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“Attention Span”a new book by UC Irvine’s Chancellor Gloria Mark

sgtdjones 2023-09-19 16:35:05 

“Attention Span” a new book by UC Irvine’s Gloria Mark, Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics.

I was able to attend an online symposium where the author of this book presented, and I found her analysis to be captivating. After a comprehensive examination of the aforementioned book, I have taken note of the author's research-related observations.

According to the author, this volume is intended for a broad audience rather than academics in particular. The author asserts that it is appropriate for anyone who uses a computer or cell phone, including those who believe they have proficient self-control.The primary purpose of this book is to deepen readers' understanding of the scientific aspects of attention and their own self-awareness. The author clarifies distinct categories of attention and dispels misunderstandings regarding cognitive phenomena.In addition, the author offers suggestions for achieving a more optimal equilibrium, which could result in enhanced productivity and general welfare.The author describes the research conducted for the "Attention Span"-titled work.

The study of individuals' screen-based attention spans began in 2003 and lasted for 47 seconds initially. During the course of the study, it was determined that individuals typically devote approximately two and a half minutes of their attention to a screen before shifting their concentration.The first research was published in 2004.The humorous title of the article,"Constant, Constant Multitasking Insanity," was deemed appropriate for capturing the numerous experiences encountered by the students. We engaged in continuous monitoring of attention spans.In 2012, it was observed that the average screen duration prior to switching to another screen was 75 seconds.Approximately 47 seconds has been observed to be the average duration over the past five to six years.Other researchers have successfully replicated the results of my research.An individual discovered a time interval of 50 seconds on average. A second individual measured a duration of 44 seconds.In this context,the midpoint is referred to as the "median," which has a value of 40 seconds.This indicates that fifty percent of the collated observations had a duration of forty seconds or less.Individuals' attentiveness is shown to be fleeting as they navigate between screens and devices during interactions.I've dubbed this phenomenon "kinetic attention."The term "kinetic" denotes a dynamic state that adequately describes the observable behavior of individuals.

The Author Gloria Mark in question possesses professional qualifications in the field of psychology, which commonly entails the practice of conducting experiments inside a controlled laboratory setting. Extensive control over extraneous variables, allowing researchers to focus solely on the variables of interest, is a significant advantage of laboratory research. The researcher has created experimental environments known as "living laboratories" and employs an array of methodologies.I make use of sensor technology. I employ computer recording methodologies to precisely measure the amount of time individuals spend in front of a screen. I use survey instruments in the form of concise questionnaires that individuals are prompted to complete on their mobile devices or laptops. I conduct data collection for surveys.I combine all of the aforementioned data in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of individuals' electronic device usage patterns.As an individual engaged in academic pursuits,I have recently participated in numerous research initiatives and collaborated with numerous others.The experience was quite stimulating overall. It was extremely difficult to resist the urge to decline or deny anything. I observed that my attention was frequently shifting between multiple screens and endeavors. Concurrently,I experienced a strong urge to remain glued to my electronic display. From my perspective, obtaining lunch was a fleeting intermission during which I obtained nourishment, returned to my workstation, and resumed my activities in front of the computer screen.I began to wonder if my experience was singular or if others had encountered the same phenomenon.As a scientist,I deliberated carefully before deciding to conduct research on the aforementioned topic.And it was the catalyst for my voyage.
Interruptions can cause individuals to transfer their attention to other activities.The average duration of these interruptions is approximately ten minutes and thirty seconds.Moreover, a further factor merits consideration.The individual begins a new project before returning to the initial project to recommence work that had been previously interrupted.
The observed phenomenon pertains to the typical daily pattern of behavior exhibited by individuals who labor with information.Typically, resuming a previously halted endeavor requires approximately 25.5 minutes.There are numerous occurrences in the interim.Each interruption requires a transition in attention from the current task or stimulus to another task or stimulus.As a consequence of this, residual material may be present.

An additional observation reveals that, during periods of focused attention,individuals exhibit rhythmic patterns that correspond to the fluctuating availability of attentional resources.There are times when individuals experience heightened concentration,which is characterized by an abundance of available attentional resources for cognitive tasks. This optimal state of concentration typically occurs between mid- and late-morning for the vast majority of individuals. Subsequently,a secondary climax emerges in the afternoon,typically between 2:00 and 3:00 p.m. It is crucial to understand the patterns of peak concentration, as opposed to merely contemplating extended, uninterrupted periods of concentration.

The second fallacy relates to the notion that"flow"is the optimal state of concentration that individuals should strive for when using technological devices.

A common fallacy is the belief that the primary cause of our decreased concentration while using electronic devices is the notifications and targeted advertisements we receive on our computers and smartphones.Indeed, this assertion is accurate. However, this narrative is insufficient.It is important to note that some individuals may be unaware that the fundamental structure of the Internet was deliberately designed to mimic the functioning of the human memory
Associations are fundamental to cognitive processes, particularly in terms of the organization of semantic memory. Many instances of distraction can be attributed to our natural inclination to seek out stimuli.Our strategy incorporates the use of automatic attention.When a notification appears on our screen, we respond instinctively.This phenomenon can be attributed to the cognitive abilities inherent to humans.Internal cognitive processes include introspective reflection, inherent desires,and recollections.It is responded to automatically.Accessing and reviewing current news updates is desired.Then, we switch our focus to our mobile devices and peruse the most recent news updates.

The finite nature and inherent value of our attentional resources is a crucial consideration.It is essential to utilize these resources prudently.
It is essential to recognize that rapid attention shifts deplete cognitive resources, as each switch requires additional effort to realign with new duties.It is prudent to utilize our resources with discretion.
Consider also the possibility of cultivating an agency that can regulate and direct one's attention effectively.There are numerous individuals who hold pessimistic views and assert that human agency is limited and ineffective.By monopolizing our attention, the algorithms that are specifically designed to target individuals significantly impede our autonomy.I contend that individuals are capable of engaging in a variety of activities.One is capable of establishing an agency. One has the ability to cultivate attentional mastery.In addition, I provided some justifications for this.

One could argue that a prevalent notion accentuates the need for productivity when using electronic devices, especially in information-based occupations and other professional fields.It could be argued that placing an emphasis on the pursuit of happiness as the primary objective is of greater significance.

“Attention Span: A Groundbreaking Way to Restore Balance, Happiness and Productivity,”
“Attention Span” UC Irvine’s Gloria Mark, Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics. a new book by UC Irvine’s Gloria Mark, Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics.

sgtdjones 2023-09-19 16:47:12 

Measured attention spans

2003....150 seconds
2012....75 seconds
2023....47 seconds

Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains how short attention spans are affecting our brains

Crossword puzzles won't make your brain sharper, but here's what will

One can always read Bible scriptures to comfort us...imaginary Gods will help..

Halliwell 2023-09-19 17:53:18 

In reply to sgtdjones

Now you’re being provocative

TikTok rewrote the book on delivering content
Even the BBC are trying to find ways (TikTok-like) to deliver news to a dwindling audience
I have noticed my nephews and nieces looking at YouTube shorts at a very fast rate
Studies show that young people in the UK are increasingly listed ting to podcasts at 1.5 speed!!! shock

Those statistics 2003 compared to 2023 should be surprising but we can see why they are what they are

Also this makes the case well for us oldies ‘telling’ the youngsters HOW they should study and what works and doesn’t

sgtdjones 2023-09-19 18:00:53 

In reply to Halliwell

Have you thought about how it affects Cricket players?

Big dawg use to gorge on chocolate bars during games , he noted it gave him energy?

Halliwell 2023-09-19 18:12:17 

In reply to sgtdjones

Well red bull and energy drinks are front of house in most shops now

sgtdjones 2023-09-19 18:33:35 

In reply to Halliwell

Well I leave for California 2 hours

Stanford here I come.

Help Narps drive the wagon , sometimes he falls asleep..
Such happens with Googley and snoopy about cool