The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

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The Great Port Mourant

doosra 2023-11-19 17:45:25 

home of
John Trim
Rohan Kanhai
Joe Solomon
Basil Butcher
Ivan Madray
Alvin Kalicharran
Cheddie Jagan
et al.

googley 2023-11-19 18:20:42 

In reply to doosra

A game was being played at the Port Mourant ground when this video was taken! lol

StumpCam 2023-11-19 18:39:35 

In reply to doosra

I see my home for 2 years featured in the video!razz

googley 2023-11-19 19:00:50 

In reply to StumpCam

The former RoopMahal cinema now re-done looking rather nice.

Chrissy 2023-11-19 19:00:50 

In reply to doosra
Trim was really good-my paternal grandparents adored him and RBK

googley 2023-11-19 19:04:04 

In reply to Chrissy

During those days in Berbice, Port Mourant was the team to beat during local competitions.

doosra 2023-11-19 19:16:51 

In reply to Chrissy

I heard Mrs. Kanhai died last year or sometime thereabout...I missed it here if it was shared

StumpCam 2023-11-19 20:55:32 

In reply to googley

Yeah! Looks like Roopmahall was updated!
My old hangout!wink

doosra 2023-11-19 20:57:25 

In reply to googley

i haven't been up there in a few ...heading that way next week for a few days

StumpCam 2023-11-19 21:00:25 

In reply to doosra

Isn’t there a UG branch somewhere up there now???

doosra 2023-11-19 21:00:26 

In reply to StumpCam

training school bai

doosra 2023-11-19 21:00:43 

In reply to StumpCam

it's right at the start of the missed it?
blue top buildings...there's a small campus up the road at Johns too

i heard the old ball field at Tain where Kalli dem played was right there where campus at

StumpCam 2023-11-19 21:07:26 

In reply to doosra

I remember watching Tyrone Etwaroo and Ramcharitar practicing at PM ground and I think saw a Bristol Cup match with DCC and PM.
Them two fellas never made it at national level!
Don’t know if you know them or they were before your time!

doosra 2023-11-19 21:12:48 

In reply to StumpCam

I am from a generation later smile I did not see any of the Etwaroos play...I saw a Rampersaud Ramcharitar from Albion but that was early 90s.

I saw a PM Bristol cup team final with Malteenoes. it was Dhani, Fingal, Veerapen, etc

StumpCam 2023-11-19 21:19:28 

In reply to doosra

Early ‘80s U19 national captain was Deonarine Persaud i believe from Albion, but I guess he never made it. There was another Fingal, older brother of the one that represented Guyana.

doosra 2023-11-19 21:48:27 

In reply to StumpCam

Deonarine Persaud not from PM too? He was a WI U-19 ?
this says Deonarine from Bath...i thought was PM...
Hi son Rohan Poonoo played wi u19 i think

don't know the older Fingal, only David

You not talking Desmond Fraser?

StumpCam 2023-11-19 22:05:45 

In reply to doosra

****Maybe the guy we’re talking about last name was Deonarine**** big grin

Deonarine Persaud not from PM too? He was a WI U-19 ?
this says Deonarine from Bath...i thought was PM...
Hi son Rohan Poonoo played wi u19 i think

I think it’s the same chap, but I know he was from Corentyne and not West Berbice!
Never heard of Fraser.

Not sure if Poonoo played U19, but he did play U15.
He was part of the US U19 that I took to Guyana with William Perkins in 2003.
That was year TNT won with Ramdhin, Simmons and Ramphal.

doosra 2023-11-20 14:15:28 

In reply to StumpCam

Cricinfo seh is the same DP

maybe he tek wan corentyne gal

WI_cricfan 2023-11-20 21:54:01 

In reply to StumpCam

Deonarine Persaud i believe from Albion,


doosra 2023-11-20 23:11:14 


kgbcan 2023-11-22 04:44:08 

I thought Deonarine Persaud was captain for Port Marount early 90s

kgbcan 2023-11-22 04:45:07 

In reply to doosra

You not talking Desmond Fraser?

Linden Fraser?

doosra 2023-11-22 11:31:31 

In reply to kgbcan

damn kg a getting ole

is Linden Fraser

doosra 2023-11-22 11:32:06 

In reply to kgbcan

Deonarine is PM thru and thru but somehow cricinfo got him as from Bath...i was just wondering if he moved to PM

Medusa 2023-11-22 13:14:04 

In reply to StumpCam

I recalled seeing Tyrone Etwaroo and Derek Kallicharran playing for Guyana in a Shell Shield match against Jamaica at Sabina Park sometime around 1979 when I was at UWI. I think the senior players were unavailable, touring with the West Indies at the time. Their other brother Randolf (or Reginald) was also at UWI during my time in the early 70's and used to open batting for UWI in Senior cup matches.

doosra 2023-11-22 13:20:42 

In reply to Medusa

Reginald and Romaine

StumpCam 2023-11-22 13:23:15 

In reply to doosra

Ok, I have heard of Linden Fraser, but that was after I left.
Also, in 1983 I saw a Shell Shield match at Albion Guy v TNT where Leslaine Lambert destroyed TNT with 8 for little. That may have been Phil Simmons debut match or season, not sure.

StumpCam 2023-11-22 13:31:41 

In reply to Medusa

I’ve seen Tyrone and Reginald and Dereck Kallicharran in action! Actually I’ve played against Dereck in NY League cricket.
Romaine was retired and I believe he was a teacher or principal at a HS in Port Mourant.

googley 2023-11-22 14:41:45 

In reply to StumpCam

Of all the Etwaroo brothers, Romaine was the best batter. Reggie was the best fielder. They are Rohan's nephews. They lived next to the Roopmahal cinema.

Medusa 2023-11-22 15:00:46 

Romaine was my school mate at BHS in the 1960's. He was 3 forms ahead of me. He was the best High School batsman in Berbice at the time and I saw him score several centuries for BHS and Port Mourant. After passing O levels he was a primary school teacher while playing Davson Cup. I saw him as a teenager making his Jones Cup debut for Berbice against Demerara at Rosehall CC ground. Lloyd and Comacho were also debuting for Demerara. I still believe, like many other Berbicians, that had he not left Guyana for 7 years when he was at the top of his game (3 centuries in the trials), he would have made it to the West Indies team.

StumpCam 2023-11-22 15:09:10 

In reply to Medusa

Never saw Romaine play, however as a little boy I remember reading about him in newspaper where he made a triple century against Demerara! I tried looking it up on the internet a while back, but couldn’t find any record of it!

googley 2023-11-22 15:17:36 

In reply to StumpCam

Here is a good write up on Romain

Medusa 2023-11-22 15:53:23 

In reply to StumpCam

I migrated in 1970 so did not follow his career when he returned to Guyana; but according to the article by Shan, the triple century was in a Davson cup match against Skeldon. He broke Joe Sukwah's record, a Davson cup legend who I was fortunate to see play most weekends during the first division season. It was a treat to watch agressive stroke makers like Joe Sukwah, Les Amsterdam, Vic Harnanan and much younger Roy Fredericks bat in those days. Saw a Berbice trial match in which Sukwah and Fredericks had a 200 odd partnership in which both made centuries. Anything short of a length was dispatched out of the ground across the public road into the junior club compound.

StumpCam 2023-11-22 15:55:22 

In reply to googley

OK, so the 302 was against Skeldon!
I’m sure you can forgive me for trying to recall something that took place when I was only 9yrs old. it was not against Demerara as I thought.

doosra 2023-11-22 16:02:31 

In reply to Medusa

thank you for those anecdotes man

just share more when your time permits...I wish we wrote more about those days...

ray 2023-11-22 16:04:27 

Lots of memories here...
BTW, my better half from Port Mourant as wellbig grin

StumpCam 2023-11-22 16:20:29 

In reply to googley

BTW, I noticed the article mentioned an Etwaroo running marathon!
I ran with the great Munilall and Kataballi in Guysuco 6 mile cross country race! Of course I was nowhere near those guys!lol lol

Also, Anand Sookram was a great Table Tennis player!

doosra 2023-11-22 16:25:16 

In reply to StumpCam

There were 2 Kataballis - Pooran and Drepaul. Pooran was the better of the two. Did you run with Martin Captain aka 'dry dam' as well?

Damn i miss Guysuco of the best local events ever

doosra 2023-11-22 16:30:42 

Stumpy here is a sad story of Pooran Kataballi

i never knew it was Pooran...i pass that man so many times...he is mentally ill

Pooran Kataballi

Medusa 2023-11-22 16:33:19 

In reply to doosra

I'm now retired so I'll make an effort to. I was traveling with the Rosehall team since the late 50's early 60's as my uncle, MA Khan, was the opening bowler until he immigrated in 1973. At the time we lived right next to the ground. Back in those days we lived cricket. Two of my primary school classmates Munilall (St Patrick's Anglican) and Milton Pydana (Scarder's) went on to play for Guyana. I sat next to Muni in class and we always got into trouble because he talked and dreamed cricket all day. IMO he should not have moved to Everest unsupervised as he developed bad habits. Milton was the most talented athlete in the school period. He could bat, bowl and keep wicket, play foot ball and was a table tennis phenom. I also grew up with Baichan (Brigo) when I later lived in Palmyra Village. We played "pick & play" bumper ball endlessly at the Seawell ground. One day our team batted first and made about 30 runs, a big score those days. In reply Brigo batted first and he poked his way for hours to the score. By then half the fielders had disappeared because men had to go pen calves, sheep etc.

doosra 2023-11-22 20:22:20 

In reply to Medusa

We played "pick & play" bumper ball endlessly at the Seawell ground
that's my favorite thing ...

thanks for sharing ... i enjoyed reading them
They say of Pydanna he was the best gloveman ever from Guyana.

Baich was the original blocker. He from #2 or Palmyra?

What was BHS like in those days. I am a Multi boy but from years later.

tc1 2023-11-22 20:40:59 

In reply to Medusa

A question for you and hopeful you know of Kennedy Vantersammy, maybe I misspell his name, he played for New Rochelle of the American cricket league, this chap is one of the best young bat I saw and I fetching balls from the boundary .

googley 2023-11-22 20:47:35 

In reply to StumpCam

OK, so the 302 was against Skeldon!
I’m sure you can forgive me for trying to recall something that took place when I was only 9yrs old. it was not against Demerara as I thought.

Brother no need to apologize....I just posted that link because it has lots of info on Romain. Cheers!

Medusa 2023-11-22 20:53:36 

In reply to doosra

No 2 and Palmyra are next to each other but most of Brigo's relatives lived in Palmyra so he spent a lot of time there. When he started taking the game seriously he will pass our house early in the morning doing his jogging routine. The boys/old men from No#2, Palmyra and Seawell were involved in the big bumber ball games when they were on hiatus from the sugar factory. A couple of the the older players from #2, Paray and Latapar had played for Berbice in their younger days.

BHS was a very vibrant and successful school back in those days and we were sports crazy, especially in cricket. Most of the outstanding players were from west Berbice, Canje and Corentyne. As a matter of fact from an academic standpoint it was almost on par with QC and quite a few of us who got scholarships to attend QC, me included, decided to attend BHS instead. The weakness was its sixth form which was not on par with QC.

Multi did not exist at that time, but I heard about it from others.

doosra 2023-11-22 20:57:11 

In reply to tc1

Kennedy Venkasammy

doosra 2023-11-22 21:00:01 

In reply to Medusa

I came to know of some of Baich family later on and they are from #2 that's why I asked. I am west coast thru and thru . what can you say of West coast bar Roy Fredericks

Yea Multi came in 75 and the first class are BHS kids who came over.

StumpCam 2023-11-22 21:26:34 

In reply to doosra

Did you run with Martin Captain aka 'dry dam' as well?

Sorry, that name doesn’t ring a bell!

During the early 80s there was Nasoon Warner from one of the estates in West Demerara. I believe he represented Guyana as well!

StumpCam 2023-11-22 21:30:13 

In reply to doosra

I played against Baichan in NY in the early 80s and later on his brother and I played for the same team! I believe he passed away, can’t remember his name now!

WI_cricfan 2023-11-22 21:30:19 

Romain was not an easy batsman to get out.

WI_cricfan 2023-11-22 21:31:54 

In reply to doosra

They say of Pydanna he was the best gloveman ever from Guyana.

Perhaps the best in the West Indies ever.

WI_cricfan 2023-11-22 21:44:38 

What is that blue build at 5;50 in the vid

doosra 2023-11-22 22:02:19 

In reply to WI_cricfan

i think there's a biz downstairs...have to check again next time i pass

tc1 2023-11-22 23:57:14 

In reply to doosra


doosra 2023-11-23 00:56:23 

Medusa 2023-11-23 01:31:49 

In reply to doosra

In the 60's Blairmont had a fairly strong team with Freddo and Sipchand opening batting, and two good fast bowlers Frank Dow and Rahumat Ali. All played Jones cup for Berbice and in one of the most exciting matches I saw between Berbice , captained by Joe Soloman and Demerara, captained by Clyde Walcott, Frank Dow batting at #11 was the hero hitting the legspinner Edwin Mohamed straight over his head for six to win the match. At the other end was #10 Sydney Jackman, the wicketkeeper from Skeldon. At that time Mental Hospital had the strongest team because they used to poach the good players from other teams. Most folks did not realize that two of their top batsmen Leslie Amsterdam (aka the little man with the broad bat) and Charles were former Blairmont players and the offspinner Indal Persaud and allrounder Rex Ramnarace jr, who both played for Guyana, were poached from Port Mourant. So I would say that Freddo and Amsterdam were two of the best.

BTW Baich also played for Mental for a while before he joined Rosehall. My Uncle who was a left arm swing bowler for Rosehall (is now in his nineties) liked to tell us how he would use Baich's defensive mindset to trick him when he opened against him. He would start with all outswingers knowing that Baich will be leaving alone, then with the fifth or sixth it will be the inswinger and he'll be out LBW. Then there is the story of Ramanand (aka crud) the captain of Rosehall sending the 12th man to tell Baich to retire out in a 40 over bristol cup match.

doosra 2023-11-23 01:41:09 

In reply to Medusa

Nice story.
I think I know the Rahumat Ali man. He lived in Rosignol. They called his mason I think. I used to hear he was a good fast bowler.
I heard about the mental hospital team. They had a nice ground there too. Everytime I cross over the bridge I would look over and imagine what it was like back in the days. It's a lovely ground, or used to be it looks...

Medusa 2023-11-23 01:52:49 

In reply to doosra

That's him, mason man. Did you hear what happened to him when he was selected to play for Guyana? He had acute appendicitis and had to have emergency surgery. I don't remember him playing again.

Most BHS matches were played on that ground. The one time I played there I was bowled for 8 playing across the line.

doosra 2023-11-23 01:56:54 

In reply to Medusa

i think i heard that mason man story but I didn't really believe that he was that good at the time ...good enough to make the national side is good isn't it

Must have been nice playing at that ground. We played down the road at Bermine but that was 90s...way after

Was Burnham park there all along too?

Medusa 2023-11-23 02:09:28 

In reply to doosra

At that time the only other ground in that area was the NA sports club ground near BHS. However, the bauxite company at the time bought it out and built houses for their executives. No there was no Burnham park at that time but I seem to recall an effort to establish a park some where near the court house. The Bermine ground must have been after I left.

kgbcan 2023-11-23 02:25:21 

In reply to doosra

We played down the road at Bermine but that was 90s.

Love those green grass tops back in the day

nickoutr 2023-11-23 02:51:07 

In reply to doosra

great video ... remembering my apprentice days ... Paul Singh's bakery and
Spreddy's cake shop ... Port Mourant is unique indeed

nickoutr 2023-11-23 02:57:38 

who remember Rudolph ( Rex ) Ramnarace ... He played for rest of the world vs Oz and Kent

doosra 2023-11-23 10:01:42 

In reply to Medusa

So it looks like Burnham Park came and went and is now being redesigned into some sort of athletic facility. I will check it out this weekend when I visit. We used to have athletics at Burnham park in the early 90s, coney island etc.
BHS has its own little ground now right across the road. It is fairly small.

Bermine probably came later indeed. The likes of Lambert, Darlington, et al. came thru that place

doosra 2023-11-23 10:02:55 

In reply to kgbcan

Last time I passed there it looked like a cow pasture...i felt sad. I have to drive around there this weekend to see how it is.

It encouraged some good fast bowling

Medusa 2023-11-23 12:45:52 

In reply to nickoutr

I saw him open the bowling for Berbice against Demerara in a Jones cup match at Rosehall CC ground some time in the mid 1960's. Also, when he started working and playing for the Mental Hospital team sometimes I would see him riding his bicycle to and from Port Mourant. That is at least about 14 miles one way.

Medusa 2023-11-23 12:54:48 

In reply to doosra

Looks like you'll be driving on the Palmyra road to NA this weekend. Our house in Palmyra is still there. It's a pinkish colored house about half way between Seawell and Palmyra turn.

doosra 2023-11-23 12:56:36 

In reply to Medusa

I have family around Palmyra and Seawell man...well my wife's family and I went to NAMS so i have tons of people there. I will look out for your pinkish colored house. There is now a lovely pastry shop not so far from the bridge entrance so we stop there for a few blackeye and so

StumpCam 2023-11-23 13:43:17 

In reply to Medusa

Then there is the story of Ramanand (aka crud)

Was he the BIG fella? I knew someone who the Berbice folks referred to as such! He drove a hire during the early ‘80s from NA to Rosehall.

googley 2023-11-23 14:12:07 

In reply to Medusa

It's a pinkish colored house about half way between Seawell and Palmyra turn.

How far from Ekant's house (saucepan man)? I lived next to his house in the early 70s for a few years.

googley 2023-11-23 14:16:41 

In reply to nickoutr

who remember Rudolph ( Rex ) Ramnarace ... He played for rest of the world vs Oz and Kent

I do....knew his father, Rex very well too. Randolph was a very good swing bowler and middle order batter. When the English team toured he played for Guyana against them...Cowdrey was impressed with his swing bowler and rumor has it that Cowdrey helped him to get to play in the English league.

Medusa 2023-11-23 15:19:06 

In reply to googley

Yes I know sauceman man house very well. A friend of ours "Beeboy" had opened a club/bar next to his house and when I visited Guyana in Xmas 1973 I spent some time there with old friends. We lived about 1/2 way down the road next to the DOCOL manager's house. You may know his sons, Vishan and Ramesh. Back in the 1970's our house was white with a red roof. However, only my brother & family (his call name was Bruda), Mom and great grand ma still lived there at the time. The people living on the east side of Ekant's house were my close friends, Rohan, Deo, Hapti etc. We all used to play for Palmyra/Seawell cricket team.

Medusa 2023-11-23 15:31:22 

In reply to StumpCam

Crud was indeed a big fella and along with most of the older players had to retire around the mid 1960's because of the large influx of younger more talented players, such as Baichan and Pydana. However, he was a senior guy at the sugar estate so I doubt he would be driving a hire car. I know through my uncle that he later migrated to Canada and is still alive. All these guys are in their nineties and still communicate with each other.

StumpCam 2023-11-23 16:32:19 

In reply to Medusa

Well, maybe I’m wrong about the HIRE car! It could have been his private vehicle!

kgbcan 2023-11-24 03:30:58 

In reply to doosra

The likes of Lambert, Darlington, et al. came thru that place

Did you play with those guys at Bermine?

doosra 2023-11-24 16:00:55 

In reply to kgbcan

No kg I'm not that old

doosra 2023-11-24 16:02:44 

Just passed the mental hospital...they are actually clearing and's looking real nice.

Floodlights up at Burnham Park...still not finished