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PM Rowley "Still searching for the light" in T&T

sgtdjones 2023-09-06 14:23:09 

PM Rowley "Still searching for the light" in T&T

The Editor
T&T Guardian

In response to your caption Still searching for the light,Prime Minister, Dr. Keith Rowley, conveyed his assurance to the T&T Police Service (TTPS) during his Independence Day address to the nation. This statement of confidence might potentially serve as a source of motivation for the officers and the Police Commissioner, Erla Harewood-Christopher, who is awaiting divine intervention.The presence of poverty and disparities in political, social, and economic realms across different groups has been identified as a contributing factor to the likelihood of conflict. Implementing policies aimed at addressing these issues can effectively mitigate this risk.
The presence of reduced economic prospects, limited levels of community engagement, and socially disordered residential areas.The assertion that poverty serves as a catalyst for criminal behaviour suggests that the distribution of food cards and hampers alone will not effectively address this issue.

Nevertheless, the assertions of crime-fighting achievements have failed to persuade the populace, who remain skeptical and have yet to witness any tangible signs of progress.When examining the crime situation from an alternative standpoint and relying just on publicly available figures, there is no discernible alleviation.Furthermore, a former chairman of the Police Service Commission voiced a sense of pessimism by cautioning that the prevalence of brutality, violent homicides, and audaciousness observed in home invasions and other criminal activities are propelling Trinidad and Tobago towards the domain of domestic terrorism.According to Senserrich, the experience of residing in poverty is a significant factor contributing to the manifestation of violent behaviour. Adolescents may exhibit aggressive or violent behaviour when subjected to persistent stressors, such as the uncertainty surrounding their access to sustenance.

Moreover, Trinidad and Tobago's gloom is situated within the context of being classified among the most violent nations globally. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the country is currently on a trajectory to potentially surpass the previous year's unprecedented murder tally of 605.The count has subsequently risen to 398 in the year 2023.

The prevailing perception among the general populace is that despite employing various security measures such as burglar alarms, security cameras, reinforced entry points, and canine sentinels, a sense of personal safety remains elusive.Individuals who engage in aggressive behaviour often exhibit challenges in regulating their emotions. Certain individuals may exhibit certain behaviours due to previous experiences of abuse or neglect, holding misconceptions that scaring others would lead to gaining respect, or subscribing to the view that resorting to violence is an effective means of problem-solving.When examining the origins of aggression, it is imperative to take into account the biological, psychological, and socioeconomic factors that contribute to its development.Various biological variables can potentially lead to violent behaviour in individuals. These factors encompass unfavourable prenatal experiences, such as maternal alcohol or substance misuse, inadequate nutrition, and parental neglect, as well as brain injury.

Moreover, the heightened susceptibility to acts of violent intrusions within residential premises is not the sole concern.The presence of criminal gangs engaged in territorial disputes poses a significant threat to public safety, resulting in the unfortunate casualties of both rival gang members and innocent individuals caught in the crossfire of their lethal armed confrontations.The presence of violence instills fear among individuals, so deterring their engagement in neighbourhood activities.Furthermore,it hampers the growth and prosperity of businesses, imposes strain on education,justice,and medical systems,and impedes the overall progress of the community.

The origins of violence permeate society at a profound level, intertwining with intricate factors such as socioeconomic deprivation, racial discrimination, unemployment, and a lack of optimism.The subculture-of-violence idea posits the existence of a subculture including individuals and social structures that exist in parallel to, and distinct from, the prevailing hegemonic culture. The aforementioned subculture has encountered restricted access to essential resources, leading them to resort to violence as a strategy for acquiring these resources.In the year 2021, a group of researchers affiliated with the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) authored a scholarly article delineating the interconnectedness between violence and many factors of both structural and social nature. These factors were thoroughly examined and analyzed inside the study. The topic of discussion pertains to the relationship between socioeconomic structures and the phenomenon of income inequality. The topic of discussion pertains to community disadvantage and regional deprivation. The study focuses on the influence of social and physical settings on social disorder.

For numerous T&T individuals, residing in confined dwellings fortified with rebar, the absence of illumination persists, compelling them to persistently seek enlightenment.

Socioeconomic structures and income inequality.​CDC

Halliwell 2023-09-06 16:18:56 

In reply to sgtdjones

For numerous T&T individuals, residing in confined dwellings fortified with rebar, the absence of illumination persists, compelling them to persistently seek enlightenment.

Ah jes arksin eh

Is illumination enlightenment? lol

Barry 2023-09-06 16:44:39 

An engineer who can’t write or knows the meaning of the words- it happens…. If ah fart ah poom Socafighter lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

sgtdjones 2023-09-06 17:36:16 

In reply to Halliwell

What is illumination in enlightenment?

An illumination is when the meaning or significance of something that we are encountering or experiencing is revealed in a clear way. So an illumination is any experience of further understanding, including insight, awakening, realization, and enlightenment.

Here is Erla with Hinds divine enlightenment's

Dem didnt teach you such at Oxford ,huh?lolstick with me ah go learn ya...
You should have attended Cambridge?

Within the framework of the topic at hand, there is an individual who has participated in this discussion who consistently has a strong preoccupation with my presence, perceiving my existence in various forms. I am metaphorically positioned within the interstitial space between the auditory appendages of this person. I dismiss the individual's presence. sigh..

Halliwell 2023-09-06 18:40:34 

In reply to sgtdjones

They are seeking light, not ENlightENMENT
What is the term for a misplaced metaphor wink

Barry 2023-09-06 19:53:11 

In reply to sgtdjones

Bro from another mother
What university you went to? big grin

sgtdjones 2023-09-06 20:55:30 

In reply to Halliwell

What is the term for a misplaced metaphor

Its called a dummy Halliwell. razz razz razz razz

So an illumination is any experience of further understanding, including insight, awakening, realization, and enlightenment.

Sorry that it's beyond your Brit Oxford education at T&T citizens expense via Presentation College , San Fernando....
stick with moi , ah go learn ya.
cool cool