand that if you followed football.
BTW, your pain will be over in a couple of weeks time!
In reply to NineMiles
Hopefully the NFL thread gets the same treatment in September.
Only spiritual things need be followed Religiously, since all things are through Jehovah!
1Corinthians 8:
Everything has a place and everything is put in a place.
In reply to Ayenmol don't you worry yourself about this humble lil footie thread!

Game week 36
1 JamaicaDay 59 2120
2 Wembley Hotspur 74 2047
3 Binary Fc 54 2013
4 Kung Fu Evra 45 2011
5 Olecastle 47 1933
6 CoolJ 11 39 1930
7 Arsanola 45 1897
8 Yorkeys Knob 71 1888
9 Grove Town X1 37 1860
10 HuronSquad 38 1810
11 Barsenal 40 1806
12 Teambwoy! 39 1771
13 Bachacs 63 1764
14 Ray ball 54 1553
15 Everton Royals 18 1504
16 Postive XI 53 1499
17 (^_^) Acid 54 1447
18 G-STARS 53 1389
Ninesy is top scorer this week with 74 points. Two game weeks more to go and JamaicaDay has a healthy lead of 73 points.
In reply to NineMiles
The footie thread is in a place that it does not otherwise warrant! When things end up in places that they do not belong, then something's afoot.
According to you one more week...
In reply to Ayenmol
I see thread is still bothering you, you religious nutcase!!
In reply to NineMiles
Good thing you are not a religious nut case then...or we'd never see the end of Religious stickies!
In reply to Ayenmol
You religious fanatics are the biggest hypocrites on the planet! See how red-eyed you are over this lil footie thread.
Is that what your Lord and Saviour teaches you??
You carry on like this and you'll end up in the hell you are so afraid of!
In reply to NineMiles
Oh please dude! Don't try to bait and switch. This is a simple case of abuse if power.
Nothing more nothing less. You are the one dragging this on to soothe your conscience. All I did was pose a question.
In reply to Ayenmol
Why don't you send a letter of complaint to Admin and the Moderators and fack of this thread which should be no concern of yours! Facking religious ASSHOLE!
In reply to NineMiles
Oooooohhhh someone's going bongos over a simple question.
Just look how quick a little light hearted prodding has you blowing up!
In reply to Ayenmol
Just get lost will you!
In reply to NineMiles
No... when will this thread?
In reply to NineMiles
Forget this hater bro. he aint have a clue
In reply to NineMiles
Anyway I see you closing in on Jamaica Day. Got some work to do but you making a run. good last couple of weeks for you
In reply to Real-cricket
Cheers bro.
Trinity got this.... he's too far ahead now and I started my resurgence rather too late, but it has been a great competition!
In reply to NineMiles
Yeah I hit 2000 plus not bad
The fast bowler surpassed 5.9million fellow FPL managers to return 169 points, making his Selby Forest the highest-scoring Fantasy team so far in Gameweek 37.
And he was proud to share his performance on social media.
Broad made the shrewd decision to captain Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang (£10.7m), who earned him 46 points with three goals and an assist for Arsenal against Burnley and Leicester City.
His total was also aided by good use of his Bench Boost chip that has brought him 27 points so far.
By coincidence, 169 is an auspicious number for Broad. That is also his highest score as a batsman in Test cricket, getting 169 runs for England against Pakistan in 2010.
But, with one match to go in the Gameweek, Broad will be looking to add to it because his position at the top of the weekly rankings is not secure.
Having West Ham United goalkeeper Adrian (£4.0m) on his bench could help boost his total against Manchester United this evening and earn him the Manager of the Week award.
That would win him a copy of EA SPORTS' FIFA18, a Nike Ordem V matchball, an FPL rucksack, an FPL mug and stress ball.
England cricketer proud to top-score in Gameweek 37 and compares it to his finest bowling hour at Trent Bridge
In reply to NineMiles
He might reach 180!
But he's still behind me overall
In reply to JR_Cool
Yep, just checked and he's on 177 with 3 bonus points to come! Let's see if he is still wins the Gameweek.
Shame he hasn't made 2000 points overall for the season tho!
180 is madness!
At least we have one person pass the century mark this week.
You guys have been bossing it these last couple weeks. Next year I will play my chips earlier in the season.
Another close finished. 52 point lead is not too much to pass in one week. Should be an exciting Sunday! I'll be watching Liverpool hopefully seal a top 4 spot. Good luck to all!
Game week 37
1 JamaicaDay 71 2191
2 Wembley Hotspur 92 2139
3 Kung Fu Evra 103 2110
4 Binary Fc 88 2097
5 CoolJ 11 82 2008
6 Arsanola 96 1989
7 Olecastle 37 1970
8 Grove Town X1 85 1945
9 Yorkeys Knob 54 1942
10 HuronSquad 64 1874
11 Barsenal 64 1870
12 Teambwoy! 71 1842
13 Bachacs 51 1815
14 Ray ball 79 1632
15 Everton Royals 86 1590
16 Postive XI 66 1565
17 (^_^) Acid 77 1524
18 G-STARS 79 1468
Real-cricket (Kung Fu Evra) is top scorer this week with 103 points (99 after adjusting for the additional transfer).
We head into the final gameweek with JamaicaDay (Trinity) leading by 52 points.
It is also close for second place between Ninesy, Real-cricket and Binary FC.
In reply to NineMiles
2014/15 Ninesy 1,916
2015/16 Ninesy 2,141
2016/17 JamaicaDay aka Trinity 2,132
New record for points in 2017/18 and likely a familiar name at the top.
In reply to JR_Cool
Salah has boosted the entire league.
In reply to JR_Cool
I scored 2,271 in the 2013/14 season... but we weren't running the league then!
In reply to NineMiles
It's time to break the Ninsey/ Trinity monopoly on this league championship
Come next year we go see
In reply to Real-cricket
Hahahah.... easier said than done since I plan getting my 3rd title next season!
In reply to NineMiles
So u got the triple captain trick up your sleve. Great strategy bro
In reply to NineMiles
Well played. That TC is a genius move. I was thinking about Kane on the last day for a lot of the season.
I was ready to bring in Kane to be defensive but I thought it would be more fun this way.
In reply to Trinity
I used Sterling as it was the only way i could pull some points but he didnt score. Was hoping for a hatrick.
Kane would have been the safe bet but I needed to take a risk
In reply to Trinity
Congrats Trinity!!well played
Need to get my first title next season
In reply to Real-cricket
I thought Man City would have scored more today as well.
In reply to Trinity
Congrats man...well played indeed!
You were too far ahead that my triple captain chip wasnt really going to make a difference.
Where you won it was the time you used your triple captain chip....dat was a boss move!
In reply to NineMiles
Yeah my 70+ TC points was a stroke of luck! That was the difference.
Thanks. What an EPL season!
In reply to Trinity
I put my money on them celebrating in style with a 5 nil win
In reply to Trinity
Boss Boss move
In reply to Real-cricket
Like Endsie lost complete interest in this FF ting!
Game week 38
1 JamaicaDay 85 2272
2 Wembley Hotspur 90 2229
3 Kung Fu Evra 65 2171
4 Binary Fc 61 2158
5 CoolJ 11 51 2059
6 Olecastle 66 2036
7 Arsanola 42 2027
8 Yorkeys Knob 72 2006
9 Grove Town X1 54 1999
10 HuronSquad 69 1943
11 Barsenal 53 1923
12 Teambwoy! 53 1895
13 Bachacs 53 1868
14 Ray ball 51 1683
15 Everton Royals 62 1652
16 Postive XI 36 1601
17 (^_^) Acid 63 1587
18 G-STARS 40 1508
Ninesy top scored with 90 points on the final weekend of 2017/18 season, but that wasn't enough to catch the runaway winner Trinity (JamaicaDays).
Congratulations to Trinity who finished the season with 2,272 points.
Thanks to all for taking part in the competition. The next season is just round the corner in 3 months time, but all footie fans have the World Cup to look forward to next month!

In reply to NineMiles
Congrats to Jamaica Day, well won.
And thanks to Ninesy for running and maintaining the updates on this thread.
This was my first run at it and will be back next season.
Number of times won manager of the Week:
JamaicaDay 6.5
Real Cricket 6.0
Wembley HotSpurs 5.0
Binary Fc 3.0
Yorkeys Knob 3.0
Arsanola 2.5
Olecastle 2.5
Grove Town XI 2.0
CoolJ 11 2.0
Barsenal 2.0
Positive XI 2.0
HuronSquad 1.0
Everton Royals 0.5
Admin/Mods, EPL season has ended so time to unstick this thread please.
....before Ayenmol gets another fit!
I don't understand why I get under you all skin so deep.
Anyway. Congrats to the winner. It takes a lot to endure 9 months of gruelling attention to a sport for an imaginary "championship'.
In reply to Ayenmol
Looks like Admin and the Mods are deliberately keeping this on a sticky just to annoy you!
In reply to NineMiles
Yep! I never knew I had such power!
Lol....mods I say to keep it here thru the World Cup! I go be making my World Cup predictions here!
Anyone interested in a private WC league for ->
In reply to Trinity
We've got a league running.... details on this thread
Not much time left so get your team in.....but we are not going to allow you to win this one too!
EPL fantasy League renewed for the 2018/19 get your teams in!
In reply to NineMiles
need a fresh thread?
In reply to Real-cricket
You think we need to start a new thread when this is still running?
Past players can join automatically if they use the same email address.
For newbies, the code to join this league is 589363-128203
In reply to NineMiles
ok no prob
will join soon
So I checked, all the players I like based on their performances in Russia are either on liverpool, PSG or Man U!
Is that good?
Word is Mbappe may go to Liverpool next year!
Nearly a week left to kick-off so get your teams in...
Teams in so far are;
Bow Wow Trippier - Ninesy
Everton Royals
Mourinhosaurus - Real-cricket
Mollie's cocktail
In reply to NineMiles
In reply to DAVE400

10 players in with 5 days to go to kick off...
Bow Wow Trippier
Everton Royals
Mollie's cocktail
Binary Fc
In reply to NineMiles
renamed to tigerwoodshotspurs
Congrats NineMiles on winning the WC Fantasy!! Well played.
Not sure if I will have a team this year but I will try to make some time.
In reply to Trinity
What?? No JamaicaDays to defend his crown?? You going make it easy for me to win the title??
Come on man, you have until 19.00 BST tomorrow get that team in!
In reply to DAVE400
Teams in so far...
Bow Wow Trippie yeh
Everton Royals
Mollie's cocktail
Binary Fc
Red n White
In reply to NineMiles
I am guessing you are bow wow Trippie it..
In reply to DAVE400
Bow Wow Trippier
Dats the Bury Beckham
In reply to Trinity
I see Jamaica Days is in with his Pool Party.
Little over 8 hours to go to kick-off....get your teams in people.
Gameweek 1
Rank Team Points
1 Arsanola 80
2 Pool Party 76
3 Mourinhosaurus 71
4 Pleasethinkcarefully 70
5 Barsenal 68
6 Xtc11 67
7 Mollie's cocktail 60
8 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 58
9 Bachacs 53
10 Binary Fc 52
10 Acid(^_^) 52
12 KiKyKay 49
13 Red n White 40
14 Tigerwoodshotspurs 38
15 Everton Royals 25
15 whatfredsaid 25
Arsalona takes the honour of the first game week with 80 points.
In reply to NineMiles
Who captained Aguero?
In reply to Real-cricket
Me...should have used my triple captain chip too
In reply to NineMiles
Yeah it crossed my mind
Gameweek 2
1 Mourinhosaurus 89 160
2 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 94 152
3 Pleasethinkcarefully 77 147
4 Pool Party 68 144
5 KiKyKay 93 142
6 Xtc11 68 135
7 Arsanola 53 133
8 Binary Fc 71 119
9 Barsenal 49 117
10 Mollie's cocktail 60 112
11 whatfredsaid 84 109
12 Acid(^_^) 54 106
13 Tigerwoodshotspurs 63 97
14 Bachacs 35 88
15 Red n White 44 84
16 Everton Royals 44 65
17 G-Stars FC 4 4
Ninesy top scores with 94 points and jumps 6 places up to 2nd.
Real-Cricket takes the lead in game week 2
G-Stars FC, whats going on can you play your triple captain chip and score only 4 points?
Time to use your wild card and completely change your team.
I dont get sitting for no apparent reason and no indication through the game of that possibility? Its the third week and star players are uninjured but simply held out?
Kinda nonsense is that?
Gameweek 3
1 Mourinhosaurus 75 235
2 Xtc11 66 201
3 KiKyKay 57 199
4 Pool Party 54 198
5 Pleasethinkcarefully 46 193
6 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 41 193
7 Arsanola 45 178
8 Barsenal 64 177
9 Mollie's cocktail 52 164
10 Binary Fc 45 160
11 Tigerwoodshotspurs 61 158
12 Acid(^_^) 40 146
13 whatfredsaid 36 141
14 Red n White 40 124
15 Everton Royals 51 116
16 Bachacs 27 115
17 G-Stars FC 9 13
Real-Cricket top scores in game week 3 and stays top of the table. Shame about his Real team though...for getting a 3 zip thrashing from the SuperSpurs. Mourinhosaurus indeed.

In reply to NineMiles
Yeah we have some serious issues @ the back
In reply to Real-cricket
You also need a change of manager...he's not special anymore.
Gameweek 4
1 Mourinhosaurus 40 275
2 KiKyKay 59 258
3 Pleasethinkcarefully 56 245
4 Xtc11 37 238
5 Pool Party 44 238
6 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 48 237
7 Arsanola 42 220
8 Mollie's cocktail 40 204
9 Barsenal 30 203
10 Binary Fc 43 203
11 Tigerwoodshotspurs 39 197
12 whatfredsaid 50 187
13 Acid(^_^) 30 176
14 Red n White 46 170
15 Bachacs 53 168
16 Everton Royals 45 161
17 G-Stars FC 44 57
KiKyKay top scores this game week and moves one place up to 2nd.
In reply to NineMiles
Setting the early lead
Gameweek 5
1 Mourinhosaurus 39 314
2 KiKyKay 41 299
3 Pleasethinkcarefully 53 298
4 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 51 288
5 Xtc11 48 286
6 Pool Party 45 283
7 Arsanola 35 255
8 Barsenal 47 250
9 Binary Fc 38 241
10 Tigerwoodshotspurs 43 236
11 whatfredsaid 48 235
12 Mollie's cocktail 29 233
13 Bachacs 61 229
14 Acid(^_^) 41 217
15 Red n White 46 216
16 Everton Royals 27 188
17 G-Stars FC 39 96
Bachacs top scores with 61 points in game week 5
1 Mourinhosaurus 59 373
2 KiKyKay 57 356
3 Pool Party 64 347
4 Pleasethinkcarefully 55 341
5 Xtc11 54 340
6 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 47 335
7 Barsenal 71 317
8 Arsanola 59 314
9 whatfredsaid 60 295
10 Binary Fc 51 292
11 Mollie's cocktail 52 285
12 Bachacs 53 282
13 Tigerwoodshotspurs 46 282
14 Red n White 60 276
15 Acid(^_^) 43 260
16 Everton Royals 66 254
17 G-Stars FC 55 151
Barsenal top scores this week with 71 points (game week 6)
In reply to Real-cricket
Mourinhosaurus? thought you had taken over the job of updating the scores.
In reply to NineMiles
lol boy I dont have the patience
Gameweek 7
1 Mourinhosaurus 61 434
2 KiKyKay 53 409
3 Pool Party 49 396
4 Xtc11 51 391
5 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 54 389
6 Barsenal 61 378
7 Pleasethinkcarefully 33 374
8 Arsanola 41 355
9 Binary Fc 51 343
10 Tigerwoodshotspurs 61 343
11 whatfredsaid 41 336
12 Bachacs 42 324
13 Red n White 43 319
14 Acid(^_^) 51 311
15 Everton Royals 51 305
16 Mollie's cocktail -12 273
17 G-Stars FC 66 217
Gameweek 8
1 Mourinhosaurus 54 488
2 Pool Party 54 450
3 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 60 449
4 Pleasethinkcarefully 63 437
5 Xtc11 44 435
6 KiKyKay 23 432
7 Barsenal 53 431
8 Arsanola 55 410
9 whatfredsaid 72 408
10 Acid(^_^) 85 396
11 Tigerwoodshotspurs 49 392
12 Bachacs 63 387
13 Binary Fc 42 385
14 Red n White 62 381
15 Mollie's cocktail 95 368
16 Everton Royals 42 347
17 G-Stars FC 23 240
Mollie's cocktail incurred -40 points deduction for 11 transfers
Gameweek 9
1 Mourinhosaurus 38 526
2 Pool Party 44 494
3 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 38 487
4 KiKyKay 39 471
5 Pleasethinkcarefully 34 471
6 Barsenal 33 464
7 Xtc11 28 463
8 Arsanola 50 460
9 Acid(^_^) 63 459
10 whatfredsaid 40 448
11 Bachacs 61 448
12 Red n White 61 442
13 Binary Fc 55 440
14 Tigerwoodshotspurs 46 438
15 Mollie's cocktail 22 390
16 Everton Royals 42 389
17 G-Stars FC 20 260
Gameweek 10[/b]
1 Mourinhosaurus 73 599
2 Pool Party 81 575
3 Xtc11 74 537
4 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 40 527
5 Acid(^_^) 65 524
6 KiKyKay 50 521
7 whatfredsaid 73 521
8 Pleasethinkcarefully 48 519
9 Barsenal 54 518
10 Bachacs 68 516
11 Tigerwoodshotspurs 65 503
12 Arsanola 37 497
13 Red n White 41 483
14 Binary Fc 39 479
15 Mollie's cocktail 72 462
16 Everton Royals 39 428
17 G-Stars FC 27 287
Gameweek 11
1 Mourinhosaurus 72 671
2 Pool Party 46 621
3 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 76 603
4 whatfredsaid 81 602
5 Barsenal 86 600
6 KiKyKay 71 592
7 Pleasethinkcarefully 78 589
8 Bachacs 69 585
9 Xtc11 37 574
10 Tigerwoodshotspurs 66 569
11 Acid(^_^) 44 568
12 Arsanola 56 553
13 Red n White 62 545
14 Binary Fc 53 532
15 Mollie's cocktail 40 498
16 Everton Royals 46 474
17 G-Stars FC 39 326
Gameweek 12
1 Mourinhosaurus 71 742
2 Pool Party 52 673
3 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 44 647
4 whatfredsaid 44 646
5 Bachacs 57 642
6 KiKyKay 46 638
7 Barsenal 38 638
8 Tigerwoodshotspurs 61 630
9 Pleasethinkcarefully 37 626
10 Xtc11 39 613
11 Acid(^_^) 35 603
12 Arsanola 40 589
13 Binary Fc 52 584
14 Red n White 38 583
15 Mollie's cocktail 59 549
16 Everton Royals 55 529
17 G-Stars FC 16 342
Real-cricket top scores with 71 points and extends his lead at the top of the table.
In reply to NineMiles
early season but my best start ever
Gameweek 13
1 Mourinhosaurus 47 789
2 Pool Party 62 731
3 Barsenal 74 712
4 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 50 697
5 whatfredsaid 38 684
6 Pleasethinkcarefully 54 680
7 Bachacs 33 675
8 KiKyKay 31 669
9 Tigerwoodshotspurs 34 664
10 Binary Fc 74 658
11 Xtc11 43 656
12 Acid(^_^) 38 641
13 Arsanola 51 640
14 Red n White 54 637
15 Mollie's cocktail 53 594
16 Everton Royals 44 573
17 G-Stars FC 56 398
Barsenal and Binary FC are joint top scorers for the week with 74 points
Gameweek 14
1 Mourinhosaurus 45 834
2 Barsenal 66 778
3 Pool Party 46 777
4 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 56 753
5 whatfredsaid 52 736
6 Pleasethinkcarefully 56 736
7 Bachacs 53 728
8 KiKyKay 53 722
9 Tigerwoodshotspurs 53 717
10 Acid(^_^) 74 715
11 Red n White 76 713
12 Binary Fc 42 700
13 Xtc11 37 693
14 Arsanola 41 681
15 Mollie's cocktail 63 645
16 Everton Royals 47 620
17 G-Stars FC 35 433
Red n White top scores with 76 points
Gameweek 16
Rank Team/Manager Round Score Total Points
1 same Mourinhosaurus 83 976
Richie P
2 same Pool Party
Jamaica Days 78 916
3 same Barsenal
H Straughn 54 861
4 same whatfredsaid
Jimmy Rod 41 841
5 up Xtc11
mos hosein 98 835
6 same Bow Wow Trippie yeh
David D 49 833
7 down Bachacs
Hassan Khan 43 828
8 down Pleasethinkcarefully
Matt Ritchie 41 824
9 up Acid(^_^)
Acid (^_^) 49 810
10 down Tigerwoodshotspurs
Vijay Parabdeen 34 810
11 up Arsanola
Daval Ozill 69 806
12 down Red n White
Triso Boothe 43 799
13 down KiKyKay
Spidey Buff 26 796
14 same Binary Fc
Akpan Fabian Iniabasi 43 777
15 same Mollie's cocktail
Jolly J 63 742
16 same Everton Royals
Damian Barker 37 694
17 same G-Stars FC
Garrett Campbell 18 458
Gameweek 20
Rank Team GW Points Total
1 Ole Ola Gunnar 54 1159
2 Pool Party 44 1159
3 Barsenal 47 1087
4 Bachacs 45 1067
5 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 42 1057
6 Acid(^_^) 40 1046
7 whatfredsaid 64 1046
8 Xtc11 54 1042
9 Sigurdsson Kane49 1028
10 Arsanola 63 1007
11 Tigerwoodshotspurs52 1001
12 KiKyKay 49 996
13 Red n White 34 980
14 Mollie's cocktail 58 970
15 Binary Fc 44 954
16 Everton Royals 41 868
17 G-Stars FC 21 552
Gameweek 21
Rank Team Points Total
1 Ole Ola Gunnar 51 1210
2 Pool Party 33 1192
3 Bachacs 66 1133
4 Barsenal 46 1133
5 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 58 1111
6 Acid(^_^) 64 1110
7 Sigurdsson Kane 63 1091
8 Arsanola 81 1088
9 Xtc11 45 1087
10 whatfredsaid 37 1079
11 Tigerwoodshotspurs 74 1075
12 KiKyKay 67 1063
13 Red n White 75 1055
14 Mollie's cocktail 50 1020
15 Binary Fc 65 1019
16 Everton Royals 54 922
17 G-Stars FC 41 593
In reply to JR_Cool
Great job Cool J, keep up the good work
Rank Team Round Score Total Points
1 up Pool Party 67 1259
2 down Ole Ola Gunnar 41 1251
3 same Bachacs 49 1182
4 same Barsena 48 1177
5 same Bow Wow Trippie yeh 61 1172
6 up Sigurdsson Kane 72 1163
7 down Acid(^_^) 37 1147
8 up whatfredsaid 63 1142
9 same Xtc11 45 1132
10 down Arsanola 37 1125
11 same Tigerwoodshotspurs 42 1117
12 same KiKyKay 40 1103
13 same Red n White 47 1102
14 same Mollie's cocktail 78 1098
15 same Binary Fc 46 1065
16 same Everton Royals 38 960
17 same G-Stars FC 32 625
Game week 23
Rank Team Manager Score Total
1 Pool Party Jamaica Days 67 1326
2 Ole Ola Gunnar Richie P 67 1318
3 Barsenal H Straughn 68 1245
4 Sigurdsson Kane Matt Ritchie 84 1243
5 Bow Wow Trippie yeh David D 62 1234
6 Bachacs Hassan Khan 39 1221
7 whatfredsaid Jimmy Rod 65 1207
8 Acid(^_^) Acid (^_^) 54 1201
9 Xtc11mos hosein 66 1198
10 Arsanola Daval Ozill 72 1197
11 Tigerwoodshotspurs Vijay Parabdeen 68 1181
12 Mollie's cocktail Jolly J 70 1160
13 KiKyKay Spidey Buff 46 1149
14 Red n White Triso Boothe 43 1145
15 Binary Fc Akpan Fabian Iniabasi50 1111
16 Everton Royals Damian Barker 39 999
17 G-Stars FC Garrett Campbell 39 664
Here are the rankings at GW 23 last season. I am doing a whole 3 points better!
Rank Team Round Score Total Points
1 JamaicaDay 63 1332
2 Olecastle 76 1311
3 Binary Fc 58 1301
4 Kung Fu Evra 76 1289
5 Wembley Hotspur 70 1274
6 Grove Town X1 43 1212
7 CoolJ 11 61 1204
8 HuronSquad 66 1203
9 Barsenal 61 1192
10 Arsanola 55 1176
11 Bachacs 51 1135
12 Teambwoy! 32 1121
13 Back to Yorkeys Knob 38 1107
14 Ray ball 66 1043
15 Everton Royals 45 1026
16 G-STARS 40 981
17 Positive XI 39 980
18 (^_^) Acid 30 898

Looking forward to update.
Gameweek 29
Richie P 45 1709
2 same Pool Party
Jamaica Days 47 1648
3 same Barsenal
H Straughn 47 1609
4 same Tigerwoodshotspurs
Vijay Parabdeen 50 1570
5 same Bow Wow Trippie yeh
David D 57 1569
6 up Arsanola
Daval Ozill 69 1560
7 same Bachacs
Hassan Khan 53 1549
8 down Sigurdsson Kane
Matt Ritchie 47 1544
9 same whatfredsaid
Jimmy Rod 39 1498
10 same KiKyKay
Spidey Buff 34 1479
11 up Acid(^_^)
Acid (^_^) 40 1469
12 down Xtc11
mos hosein 31 1467
13 same Red n White
Triso Boothe 21 1433
14 same Mollie's cocktail
Jolly J 39 1406
15 same Binary Fc
Akpan Fabian Iniabasi 27 1369
16 same Everton Royals
Damian Barker 33 1327
17 same G-Stars FC
Garrett Campbell 42 872
whey ninsey
In reply to NineMiles
watch smart cricket live 2019 streaming online 100% free with just single click.
In reply to asad664
This is a football thread - what the hell is wrong wid allyuh
In reply to coachdogar
Start your own thread in the rumshop- this is football
The race for top spot is heating up
1 same Pool Party
Jamaica Days 29 2069
2 same Ole Ola Gunnar
Richie P 59 2051
3 same Barsenal
H Straughn 19 1945
4 same Back at the Lane...
David D 27 1913
5 same whatfredsaid
Jimmy Rod 55 1906
6 same Tigerwoodshotspurs
Vijay Parabdeen 24 1894
7 same Arsanola
Daval Ozill 46 1883
8 same Bachacs
Hassan Khan 25 1877
9 same Sigurdsson Kane
Matt Ritchie 32 1869
10 same Acid(^_^)
Acid (^_^) 19 1797
11 same Xtc11
mos hosein 65 1786
12 same KiKyKay
Spidey Buff 10 1765
13 same Red n White
Triso Boothe 27 1753
14 same Mollie's cocktail
Jolly J 19 1717
15 same Binary Fc
Akpan Fabian Iniabasi 58 1675
16 same Everton Royals
Damian Barker 27 1598
17 same G-Stars FC
Garrett Campbell 0 1129
As we head into the final fixtures of the Premier League season, it's a 2-way battle between Pool Party and Ole Ola Gunnar.
Pool Party has a 17 point lead and is the favourite to win. It will also be a 3peat if he does.
This could be devastating for Real Cricket if it happens as he's lead for 31 out of the 37 Gameweeks so far.
Good Luck to the both of you and may the best team win.
In reply to NineMiles
Congrats Pool party. Well played!
Now I know the League and the strategy...look out for mollie's cocktail next year!
Btw, I think my team finished with the highest monetary value in the League!
A dim light...
In reply to NineMiles
Congrats Jamaica Day. You're a boss at this! On to the next season. Yes I led for most but on the positive side another good season for me
In reply to Real-cricket
And plays his triple cappo chip in the final game...not just that but chooses Mane to boot. What an effing genius
In reply to NineMiles
I opted against mane as cappo cause i knew he would have played his tripple cappo on him. I went for Aguero hoping he would score big and Mane wont score. But........
Final scores of the Season:
Gameweek 38
1 Pool Party 93 2300
2 Ole Ola Gunnar 65 2255
3 whatfredsaid 77 2136
4 Barsenal 60 2109
5 Back at the Lane... 60 2091
6 Bachacs 66 2065
7 Arsanola 57 2061
8 Sigurdsson Kane 69 2061
9 Tigerwoodshotspurs 47 2055
10 Xtc11 47 1991
11 Acid(^_^) 63 1983
12 KiKyKay 47 1930
13 Red n White 76 1924
14 Mollie's cocktail 60 1893
15 Binary Fc 45 1873
16 Everton Royals 47 1741
17 G-Stars FC 19 1222
Congrats once again to JamaicaDay.

In reply to NineMiles
Who is Jamaica day anyway? What's the sense of having a mb league then not identifying who you are on the mb?
In reply to Ayenmol
Is there anything you wouldn't moan about? You are one miserable facker.
Piece of advice. take a break from this forum and go find a life.
In reply to NineMiles
You still upset about the dustup ehh?
I think more than my 'moaning' is the inability of big men on here to take a little ribbing.
Without carrying a grudge.
Because at the end of the day, you'd expect the people who join a message board league to use some semblance of their message board moniker so people know who they are.
But again, they scared in case they fall on their face that people would jeer at them.
Thin skinned!
I don't need any break. I am well under control.
Maybe you need a break to get over your hurt feelings.
Anyway Jamaica Day is supposed to be Trinity I believe
In reply to Real-cricket
Thank you.
Simple as that when you don't have an ax to grind.
Notice there were 19 players in the League but only three returned to congratulate the winner?
I will be back next season! Ninesy I hope you could keep with the pace this time. Don't drop out half way
In reply to Real-cricket
Now that trinity has had his 3peat, I'm taking back my crown from next season and you'll be back Mourinhosaurus
Game week 38 kill me
Molly's cocktail ready to go for Aug 9...
In reply to Real-cricket
Thanks gentleman, ladies, and other posters. Yes, I'm Jamaica days - (liver)Pool party. What an end to the season! Sorry for the very delayed response I've been traveling for work for just under two months so have had a refreshing break from the internet besides email.
Nine Miles thanks for your work on this thread. Hopefully I lose next year and keep this league spicy.
Real Cricket, I thought you had it this year. If I recall correctly tTriple Captain has won the league for me twice now. One year Salah brought in about 80 points which was enough for the margin of victory. I attribute both of these triple captains to luck.
Ayenmol, yes I haven't been posting a lot (life happens) but I love this board.
Regardless of who one this was months of fun, so I'm looking forward to next season.
In reply to Trinity
Is that a promise? Sounds like it's been a cake walk for you so far.

In reply to NineMiles
No cake walk at all, 8 month grind. I thought I was going to lose this year so promises.
In reply to Trinity
I was the pace setter lol
The Fantasy Premier League is back so start selecting your teams for. First game is on Friday 9 August.
The code for newbies is: 0bme9g
In reply to NineMiles
Suffer last year..
In reply to NineMiles
8 people have joined so far....people are oblivious to the thread because it's been sitting so long....time to start a new thread...
In reply to Ayenmol
No need to start a new thread
Peeps who love their football and have played fantasy footie in the past will get their teams ready before kick-off
In reply to NineMiles
So what is the value of Keeping the same thread?
In reply to Ayenmol
Is there just to annoy you, yuh miserable Facker!
In reply to NineMiles
Or just so you can see your name attached to a big number thread....
Since you are such a big mouthed dude and football aficionado....and this is but my second year, how about this....
If i come ahead of you in the standings this Season...the thread comes down.
I know you aint scared...all that big mout you got...all that footie knowledge...all that fantasy experience...
Ok I'm back for more punishment
In reply to Tryangle
This could be the season that the Bermuda Villans beat all before them.
BTW, your first game is at the new Spurs stadium.
Good Luck
I find these guys good and funny!
Preseason pods available
In reply to NineMiles
Just saw this stat

Nine miles of cowardice scared to make a friendly wager.
Rather posture and act all defiant.
What a yella bellied, mouthy, chicken.
In reply to Ayenmol
You are one annoying asshole and I don't have time for this nonsense.
Fantasy football is meant to be fun and you carry on like this and I'll kick you out of the league idiot!
In reply to NineMiles
What does this have to do with the league? This is between me and you. Whether you kick me out of the league or not i can still post here...and i thought you already admitted to keeping the same thread to annoy you admitting that you instead are annoyed?
Go ahead and kick me out...
1. it'll show how thin skinned you are.
2. I will simply be put in another League.
3. It's a point system so .... I can still compare my results to yours....
need i continue?
Less than 24 hours to kick-off. 19.00 BST.
In reply to NineMiles
In reply to Real-cricket
Let the games begin!
Not ready but present anyway
This thread is working great. I'll use it to congratulate the new champion. Le we go!
In reply to Trinity

I guess it's congrats to JamaicaDays then.

Haha. I playing without Sterling. Probably going to lose for not supporting my fellow Jamaican and former Liverpool baller.
I didn't have the genius to triple Captain Salah today!
Scores after the first weekend of games:
1 Gems United 92
2 Binary fc 91
3 Molly's Coctail 90
4 Sigurdsson Kane 84
5 Catch a Fire 74
6 HEC Montréal 71
7 Nameless 67
8 Pep Sematary 66
9 Samora FC 66
10 Pool Party 65
11 Everton Royals 59
12 Bermuda Villans 50
13 Acid (^_^) 49
14 ThisIsParatha 45
Gems Utd takes the honours after Gameweek 1
In reply to NineMiles
Captain pukki!!!
In reply to DAVE400
What a shot!!
In reply to DAVE400
Wow, how??
In reply to NineMiles
Studious planning
Gameweek 2
1 Binary fc 48 139
2 Molly's Coctail 37 127
3 Gems United 34 126
4 Sigurdsson Kane 40 124
5 ThisIsParatha 78 123
6 Nameless 47 114
6 Samora FC 48 114
8 HEC Montréal 41 112
9 Catch a Fire 36 110
10 Everton Royals 42 101
11 Acid (^_^) 51 100
12 Pep Sematary 28 94
13 Pool Party 26 91
14 Bermuda Villans 34 84
15 Treenie$ 51 51
16 Biting Bachacs 27 27
Endsie top scores thanks to a sensational captain Pukki hat-trick.
In reply to DAVE400
Think I'll also be doing studious planning later this week
In reply to NineMiles
Spurs at home to Newcastle...
In reply to DAVE400
Spurs go down, Man U go down at home
Gameweek 3
1 Binary fc 61 200
2 Gems United 69 195
3 Molly's Coctail 57 180
4 Everton Royals 66 167
5 Samora FC 53 167
6 Sigurdsson Kane 38 162
7 ThisIsParatha 36 159
8 Pool Party 65 156
9 WanLove 40 154
10 Catch a Fire 40 150
11 HEC Montréal 32 144
12 Acid (^_^) 42 142
13 Pep Sematary 44 138
14 Bermuda Villans 42 126
15 Treenie$ 65 116
16 Biting Bachacs 40 67
Gems United is top dog with 69 points this week.
Gameweek 4
1 Gems United 62 257
2 Binary fc 49 249
3 ThisIsParatha 79 234
4 Samora FC 71 234
5 Everton Royals 66 233
6 Pool Party 66 222
7 Molly's Coctail 34 214
8 Bermuda Villans 81 207
9 Sigurdsson Kane 48 206
10 Catch a Fire 50 200
11 HEC Montréal 51 195
12 Acid (^_^) 51 193
13 WanLove 39 193
14 Pep Sematary 51 189
15 Treenie$ 50 166
16 Biting Bachacs 64 131
Bermuda Villans is top scorer with 81 points this game week.
In reply to NineMiles
Thought I had it
Late notice but if anyone wants to play CL fantasy
]Link Text[/url]
Or code:
In reply to Trinity
Thanks man..will join
Gameweek 5
1 Binary fc 62 311
2 ThisIsParatha 71 305
3 Gems United 39 296
4 Everton Royals 56 289
5 Samora FC 55 289
6 Pool Party 63 285
7 Molly's Coctail 63 277
8 Catch a Fire 45 245
9 Acid (^_^) 47 240
10 Treenie$ 73 239
11 Bermuda Villans 31 238
12 WanLove 44 237
13 HEC Montréal 42 237
14 Pep Sematary 38 227
15 Sigurdsson Kane 15 221
16 Biting Bachacs 45 176
Treenie$ won Game week 5 with 73 points
Gameweek 6
1 ThisIsParatha 64 369
2 Binary fc 54 365
3 Everton Royals 66 355
4 Pool Party 70 355
5 Samora FC 51 340
6 Molly's Coctail 57 334
7 Gems United 33 329
8 Pep Sematary 76 303
9 Catch a Fire 57 302
10 WanLove 61 298
11 Bermuda Villans 57 295
12 Sigurdsson Kane 73 294
13 Treenie$ 48 287
14 HEC Montréal 45 282
15 Acid (^_^) 36 276
16 Biting Bachacs 38 214
Pep Sematary won game week 6 while Endsie goes top of the table.
In reply to Trinity
I'm a bit late but will also join.
Im on 390
Rass this is little leagues in here
Gameweek 7
1 Binary fc 49 414
2 Pool Party 52 407
3 ThisIsParatha 36 405
4 Everton Royals 47 402
5 Samora FC 51 391
6 Gems United 54 383
7 Molly's Coctail 49 375
8 Catch a Fire 63 365
9 Pep Sematary 48 351
10 Bermuda Villans 50 345
11 HEC Montréal 56 338
12 WanLove 38 336
13 Treenie$ 48 335
14 Sigurdsson Kane 48 334
15 Acid (^_^) 52 328
16 Biting Bachacs 48 262
In reply to NineMiles
Cool. I posted too late.
In other news. What is happening with Spurs!?
In reply to Trinity
I haven't seen a post from you in donkey years, if you are the same old poster Trinity.
In reply to Casper
Trinity: Joined April 9,2003
That should give you the picture
averaging 3 posts per month for 26 yrs
Gameweek 8
1 ThisIsParatha 49 454
2 Binary fc 35 449
3 Pool Party 37 440
4 Everton Royals 36 438
5 Samora FC 30 421
6 Gems United 37 420
7 Molly's Coctail 39 414
8 Catch a Fire 40 405
9 Pep Sematary 41 392
10 Treenie$ 49 384
11 Bermuda Villans 35 380
12 Sigurdsson Kane 48 378
13 HEC Montréal 38 376
14 Acid (^_^) 41 369
15 WanLove 32 364
16 Biting Bachacs 45 307
Endsie and Treenie$ take the honours in Game week 8
In reply to Trinity
Wish I knew bro...
Most embarrassing week I have ever witnessed as a Spurs fan and I'm thankful we don't play again for another couple of weeks.
there's clearly some disharmony in the camp.
Gameweek 9
1 ThisIsParatha 40 494
2 Binary fc 40 489
3 Everton Royals 37 475
4 Pool Party 30 470
5 Gems United 45 461
6 Bermuda Villans 71 451
7 Samora FC 26 447
8 Catch a Fire 36 441
9 Molly's Coctail 29 435
10 Pep Sematary 33 425
11 HEC Montréal 41 417
12 Treenie$ 24 408
13 Sigurdsson Kane 28 406
14 WanLove 39 403
15 Acid (^_^) 23 392
16 Biting Bachacs 27 334
Low scoring week but Tryangle shines with 71 points
In reply to NineMiles
A good week for Villa fans all around, heh.
Gameweek 10
1 ThisIsParatha 50 544
2 Binary fc 53 542
3 Gems United 74 535
4 Everton Royals 39 514
5 Bermuda Villans 56 507
6 Pool Party 37 507
7 Samora FC 49 496
8 Catch a Fire 51 492
9 Molly's Coctail 44 479
10 HEC Montréal 60 477
11 You Knighted Forever 46 471
12 WanLove 49 452
13 Treenie$ 35 443
14 Sigurdsson Kane 38 440
15 Acid (^_^) 26 418
16 Biting Bachacs 55 389
Great come-from-behind win but why are the commies ready to crown them at the start of November?
In reply to NineMiles
Last year I was the rabbit setting the pace. Not me this year! I'll sit back with the pack then make my move
Gameweek 11
1 Gems United 76 611
2 ThisIsParatha 63 607
3 Binary fc 57 599
4 Everton Royals 50 564
5 Pool Party 50 557
7 Catch a Fire 56 548
8 Molly's Coctail 69 548
6 Bermuda Villans 40 547
9 Samora FC 51 547
10 WanLove 71 523
11 You Knighted Forever 50 521
12 HEC Montréal 41 518
13 Sigurdsson Kane 66 506
14 Treenie$ 56 499
15 Acid (^_^) 52 470
16 Biting Bachacs 62 451
Gameweek 12
1 ThisIsParatha 61 668
2 Binary fc 64 663
3 Gems United 42 653
4 Pool Party 54 611
5 Molly's Coctail 60 608
6 Catch a Fire 57 605
7 Samora FC 58 605
8 Everton Royals 36 600
9 Bermuda Villans 45 592
10 WanLove 62 585
11 You Knighted Forever 62 583
12 Sigurdsson Kane 69 575
13 Treenie$ 71 570
14 HEC Montréal 42 560
15 Acid (^_^) 41 511
16 Biting Bachacs 44 495
Gameweek 13
1 Binary fc 59 722
2 ThisIsParatha 53 717
3 Gems United 55 708
4 Pool Party 72 683
5 The Spurscial One 64 669
6 Molly's Coctail 69 665
7 Samora FC 52 657
8 WanLove 73 654
9 You Knighted Forever 69 652
10 Bermuda Villans 44 636
11 Everton Royals 34 634
12 Sigurdsson Kane 56 619
13 Treenie$ 43 613
14 HEC Montréal 44 604
15 Acid (^_^) 62 573
16 Biting Bachacs 26 52
Thanks for updat
In reply to DAVE400
Yuh welcome
Gameweek 15
1 ThisIsParatha 62 841
2 Binary fc 77 829
3 Gems United 51 817
4 Pool Party 58 795
5 The Spurscial One 58 781
6 Molly's Coctail 56 768
7 WanLove 62 763
8 Samora FC 61 760
9 You Knighted Forever 47 750
10 Bermuda Villans 44 749
11 Treenie$ 57 724
12 Everton Royals 42 721
13 Sigurdsson Kane 55 720
14 HEC Montréal 52 703
15 Acid (^_^) 45 684
16 Biting Bachacs 35 587
Gameweek 16
1 Binary fc 63 892
2 ThisIsParatha 46 887
3 Gems United 44 861
4 Pool Party 63 858
5 The Spurscial One 71 852
6 Molly's Coctail 65 833
7 Samora FC 70 830
8 WanLove 65 828
9 Everton Royals 79 800
10 You Knighted Forever 46 796
11 Bermuda Villans 40 789
12 Sigurdsson Kane 67 787
13 Treenie$ 54 778
14 HEC Montréal 73 776
15 Acid (^_^) 50 734
16 Biting Bachacs 64 651
anybody else have 1000 points at halfway stage?
Gameweek 17
1 ThisIsParatha 49 936
2 Binary fc 34 926
3 Pool Party 67 925
4 The Spurscial One 69 921
5 Gems United 51 908
6 Molly's Coctail 62 895
7 Samora FC 58 888
8 You Knighted Forever 88 884
9 WanLove 53 881
10 Bermuda Villans 63 852
11 Everton Royals 49 849
12 Treenie$ 61 839
13 Sigurdsson Kane 52 835
14 HEC Montréal 34 810
15 Acid (^_^) 30 764
16 Biting Bachacs 58 709
Gameweek 18
1 ThisIsParatha 72 1008
2 The Spurscial One 45 966
3 Pool Party 39 964
4 Binary fc 35 961
5 Gems United 46 954
6 Samora FC 52 940
7 Molly's Coctail 42 937
8 You Knighted Forever 47 931
9 WanLove 36 917
10 Bermuda Villans 52 904
11 Everton Royals 34 883
12 Sigurdsson Kane 45 880
13 Treenie$ 36 875
14 HEC Montréal 36 846
15 Acid (^_^) 43 807
16 Biting Bachacs 46 755
In reply to DAVE400
approaching 1000
Broke that 1k barrier thanks to Liverpool football club
Gameweek 19
1 ThisIsParatha 1076
2 Pool Party 1026
3 The Spurscial One 1016
3 You Knighted Forever1016
5 Binary fc 1013
6 Gems United 992
7 Samora FC 980
8 Bermuda Villans 978
9 WanLove 978
10 Molly's Coctail 972
11 Sigurdsson Kane 929
12 Everton Royals 926
13 Treenie$ 919
14 HEC Montréal 893
15 Acid (^_^) 855
16 Biting Bachacs 779
I left out the gameweek but You knighted forever top scored with 85
In reply to Real-cricket
You top scored but highlighted the wrong person my friend!
Gameweek 19
1 ThisIsParatha 68 1076
2 Pool Party 62 1026
3 Spurscial One 50 1016
3 You Knighted Forever 85 1016
5 Binary fc 52 1013
6 Gems United 38 992
7 Samora FC 40 980
8 Bermuda Villans 74 978
9 WanLove 61 978
10 Molly's Coctail 35 972
11 Sigurdsson Kane 49 929
12 Everton Royals 43 926
13 Treenie$ 44 919
14 HEC Montréal 47 893
15 Acid (^_^) 48 855
16 Biting Bachacs 24 779
Gameweek 20
1 ThisIsParatha 63 1139
2 Pool Party 63 1089
3 Spurscial One 69 1085
3 You Knighted Forever 56 1072
5 Binary fc 55 1068
6 Gems United 68 1060
7 Samora FC 68 1044
8 Mollie's Coctail 72 1044
9 WanLove 63 1041
10 Bermuda Villans 26 1004
11 Everton Royals 62 988
12 Sigurdsson Kane 59 984
13 Treenie$ 45 964
14 HEC Montréal 56 949
15 Acid (^_^) 42 897
16 Biting Bachacs 49 828
In reply to NineMiles
lol a Spurscial mistake
In reply to NineMiles
anyway our table is delicately balanced. Anyone can win from here
I think, as there are two criteria in PL...the top scoring team, and the Top value team....we should also post the teams in the League on that criteria.
It is a little more involved but i am willing to post it as i do try to increase my team's value with my decision making.
1) Sigurdsson Kane
In the bank: £0.0[/b]
2) Mollie's Coctail
In the bank: £1.8
3) Spurscial One
In the bank: £0.3
4) You Knighted Forever
In the bank: £0.3
5) Pool Party
In the bank: £1.5
6) WanLove
In the bank: £1.0
7) ThisIsParatha
In the bank: £1.3
8.) Gems United
In the bank: £4.5
9) Samora FC
In the bank: £1.3
10) Binary fc
In the bank: £3.5
11) Everton Royals
In the bank: £0.8
12) Treenie$
In the bank: £0.0
13) Acid (^_^)
In the bank: £0.8
14) HEC Montréal
In the bank: £3.8
15) Bermuda Villans
In the bank: £0.2
16) Biting Bachacs
In the bank: £0.1
You can add the top scorer with the top value and get a number....lowest number is ranked 1.
1) Spurscial One
2) Pool Party
3) ThisIsParatha
4) You Knighted Forever
5) Mollie's Coctail
Jolly J
6) Sigurdsson Kane
7) Gems United
8.) Binary fc
9) WanLove
10) Samora FC
11) Everton Royals
12) Bermuda Villans
13) Treenie$
14) HEC Montréal
15) Acid (^_^)
16) Biting Bachacs
Am searching for a title for this standing....
In reply to Ayenmol
Thanks for the insight. I also pay attention to my team's value. There are non performers who can greatly affect your team's value. But I have also noticed that some of the high value teams don't rank high. Check the list of highest valued teams and notice their overall ranking
In reply to Ayenmol
Nice work. Maybe you can call it value for money lol
In reply to Real-cricket
Yep...sounds good.
In reply to Real-cricket
Because some guys actively and aggressively go for the value crown.
But the top point getters are also very high in value. This year there are many bsrgain Defenders and forwards....last year not so much.
You needed Van Dilk, Robertson and others all above 6.5mil to stay competitive on D and guys like Aubameyang...Aguero...kane all above 11 mil on forward.
Next year...Vardy, Abraham and Rashford gonna be way more expensive.
So there is'not much equity in doing it as above...a fairer way would be use the actual point and money value.
So the leader would be the bench mark in each sequence.
Everyone below that value would be based on point or money differential.
That way it's not just your position but how much money or points you are ahead or behind.
If I turn each into a percentage...then lowest percentage gets top billing.
Will try tomorrow.
In reply to Ayenmol
will you do like ninesy and delete real names from your list please.
Gameweek 21
1 ThisIsParatha 60 1199
2 Pool Party 73 1162
3 You Knighted Forever 53 1125
4 Gems United 60 1120
5 Spurscial One 34 1119
6 Binary fc 37 1105
7 Mollie's Coctail 55 1099
8 WanLove 53 1094
9 Samora FC 41 1085
10 Bermuda Villans 60 1064
11 Everton Royals 59 1047
12 Sigurdsson Kane 55 1031
13 Treenie$ 58 1022
14 HEC Montréal 69 1018
15 Acid (^_^) 44 941
16 Biting Bachacs 59 887 TOP VALUE TEAMS
....... Game week 21
1) Sigurdsson Kane
Squad value: £105.2
In the bank: £0.0
2) Mollie's Coctail
Squad value: £104.3
In the bank: £0.5
3) Spurscial One
Squad value: £103.8
In the bank: £0.3
4) You Knighted Forever
Squad value: £103.7
In the bank: £0.2
5) Pool Party
Squad value: £103.1
In the bank: £0.1
6) WanLove
Squad value: £102.2
In the bank: £0.1
7) ThisIsParatha
Squad value: £101.7
In the bank: £0.0
8.) Gems United
Squad value: £96.8
In the bank: £4.5
9) Samora FC
Squad value: £101.0
In the bank: £0.2
10) Binary fc
Squad value: £99.6
In the bank: £0.6
11) Everton Royals
Squad value: £98.8
In the bank: £0.8
12) Treenie$
Squad value: £99.5
In the bank: £0.0
13) Acid (^_^)
Squad value: £98.3
In the bank: £0.8
14)^1 Bermuda Villans
Squad value: £98.4
In the bank: £0.2
15) HEC Montréal
Squad value: £94.7
In the bank: £3.8
16) Biting Bachacs
Squad value: £97.4
In the bank: £0.8 TOP VALUE TEAMS
....... Game week 22
1) Mollie's Coctail
Squad value: £104.8
In the bank: £0.5
2) Sigurdsson Kane
Squad value: £105.0
In the bank: £0.1
3) Spurscial One
Squad value: £103.9
In the bank: £0.3
4) You Knighted Forever
Squad value: £103.9
In the bank: £0.2
5) Pool Party
Squad value: £103.1
In the bank: £0.1
6) WanLove
Squad value: £102.1
In the bank: £0.1
7) ThisIsParatha
Squad value: £101.6
In the bank: £0.1
8.) Gems United
Squad value: £96.8
In the bank: £4.5
9) Samora FC
Squad value: £100.9
In the bank: £0.2
10) Binary fc
Squad value: £99.6
In the bank: £0.6
11) Everton Royals
Squad value: £97.3
In the bank: £2.3
12) Treenie$
Squad value: £99.5
In the bank: £0.0
13) Acid (^_^)
Squad value: £98.1
In the bank: £0.8
14)^1 Bermuda Villans
Squad value: £98.3
In the bank: £0.2
15) HEC Montréal
Squad value: £94.6
In the bank: £3.8
16) Biting Bachacs
Squad value: £97.3
In the bank: £1.0
Gameweek 22
Rank Team & Manager GW TOT
1 ThisIsParatha 50 1249
2 Pool Party 66 1228
3 Gems United 64 1184
4 You Knighted Forever 54 1179
5 Spurscial One 59 1178
6 Binary fc 69 1174
7 Mollie's Coctail 60 1159
8 Samora FC 67 1152
9 WanLove 55 1149
10 Everton Royals 78 1125
11 Bermuda Villans 55 1119
12 FPL Denier 69 1096
13 HEC Montréal 45 1063
14 Treenie$ 37 1059
15 Acid (^_^) 33 974
16 Biting Bachacs 47 934
Gameweek 23
1 ThisIsParatha 44 1293
2 Pool Party 51 1279
3 You Knighted Forever 63 1242
4 Gems United 50 1234
5 Samora FC 71 1223
6 Spurscial One 43 1221
7 Binary fc 33 1207
8 Mollie's Coctail 46 1205
9 WanLove 40 1189
10 Bermuda Villans 65 1184
11 Everton Royals 56 1181
12 FPL Denier 62 1154
13 HEC Montréal 40 1103
14 Treenie$ 38 1097
15 Acid (^_^) 24 998
16 Biting Bachacs 53 987
Double game week
1 hour to go
In reply to Halliwell
scores update?
Gameweek 24
1 ThisIsParatha 95 1384
2 Pool Party 78 1357
3 You Knighted Forever 57 1299
4 Gems United 48 1282
5 Samora FC 41 1264
6 Binary fc 48 1255
7 Spurscial One 31 1252
8 WanLove 55 1244
9 Mollie's Coctail 34 1239
10 Bermuda Villans 47 1231
11 Everton Royals 43 1224
12 FPL Denier 53 1203
13 Treenie$ 74 1171
14 HEC Montréal 36 1139
15 Biting Bachacs 46 1033
16 Acid (^_^) 30 1028
Gameweek 25
1 ThisIsParatha 59 1443
2 Pool Party 39 1396
3 You Knighted Forever 71 1370
4 Spurscial One 61 1313
5 Samora FC 47 1311
6 Gems United 24 1306
7 WanLove 58 1302
8 Binary fc 44 1299
9 Mollie's Coctail 41 1280
10 Everton Royals 48 1272
11 Bermuda Villans 35 1266
12 FPL Denier 61 1264
13 Treenie$ 48 1219
14 HEC Montréal 36 1175
15 Biting Bachacs 37 1070
16 Acid (^_^) 27 1055
In reply to NineMiles
You Knighted!!
Gameweek 26
1 ThisIsParatha 53 1496
2 Pool Party 76 1472
3 You Knighted Forever 56 1426
4 Gems United 86 1392
5 Spurscial One 61 1374
6 WanLove 66 1368
7 Binary fc 58 1357
8 Samora FC 43 1354
9 Bermuda Villans 68 1334
10 Mollie's Coctail 52 1332
11 FPL Denier 59 1323
12 Everton Royals 39 1311
13 Treenie$ 52 1271
14 HEC Montréal 78 1253
15 Biting Bachacs 48 1118
16 Acid (^_^) 58 1113
Gameweek 27
1 ThisIsParatha 61 1557
2 Pool Party 59 1531
3 You Knighted Forever 51 1477
4 Gems United 50 1442
5 WanLove 58 1426
6 Spurscial One 42 1416
7 Binary fc 34 1391
8 Samora FC 33 1387
9 Mollie's Coctail 51 1383
10 FPL Denier 61 1380
11 Bermuda Villans 42 1376
12 Treenie$ 78 1349
13 Everton Royals 27 1338
14 HEC Montréal 39 1292
15 Acid (^_^) 63 1176
16 Biting Bachacs 53 1171
In reply to NineMiles
phew...nice lil race to finish line shaping up.
In reply to DAVE400
All I'll say is watch out for Pool Party. He has the knack of finishing strongly to clinch the title!
In reply to DAVE400
Anyways, I'm happy as the Arses exit before we do next week!
In reply to NineMiles
Gameweek 28
1 ThisIsParatha 39 1596
2 Pool Party 39 1570
3 You Knighted Forever 46 1523
4 Gems United 35 1477
5 WanLove 44 1470
6 Spurscial One 33 1449
7 Samora FC 32 1419
8 Binary fc 20 1411
9 Mollie's Coctail 30 1409
10 FPL Denier 28 1404
11 Bermuda Villans 17 1393
12 Treenie$ 21 1370
13 Everton Royals 19 1357
14 HEC Montréal 20 1312
15 Acid (^_^) 27 1203
16 Biting Bachacs 21 1192
In reply to NineMiles
Top scored for 5 of the 28 weeks. Not bad
for 2 consecutive weeks top two scored exact points... although one took a 4 point hit..
Gameweek 29
1 ThisIsParatha 59 1655
2 Pool Party 59 1625
3 You Knighted Forever 68 1591
4 Gems United 80 1557
5 WanLove 73 1543
6 Spurscial One 59 1508
7 Mollie's Coctail 84 1493
8 Samora FC 45 1464
9 Binary fc 40 1451
10 FPL Denier 53 1441
11 Treenie$ 64 1434
12 Bermuda Villans 35 1428
13 Everton Royals 42 1399
14 HEC Montréal 41 1353
15 Acid (^_^) 54 1257
16 Biting Bachacs 59 1251
In reply to Real-cricket
I see you've been counting.
Anyway, Ayenmol's Mollies beat you this week with 84 points.
In reply to DAVE400
Endsie, think we may have to abandon this season's fantasy competition!
In reply to NineMiles
nah! dont pull that luverpool threat on me..
In reply to NineMiles
A a....i have been busy and did not realize i actually led the league in points.
Yay to me....and in the nick of time.
In reply to NineMiles
agree with you! good luck.
In reply to JenBuck
Yeah, looks like season cancelled!
BTW, which team is yours?
In reply to NineMiles
thanks for recognizing me as the winner..
well played everyone
In reply to DAVE400
No one wins if the season is abandoned!
In reply to NineMiles
I would be okay with that if Liverpool doesn't get trophy....
In reply to DAVE400
Well, there is talk for Liverpool to be crowned half-champions complete with a smaller Premier League trophy!
Possibly back June 8th and Season completed by July 27th.
We want to reassure FPL managers that we will provide further updates on the game when appropriate and we thank you for your continued patience.
We can confirm that any chips you retain at present (e.g. Triple Captain, Bench Boost, Free Hit and/or Wildcard) would remain available for you, in accordance with the Game Rules.
These are exceptional circumstances and we appreciate the understanding of FPL managers while the situation continues to evolve.
Looking forward to June 17th! We shall see is ThisIsParatha's commanding lead holds
In reply to Trinity
Man, you not easy. Going for the 4-peat i see.
After what you did to Real-cricket last season I wouldn't put past you!

So we ready to resume on Wednesday the 17th.
Note to all, you can make unlimited number of transfer before kickoff.
Hope Endsie aware and ready before Trinity come nyaam he supper!
Almost missed the deadline but am ready for the wild finish. Going to try and put one over the boundary this week. Six or sticks time.
In reply to NineMiles
I missed it. I'll be ready for next week. I hope my team could pull through for this week
In reply to Trinity
wow big move with bench boost and yr choice of captain.
In reply to NineMiles
boss next time send me a message. The message thing don't work here again?
In reply to Real-cricket
You didn't get the memo then!
In reply to Real-cricket
He has a knack of doing dat!
In reply to NineMiles
The man made me do all the heavy hauling then he just pressed turbo boost and flew past me

In reply to Real-cricket
I am sure I will miss one of these deadlines soon. Some of them are one or two days.
Haha, we'll see if this season even finishes what happens when one player on a team test positive? Everything is unpredictable.
In reply to Trinity
Paratha is serious boy
In reply to Real-cricket
Yeah, no joke.
Gameweek 30
1 ThisIsParatha 115 1770
2 Pool Party 116 1741
3 You Knighted Forever 67 1658
4 WanLove 101 1644
5 Gems United 81 1638
6 Spurscial One 97 1605
7 Mollie's Coctail 67 1560
8 Samora FC 77 1541
9 Bermuda Villans 76 1504
10 Binary fc 40 1491
11 FPL Denier 67 1488
12 Treenie$ 51 1485
13 Everton Royals 54 1453
14 HEC Montréal 75 1428
15 Biting Bachacs 56 1307
16 Acid (^_^) 47 1304
Yep, Endsie and Trinity nuh joke at all... Should be an interesting 5 weeks coming up!
Paratha is in the top 33k! Well done sah.
Perhaps it is time I start talking up that silver medal.
In reply to Trinity
Paratha serious! I am fighting for third. Make it worse I substituted Martial last week. This Covid resumption not turning out nice for me
In reply to Trinity
The last few weeks will be interesting. anything can play in terms of selection especially when Liverpool wins the league
Yes, I could score big with my TC.
Liverpool have won. I can't lose this year
Gameweek 31
1 ThisIsParatha 79 1849
2 Pool Party 78 1819
3 You Knighted Forever 69 1727
4 WanLove 69 1713
5 Gems United 72 1710
6 Spurscial One 69 1674
7 Mollie's Coctail 63 1623
8 Samora FC 63 1604
9 Bermuda Villans 78 1582
10 Binary fc 83 1574
11 Treenie$ 70 1555
12 Everton Royals 55 1508
13 FPL Denier 44 1496
14 HEC Montréal 64 1492
15 Biting Bachacs 67 1374
16 Acid (^_^) 49 1353
Gameweek 32
1 ThisIsParatha 58 1907
2 Pool Party 72 1891
3 You Knighted Forever 59 1786
4 Gems United 75 1785
5 WanLove 67 1780
6 Spurscial One 74 1748
7 Mollie's Coctail 59 1678
8 Samora FC 54 1658
9 Bermuda Villans 42 1624
10 Binary fc 31 1605
11 Treenie$ 41 1596
12 FPL Denier 74 1570
13 HEC Montréal 65 1557
14 Everton Royals 21 1529
15 Biting Bachacs 72 1446
16 Acid (^_^) 57 1410
Getting between Endsie and Trinity reduced to 16 points with 6 game weeks to go.
Gameweek 33
1 Pool Party 80 1971
2 ThisIsParatha 59 1966
3 You Knighted Forever 78 1864
4 Gems United 58 1843
5 WanLove 62 1842
6 Spurscial One 72 1820
7 Mollie's Coctail 67 1733
8 Samora FC 40 1698
9 Binary fc 64 1669
10 Bermuda Villans 44 1668
11 Treenie$ 52 1648
12 FPL Denier 72 1638
13 HEC Montréal 45 1602
14 Everton Royals 64 1593
15 Biting Bachacs 45 1491
16 Acid (^_^) 53 1463
Pool Party moves to the top of the table...leading by 5 points.
Gameweek 34
1 Pool Party 74 2045
2 ThisIsParatha 70 2036
3 You Knighted Forever 79 1943
4 WanLove 71 1913
5 Gems United 66 1909
6 Spurscial One 68 1888
7 Mollie's Coctail 89 1818
8 Samora FC 66 1764
9 Binary fc 54 1723
10 Bermuda Villans 48 1716
11 Treenie$ 59 1707
12 FPL Denier 58 1692
13 Everton Royals 84 1677
14 HEC Montréal 53 1655
15 Biting Bachacs 72 1563
16 Acid (^_^) 48 1511
Getting interesting now.
In reply to Trinity
Yep, I find you are in pole position to take it home once again. But Paratha is not giving up easily. I see you have a couple tricks up your sleeve left
Gameweek 35
1 Pool Party 42 2087
2 ThisIsParatha 40 2076
3 You Knighted Forever 44 1987
4 WanLove 36 1949
5 Gems United 37 1946
6 Spurscial One 51 1939
7 Mollie's Coctail 42 1860
8 Samora FC 28 1792
9 Binary fc 52 1775
10 Bermuda Villans 36 1752
11 Treenie$ 38 1745
12 FPL Denier 45 1725
13 Everton Royals 46 1723
14 HEC Montréal 50 1705
15 Biting Bachacs 35 1598
16 Acid (^_^) 42 1553
Gameweek 36
1 Pool Party 63 2150
2 ThisIsParatha 51 2127
3 You Knighted Forever 48 2035
4 WanLove 54 2003
5 Spurscial One 60 1999
6 Gems United 39 1985
7 Mollie's Coctail 39 1895
8 Binary fc 59 1834
9 Samora FC 15 1807
10 Treenie$ 41 1786
11 Everton Royals 60 1783
12 FPL Denier 59 1780
13 Bermuda Villans 25 1777
14 HEC Montréal 40 1745
15 Biting Bachacs 33 1631
16 Acid (^_^) 48 1601
Trinity taking control of this ting with only two games to go.... Endsie better wake up!

In reply to NineMiles
Its the end for endsie. Endsie has lost steam
In reply to Real-cricket
Looks that way... hope he has a chip left to play in the final week.
In reply to NineMiles
He used up all I'm sure
Gameweek 37
1 Pool Party 77 2227
2 ThisIsParatha 61 2188
3 You Knighted Forever 75 2110
4 WanLove 70 2069
5 Spurscial One 65 2060
6 Gems United 61 2046
7 Mollie's Coctail 76 1971
8 Binary fc 48 1882
9 FPL Denier 76 1856
10 Samora FC 43 1850
11 Treenie$ 57 1843
12 Everton Royals 57 1840
13 Bermuda Villans 47 1824
14 HEC Montréal 43 1788
15 Biting Bachacs 55 1686
16 Acid (^_^) 45 1646
We go into the final game week this Sunday with Trinity leading Endsie by 39 points.
Anything could happen on Sunday!
In reply to Trinity
Yes, but with this league here I crown you champ once again
In reply to Real-cricket
Thank you! We go again in Sept!
In reply to Trinity
Ready to go!. Top three finish for me again this year. I'll be hunting you down next year bro
Gameweek 38
1 Pool Party 86 2313
2 ThisIsParatha 48 2232
3 You Knighted Forever 70 2180
4 WanLove 66 2135
5 Gems United 81 2127
6 Spurscial One 66 2126
7 Mollie's Coctail 89 2060
8 Binary fc 68 1950
9 FPL Denier 89 1941
10 Samora FC 57 1907
11 Everton Royals 58 1898
12 Bermuda Villans 66 1890
13 Treenie$ 39 1882
14 HEC Montréal 69 1857
15 Biting Bachacs 58 1744
16 Acid (^_^) 82 1728
So Trinity wins for the 4th consecutive season. Congratulations!
Unlucky Endsie, but you took your eyes off the ball!

It's going to be a quick turnaround for the next season, which is due to start on the 12th of September.
I finisnished in the top 16.66 percentile.
253 points behind the league winner.
That's just over 6.5 points per game behind.
Am looking forward to next month.
So among some updated designations by FPL is Lundstrom being moved from def to mid.
Ok...but last season he was a top def...a steal for most....did he ever cost more than 5 mil?
I don't think so. Now they take away a point for each goal and 3 points from clean sheets, yet he now commands 5.5 mil?
Link Text
Winner disqualified for racist comments agsinst Sterling
In reply to Real-cricket
Excellent news.... one strike and OUT!
Wish Football associations and other sports governing bodies would take similar actions!
In reply to Real-cricket
Is that what it was? I meant to bring it up.
serves him right.
First Title
More to come.
With two weeks to go to the start of the 2020/21 Premier League season, it's time to start picking your fantasy teams:
8 teams in already:
Team - Manager
Wakanda Forever! - Ninesy
Que salah salah - ?
Everton Royals - ?
You Knighted Forever - RealCricket
ShotBoss - Endsie
Mollie's Swansong - Ayenmol
Ponds Cobb - Aussie fatman ?
For newbies, the code to join the League is: 3s8x0p
Any interest if I set up a head-to-head league?
In reply to NineMiles
Joined a couple of those last year. Did ok....don't see the harm in it ... not like you have to set a separate lineup.
In reply to Ayenmol
You'll still need to enter your team. head-to-head League has been set up Code to join is: upriim
Okay people, kick-off time is drawing close. You have until 11am BST this Saturday to get your teams ready!
And don't forget to enter your teams in the head-to-head league.
Gameweek 1
1 You Knighted Forever 94 94
2 Yibambe 74 74
3 Buckup x1 73 73
4 ShotBoss 64 64
5 Ings&Outs 55 55
6 Pool party 54 54
7 Everton Royals 51 51
7 Ponds Cobb 51 51
9 Acid 49 49
9 Gems United 49 49
11 Bermuda Villans III 43 43
12 FC Wakanda 33 33
13 Mollie's Swansong 25 25
Great start to the new season by RealCricket
In reply to NineMiles
Yes I was quick out of the blocks
Gameweek 2
Rank Team & Manager GW TOT
1 You Knighted Forever 43 137
2 Everton Royals 85 136
3 ShotBoss 60 124
4 Yibambe 42 116
5 Pool party 65 115
6 Ponds Cobb 60 111
7 Bermuda Villans III 67 110
8 Gems United 59 108
9 Buckup x1 28 101
10 Ings&Outs 44 99
11 Acid 52 93
12 Mollie's Swansong 49 74
13 FC Wakanda 36 69
14 Crazy Bachacs 49 49
I missed the head to head league but am ready to go for the traditional!
I also missed head to head.
How badly hurt is Vardy.
Gameweek 3
1 Everton Royals 69 205
2 You Knighted Forever 50 187
3 ShotBoss 46 170
4 Pool party 55 170
5 Bermuda Villans III 48 158
6 Yibambe 42 158
7 Ings&Outs 57 156
8 Ponds Cobb 43 150
9 Gems United 42 146
10 Buckup x1 38 139
11 Acid 46 139
12 FC Wakanda 51 120
13 Mollie's Swansong 50 120
14 Crazy Bachacs 48 97
Gameweek 4
1 Everton Royals 79 284
2 You Knighted Forever 46 233
3 Yibambe 74 232
4 Bermuda Villans III 70 228
5 ShotBoss 54 224
6 Ponds Cobb 66 216
7 Gems United 60 206
8 Pool party 39 205
9 Acid 42 181
10 Buckup x1 40 179
11 Ings&Outs 23 179
12 FC Wakanda 56 176
13 Mollie's Swansong 32 152
14 Crazy Bachacs 22 119
Appropriate that Everton Royals is bossing the league table...that's 3 consecutive game weeks he's topped the points scoring!
Gameweek 5
1 Everton Royals 78 362
2 Yibambe 75 307
3 Bermuda Villans III 70 298
4 You Knighted Forever 60 293
5 Gems United 72 274
6 ShotBoss 44 268
7 Ponds Cobb 65 265
8 Pool party 57 258
9 FC Wakanda 74 250
10 Ings&Outs 68 247
11 Acid 59 240
12 Buckup x1 48 227
13 Mollie's Swansong 70 222
14 Crazy Bachacs 43 162
Gameweek 6
1 Everton Royals 51 405
2 Bermuda Villans III 53 351
3 You Knighted Forever 55 348
4 Yibambe 40 347
5 Gems United 55 329
6 ShotBoss 55 323
7 Pool party 62 320
8 Acid 54 294
9 Ings&Outs 49 292
10 FC Wakanda 43 289
11 Ponds Cobb 42 287
12 Mollie's Swansong 56 278
13 Buckup x1 42 269
14 Crazy Bachacs 61 223
Gameweek 7
1 Everton Royals 47 452
2 Yibambe 86 433
3 Bermuda Villans III 62 413
4 You Knighted Forever 60 408
5 ShotBoss 79 402
6 Gems United 43 372
7 Pool party 47 367
8 Acid 69 363
9 Ings&Outs 61 353
10 FC Wakanda 62 351
11 Ponds Cobb 52 335
12 Buckup x1 63 332
13 Mollie's Swansong 37 315
14 Crazy Bachacs 50 273
Gameweek 8
1 Everton Royals 59 511
2 Yibambe 59 492
3 Bermuda Villans III 65 478
4 You Knighted Forever 66 474
5 ShotBoss 54 452
6 Pool party 72 439
7 Gems United 54 426
8 FC Wakanda 64 415
9 Ponds Cobb 80 411
10 Acid 47 410
11 Ings&Outs 56 409
12 Buckup x1 50 382
13 Mollie's Swansong 67 382
14 Crazy Bachacs 39 308
We have a two break now for international football
Gameweek 9
1 Everton Royals 58 565
2 Yibambe 62 554
3 Bermuda Villans III 58 536
4 You Knighted Forever 66 532
5 Pool party 62 501
6 FC Wakanda 72 487
7 Ponds Cobb 88 487
8 Ings&Outs 75 484
9 ShotBoss 26 478
10 CHANGE NAME 53 475
11 Acid 47 457
12 Mollie's Swansong 65 447
13 Buckup x1 52 434
14 Crazy Bachacs 57 365
Gameweek 10
1 Everton Royals 46 611
2 Yibambe 52 606
3 You Knighted Forever 73 605
4 Bermuda Villans III 35 571
5 Pool party 61 562
6 FC Wakanda 68 551
7 Ings&Outs 54 538
8 Ponds Cobb 53 536
9 ShotBoss 57 535
10 CHANGE NAME 22 497
11 Acid 38 495
12 Mollie's Swansong 51 490
13 Buckup x1 26 460
14 Crazy Bachacs 39 404
Note that this Friday's fixture between Aston Villa and Newcastle has been postponed due to high increase of Coronavirus hitting the Newcastle squad.
Aston Villa v Newcastle: Premier League match off due to Covid-19 cases
Gameweek 11
1 Everton Royals 89 700
2 Yibambe 57 663
3 You Knighted Forever 55 660
4 Pool party 67 629
5 Bermuda Villans III 53 624
6 FC Wakanda 73 624
7 Ponds Cobb 87 615
8 Ings&Outs 54 592
9 ShotBoss 51 586
10 Mollie's Swansong 87 573
11 CHANGE NAME 60 553
12 Acid 48 543
13 Buckup x1 49 509
14 Crazy Bachacs 36 440
Gameweek 12
1 Everton Royals 76 776
2 You Knighted Forever 72 732
3 Olympique Mayonnaise 65 719
4 Yibambe 58 717
5 Pool party 60 689
6 FC Wakanda 65 689
7 Bermuda Villans III 50 674
8 Ponds Cobb 58 673
9 Ings&Outs 52 644
10 ShotBoss 55 641
11 Mollie's Swansong 52 625
12 CHANGE NAME 45 598
13 Acid 49 592
14 Buckup x1 55 564
15 Crazy Bachacs 50 490
Olympique Mayonnaise joins last game week and cheekily plants himself into 3rd place. Who are you OM? Reveal yourself!

Final straw: no more Aubemeyang. What a waste.
In reply to Tryangle
What's wrong...didn't he score on Sunday?
In reply to NineMiles
Saw a funny stat though. Guess who's scored the most goals at the Emirates this season?
Ollie freaking Watkins.
(watch me now jinx Villa)
On cue, Aubameyang scores today
Gameweek 13
1 Everton Royals 42 818
2 You Knighted Forever 48 780
3 Yibambe 52 769
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 49 768
5 Pool party 53 742
6 FC Wakanda 39 728
7 Ponds Cobb 44 713
8 Bermuda Villans III 36 710
9 Ings&Outs 46 690
10 ShotBoss 46 687
11 Mollie's Swansong 41 666
12 CHANGE NAME 50 648
13 Acid 46 638
14 Buckup x1 44 608
15 Crazy Bachacs 33 523
Gameweek 14
1 Everton Royals 62 880
2 Yibambe 85 854
3 You Knighted Forever 56 836
4 Pool party 89 831
5 Olympique Mayonnaise 63 831
6 FC Wakanda 80 808
7 Ponds Cobb 93 806
8 Ings&Outs 82 772
9 ShotBoss 73 756
10 Bermuda Villans III 43 753
11 Mollie's Swansong 72 734
12 CHANGE NAME 67 715
13 Buckup x1 77 685
14 Acid 44 682
15 Crazy Bachacs 57 580
Gameweek 15
1 Everton Royals 36 916
2 Yibambe 54 908
3 Pool party 65 896
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 60 887
5 You Knighted Forever 49 885
6 FC Wakanda 57 865
7 Ponds Cobb 45 843
8 Ings&Outs 55 827
9 Bermuda Villans III 56 809
10 ShotBoss 40 796
11 Mollie's Swansong 44 778
12 CHANGE NAME 41 756
13 Buckup x1 51 736
14 Acid 28 710
15 Crazy Bachacs 31 611
Gameweek 16
1 Pool party 62 958
2 Yibambe 41 949
3 Everton Royals 31 947
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 51 938
5 You Knighted Forever 39 924
6 FC Wakanda 42 907
7 Ponds Cobb 48 887
8 Ings&Outs 53 880
9 Bermuda Villans III 38 847
10 ShotBoss 27 823
11 Mollie's Swansong 31 801
12 CHANGE NAME 26 782
13 Buckup x1 37 773
14 Acid 42 752
15 Crazy Bachacs 36 647
Pool Party has made his move a bit early this season!
Gameweek 17
1 Pool party 65 1023
2 Everton Royals 65 1012
3 Yibambe 60 1009
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 62 1000
5 FC Wakanda 80 987
6 You Knighted Forever 47 971
7 Ponds Cobb 61 944
8 Ings&Outs 55 935
9 Bermuda Villans III 72 919
10 Mollie's Swansong 85 886
11 ShotBoss 39 862
12 CHANGE NAME 46 828
13 Buckup x1 49 822
14 Acid 37 789
15 Crazy Bachacs 48 695
In reply to NineMiles
Haha! nothing to see here
It has been such an unpredictable season I am predicting a new champ with an orderly transition.
Looks like Aston Villa and Burnley may miss games due to Covid.
Did I lose my transfer that I got last game week?
Or do we not get a free transfer for gameweek 18.
It has not been two weeks since the last transfer and I did not use my transfer .... yet m only showing 1.
In reply to Ayenmol
I think something had reset for week 18 but can't recall the details, I think it had somethin to do with either a second wildcard popping in or something else. Maybe the site has details.
In reply to bdaTryangle
I came in to the gameweek with one available transfer and have not received another.
Am also yet to see the usual 2nd wild card usually given at the start of the new year.
After somehow using mine unintentionally....still not sure when it was used.
Gameweek 18
1 Yibambe 50 1059
2 Everton Royals 31 1043
3 Pool party 15 1038
4 FC Wakanda 43 1026
5 You Knighted Forever 53 1024
6 Olympique Mayonnaise 15 1015
7 Ponds Cobb 51 995
8 Ings&Outs 45 980
9 Bermuda Villans III 38 957
10 Mollie's Swansong 43 929
11 ShotBoss 31 893
12 CHANGE NAME 6 834
13 Buckup x1 8 830
14 Acid 19 808
15 Crazy Bachacs 42 737
Top score one week and all of a sudden people are imitating your lineup to make way for Salah at midfield.
Even dropping the productive Grealish to do so. Like I did in early December.
Wakanda feeling the heat of League Cup.
May not be this week...but mollie coming for yuh.
Gameweek 19
1 Yibambe 108 1163
2 You Knighted Forever 112 1132
3 Pool party 78 1116
4 FC Wakanda 89 1115
5 Olympique Mayonnaise 93 1104
6 Everton Royals 59 1102
7 Ponds Cobb 107 1098
8 Ings&Outs 106 1086
9 Bermuda Villans III 93 1050
10 ShotBoss 99 992
11 Mollie's Swansong 60 989
12 CHANGE NAME 75 909
13 Acid 83 891
14 Buckup x1 49 879
15 Crazy Bachacs 57 794
Manager of the Week table at the half way stage of the season;
Pool party 4
You Knighted Forever 4
Ponds Cobb 3
Yibambe 1
Mollie's Swansong 1
Acid 0
Bermuda Villans III 0
Buckup x1 0
Crazy Bachacs 0
FC Wakanda 0
Gems United 0
Ings&Outs 0
Olympique Mayonnaise 0
ShotBoss 0
Halfway stage in the League Cup:
1 FC Wakanda 14 0 5 1115 42
2 Mollie's Swansong 11 1 7 989 34
3 You Knighted Forever 8 0 11 1132 24
4 ShotBoss 4 1 14 992 13
In reply to NineMiles
My team fell on it's face this last gameweek....if I was real coach I would take a hatchet through that roster.....
Oh wait....
Gameweek 20
1 Yibambe 52 1211
2 You Knighted Forever 54 1186
3 FC Wakanda 50 1161
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 55 1159
5 Everton Royals 45 1147
6 Pool party 29 1145
7 Ponds Cobb 51 1145
8 Ings&Outs 49 1135
9 Bermuda Villans III 37 1087
10 ShotBoss 62 1054
11 Mollie's Swansong 41 1030
12 CHANGE NAME 72 981
13 Acid 37 928
14 Buckup x1 23 902
15 Crazy Bachacs 74 868
In reply to NineMiles
Used my Free Hit for all of 37 points
In reply to bdaTryangle
Who is battling in the cup still?
My trust in Salah paid off this week
Gameweek 21
1 Yibambe 59 1270
2 You Knighted Forever 67 1253
3 Pool party 77 1222
4 Everton Royals 65 1212
5 Olympique Mayonnaise 52 1211
6 FC Wakanda 47 1204
7 Ponds Cobb 65 1198
8 Ings&Outs 37 1172
9 Bermuda Villans III 39 1126
10 ShotBoss 46 1100
11 Mollie's Swansong 56 1086
12 CHANGE NAME 58 1039
13 Acid 25 953
14 Buckup x1 40 942
15 Crazy Bachacs 38 906
In reply to bdaTryangle
You are not alone but managed 50 points with mine.
When to use the triple cappo chip, dat is the question!
In reply to Real-cricket
Got knocked out in game 19... having scored my highest points of the season with 89.

Guess who has Bednarek in their lineup this period
In reply to Tryangle
You made a good choice in keeping Arse Leno on the bench.
I also have Bednarek but benched him. Just hoping my two other defenders play today so his -7 points doesn't count towards my total!
I mean who the fack triple-captains Wan-Bissaka, earning 51 points? Unbelievable!
In reply to NineMiles
I think I had Fernandes as my skipper this week (which counters Bednarek, in a big way) but that would have been a heck of a coup to give it to AWB. Ka-ching!
In reply to NineMiles
I remember a fantasy gridiron league some time back, I had started Jon Kitna who promptly threw 5 ints and got benched, I was at least 15 points in the hole.
In reply to NineMiles
I'm battling there still
Gameweek 22
1 Yibambe 87 1357
2 You Knighted Forever 79 1332
3 Pool party 73 1295
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 74 1281
5 Ings&Outs 99 1271
6 Ponds Cobb 70 1268
7 FC Wakanda 58 1262
8 Everton Royals 37 1249
9 Bermuda Villans III 72 1198
10 Mollie's Swansong 75 1161
11 ShotBoss 55 1155
12 CHANGE NAME 84 1123
13 Buckup x1 57 999
14 Acid 22 975
15 Crazy Bachacs 37 943
My captain selevctions have mostly been a disaster....took a chance on Soucek, after a string of good results and a good matchup....dude gets red in the final minute of extra time.
In reply to Ayenmol
I heard that red was overturned. Soucek is probably the best player in the game to have, good call. Of course I don't have him. Yet.
Gameweek 23
1 Yibambe 72 1429
2 You Knighted Forever 70 1402
3 Pool party 88 1383
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 67 1348
5 Ponds Cobb 77 1341
6 FC Wakanda 73 1335
7 Ings&Outs 62 1333
8 Everton Royals 65 1314
9 Bermuda Villans III 59 1257
10 ShotBoss 81 1236
11 Mollie's Swansong 59 1220
12 CHANGE NAME 59 1182
13 Buckup x1 71 1070
14 Acid 28 1003
15 Crazy Bachacs 36 979
Just dropped Adama Trarore. Incoming Wolves hat-trick.
Well i survived my opponent tripple cappo a double fixture player.
Head to head league cup.
Gameweek 24
1 Yibambe 91 1520
2 You Knighted Forever 103 1505
3 Pool party 114 1497
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 118 1462
5 Ponds Cobb 105 1442
6 FC Wakanda 85 1420
7 Ings&Outs 76 1409
8 Everton Royals 46 1360
9 ShotBoss 91 1327
10 Bermuda Villans III 60 1313
11 Mollie's Swansong 92 1312
12 Barsenal 104 1286
13 Buckup x1 53 1123
14 Acid 89 1092
15 Crazy Bachacs 46 1021
Gameweek 25
1 Yibambe 63 1583
2 Pool party 79 1576
3 You Knighted Forever 66 1571
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 64 1522
5 FC Wakanda 86 1502
6 Ponds Cobb 63 1493
7 Ings&Outs 86 1491
8 Everton Royals 37 1397
9 ShotBoss 60 1387
10 Mollie's Swansong 71 1383
11 Bermuda Villans III 40 1353
12 Barsenal 47 1333
13 Buckup x1 53 1176
14 Acid 42 1134
15 Crazy Bachacs 49 1070
Gameweek 26
1 Yibambe 108 1687
2 Pool party 107 1679
3 You Knighted Forever 91 1662
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 81 1603
5 Ings&Outs 104 1591
6 FC Wakanda 78 1580
7 Ponds Cobb 92 1577
8 ShotBoss 102 1489
9 Everton Royals 70 1467
10 Bermuda Villans III 118 1467
11 Mollie's Swansong 78 1453
12 Barsenal 62 1395
13 Buckup x1 56 1232
14 Crazy Bachacs 109 1179
15 Acid 40 1174
In reply to NineMiles
Used the bench boost, for peanuts
In reply to bdaTryangle
I resisted the temptation to use it
Gameweek 27
1 Yibambe 62 1749
2 Pool party 63 1738
3 You Knighted Forever 65 1727
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 69 1672
5 Ings&Outs 74 1665
6 FC Wakanda 82 1662
7 Ponds Cobb 71 1644
8 Mollie's Swansong 92 1541
9 ShotBoss 47 1536
10 Bermuda Villans III 62 1529
11 Everton Royals 49 1516
12 Barsenal 67 1462
13 Buckup x1 73 1305
14 Crazy Bachacs 81 1260
15 Acid 56 1230
In reply to bdaTryangle
Wasted mine too... two of my subs didn't even get a game.
Wish there was a chip you could use retroactively. My BB flop di show as well. Hoping my TC brings it home in the last few weeks.
Gameweek 28
1 Yibambe 48 1797
2 You Knighted Forever 59 1786
3 Pool party 36 1774
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 49 1717
5 Ings&Outs 47 1712
6 FC Wakanda 38 1700
7 Ponds Cobb 50 1690
8 ShotBoss 48 1584
9 Mollie's Swansong 39 1576
10 Bermuda Villans III 45 1574
11 Everton Royals 38 1550
12 Barsenal 57 1519
13 Buckup x1 50 1355
14 Crazy Bachacs 64 1324
15 Acid 54 1284
In reply to NineMiles
Oh there you are
In reply to Chrissy
Gameweek 29
1 Yibambe 59 1856
2 Pool party 74 1848
3 You Knighted Forever 51 1837
4 Olympique Mayonnaise 63 1780
5 Ings&Outs 49 1761
6 FC Wakanda 45 1745
7 Cobbs Pond 61 1743
8 Mollie's Swansong 46 1622
9 ShotBoss 11 1595
10 Bermuda Villans III 18 1592
11 Everton Royals 27 1577
12 Barsenal 19 1538
13 Buckup x1 38 1393
14 Crazy Bachacs 12 1336
15 Acid 17 1301
In reply to Chrissy
Taking a lil break from the forum...well except for updating fantasy scores now and then!
Gameweek 30
1 Yibambe 54 1906
2 You Knighted Forever 67 1904
3 Pool party 56 1904
4 Ings&Outs 68 1829
5 Olympique Mayonnaise 38 1814
6 FC Wakanda 51 1796
7 Cobbs Pond 54 1793
8 Mollie's Swansong 55 1677
9 ShotBoss 51 1646
10 Bermuda Villans III 46 1638
11 Everton Royals 41 1618
12 Barsenal 37 1575
13 Buckup x1 28 1421
14 Crazy Bachacs 39 1375
15 Acid 25 1326
Looks like this match going to the final over.
In reply to Trinity
In reply to Trinity
not for the faint hearted
Gameweek 31
1 You Knighted Forever 55 1959
2 Pool party 52 1956
3 Yibambe 44 1950
4 Ings&Outs 65 1894
5 Olympique Mayonnaise 48 1858
6 FC Wakanda 51 1847
7 Cobbs Pond 39 1828
8 Mollie's Swansong 43 1720
9 Bermuda Villans III 63 1701
10 ShotBoss 39 1685
11 Everton Royals 41 1659
12 Barsenal 25 1600
13 Buckup x1 46 1467
14 Crazy Bachacs 36 1411
15 Acid 38 1364
In reply to Trinity
I'm sure you've got another trick up your sleeve for the final week!

In reply to NineMiles
65 is higher than 63
Top 3 tight, but will try to reach them in the final stretch
In reply to NineMiles
Got lucky in that Calvert-Lewin was scratched and my vice-cap was, on a whim, Pulisic

Gameweek 32
1 You Knighted Forever 67 2026
2 Yibambe 68 2018
3 Pool party 40 1996
4 Ings&Outs 80 1974
5 Olympique Mayonnaise 71 1929
6 FC Wakanda 69 1916
7 Cobbs Pond 34 1862
8 Mollie's Swansong 59 1779
9 Bermuda Villans III 62 1763
10 ShotBoss 48 1733
11 Everton Royals 45 1704
12 Barsenal 24 1624
13 Buckup x1 48 1515
14 Crazy Bachacs 50 1461
15 Acid 42 1406
In reply to JR_Cool
Gameweek 33
1 You Knighted Forever 63 2089
2 Yibambe 50 2064
3 Pool party 58 2054
4 Ings&Outs 41 2011
5 Olympique Mayonnaise 35 1964
6 FC Wakanda 50 1962
7 Cobbs Pond 54 1904
8 Mollie's Swansong 39 1814
9 Bermuda Villans III 32 1795
10 ShotBoss 39 1772
11 Everton Royals 42 1746
12 Barsenal 29 1653
13 Buckup x1 50 1565
14 Crazy Bachacs 34 1495
15 Acid 30 1436
Was the i recall, to add Bale in this league.
I stuck with him....three weeks ago i was about to pull the trigger.... decided to hive it a week then the idiotic coach got canned....and here it is am again the only one with him on my team.....guessing that will change real quick.
If not for that idiotic coach and his ego, i would be at the top or much closer to the top of the head to head...i lost a few close games because of decisions to do with Bale....
I believe i was also first to pick up lingard.
Also.....Bale is more talented than Kane....kane is more driven and focused.
Gameweek 34
1 You Knighted Forever 28 2117
2 Yibambe 37 2101
3 Pool party 38 2092
4 Ings&Outs 42 2053
5 Olympique Mayonnaise 57 2021
6 FC Wakanda 34 1996
7 Cobbs Pond 32 1916
8 Mollie's Swansong 49 1863
9 Bermuda Villans III 47 1842
10 ShotBoss 22 1794
11 Everton Royals 37 1783
12 Barsenal 24 1677
13 Buckup x1 53 1618
14 Crazy Bachacs 29 1524
15 Acid 51 1487
Trinity with his triple captain in a triple week. You're driving like Hamilton with your pit strategy
Gameweek 35
1 You Knighted Forever 130 2247
2 Pool party 152 2240
3 Yibambe 111 2204
4 Ings&Outs 130 2183
5 FC Wakanda 130 2126
6 Olympique Mayonnaise 86 2103
7 Cobbs Pond 130 2034
8 Bermuda Villans III 130 1972
9 Mollie's Swansong 68 1931
10 ShotBoss 99 1893
11 Everton Royals 72 1855
12 Barsenal 71 1748
13 Buckup x1 102 1720
14 Crazy Bachacs 78 1602
15 Acid 83 1570
Heading for a close finish with only 7 points separating the top two.
In reply to Real-cricket
Nervous times for you bro....Squeaky bum time!
In reply to NineMiles
I survived the triple captain week and his wildcard. Now it's tie to toe till the end
Gameweek 36
1 You Knighted Forever 59 2306
2 Pool party 55 2295
3 Yibambe 52 2248
4 Ings&Outs 56 2239
5 FC Wakanda 53 2179
6 Olympique Mayonnaise 44 2147
7 Cobbs Pond 70 2100
8 Bermuda Villans III 29 2001
9 Mollie's Swansong 61 1992
10 ShotBoss 47 1940
11 Everton Royals 53 1908
12 Barsenal 33 1781
13 Buckup x1 42 1762
14 Crazy Bachacs 32 1634
15 Acid 19 1589
In reply to Real-cricket
You sure he ent got his bench boost to chuck in?

In reply to NineMiles
I won't be surprised but I believe he used it
I have used all my chips. TC worked out well. Don't think I can catch our new champ who currently has a 22 point lead but we'll see. Squeaky bum time indeed
In reply to Trinity
When it comes to FPL it's nuff respect to you. I'll only sleep well after the season is over
In reply to Real-cricket
Gameweek 37
1 You Knighted Forever 50 2356
2 Pool party 51 2346
3 Yibambe 60 2308
4 Ings&Outs 47 2286
5 FC Wakanda 56 2235
6 Olympique Mayonnaise 50 2197
7 Cobbs Pond 45 2137
8 Bermuda Villans III 58 2059
9 Mollie's Swansong 42 2034
10 ShotBoss 50 1990
11 Everton Royals 53 1961
12 Barsenal 49 1830
13 Buckup x1 43 1805
14 Crazy Bachacs 54 1688
15 Acid 48 1637
Real-cricket leads Trinity by 10 points going into the final games on Sunday. Good Luck to both!

What a final day! LFC grabs third
This is the closest finish I can remember. Might come down to bonus points.
In reply to Trinity
Think you've nicked it by 3 points... but lets wait for the official count!
In reply to NineMiles
Smh @ Trinity
He just can't let go of the title
Trinity by one point. Congrats bro
You ain't easy
In reply to Real-cricket
Your total would have have beat me any of the previous years. Still waiting on the final tally.
In reply to Trinity
Manchester United, my team let me down today plus the injury to perira (west Brom)
Well played bro
Trinity the Goat.
Any way I am not title less. THE winner of the cup
In reply to Real-cricket
Hard luck bro. This feels like a lucky win for me. 1 point! I thought you had it. Man U let you down. If Bruno played, you would win.
Final Results: 2020/21 Season
1 Pool party 60 2406
2 You Knighted Forever 49 2405
3 Yibambe 54 2362
4 Ings&Outs 70 2356
5 FC Wakanda 59 2290
6 Olympique Mayonnaise 40 2237
7 Cobbs Pond 53 2178
8 Mollie's Swansong 89 2123
9 Bermuda Villans III 53 2112
10 ShotBoss 56 2046
11 Everton Royals 66 2027
12 Barsenal 58 1888
13 Crazy Bachacs 65 1753
14 Acid 36 1673
Trinity pips Real-cricket by a single point and wins the competition for the 5th year running.
Congratulations to Trinity....hard luck Real-cricket.
Head-to-Head League:[/b]
1 You Knighted Forever 25 0 13 2405 75
2 FC Wakanda 23 0 15 2290 69
3 Mollie's Swansong 19 1 18 2123 58
4 ShotBoss 8 1 29 2046 25
In reply to NineMiles
Thanks bro. It was fun. Looking forward to the next season
Congrats to the winner and the top 3.
At least I got the last champions league spot!
In reply to JR_Cool
In reply to camos
you guys running another season with this?
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In reply to Halliwell
I am willing, but the league owner needs to renew the league for 2021/22. I am not seeing it on my fpl league list.
In reply to JR_Cool
Thanks bro- I have a side waiting so we will see if it flies or not
We will have a league this year. If it is not renewed I'll create one Thursday and post here. Get your teams ready. My full Reggae Boyz squad (Bailey, Antonio etc) ready for Friday.
In reply to Trinity
I see it renewed now.
In reply to JR_Cool
Whats the details to join please?
Let me know the league code if you can
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In reply to Halliwell
I cant see it. The administrator will have to drop it here. That would be Ninemiles.
Halliwell make sure to set your team even if you don't get the code in time. You can probably join the league after the first game week. I have some recollection of joining late in the past.
I've re-registered here as well
GW 1 Results
Rank Team and Manager GW1 Total
1 Kicks it to Plugger 100 100
2 Toney or not Toney 99 99
3 Barsenal 94 94
4 Que Salah Salah 91 91
5 There's noLimit Nuno 87 87
6 Bermuda Villans VI 82 82
7 Real_United 79 79
8 Acid(^_^) 78 78
9 Crazy Bachacs 72 72
10 From the Ashes 71 71
10 Olecastle 71 71
12 Ajax Treesdown 69 69
13 Everton Royals 68 68
In reply to JR_Cool
last time i did that i was asked to remove the personal names.
Looks like the results update much quicker this year. That's a welcome development.
In reply to Ayenmol
GW 2 results
1 Kicks it to Plugger 74 174
2 Toney or not Toney 72 171
3 Barsenal 67 161
4 Bermuda Villans VI 76 158
5 Que Salah Salah 63 154
6 There's noLimit Nuno 56 143
7 Real_United 61 140
8 Everton Royals 58 126
9 From the Ashes 53 124
10 Ajax Treesdown 54 123
11 Olecastle 49 120
12 Acid(^_^) 30 108
13 Crazy Bachacs 31 103
GW3 Results
1 Toney or not Toney 61 232
2 Kicks it to Plugger 49 223
3 Bermuda Villans VI 58 216
4 Que Salah Salah 61 215
5 There's noLimit Nuno 64 207
6 Barsenal 41 198
7 Real_United 56 196
8 Ajax Treesdown 56 179
9 From the Ashes 53 177
10 Everton Royals 46 172
11 Olecastle 56 172
12 Crazy Bachacs 60 163
13 Acid(^_^) 48 156
New leader at the top
Game week winner with 64 points is 'There's no limit nuno'
Search party out looking for Ninemiles
Where is Ninsey?
GW4 Results
Rank Team & Manager GW TOT
1 Toney or not Toney 78 310
2 Kicks it to Plugger 65 276
3 Barsenal 79* 273
4 Que Salah Salah 57 272
5 There's noLimit Nuno 56 263
6 Real_United 63 259
7 Bermuda Villans VI 36 252
8 Olecastle 73 241
9 Ajax Treesdown 49 228
10 Everton Royals 46 218
11 Crazy Bachacs 51 214
12 From the Ashes 28 205
13 Acid(^_^) 47 203
* incurred 4 TPs
GW 5 Results
1 Toney or not Toney 62 372
2 Barsenal 66 339
3 Bermuda Villans VI 83 335
4 Que Salah Salah 58 330
5 Kicks it to Plugger 52 328
6 There's noLimit Nuno 59 318
7 Real_United 43 302
8 From the Ashes 74 279
9 Yibambe 35 276
10 Ajax Treesdown 47 271
11 Everton Royals 47 265
12 Acid(^_^) 60 263
13 Crazy Bachacs 35 249
Bermuda Villans top scores and makes a move from 7th to 3rd in the standings
Really Appreciated Thank you for the information Link Text
GW6 Results
1Toney or not Toney 37 409
2Bermuda Villans VI 63 398
3Barsenal 39 378
4Kicks it to Plugger 49 377
5Que Salah Salah 45 375
6Nuno OUT !!!! 44 362
7Real_United 48 350
8Acid(^_^) 72 335
9Ajax Treesdown 53 324
10From the Ashes 45 320
11Everton Royals 43 308
12Yibambe 24 300
13Crazy Bachacs 45 294
Acid means business this season and top scores with 72. Bermuda Villans continues his climb up the standings.
In reply to JR_Cool
Gameweek 7 Results
1 Toney or not Toney 36 445
2 Bermuda Villans VI 32 430
3 Que Salah Salah 58 429
4 Barsenal 36 414
5 Kicks it to Plugger 36 409
6 Nuno OUT !!!! 39 401
7 Acid(^_^) 50 385
8 Real_United 33 383
9 Ajax Treesdown 50 374
10 Everton Royals 42 350
11From the Ashes 38 350
12 Bachacs FC 42 336
13 Yibambe 26 326
Que Salah Salah tops this gameweek while most just thread water
Gameweek 8 results
1Toney or not Toney 60 505
2Que Salah Salah 59 488
3Bermuda Villans VI 56 486
4Kicks it to Plugger 53 462
5Barsenal 43 457
6Nuno OUT !!!! 45 442
7Acid(^_^) 56 441
8Real_United 49 432
9Ajax Treesdown 55 429
10Bachacs FC 76 412
11Everton Royals 61 411
12From the Ashes 52 402
13Yibambe 37 359
Bachacs plays a successful TC and top scores this gameweek.
Gameweek 9 Results
1Toney or not Toney 92 597
2Que Salah Salah 81 569
3Bermuda Villans VI 74 560
4Kicks it to Plugger 87 545
5Acid(^_^) 87 528
6Barsenal 70 527
7Nuno OUT !!!! 77 515
8Bachacs FC 85 497
9Real_United 52 484
10From the Ashes 79 481
11Everton Royals 47 458
12Ajax Treesdown 21 450
13Yibambe 69 428
High scoring week. Toney or not Toney takes this week's top score crown
Gameweek 10 results
1Toney or not Toney 39 636
2Que Salah Salah 51 620
3Bermuda Villans VI 26 586
4Kicks it to Plugger 39 584
5Barsenal 40 567
6Acid(^_^) 36 564
7Nuno GONE 48 563
8Real_United 63 547
9Bachacs FC 24 521
10From the Ashes31 512
11Ajax Treesdown 55 493
12Everton Royals19 477
13Yibambe45 473
Real United is this week's top scorer
Gameweek 11 results
1Toney or not Toney69 705
2Que Salah Salah48 668
3Kicks it to Plugger60 632
4Barsenal 56 623
5Bermuda Villans VI 34 620
6Real_United 67 614
7Nuno GONE 49 612
8Acid(^_^) 20 584
9From the Ashes 62 570
10Bachacs FC 31 552
11Ajax Treesdown59 552
12Yibambe 43 516
13Everton Royals29 506
Toney or no Toney is the GW11 winner and continues to lead going into the IB
Gameweek 12 results
1Toney or not Toney 74 779
2Que Salah Salah 57 725
3Kicks it to Plugger 63 691
4Bermuda Villans VI 58 678
5Barsena 51 674
6Real_United 56 670
7Let's Conte... 46 658
8From the Ashes 70 640
9Acid(^_^) 37 621
10Bachacs FC 57 609
11Ajax Treesdown 57 609
12Everton Royal 57 563
13Yibambe 45 561
Toney or no Toney is the GW12 winner. From the Ashes continues his climb from the ashes
Excited for the upcoming Premier League this August 2021! Cant wait to support and bet on my favourite British football player of all time Harry Kane! The problem, however, is that I dont know what online sportsbook to use this time? I am looking for a platform that also includes live casinos, slot games, and perhaps even keno.
Gameweek 13 results
1 Toney or not Toney 61 840
2 Que Salah Salah 60 785
3 Barsenal 53 727
4 Bermuda Villans VI 38 716
5 Kicks it to Plugger 31 702
6 Real_United 27 697
7Let's Conte... 35 693
8From the Ashes 39 679
9Acid(^_^) 53 674
10Bachacs FC 51 660
11Ajax Treesdown 45 654
12 Yibambe 42 603
13 Everton Royals 31 594
Toney or no toney wins the game week for the 3rd week in a row. (and this is without Toney!) Pay attention, GW14 starts in 2 days.
Gameweek 14 results
1Toney or not Toney 64 904
2Que Salah Salah 57 842
3Barsenal 64 791
4Bermuda Villans VI
David Gibbons 69 785
5Kicks it to Plugger 71 773
6Let's Conte... 79 772
7Real_United 69 762
8From the Ashes 62 737
9Acid(^_^)62 736
10Bachacs FC 64 724
11Ajax Treesdown 65 719
12Yibambe 79 682
13Everton Royals 30 624
A tie this week for the top scorer's prize. Both Let's Conte... and Yibambe with 79 points each
Gameweek 15 Results
1Toney or not Toney 58 962
2Que Salah Salah 53 895
3Bermuda Villans VI 58 843
4Barsenal38 825
5Let's Conte... 42 814
6Kicks it to Plugger47 808
7Real_United 41 803
8Acid(^_^) 44 780
9Bachacs FC 44 768
10Ajax Treesdown 51 766
11From the Ashes 27 764
12Yibambe 53 735
13Everton Royals 43 667
Another tie for high score: 'Toney or nor Toney' and 'Bermuda Villans' with 58 points each
In reply to JR_Cool
Anyone still alive in the Cup? I lost my match by 7 (was a pretty low scoring week for my squad)
In reply to Tryangle
Still alive but expect to lose in the next couple weeks. Don't have time to keep up in FPL this year.
They should change the format to randomized leagues and cull the lowest scoring or bottom half each week instead of the head to head format.
Gameweek 16 Results
1Toney or not Toney73 1035
2Que Salah Salah 77 968
3Barsenal 78 903
4Let's Conte...74 888
5Bermuda Villans VI 44 887
6Real_United 81 884
7Kicks it to Plugger 70 874
8From the Ashes 68 832
9Acid(^_^) 50 830
10Bachacs FC 53 821
11Ajax Treesdown 47 813
12Yibambe 54 789
13Everton Royals 42 709
Top team this week is Real_United
Gameweek 17 Results
1Toney or not Toney72 1107
2Que Salah Salah 85 1053
3Let's Conte...82 966
4Barsenal 54 957
5Real_United57 941
6Bermuda Villans VI 42 929
7Kicks it to Plugger58 928
8Acid(^_^) 49 879
9From the Ashes 38 870
10Bachacs FC 42 863
11Ajax Treesdown 36 849
12Yibambe 41 830
13Everton Royals 52 761
Team of the week is Que Salah Salah
In reply to Tryangle
Only 5 teams still in the cup after Week 17
Que Salah Salah
Let's Conte...
Kicks it to the Plugger
In reply to JR_Cool
Thanks for the update. I didn't even realise I was still in the cup lol
I brought in Watkins this week
Gameweek 18 Results
1Toney or not Toney 51 1158
2Que Salah Salah 58 1111
3Let's Conte...57 1023
4Real_United65 1006
5Barsenal45 1002
6Kicks it to Plugger60 984
7Bermuda Villans VI23 952
8From the Ashes 61 931
9Acid(^_^)22 901
10Ajax Treesdown52 901
11Bachacs FC34 897
12Yibambe18 848
13Everton Royals25 786
Real_United top scores in GW18! Well done in a blank gameweek with only 4 games played.
In reply to Real-cricket
So did I
In reply to Real-cricket
Only 3 teams left in the cup after Week 18
Que Salah Salah
Let's Conte...
There seem to be a few other auto-set cups like fave team and country, so something to keep everyone else interested.
Gameweek 19 results
1 Toney or not Toney 41 1199
2 Que Salah Salah 37 1148
3 Let's Conte... 35 1058
4Real_United 45 1047
5Barsenal 29 1031
6Kicks it to Plugger 50 1026
7Bermuda Villans VI 35 987
8From the Ashes 33 964
9Ajax Treesdown 60 961
10Acid(^_^) 59 960
11Bachacs FC 31 928
12Yibambe 23 871
13Everton Royals 18 804
The top scorer is Ajax Trees down who hit the FH button this week.
Let's Conte and Real United remain in the overall Cup.
In reply to JR_Cool
Let's go Conte!
Gameweek 20 results
1Toney or not Toney63 1262
2Que Salah Salah 26 1174
3Let's Conte... 60 1118
4Real_United 64 1111
5Barsenal 46 1077
6Kicks it to Plugger 40 1066
7Bermuda Villans VI 17 1004
8Ajax Treesdown39 1000
9From the Ashes26 990
10Acid(^_^) 26 986
11Bachacs FC 30 954
12Yibambe 35 906
13Everton Royals 26 830
Real United is our top scorer with 64 points (Siiiuuuu!) He stays in the cup along with Let's Conte.
In reply to JR_Cool
In reply to Real-cricket
WHO leads for most top scored?
In reply to Real-cricket
Mid-season awards.....
game week winners tally
Toney or not Toney 6
Real-United 4
Bermuda Villans 3
Que Salah Salah 2
Let's Conte 2
Kicks it to the plugger 1
Acid 1
Bachacs 1
Yibambe 1
Ajax 1
Best manager by month
August - Toney or no Toney
September - Barsenal
October - Que Salah Salah
November - Toney or no Toney
December - Toney or no Toney
In reply to JR_Cool
Great job JR
Gameweek 21 results
1Toney or not Toney 88 1346
2Que Salah Salah 47 1221
3Let's Conte... 86 1200
4Real_United 42 1153
5Kicks it to Plugger 71 1137
6Barsenal 35 1112
7Ajax Treesdown 47 1047
8Bermuda Villans VI 41 1045
9From the Ashes 52 1042
10Acid(^_^) 50 1036
11Bachacs FC 30 984
12Yibambe 16 922
13Everton Royals 36 866
Toney or not Toney top scores in this very long gameweek.
In reply to JR_Cool
L:et me guess, you are toney......?
Had i kept my team as is and not utilised the free hit, i would have had 73 points already....instead i've got just 44.
Gameweek 22 Results
1Toney or not Toney 61 1403
2Que Salah Salah 61 1282
3Let's Conte... 47 1247
4Kicks it to Plugger95 1220
5Real_United49 1202
6Barsenal 44 1156
7Ajax Treesdown 69 1116
8From the Ashes 57 1099
9Acid(^_^) 46 1082
10Bermuda Villans VI27 1072
11Bachacs FC 52 1036
12Yibambe25 947
13Everton Royals37 903
Kicks it to the plugger wins the week by a long shot! Bruno is back??
In reply to Ayenmol
Yes, but really NOT Toney!
In reply to JR_Cool
So you are Toney when he is doing great leading and eviscerating the competition in multiple categories.....but you are NOT Toney when he is floundering and unable to scratch the surface......right?
In reply to Ayenmol
I just mean the player Toney is not in my team and got discarded in the early gameweeks ( so NOT Toney is the answer - Shakespeare reference)
In reply to JR_Cool
ok then....
Gameweek 23 (longest week ever?)
1 Toney or not Toney 31 1434
2Que Salah Salah Jamaica Days 34 1316
3Let's Conte... 30 1273
4 2 outta 3 aint bad 42 1254
5Real_United 32 1230
6Barsenal H Straughn 44 1196
7Ajax Treesdown 42 1158
8From the Ashes 23 1122
9Acid(^_^) 36 1118
10Bermuda Villans VI 44 1116
11Bachacs FC 45 1081
12Yibambe35 982
13Everton Royals 36 939
Bachacs FC top scores in a low scoring week (blame Dennis
Gameweek 24
1 Toney or not Toney 69 1503
2 Que Salah Salah 64 1376
3 Let's Conte... 60 1333
4 2 outta 3 aint bad 77 1327
5 Real_United 52 1282
6 Barsenal 60 1256
7 Ajax Treesdown 56 1214
8 From the Ashes 72 1194
9 Acid(^_^) 63 1181
10 Bermuda Villans VI 37 1153
11 Bachacs F C40 1121
12 Yibambe 12 994
13 Everton Royals 17 956
Not bad for 2 outta 3 ain't bad with 77 points!
Gameweek 25
1 Toney or not Toney 75 1578
2 Que Salah Salah64 1440
3Let's Conte...67 1396
4 2 outta 3 aint bad 63 1386
5Real_United 62 1344
6Barsenal 21 1277
7Ajax Treesdown 41 1251
8From the Ashes 47 1241
9Acid(^_^) 39 1220
10Bermuda Villans VI 27 1180
11Bachacs FC 28 1149
12Yibambe 43 1037
13Everton Royals 40 996
Toney or not Toney top scores in GW25 with 75 points thanks to Bruno's late goal!
Gameweek 26
1Toney or not Toney 137 1707
2Let's Conte... 126 1518
3Que Salah Salah 74 1510
4 2 outta 3 aint bad 130 1504
5Real_United 72 1416
6Barsenal 102 1379
7Ajax Treesdown121 1372
8From the Ashes 119 1360
9Acid (^_^) 61 1281
10Bermuda Villans VI 87 1267
11Bachacs FC 109 1258
12 Yibambe 58 1095
13 Everton Royals 81 1077
Toney or not Toney top scores with a Triple captain Salah haul.
Gameweek 27
1Toney or not Toney 65 1772
2Que Salah Salah 45 1555
3Let's Conte... 35 1549
4 2 outta 3 aint bad 45 1545
5Real_United 35 1451
6Ajax Treesdown 53 1425
7Barsenal 37 1416
8From the Ashes 41 1401
9Bermuda Villans VI 58 1325
10Bachacs FC 59 1317
11Acid(^_^) 34 1315
12Everton Royals 54 1131
13Yibambe 30 1125
In reply to JR_Cool
Yuh killing the competition this season with a 200+ lead.
trinity/Jamaica has a difficult task catching up with you and will for the first time in 4-5 seasons lose his crown!
In reply to NineMiles
Ninesy, good to see you (even though I had to peep round de corner to see you). Been a while.
In reply to NineMiles
I am usually in 4 - 7th place in this league trying to catch up. This year I got a great start.
Gameweek 28 Results
1Toney or not Toney 95 1863
2Let's Conte... 115 1664
3Que Salah Salah 56 1611
4 2 outta 3 aint bad 65 1582
5Real_United 83 1534
6From the Ashes 111 1508
7Ajax Treesdown79 1504
8Barsenal 59 1475
9Bermuda Villans VI104 1429
10Bachacs FC 62 1379
11Acid(^_^) 42 1357
12Everton Royals80 1211
13 Yibambe 45 1170
Three centurions this week and 'Let's Conte' takes the weekly high score prize with 115 points!
Gameweek 29 Results
1Toney or not Toney 96 1959
2Let's Conte... 105 1769
3Que Salah Salah 79 1690
4 2 outta 3 aint bad 81 1663
5Real_United 91 1625
6 Ajax Treesdown 105 1609
7 From the Ashes 71 1579
8Barsenal 70 1545
9Bermuda Villans VI 44 1473
10Bachacs FC 72 1451
11Acid(^_^) 68 1425
12Everton Royals69 1280
13 Yibambe 66 1236
A tie for first this week.'Let's Conte' and 'Ajax Treesdown' with 105 points each!
Gameweek 30 Results
1Toney or not Toney 40 1999
2Let's Conte... 52 1821
3Que Salah Salah 71 1761
4 2 outta 3 aint bad 47 1710
5Real_United 69 1694
6 Ajax Treesdown 32 1641
7 From the Ashes 25 1604
8Barsenal 18 1563
9Bermuda Villans VI 34 1507
10Bachacs FC 51 1502
11Acid(^_^) 34 1459
12Everton Royals 37 1317
13 Yibambe 8 1244
Que Salah Salah tops with 71 points in a blank gameweek that got blanker for some.
Just finished playing Teen Patti live when I stumbled on this post. I don't have an idea what this is but I joined. I read from other comments that it's easy to learn so I gave it a shot. Really looking forward to the winning teams. Do you guys have any tips? Anyway, good luck to everyone!
In reply to NineMiles
Congrats to JR Cool. No way I am catching you. Looks like I am having my worst season ever, it's been a rough year at work. Hope you finish in the top 100k. I still have two chips to play so perhaps I can take the silver medal.
Some catching up to do.
Gameweek 31 Results
1Toney or not Toney 46 2045
2Let's Conte... 53 1874
3Que Salah Salah 79 1840
4 2 outta 3 aint bad 34 1744
5Real_United 39 1733
6Ajax Treesdown 38 1679
7From the Ashes 40 1644
8Barsenal 48 1611
9Bermuda Villans VI 45 1552
10Bachacs FC 44 1546
11Acid(^_^) 52 1511
12Everton Royals 34 1351
13Yibambe 20 1264
Que Salah Salah tops with 79 points. Second week in a row.
In reply to Trinity
Thanks. A few weeks to go still. Lost my way in recent weeks with some personal distractions.
Which team is yours btw?
Gameweek 32 results
1 Toney or not Toney 48 2093
2Let's Conte... 60 1934
3Que Salah Salah 51 1891
4 2 outta 3 aint bad 70 1814
5Real_United 55 1788
6Ajax Treesdown 45 1724
7From the Ashes 59 1703
8Barsenal 47 1658
9Bermuda Villans VI 54 1606
10Bachacs FC 58 1604
11Acid(^_^) 37 1548
12Everton Royals 48 1399
13Yibambe 19 1283
2 outta 3 takes the GW32 high score prize.
Gameweek 33 results
1Toney or not Toney 55 2148
2Let's Conte... 49 1983
3Que Salah Salah 76 1967
4Real_United 90 1878
5 2 outta 3 aint bad 58 1872
6Ajax Treesdown 62 1786
7From the Ashes 72 1775
8Barsenal 77 1735
9Bermuda Villans VI 62 1668
10Bachacs FC 55 1659
11Acid(^_^) 79 1627
12Everton Royals 47 1446
13Yibambe 75 1358
Real United takes top spot this week. A successful Wild card play.
Gameweek 34 Results
1Toney or not Toney 73 2221
2Let's Conte...48 2031
3Que Salah Salah 54 2021
4Real_United 88 1966
52 outta 3 aint bad 51 1923
6Ajax Treesdown51 1837
7From the Ashes 56 1831
8Barsenal 52 1787
9Bermuda Villans VI 53 1721
10Bachacs FC 61 1720
11Acid(^_^) 78 1705
12Everton Royals 45 1491
13Yibambe 65 1423
Real United on a roll with a TC play on Ronaldo.
In reply to JR_Cool
Its been a distracting year. My team is Que Salah Salah and he let me down for my TC with about 9 pts. Anyway as LFC fan I cant complain this year lol.
Gameweek 35 Results
1Toney or not Toney 70 2291
2Let's Conte... 68 2099
3Que Salah Salah 70 2091
4Real_United 42 2008
52 outta 3 aint bad 16 1939
6From the Ashes 57 1888
7Ajax Treesdown 37 1874
8Barsenal 34 1821
9Bachacs FC 74 1794
10Bermuda Villans VI 46 1767
11Acid(^_^) 28 1733
12Everton Royals 54 1545
13Yibambe 42 1465
Well done to Bachacs FC for a top score this week.
Gameweek 36 Results
1Toney or not Toney 109 2400
2Let's Conte... 134 2233
3Que Salah Salah 96 2187
4Real_United 89 2097
52 outta 3 aint bad 123 2062
6From the Ashes 125 2013
7Barsenal 147 1968
8Ajax Treesdown 82 1956
9Bachacs FC 99 1893
10Bermuda Villans VI 73 1840
11Acid(^_^) 47 1780
12Everton Royals 87 1632
13Yibambe 52 1517
Barsenal with a mega haul wins GW 36. Triple captaining De Bruyne (90 points) in a big shake up week in FPL.
Gameweek 37 Results
1Toney or not Toney81 2481
2Que Salah Salah 105 2292
3Let's Conte... 57 2290
4Real_United 78 2175
52 outta 3 aint bad 45 2107
6From the Ashes 23 2036
7Ajax Treesdown 40 1996
8Barsenal 27 1995
9Bachacs FC 42 1935
10Bermuda Villans VI 44 1884
11Acid(^_^) 36 1816
12Everton Royals 66 1698
13Yibambe 46 1563
Que Salah Salah wins the penultimate gameweek! A well played free hit.
Gameweek 38 and Final standing.
1 Toney or not Toney 68 2545
2 Que Salah Salah 77 2369
3 Let's Conte... 72 2362
4 Real_United 55 2230
5 2 outta 3 aint bad 87 2194
6 From the Ashes 57 2093
7 Barsenal 68 2063
8 Ajax Treesdown 59 2055
9 Bachacs FC 57 1992
10 Bermuda Villans VI 79 1959
11 Acid(^_^) 43 1859
12 Everton Royals 38 1736
13 Yibambe 53 1616
2 outta 3 aint bad wins the final week with 87 pts.
We officially have a new champ! Toney or not Toney with a Usainian beat down on the minileague. Well played!
In reply to Trinity
Congratulations JR_Cool. You completely annihilated the competition. Well played!
It typical style, Trinity came sprinting to the finish line to pip me for that 2nd place.
Good ting JR had a 200 points lead else he would have been in trouble too!
FPL 2022/23 season is open...time to select your teams.
For new entrants, the League code is: 24iyqt
Kick-off tomorrow 5 Aug and deadline to get your teams ready is 18.30BST
In reply to NineMiles
Back again like a moth to the flame
Thanks for posting the code! I am sure there are some new fpl players out there in the space.
In reply to JR_Cool
You taking control of posting the weekly updates?
2022/23 Season
Gameweek 1
1Hardly Athletic 77
2Excelsior F.C. 76 (TC)
3Barsenal City 72
4Locked & Loaded 67
5Dr. Mo 63
6Right Foot Creep 62
7Spideybuff 56
8Ten Hag's Enough 55
9Acid (^_^) 51
9Not Again! 51
11We are Tottenham 50
New season. Congrats to GW 1 leader Hardly Atletic.
In reply to JR_Cool
Effing shit, how did I end at the bottom of the pile. Soon rectify this shite!
Gameweek 2
1Locked & Loaded73 140
2Hardly Athletic 62
3Barsenal City65 137
4Excelsior F.C. 59 135 (WC)
5Acid (^_^)65 116 3.8M
6Spideybuff 63 115
7We are Tottenham 62 112
8Dr. Mo48 111
9Not Again! 58 109
10Right Foot Creep 40 90
11Ten Hag's Enough 24 79
Locked and Loaded scores highest this week and takes the top spot in the league. We are Tottenham has moved off the bottom rung
In reply to JR_Cool
We are Tottenham is moving up and up so watch yuh Arse....oh sorry I mean MaNure!
Seriously tho, you guys are in some deep deep doodoo!
Ten Hag shaking his head thinking what the fack am I doing at this club!
Gameweek 3
1Hardly Athletic 56 195
2Barsenal City 51 188
3Locked & Loaded42 182
4We are Tottenham 67 179
5Not Again! 68 177
6Spideybuff 62 177
7Excelsior F.C.30 165
8Dr. Mo 42 153
9Right Foot Creep47 137 (WC)
10Ten Hag's Enough 53 132 (WC)
Late updates for GW3: Not Again! strikes the highest points this week. A couple of players hit the wild card button this GW. Hardly Atletic moves into 1st place
Gameweek 4
1Hardly Athletic65 260
2Barsenal City64 252
3We are Tottenham72 251
4Not Again! 72 249 (WC)
5Locked & Loaded59 241
6Excelsior F.C.64 229
7Spideybuff 50 227
8Right Foot Creep73 210
9Dr. Mo 54 207
10Ten Hag's Enough53 185
Right foot creep tops gameweek 4 with 73 points. Hardly Atletic maintains 1st place. Another wildcard hit this week.
Gameweek 5
1Hardly Athletic 71 331
2Locked & Loaded 81 322
3Not Again! 70 319
4Barsenal City 64 316
5We are Tottenham 61 312
6Spideybuff 83 310
7Right Foot Creep 87 297
8Dr. Mo 79 286
8Excelsior F.C. 57 286
10Ten Hag's Enough 71 256
Right foot creep again top scores and continues to 'creep up the table'. Hardly Atletic stays top and wins manager of the month for August!
Gameweek 6
1 We are Tottenham 59 371
2 Spideybuff 59 369
3 Locked & Loaded 42 364
4 Hardly Athletic 31 362 (WC1)
5 Not Again! 42 361
6 Barsenal City 43 359
7 Dr. Mo 62 348
8 Excelsior F.C.52 338 (FH1)
9 Right Foot Creep 41 338
10 Ten Hag's Enough 41 297
Dr. Mo steps up with a top score this week (62). A couple of chips played. Save some for later Excelsior!
Meanwhile 'We are Tottenham' has taken first place . Places 1-7 are still tight in terms of points. Interesting weeks to follow.
In reply to JR_Cool
Right on...just where he belongs!

Gameweek 7 Blank gameweek - no games due to Queen's death but Right foot creep took a hit to be the only score change this week
1We are Tottenham 0 371
2Spideybuff0 369
3Locked & Loaded 0 364
4Hardly Athletic 0 362
5Not Again!0 361
6Barsenal City0 359
7Dr. Mo 0 348
8Excelsior F.C.0 338
9Right Foot Creep-4 334
10Ten Hag's Enough0 297
Gameweek 8 - (Blank GW with 7 games)
1Spideybuff 64 433 (FH)
2We are Tottenham 52 423
3Not Again!58 419
4Hardly Athletic54 416
5Locked & Loaded50 414
6Barsenal City47 406
7Dr. Mo 42 390
8Excelsior F.C.47 385
9Right Foot Creep 45 379
10Ten Hag's Enough44 341
Spideybuff free hits his way to the highest score this week and also the top spot going into the IB.
Spideybuff also wins Manager of the month for September!
Gameweek 9
1We are Tottenham 77 500
2Locked & Loaded 85 499 (WC)
3Hardly Athletic7 7 493
4Not Again! 73 492
5Spideybuff 53 486
6 Barsenal City 77 483
7Dr. Mo 73 463
8 Right Foot Creep 76 455
9 Excelsior F.C.62 447
10Ten Hag's Enough 49 390
Locked and loaded top scores with 85 points with wildcard used. We are Tottenham regains top spot.
Gameweek 10
1We are Tottenham 75 575
2Locked & Loaded 71 570
3Not Again! 76 568
4Barsenal City 74 557
5Hardly Athletic 61 554
6Spideybuff 48 534
7Dr. Mo 70 533
8Right Foot Creep 49 504
9Excelsior F.C. 46 493
10Ten Hag's Enough 63 453
Not Again wins the week with 76 points. We are Tottenham remains on top.
Gameweek 11
1Locked & Loaded 55 625
1We are Tottenham 50 625
3Not Again! 53 621
4Barsenal City 47 604
5Hardly Athletic 45 599
6Dr. Mo 63 596 (WC)
7Spideybuff 26 560
8Right Foot Creep 54 558
9Excelsior F.C. 59 552
10Ten Hag's Enough 48 501
Interesting week. Dr. Mo played a Wild card and top-scored this week. Tie at the top. It's getting intense
Not too many points between 1st and 6th.
Gameweek 12
1We are Tottenham 56 681
2Locked & Loaded 48 673
3Not Again! 48 669 (FH)
4Barsenal City 0 54 658
5Dr. Mo 54 650
6Hardly Athletic 32 631
7Right Foot Creep 46 604 (FH)
8Excelsior F.C. 45 597
9Spideybuff 8 568
10Ten Hag's Enough 32 533
Congrats to We are Tottemham who high scores this week and extends his lead.A couple Free hits used in this gameweek.
Gameweek 13
1We are Tottenham 48 729
2Not Again! 54 723
3Locked & Loaded 46 719
4Barsenal City 56 714
5Dr. Mo 52 702
6Hardly Athletic 51 682
7Right Foot Creep 67 671
8Excelsior F.C. 53 650
9Spideybuff 58 626 (WC)
10Ten Hag's Enough 52 585
Right Foot Creep top scores with 67. We are Tottemham maintains top spot. One Wild card used this week.
Gameweek 14
1Barsenal City 81 795
2We are Tottenham 59 788
3Dr. Mo 78 780
4Locked & Loaded 59 778
5Not Again! 46 769
6Hardly Athletic 81 763
7Right Foot Creep 62 733
8Spideybuff 71 697
9Excelsior F.C.40 690
10Ten Hag's Enough 67 652
Tie for top scores this week. Both Barsenal City and Hardly Athletic scored 81 points this week. This helps Barsenal City to take the top spot overall.
The manager of the month of October is Dr. Mo.
Gameweek 15
1Barsenal City 61 856
2We are Tottenham 53 841
3Dr. Mo 57 837
3Locked & Loaded 59 837
5Not Again! 64 833
6Hardly Athletic 58 821
7Right Foot Creep 48 781
8Spideybuff 51 748
9Excelsior F.C. 42 732
10Ten Hag's Enough 65 717
Congrats to Ten Hag's Enough for top scoring in GW15. Barsenal City holds a 15-point lead at the top of the table. Only a 35-point spread among the top 6. One gameweek to go before the world cup break.
Gameweek 16
1Barsenal City 37 893
2Not Again! 53 886
3We are Tottenham 42 883
4Dr. Mo 35 872
5Locked & Loaded 29 866
6Hardly Athletic37 858
7Right Foot Creep 49 830
8Spideybuff 51 799
9Excelsior F.C. 55 787
10Ten Hag's Enough 40 757
Excelsior FC top scores. Barsenal City stays on top going into the world cup break
In reply to JR_Cool
Gameweek 17
1Not Again! 88 974
2Barsenal City 80 973
3Dr. Mo 101 973
4Locked & Loaded 102 968
5We are Tottenham 83 966
6Hardly Athletic 80 938
7Right Foot Creep 83 913
8Spideybuff 94 893
9Excelsior F.C. 69 856
10Ten Hag's Enough 76 833
After an extensive break and unlimited transfers, we are back. Locked and loaded top scores with 102. Not Again! takes the lead by one point. It's very competitive at the top this season.
Gameweek 18
1Not Again! 73 1047
2Dr. Mo 65 1038
3Barsenal City 64 1037
4Locked & Loaded 63 1031
5We are Tottenham 61 1027 (WC)
6Hardly Athletic 60 998
7Right Foot Creep 51 964
8Spideybuff 55 948
9Excelsior F.C. 66 922
10Ten Hag's Enough 50 883
Happy New Year! It's Not Again! taking the top score for GW 18 and solidifying the top spot.
The manager of the month awards.....
November - Not Again!
December -Dr. Mo.
Gameweek 19
1Not Again! 59 1106
2We are Tottenham 72 1099
3Locked & Loaded 68 1099
4Barsenal City 49 1086
5Dr. Mo 37 1075
6Hardly Athletic 56 1054
7Right Foot Creep 59 1023(WC)
8Spideybuff 73 1021
9Excelsior F.C. 48 970
10Ten Hag's Enough264 947 (WC)
In this double-game week, Spideybuff takes the top score prize with 73 (Captained Kane ). 'Not again!' retains the top spot in the table, while a couple of wildcards were played this week as well.
Gameweek 20
1Not Again! 69 1175
2We are Tottenham 64 1163
3Locked & Loaded 64 1163
4Hardly Athletic 93 1147
5Barsenal City 55 1141
6Dr. Mo 62 1137
7Spideybuff 69 1090
8Right Foot Creep 52 1075
9Excelsior F.C. 67 1037
10Ten Hag's Enough 68 1015
Hardly Athletic 'Marches' to the highest score this week, while Not Again! retains the top spot.
Gameweek 21
1Not Again! 87 1262
2Locked & Loaded 76 1239
3We are Tottenham 71 1234
4Dr. Mo 83 1220
5Hardly Athletic 68 1215
6Barsenal City 63 1204
7Spideybuff 81 1171
8Right Foot Creep 65 1140
9Excelsior F.C. 56 1093
10Ten Hag's Enough 64 1079
Not Again! rules the roost. A high score of the week solidifies the top spot.
Tha Manager of the month for January is....
In reply to JR_Cool
Thank you for the updates.
Gameweek 22
1Not Again! 101 1363(BB)
2Locked & Loaded 79 1318
3We are Tottenham 74 1308
4Hardly Athletic 71 1286
5Dr. Mo 65 1285
6Barsenal City 77 1281 (WC)
7Spideybuff 83 1254
8Right Foot Creep78 1218 (TC)
9Ten Hag's Enough 67 1146
10Excelsior F.C.18 1111
Yeah he did it again 'Not Again!' tops the week with 101 points via a bench boost.
NFL ...
32 teams playing over 3 days with the bulk on Sunday afternoon.
Tracking: Pass attempts, pass yards, interceptions, fumbles lost or recovered, pass completed, passes incomplete.
Rush attempts, rush yards.
Passes caught, pass yards. Yards after catch. Yards after contact.
Touchdowns. 2 point conversions. Extra point. Field goals. Misses.
Punt return yards. Kickoff return yards.
Safeties.....Sacks, pressure on Qb. Hurries. Passes defensed.
All done in real time! Depending on the latency of my feed, I can receive a fantasy update before I see the play live!
EPL Fantasy 20 teams divided over 2-3 days...
Tracking: time played 60min or less, goals, assist, cleansheets, bonus.
Hours upon hours to figure it out!
Gameweek 23
1Not Again! 70 1433
2Locked & Loaded 75 1393
3Dr. Mo 100 1385
4We are Tottenham 71 1379
5Hardly Athletic 80 1366 (TC)
6Barsenal City 84 1365
7Spideybuff 79 1333
8Right Foot Creep 52 1270
9Ten Hag's Enough 85 1231
10Excelsior F.C. 44 1155
Dr Mo hits the 100 club and tops the scoring this week. Not Again! remains top.
In reply to Ayenmol
Do you have a team in the FPL?
In reply to JR_Cool
I have THE if
Gameweek 24
1Not Again! 53 1486
2Dr. Mo 60 1445
3Locked & Loaded 48 1441
4We are Tottenham 57 1436
5Barsenal City 58 1423
6Hardly Athletic 49 1415
7Spideybuff 56 1389
8Right Foot Creep 54 1324
9Ten Hag's Enough 67 1298
10Excelsior F.C. 35 1190
Ten Hag's Enough top scores while Not Again! stays in the top spot
Gameweek 25
1Not Again!70 1556
2Dr. Mo 94 1539
3We are Tottenham100 1536 (FH)
4Locked & Loaded84 1525
5Hardly Athletic97 1512 (FH)
6Barsenal City 69 1492
7Spideybuff 61 1450
8Ten Hag's Enough110 1408 (FH)
9Right Foot Creep62 1386
10Excelsior F.C.55 1245
For the 2nd week in a row, Ten Hag's Enough top scores using a free hit to 110 points. Not Again! stays in first but the gap is closing.
The manager of the month of February is...
Ten Hag's Enough
Gameweek 26
1Not Again! 31 1587
2Dr. Mo 47 1586
3We are Tottenham 40 1576
4Locked & Loaded49 1574 (WC)
5Barsenal City 57 1549
6Hardly Athletic27 1539 (WC)
7Spideybuff 39 1489
8Right Foot Creep 65 1451
9Ten Hag's Enough 32 1440
10Excelsior F.C. 44 1289
Right foot creep top scores this week while Not Again! stays at the top of the league though the lead is only one point at this time.
Gameweek 27
1Not Again! 108 1695
2Locked & Loaded 105 1679
3We are Tottenham 95 1671
4Dr. Mo 75 1661
5Barsenal City 99 1648
6Hardly Athletic98 1637
7Spideybuff 78 1567
8Right Foot Creep 82 1533
9Ten Hag's Enough 86 1526
10Excelsior F.C. 49 1338
An interesting double gameweek sees a top score of 108 from table leader 'Not Again!'
Gameweek 28
1Locked & Loaded 54 1733
2Not Again! 28 1723
3Dr. Mo 49 1710
4Hardly Athletic 64 1701
5We are Tottenham 28 1699
6Barsenal City 37 1685
7Spideybuff 53 1620
8Right Foot Creep 44 1577
9Ten Hag's Enough 24 1550
10Excelsior F.C. 31 1369
A blank game week but Hardly Atletic top scores with 64. There's a new player at the top of the leaderboard (first time since GW17!) but the scoring from 1 to 6 is relatively tight. 10 GW's to go!
A new man at the top and new energy for the poster....Day after update ...haha.
Short lived.
In reply to Ayenmol
Onwards and upwards.
Just came back to announce the manager of the month for March.
Locked and Loaded
Gameweek 29
1Locked & Loaded 139 1872 (BB)
2Not Again! 123 1846 (WC)
3Dr. Mo 105 1815
4Hardly Athletic 96 1797
5We are Tottenham 92 1791
6Barsenal City 94 1779
7Spideybuff 100 1720
8Right Foot Creep 95 1672 (BB)
9Ten Hag's Enough 109 1659
10Excelsior F.C. 77 1446
Locked and loaded bench boosts to the top score this high scoring double game week and maintains the lead of the table
Gameweek 30
1Locked & Loaded 68 1940
2Not Again! 65 1911
3We are Tottenham 79 1870
4Dr. Mo 50 1865
5Hardly Athletic 58 1855
6Barsenal City 62 1841
7Spideybuff 60 1780
8Ten Hag's Enough 67 1726
9Right Foot Creep 30 1702
10Excelsior F.C. 40 1486
We are Tottenham is this week's top scorer with 79. Locked and loaded keeps the top spot. The marathon continues.
Gameweek 31
1Locked & Loaded 70 2010
2Not Again! 70 1981
3We are Tottenham 59 1929
4Dr. Mo 55 1920
5Hardly Athletic 63 1918
6Barsenal City 59 1900
7Spideybuff 64 1844
8Ten Hag's Enough 83 1809
9Right Foot Creep 48 1750
10Excelsior F.C. 40 1526
Ten Hag's Enough hits the highest score this week with 83 points. The top spot continues to be locked (& loaded).
Last week I got 60 points. I'm doing better because one week I got 45 points, dont ask how I did it
Gameweek 32
1Locked & Loaded54 2064 (FH)
2Not Again! 36 2017
3Dr. Mo 83 2003 (FH)
4Barsenal City 69 1969
5We are Tottenham 29 1958
6Hardly Athletic 34 1952
7Spideybuff 60 1904
8Ten Hag's Enough 48 1857
9Right Foot Creep 69 1819
10Excelsior F.C. 30 1556
Well done to Dr. Mo who Free hits to the top score this week. Locked and loaded holds on to the top spot. Only 6 gameweeks to go!
In reply to SEasySix
You can join this league. It's just for fun and bragging rights.
Scroll up a few pages for the 2022/23 code.
Gameweek 33
1Locked & Loaded 65 2129
2Not Again! 78 2095
Dr. Mo 49 2052 (WC)
4We are Tottenham 77 2035
5Hardly Athletic 63 2015
6Barsenal City 37 2006
7Spideybuff 67 1971
8Ten Hag's Enough 62 1919
9Right Foot Creep 64 1883
10Excelsior F.C. 36 1592
Not Again! strikes this week to have the highest GW score. This helps to close the gap on the lead held by Locked and loaded. With 5 gameweeks to go, we are set for an interesting finish.
The cup version for this league will start soon.
Gameweek 34
1Locked & Loaded 117 2246 (TC)
2Not Again! 104 2199 (TC)
3Dr. Mo 134 2186 (BB)
4We are Tottenham107 2142 (BB)
5Hardly Athletic 96 2111 (BB)
6Barsenal City 72 2078
7Spideybuff 106 2077 (TC)
8Ten Hag's Enough 94 2013
9Right Foot Creep 103 1986
10Excelsior F.C. 67 1659
Final stretch guys.
Dr. Mo is back to his best as he top scores via a bench boost. Locked and Loaded stays top.
The manager of the month of April is
Locked and loaded.
In reply to JR_Cool
Does not look good for me....made a play and DeBryne ended up sitting both games. I do not see a way back from here.
In reply to Ayenmol
The game can be brutal at times.
Gameweek 35
1Locked & Loaded 38 2284
2Dr. Mo 48 2234
3Not Again! 31 2230
4We are Tottenham 39 2181
5Hardly Athletic 37 2148
6Barsenal City 46 2124
7Spideybuff 33 2110
8Ten Hag's Enough 46 2059
9Right Foot Creep 37 2023
10Excelsior F.C. 33 1692
Dr.Mo hits the high mark in a low-scoring week moving into second place in the process while Locked and Loaded stays in the lead with 3 weeks to go.
CC.Com FPL cup started this week
Teams with a bye this round
Locked and Loaded
Dr. Mo
Not Again!
We are Tottenham
Right Foot Creep
Fixtures and results
Hardly Atletic 37 v Excelsior 33
Barsenal City 46 v Ten Hags Enough 46
On to the quarter-finals!
Gameweek 36
1Locked & Loaded 84 2368
2Dr. Mo 105 2339
3Not Again! 97 2327
4We are Tottenham 126 2307
5Barsenal City 113 2237
6Hardly Athletic 75 2223
7Spideybuff 74 2184
8Ten Hag's Enough 55 2114
9Right Foot Creep 72 2095
10Excelsior F.C. 82 1774
'We are Tottenham' is the cream of the crop for this gameweek with 126 points. Some good scores among the top four means we are heading to an exciting finish!
CC.Com FPL cup results
Locked and Loaded 84 v Hardly Atletic 75
Dr. Mo 105 v We are Tottenham 126
Not Again 97 v Right Foot Creep 72
Spidey Buff 74 v Ten Hags Enough 55
Locked and Loaded
We are Tottenham
Not Again!
Spidey Buff
In reply to JR_Cool
Well played - We are Tottenham!
Tight finish! I am confident Locked & Loaded won't pull an Arsenal (Too soon?)
In reply to Trinity
It's going down to the wire for sure
Gameweek 37
1Locked & Loaded 67 2435
2Dr. Mo0 85 2424 (TC)
3Not Again! 86 2413
4We are Tottenham 75 2382 (TC)
5Barsenal City 54 2291
6Hardly Athletic 43 2266
7Spideybuff 56 2240
8Ten Hag's Enough 39 2153(TC)
9Right Foot Creep 54 2149
10Excelsior F.C. 34 1808
The final gameweek of this mini-league will be more interesting than the actual EPL , as the gaps at the top have closed to 11 points between 1st and 2nd and 22 points between 1st and 3rd.
This week Not Again! recaptured his form to top score with 86 points. A few played their triple captain chips this week.
CC.Com FPL cup results
Locked and Loaded 67 v Spidey Buff 56
We are Tottenham 75 vs Not Again 86
Locked and Loaded vs Not Again!
Final Gameweek 38
1Locked & Loaded 63 2498
2Dr. Mo 47 2471
3Not Again! 35 2448
4We are Tottenham 57 2439
5Barsenal City 76 2367 (TC)
6Hardly Athletic 61 2327
7Spideybuff 45 2285
8Ten Hag's Enough 45 2198
9Right Foot Creep 41 2190
10Excelsior F.C. 52 1860
Barsenal City wins the final gameweek with a triple captain that paid off via his vice-captain.
The overall winner is Locked and loaded who ended with 2,498 points to win the league for the second year in a row. Another long season has come to an end and thanks to everyone for participating and hopefully we grow the league next season.
CC.Com FPL cup results
Locked and Loaded 63 vs Not Again 35
Other Awards
Manager of the month - May
We are Tottenham
Most weekly wins
Not Again - 8
Dr. Mo - 6
Hardly Athletic - 4
Locked and Loaded - 4
Right Foot Creep - 4
Ten Hags Enough - 4
In reply to JR_Cool
Congrats Mr Cool on winning the competition and thanks for the weekly updates!
Good job. Nice season. I set out to make top five and finished third. Pretty happy about that.
New season is upon us. Are we doing a new league this season.
In reply to Jamfan4lyfe
Ninemiles can drop the league code for others to join
New Season - 2023/24
Gameweek 1
1Barsenal City 90
2Spideybuff Elite 81
3Put Johans Up 78
4Ange Ballers 77
5Goodby Farewell Amen 72
6Mbenchers 68
7unKloppable Force 59
8One more 'Gain 56
We are off again! Barsenal City takes the early lead as manager of the week.
Any new code please
In reply to Jamfan4lyfe
The league code is: yot40k
Gameweek 2
1Barsenal City 65 155
2Spideybuff Elite 60 141
3Put Johans Up 56 134
4Gunners Fantastics 59 130
5Ange Ballers 44 121
6Goodby Farewell Amen 47 119
7Mbenchers 47 115
8One more 'Gain 53 109
9unKloppable Force 47 106
10Al Hill All veterans 60 60
Barsenal City top scores again and increases his lead after 2 gameweeks.
Gameweek 3
1Barsenal City 34 189
1Spideybuff Elite 48 189
3Put Johans Up 54 188
4Gunners Fantastics 37 167
5GoodbyeFarewellAmen 41 160 (WC)
6Ange Ballers 37 158
7Mbenchers 41 156
8unKloppable Force 30 136
9One more 'Gain 19 128
10Al Hill All veterans 38 98
Put Johans Up top scores this week while we see the 1st chip played as well. Barsenal City stays top but only just as Spideybuff Elite is now in joint 1st place.
Gameweek 4
1Barsenal City 83 272
2Put Johans Up 68 256
3Spideybuff Elite 64 253
4Gunners Fantastics 80 247
5Ange Ballers 85 243
6unKloppable Force 98 234
7GoodbyeFarewellAmen 73 233
8Mbencher 69 225
9One more 'Gain 76 204
10Al Hill All veterans 85 183
UnKloppable Force hits the highs this week at 98. Barsenal City retakes the solo lead and sits on top going into the international break.
Nice to see me in 4th spot. hopefully after international break. I can pick up few points.
Gameweek 5
1Barsenal City 44 316
2Gunners Fantastics 57 304
3Put Johans Up 47 303
4Spideybuff Elite 47 300
5unKloppable Force 56 290
6Ange Ballers 41 284
7Mbenchers 36 261
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 9 242
9One more 'Gain 37 241
10Al Hill All veterans 41 224
A low scoring week!
Barsenal City stays top while the manager of the week Gunners Fantastics jumps to 2nd place with 54 points.
Gameweek 6
1Barsenal City 83 399
2Spideybuff Elite 94 394 (WC)
3Put Johans Up 78 381
4Gunners Fantastics 66 370
5Ange Ballers 83 367
6unKloppable Force 63 353
7Mbenchers 58 319
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 61 303
9Al Hill All veterans 60 284
10One more 'Gain 41 282 (WC)
Spidey plays a successful wildcard to be our manager of the week while Barsenal continues a strong game to stay top of the board.
Gameweek 7
1Spideybuff Elite 68 462
2Put Johans Up 67 448
3Barsenal City 40 439
4Gunners Fantastics 46 416
5Ange Ballers 44 411
6unKloppable Force 43 396
7GoodbyeFarewellAmen 51 354
8Mbenchers 34 353
9One more 'Gain 59 341
10Al Hill All veterans 44 328
Spideybuff for the 2nd week in a row top scores and dramatically takes the league lead from Barsenal who drops from the top for the 1st time. A rough week for some while others soared.
Manager of the month awards
August - Barsenal City
September - Spideybuff Elite
Gameweek 8
1Spideybuff Elite 35 497
2Barsenal City 41 480
3Put Johans Up 32 480
4Gunners Fantastics 46 462
5Ange Ballers 40 451
6unKloppable Force 36 432
7GoodbyeFarewellAmen 51 405
8Fight(back) Club 43 396 (WC)
9One more 'Gain 48 389
10Al Hill All veterans 40 368
A low-scoring week in the league but well done to GoodbyeFarewell Amen for a top score of 51. Spideybuff Elite maintains the lead going into the international break.
This is a monster thread. Shall we start a new one?
In reply to Arawak
I like that all game history is in one place.
We are about 25% into the season currently. Perhaps a new one next season.
Gameweek 9
1Spideybuff Elite 78 575
2Gunners Fantastics 93 555
3Barsenal City 74 554
4Put Johans Up 73 553
5Ange Ballers 74 525
6unKloppable Force 87 519 (WC)
7Fight(back) Club 90 486
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 81 486
9One more 'Gain 82 471
10Al Hill All veterans 50 418
Gunners Fantastics runs things in GW9 with 93 points and jumps into 2nd spot. Spideybuff Elite stays top.
Gameweek 10
1Barsenal City 83 637
2Spideybuff Elite 58 633
3Gunners Fantastics 75 630
4Put Johans Up 70 623
5Ange Ballers 77 602 (WC)
6unKloppable Force 64 583
7GoodbyeFarewellAmen 68 554
8Fight(back) Club 61 547
9One more 'Gain 69 540
10Al Hill All veterans 76 494
Barsenal has a strong gameweek and retakes the top position.
Manager of the Month Award
October - Gunners Fantastics
In reply to JR_Cool
What game history? Man just start a new thread already.
Gameweek 11
1Spideybuff Elite 52 685
2Barsenal City 32 669
3Gunners Fantastics 37 667
4Put Johans Up 32 655
5Ange Ballers 30 632
6unKloppable Force 30 613
7Fight(back) Club 29 576
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 17 571
9One more 'Gain 20 560
10Al Hill All veterans 23 517
A rough game week for most but not for Spideybuff Elite who top scores and retakes the top spot in the league.
In reply to JR_Cool
Where did i score 20?
In reply to Ayenmol
transfer tax
Gameweek 12
Gunners Fantastics 84 751
2Spideybuff Elite 62 747
3Barsenal City 68 737
4Ange Ballers 89 721
5Put Johans Up 65 720 (WC)
6unKloppable Force 89 702
7Fight(back) Club 66 642
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 77 632
9One more 'Gain 55 615
10 Al Hill All veterans 73 590
A wild game week takes us into the international break. Ange Ballers and unKloppable Force boss the week with 89 points each. Gunners Fantastics though scores well to ascend to the top of the leaderboard.
Gameweek 13
1Gunners Fantastics 63 814
2Spideybuff Elite 58 805
3Put Johans Up 61 781
4Barsenal City 41 778
5Ange Ballers 49 770
6unKloppable Force 53 755
7Fight(back) Club 33 675
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 40 672
9One more 'Gain 37 652
10Al Hill All veterans 57 647 (WC)
Gunners Fantastics top scores and maintains the lead.
Gameweek 14
1Spideybuff Elite 66 871
1Gunners Fantastics 57 871
3Put Johans Up 66 847
4Barsenal City 63 841
5Ange Ballers 59 829
6unKloppable Force 54 809
7Fight(back) Club 57 732
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 43 715
9One more 'Gain 56 708
10Al Hill All veterans 50 697
Spideybuff Elite and Put Johans Up share the top score this week. This is enough for Spideybuff to share the lead with Gunners Fantastics.
Gameweek 15
1Gunners Fantastics 51 922
2Spideybuff Elite 23 894
3Put Johans Up 26 873
4Barsenal City 27 868
5Ange Ballers 30 859
6unKloppable Force 41 850
7Fight(back) Club 33 765
8One more 'Gain 38 746
9GoodbyeFarewellAmen 25 740
10Al Hill All veterans 36 733
Gunners Fantastics doesn't like company so he top scores this week to a solo lead of the table.
Manager of the month
November 2023 - Gunners Fantastics
Gameweek 16
1Gunners Fantastics 34 956 (TC)
2Spideybuff Elite 45 939
3Ange Ballers 61 920
4Put Johans Up 44 917
5Barsenal City 39 907
6unKloppable Force 47 897
7Fight(back) Club 52 817
8One more 'Gain 53 799
9GoodbyeFarewellAmen 58 798 (FH)
10Al Hill All veterans 40 773
Ange Ballers had a good week like his fav team top scoring with 61 points. Some chips played. Interesting outcomes.
Gameweek 17
1Gunners Fantastics 47 1003
2Ange Ballers 64 984
3Spideybuff Elite 43 982
4Put Johans Up 42 959
5unKloppable Force 50 947
6Barsenal City 38 945
7Fight(back) Club 44 861
8One more 'Gain 34 833
9Al Hill All veterans 53 826
10GoodbyeFarewellAmen 26 824
GW 17 closed off finally. Ange Ballers at it again with the top score and is closing in on Gunners Fantastics who remains the league leader.
Gameweek 18
1Ange Ballers 58 1042
2Gunners Fantastics 31 1034
3Spideybuff Elite 38 1020 (FH)
4unKloppable Force 42 989
5Put Johans Up 30 989
6Barsenal City 27 972
7Fight(back) Club 58 919
8Al Hill All veterans 39 865
9One more 'Gain 29 862
10GoodbyeFarewellAmen 35 859
Ange Ballers stays in top form with another high score. This time he is joined by Fight(back) Club with 58 points. Ange Ballers unseats Gunners Fantastics for the top league spot.
In reply to JR_Cool
Gameweek 19
1Ange Ballers 34 1076
2Gunners Fantastics 30 1064
3Spideybuff Elite 41 1061
4unKloppable Force 57 1046
5Put Johans Up 31 1020
6Barsenal City 26 998
7Fight(back) Club 46 965
8One more 'Gain 51 913 (FH)
9GoodbyeFarewellAmen 54 913
10Al Hill All veterans 45 910
UnKloppable Force say Hee Chan and top scores this week with 57 points. Ange Ballers stays top of the league.
This is my last year playing. This game is too silly and frustrating. And these Europeans never take steps to fix apparent game play issues!
I went in last week with 2 transfers available. I realized then I needed to use my free hit. So I executed a transfer, hoping it would be permanent....THEN I went back and used my free hit.
Now all my players are back including the transfer I executed individually! And both my transfers are gone!
What nonsense is that? Just wildly frustrating and defeating of the purpose of a so-called free hit!
Gameweek 20
1Ange Ballers 96 1172
2Spideybuff Elite 74 1135
3unKloppable Force 85 1131
4Gunners Fantastics 64 1128
5Put Johans Up 81 1101
6Barsenal City 68 1066
7Fight(back) Club 87 1052
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 86 999
9Al Hill All veterans 82 992
10One more 'Gain 63 976
Posting late for GW20. Ange Ballers hits the high score and widens his lead at the top.
Manager of the month
December 2023 - Ange Ballers
In reply to Ayenmol
The free hit supersedes any transfers made within the gameweek window. It's tough but thems the rules.
Free Hit Make unlimited free transfers for a single Gameweek. At the next deadline your squad is returned to how it was at the start of the Gameweek.
Please note that when playing either a Wildcard or your Free Hit chip, any saved free transfers will be lost. You will be back to the usual 1 free transfer the following Gameweek.
Gameweek 21
1Ange Ballers 59 1231
2Spideybuff Elite 72 1207 (WC)
3Gunners Fantastics 73 1201
4unKloppable Force 39 1170
5Put Johans Up 38 1139 (WC)
6Barsenal City 38 1104
7Fight(back) Club 43 1095
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 67 1066 (WC)
9Al Hill All veterans 43 1035
10One more 'Gain 51 1027 (WC)
Gunners Fantastics is the best of this week with 73 points. Ange Ballers stays on top but the lead is cut a bit by the chasing pack. Four wildcards were played this week as well.
Gameweek 22
1Ange Ballers 66 1297
2Spideybuff Elite 63 1270
3unKloppable Force 74 1244
4Gunners Fantastics 38 1239
5Put Johans Up 62 1201
6Fight(back) Club 72 1167
7Barsenal City 56 1160
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 34 1100
9One more 'Gain 61 1088
10Al Hill All veterans 28 10
This gameweek ends with Unkloppable Force high scoring with 74 points. Ange Ballers stays on top for another week.
Manager of the month Award
January 2024 - SpideyBuff Elite
Gameweek 23
1Ange Ballers 86 1383
2unKloppable Force 81 1325
3Spideybuff Elite 53 1323
4Gunners Fantastics 60 1299
5Put Johans Up 67 1268
6Fight(back) Club 56 1223
7Barsenal City 61 1221
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 62 1162
9One more 'Gain 67 1155
10Al Hill All veterans 56 1119
Gameweek 24
1Ange Ballers 59 1442
2unKloppable Force 72 1397
3Spideybuff Elite 62 1385
4Gunners Fantastics 78 1377
5Put Johans Up 76 1344 (BB)
6Barsenal City 69 1290
7Fight(back) Club59 1282
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 72 1234
9Al Hill All veterans 79 1198
10One more 'Gain 37 1192
Gameweek 25
1Ange Ballers 79 1521 (TC)
2Spideybuff Elite 87 1472 (TC)
3unKloppable Force 72 1469
4Gunners Fantastics 79 1456(BB)
5Put Johans Up 74 1418(TC)
6Barsenal City 92 1382
7Fight(back) Club 79 1361(TC)
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 76 1310 (TC)
9Al Hill All veterans 97 1295 (TC)
10One more 'Gain 70 1262
Salute to Al Hill All veterans for top scoring 2 weeks in a row. Ange ballers stays top.
Gameweek 26
1Ange Ballers49 1570
2unKloppable Force59 1528
3Gunners Fantastics56 1512
4Spideybuff Elite36 1508
5Put Johans Up64 1482 (FH)
6Barsenal City44 1426
7Fight(back) Club37 1398
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen65 1375
9Al Hill All veterans60 1355
10One more 'Gain66 1328
Gameweek 27
1Ange Ballers71 1641
2Gunners Fantastics98 1610
3unKloppable Force75 1603
4Spideybuff Elite56 1564
5Put Johans Up60 1542
6Barsenal City54 1480
7Fight(back) Club69 1467
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen86 1461
9One more 'Gain83 1411
10Al Hill All veterans54 1409
Manager of the Month
February 2024 - Al Hill All veterans
Gameweek 28
1Ange Ballers53 1694
2unKloppable Force57 1660
3Gunners Fantastics39 1649
4Spideybuff Elite38 1602
5Put Johans Up29 1571
6Barsenal City45 1525
7Fight(back) Club57 1524
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen47 1508
9Al Hill All veterans55 1464
10One more 'Gain39 1450
Gameweek 29
1Ange Ballers10 1704
2unKloppable Force25 1685(FH)
3Gunners Fantastics 30 1679(FH)
4Spideybuff Elite13 1615
5Put Johans Up23 1594
6Fight(back) Club16 1540 (FH)
7Barsenal City10 1535
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen 8 1516
9Al Hill All veterans 15 1479
10One more 'Gain 9 1459
Blank gameweek...terrible scores. But Gunners Fantastics reach 30!
Gameweek 30
1Ange Ballers 53 1757
2unKloppable Force 45 1730
3Gunners Fantastics42 1721
4Spideybuff Elite69 1684
5Put Johans Up54 1648
6Fight(back) Club55 1595
7Barsenal City54 1589
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen59 1575
9Al Hill All veterans36 1515
10One more 'Gain48 1507
No place changes as SpideyBuff high scores in week 30.
Manager of the month - March 2024
Gunners Fantastics
Gameweek 31
1Ange Ballers 63 1820
2Gunners Fantastics 84 1805
3unKloppable Force54 1784
4Spideybuff Elite50 1734
5Put Johans Up48 1696
6Fight(back) Club62 1657
7Barsenal City45 1634
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen41 1616
9One more 'Gain75 1582
10Al Hill All veterans42 1557
Gunners Fantastics hits another top score with 84 points. Ange Ballers stays top but it's a close race going into the final weeks.
Gameweek 32
1Ange Ballers58 1878
2Gunners Fantastics68 1873
3unKloppable Force59 1843
4Spideybuff Elite66 1800
5Put Johans Up70 1766
6Fight(back) Club49 1706
7GoodbyeFarewellAmen75 1691
8Barsenal City53 1687
9One more 'Gain67 1649
10Al Hill All veterans72 1629
GoodbyeFarewellAmen hits 75 as the top score this week. Ange Ballers lead cut to just 5 points.
Gameweek 33
1Gunners Fantastics87 1960
2Ange Ballers68 1946
3unKloppable Force61 1904
4Spideybuff Elite65 1865
5Put Johans Up80 1846
6Fight(back) Club90 1796
7GoodbyeFarewellAmen68 1759
8Barsenal City65 1752
9One more 'Gain86 1735
10Al Hill All veterans63 1692
Fightback club finally shows some fight to top score this week while GunnersFantastic takes over from long time leader Ange Ballers at the top.
Always funny to me when it is chosen to apply the transfer penalty and when not.....
The game does not apply the penalty to the weekly score....just to the overall!
I scored 94 points for the week....94! What difference does it make that I made extra transfers?
You started doing this when I had a previous similar shameful the way some big man can be so petty!
Gameweek 34
1Gunners Fantastics109 2069
2Ange Ballers115 2061(FH)
3unKloppable Force55 1959
4Spideybuff Elite74 1939
5Put Johans Up57 1903
6Fight(back) Club62 1858 (WC)
7Barsenal City90 1842
8GoodbyeFarewellAmen75 1834 (BB)
9One more 'Gain98 1833 (BB)
10Al Hill All veterans 81 1773
A very hectic double gameweek. Ange ballers top scores with a free hit but Gunners Fantastics does enough to hold on to first place thanks to captain Havertz.
*** The league cup starts in GW 35 ***
Gameweek 35
1Gunners Fantastics 70 2139
2Ange Ballers 61 2122 (WC)
3unKloppable Force74 2033 (TC)
4Spideybuff Elite80 2019
5Put Johans Up77 1980
6Fight(back) Club80 1938
7One more 'Gain78 1911(TC)
8Barsenal City62 1904
9GoodbyeFarewellAmen55 1889
10Al Hill All veterans54 1827
Joint top scorers this week SpideyBuff Elite and Fight back club with 80 points each. Gunners Fantastics holds the lead for another week.
League Cup results!
Gunners Fantastic - bye
Ange Ballers - bye
One More Gain - bye
Barsenal City - bye
Goodbye Farewell Amen - bye
Al Hill All Veterans - bye
Only 2 games... high scoring encounters
Unkloppable Force 74 - 80 Spideybuff Elite
Fight back club 80 - 77 Put Johans Up
So next round will be the quarterfinals
Manager of the month - April 2024
Gunners Fantastics
Gameweek 36
1Gunners Fantastics 82 2221
2Ange Ballers 55 2177
3unKloppable Force 77 2110(WC)
4Spideybuff Elite75 2094
5Put Johans Up 82 2062
6Fight(back) Club 80 2018
7GoodbyeFarewellAmen 98 1987
8One more 'Gain 74 1985
9Barsenal City 79 1983
10Al Hill All veterans 71 1898
Gunners Fantastics stretches the lead at the top while GoodbyeFarewellAmen top scores in GW36 with 98 points.
League Cup quarterfinals results!
Gunners Fantastic 82 - 98 Goodbye Farewell Amen
Ange Ballers 55 - 74 One More Gain
Spideybuff Elite75 - 71 Al Hill All Veterans
Fight(back) Club 80 - 79 Barsenal City
Gameweek 37
1Gunners Fantastics111 2332 (WC)
2Ange Ballers110 2287(BB)
3unKloppable Force 110 2220(BB)
4Spideybuff Elite 106 2200
5Put Johans Up114 2176
6Fight(back) Club138 2156 (BB)
7One more 'Gain101 2086
8Barsenal City92 2075(TC)
9GoodbyeFarewellAmen87 2074
10Al Hill All veterans87 1985
A double gameweek ends with high scores but Fightback Club hits the high with 138 points. No changes in the top 2, with Gunners Fantastics beginning to map out his trophy parade.
League Cup semifinals results!
Fight(back) Club 138 - 87 Goodbye Farewell Amen
Spideybuff Elite 106 - 101 One More Gain
Good luck to the finalists
Game week 38 - Final week
1Gunners Fantastics71 2403
2Ange Ballers74 2361
3unKloppable Force70 2290
4Spideybuff Elite61 2261
5Fight(back) Club84 2240
6Put Johans Up47 2223
7GoodbyeFarewellAmen91 2165
8Barsenal City77 2152 (BB)
9One more 'Gain43 2129
10Al Hill All veterans44 2029
Congrats to Gunners Fantastics who wins the 2023/24 edition of this fantasy league. this brings an end to a very long season. GoodbyeFarewellAmen top scores this week and provides a fitting name to end the season with on a high. Kudos to all players for seeing this through to the end.
League Cup Final Results
Fight(back) Club 84 - 61 Spideybuff Elite
Manager of the month - May 2024
Fight(back) Club
Most weekly wins ...
GunnersFantastics 8
Ange Ballers 7
Spideybuff Elite 6
unKloppable Force 5
GoodbyeFarewellAmen 5
Fight(back) Club 5
Barsenal City 3
Put Johans Up 2
Al Hill All veterans 2
Live Scores
- no matches