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Is TKR a home bully?

Speed100 2023-09-25 02:01:03 

Warriors played all their final away

Ray123 2023-09-25 02:20:08 

In reply to Speed100

It can be argued they are.

sgtdjones 2023-09-25 02:29:31 

In reply to Ray123

Ray Charles ..better watch it super 50 in T& nice... lol lol

powen001 2023-09-25 02:31:16 

In reply to Speed100

They got a dose of CROWD SUPPORT

against them

sgtdjones 2023-09-25 02:35:23 

In reply to powen001

Powen it's great that they copied the Trini Posse stands ..
and carnival atmosphere ... cool cool

TanteMerle 2023-09-25 02:42:00 

In reply to Speed100

Trini is a very good...
make that great team.

Pollard is one of the best cappos ever.

it was just Guyana time.

don't take away Trinis greatness.

Windiesfan78 2023-09-25 02:53:24 

Yup x 100 big grin.

Speed100 2023-09-25 05:11:39 

I just think alot going to change ,coming soon
We have real talent in the region, it's how we utilize it . Wr can become a world beater again it just time

PalsofMine 2023-09-25 11:51:40 

Whoever started this thread should consider that it can be similarly said that GAW is a home bully as they could never win a final away from Guyana. TKR won when they had the best team. GAW now has the best team and it has won. That is why the Indias and Ozzes of this world will dominate. You can play a final in Bangla or Afghan and they will not win!