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2nd Bajan woman named in Times Most Influential

Castled 2023-11-17 00:22:17 

link text

First Ri Ri now MM.

Where are the Yardie, Tit, Mudland, Dottie/Revo leaders who the world sees as most influential?

JahJah 2023-11-17 00:34:46 

In reply to Castled

Yard produced influential people before you could walk.

Drapsey 2023-11-17 00:36:17 

In reply to Castled

Yardies might say Judge Chutkan.

Castled 2023-11-17 00:55:03 

In reply to JahJah

They made Times Magazine 100 Most Influential People in the World list?

Call names. lol

buds 2023-11-17 01:59:43 

In reply to Castled

You new to the game.

JahJah 2023-11-17 06:14:51 

In reply to Castled

Not that it matters, since they only started doing this in 1999 but Usain Bolt made it in 2016, and in 1999 guess whose album was named Time Magazine Album of the Century

Rest assured that the likes of Garvey, Seacole, Wint et al have been influential before you were a mere suckling.

Halliwell 2023-11-17 06:41:17 

In reply to Castled

You needed Time magazine to validate those two? What are they today that they weren’t yesterday, in your mind?

nick2020 2023-11-17 13:14:37 

In reply to JahJah

Pretty talk
No results

Castled 2023-11-17 14:39:19 

In reply to JahJah

Bolt, Nesta, Marcus etc. are G.O.A.T's and immortals bruh. There is no argument on their rightful places on all time influence lists.
The question pertains to the present Time list circa 2023 and looking forward

Jumpstart 2023-11-17 14:45:44 

In reply to Castled
TT does not need validation from time magazine

Barry 2023-11-17 14:48:58 

Jonathan Plummer? from the real Stella getting her groove back

Overthrow 2023-11-17 14:49:51 

Are you saying men from Barbados are lacking?

nick2020 2023-11-17 15:15:50 

In reply to Overthrow

I am very wary of a PM sudden desperately trying to give away lol

JayMor 2023-11-17 15:24:46 

In reply to Castled

In reply to JahJah
Bolt, Nesta, Marcus etc. are G.O.A.T's and immortals bruh. There is no argument on their rightful places on all time influence lists.
The question pertains to the present Time list circa 2023 and looking forward

Appreciate that comeback, sah. Was kinda looking at you askance prior. big grin


Kay 2023-11-17 18:31:31 

In reply to Castled

Ever Heard of Dr. Deborah Persaud?

powen001 2023-11-18 02:07:16 

In reply to nick2020

No results?

10 consecutive quarters of economic growth is no results-

Ri nuff pretty too and I guess she is only a Billionaire...get back to you when she is a Trillionaire with songs to show for it and Movies too right?

De only body dat believe that puhp you posted ...wait..even you know you full of crap...

never mind..

nick2020 2023-11-18 04:15:36 

In reply to powen001

Your thoughts on the job they have done and continue to do in education? Ask little children about sexual orientation? The men with cutlasses drill? Education reform that looks like rank amateur hour?

They were dealt a bad hand but all they are doing in the face of severe hardships is borrow money, tax the snot out of people and come on the tv with some grand dream they are unable to execute.

So you can talk pretty too.

nick2020 2023-11-18 12:04:19 

In reply to powen001

10 consecutive quarters of economic growth is no results-

Let us do a recap for the viewers.

1. sudden's party was historically bad so the Bajans got rid of them.

2. In the world of elective politics the goal is to retain power. Governments would love to do all the necessary things but many necessary things are unpopular so there is this seesaw of giving and taking.

3. Your party has borrowed and borrowed and taxed and taxed and written off.

So the country has its fair share of issues - from sudden's historically bad party running the country into the ground to Covid, wars, inflation and food insecurity. The only solution to fix the problems has been to borrow a ton of money to which the Bajan taxpayers have been paying back. The course of action is usually very unpopular and will cause you to lose an election. BUT that has not been the case. People are very unhappy but there is no alternative so the country has and will continue to vote for Powen's party.

Powen's party finds themself in a dream position of being able to fix the country without suffering the blowback of unhappy voters yet all they have actually done is borrow and tax. But that is not my scathing criticism of the job being done. It is the brilliant ideas they come to the country with and the absolute lack of execution of these ideas. Health reform. Education reform. Finance reform. Integrity reform. Their ideas!

And it is that sugar coating people around here see and think your people are so influential and admirable. The pretty talk and the ideas. Bimshire won't get far with this group.

sudden 2023-11-18 13:24:20 

In reply to nick2020

Yuh always calling my name.

But from Powen’s submission I would give way Powen along with or instead of MAM

nick2020 2023-11-18 14:32:54 

In reply to sudden

I don't know if people truly understand how ineffective this group has been.

Borrow borrow borrow and tax. Where is the greatness in that? You have two 30 loves that is really easy.

But look at their home grown initiatives and the failures. Back in 2019 they proposed to abolish the 11 plus. Now this grand academies of excellence. Who's fault is it they have not been able to get off the mark?

Remember the safe zones proposal?

The list of ideas they came up with that have been so poorly thought out and stalled tells you everything you need to know about this group.

Maybe the Bajans don't deserve any better.

Castled 2023-11-18 14:55:36 

In reply to nick2020

historically bad party

The Democratic Labour party was historically bad? Wasn't this the party founded by the immortal EWB who lifted Bim from a backward speck in the Atlantic to a modern speck in the Atlantic with free education, free health care and more. The same EWB stopped Bim loitering on the colonial premises and ushered in Independence over the vociferous resistance of MM/powen party. Check yourself bruh

nick2020 2023-11-18 15:07:42 

In reply to Castled

The 2008 to 2017 party of sudden was historically bad.

Sudden went chasing after some woman abroad and left the party in dire straits. And they have never recovered.

sudden 2023-11-18 15:17:22 

In reply to nick2020

i will have you know that i had nothing to do with the political direction of the DLP after the death of David Thompson

nick2020 2023-11-18 16:07:24 

In reply to sudden


You abandoned them and look what it did to the country.

All for a woman. Was it worth it? Was it?

Powen is right about you.

sudden 2023-11-18 19:20:17 

In reply to nick2020

listen, dont try to enjoin me in your fight with Powenbig grin