The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

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HEADLINE: Internal strife left Scorpions struggling – McCarthy 2023-12-04 15:09:08 

FOLLOWING THE Jamaica Scorpions’ horrible performance in the 2023 Regional Super50 tournament, which saw them finishing bottom of the table with six losses and a no-result from seven matches, senior player Andre McCarthy has sought to shed light on what he thinks impacted the team in Trinidad and Tobago.

“I think the planning wasn’t good and the coaching staff thought that they could just bring any squad and win. They (coaches) didn’t put anything in place, and some of the players weren’t comfortable and that wasn’t good for the cricket, as there was too much emotion,” he stated.

The 36-year-old McCarthy, who represented West Indies at the Under-19 World Cup back in 2006, said he was speaking on behalf of the younger players, who are fearful of speaking against the injustice within the Jamaican set-up, and added that players are left on their own to correct struggles.

“The players aren’t comfortable and a lot of coaching doesn’t take place. It’s about finding your way as they can’t tell you if you’re leaning too much to the left or right, and then there’s a curse word to follow. I’ve played for years and it was always an uphill task as I’m constantly fighting. The cricket can’t be like that, they (coaches) are too personal,” said McCarthy.

Read more at Jamaica Gleaner

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XDFIX 2023-12-04 22:55:08 


cumberland 2023-12-04 23:00:18 

In reply to

How come this hasn't become a focal point for the blog's discussion just yet. A team can't go from Champions one year to bottom feeders the next and fandom ( major stakeholders) not seek answers and offer view points on the way forward.

Someone needs to respond to Mc Carthy's candid talk. Where are the franchise supporters?

XDFIX 2023-12-04 23:04:45 

In reply to cumberland

Time for a new admin!

Power and one up-man-ship is a common problem with practically all sports Admin bodies in Jamaica

XDFIX 2023-12-05 00:57:22 

Browsing the Internet for any report and findings on what went wrong to no avail!