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One of my farm trucks stolen..#$&***

sgtdjones 2024-06-20 19:35:17 

One of my farm trucks stolen..#$&***

I have 6 of these trucks on my farm, some SOB stole one a week ago
Also one of my D10 Caterpillar Tractors...

Today the Hamilton Police called me... Its my truck....

Officer Bharaj says the man had short blond hair, was wearing a T-shirt and black jogger pants and was likely operating a black 1999-2006 GMC Sierra with chrome accents, an extended length cab, window rain covers, black rims, shattered rear window and a chrome rear bumper with significant damage to the driver’s side.

Suspect sought after fire destroys tent in central Hamilton encampment

Tent Engulfed in Flames


sgtdjones 2024-06-20 19:36:56 


Googley/ Halliwell

Where were you twosome last Monday Night...?

Could be barry ..he wanted to be a truck driver...rolleyes


googley 2024-06-20 20:04:51 

In reply to sgtdjones

Made you feel like you are back in TnT!! razz

hubert 2024-06-20 22:27:04 

In reply to sgtdjones


BeatDball 2024-06-20 23:29:34 

In reply to googley

big grin

XDFIX 2024-06-21 00:41:51 

In reply to sgtdjones

I hope you are all up in the insurer's face!

They're quick to collect but slow to pay out!

googley 2024-06-21 01:37:32 

In reply to sgtdjones

Could be barry

Ding ding ding lollol

nick2020 2024-06-21 01:45:09 

In reply to sgtdjones

This sounds like that time you put up a pick of your deck...

sgtdjones 2024-06-21 01:59:57 

In reply to nick2020

If I wasn't so busy I would kindly tell you to fck off...twisted

sgtdjones 2024-06-21 02:01:55 

In reply to googley

Busy with Police and Wawanesa my Insurance Company...

May have to retain Snoopy to send some threatening letters...

barry is suspect number one...razz

sgtdjones 2024-06-21 02:09:30 

In reply to XDFIX

Insurance kept me on the phone for 3 hours today...Wawanesa Insurance been with them for over a decade.

The Caterpillar is worth almost 3 million...

My truck don't know what the red book appraisal says..

They reversed into a wall at 40kms but the rear bumper took the damage.
They damaged the driver side , broken windows and dashboard destroyed.
$800 stereo system missing....etc
I have receipts... I must supply my receipt for my last oil change to show 119000 kms...

Have to go to Central Police Station at 9am tomorrow to sign the release ...
Get a tow truck to Repair shop and wait till adjuster shows up...


sgtdjones 2024-06-21 02:31:53 

In reply to nick2020

Hey Idiot here is proof...

deleted my email
date: Jun 20, 2024, 3:28 PM
subject: Fwd: GMC Sierra Truck - In the News

My truck stolen , now found with a crime investigation in progress.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Paula Trainor <>
Date: Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 2:07 PM
Subject: GMC Sierra Truck - In the News
To: my email deleted

Is this your truck, Hamilton Police called...

Global News

Hamilton Police

Emir 2024-06-21 03:11:53 

Jackass, now go report they also stole your spaceship and it was worth $10 bil.

Eediot and jackass, all wrapped up in one.

sgtdjones 2024-06-21 03:13:53 


Here is the truck...

sgtdjones 2024-06-21 03:15:47 

In reply to Emir

Eediot and jackass, all wrapped up in one.

You seems to be very familiar with the above , tell us your

I don't have a space ship as you do...sorry..

VIX 2024-06-21 12:48:53 

take pity on the low-value compulsive liar.

He quick to post random google pic of a truck.

But we have to pay him $10,000 to go outside and take a pic of his mythical cedar deck.

I wanna see the United Nations helicopter he piloted in peace-keeping missions to Barbados.

And pix from when he was the 7ft star quarterback at the Ivy League college where he supposedly received a scholarship..

just to name a couple

sgtdjones 2024-06-21 15:52:37 


Here is another Trini above...

Emir 2024-06-21 15:54:26 

In reply to VIX

big grin

He is delusional, somewhere in Penal, he is the wretched drunk walking the streets of Penal begging for doubles and Puncheon Rum.

SnoopDog 2024-06-21 16:23:03 

Arrite folks, we have good ole fashion Tittie 3 way brawl in the octagon here today.

In the blue corner, we have Sarge the Plagiarist! In the red corner, we have Mulla the Radical! And in the pink corner, we have VIX THE VIRGIN!

We join this one already in progress but I'll say it anyways "LET GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLEEEEE!!!"

By the looks of things it looks like the Mulla and the Virgin are tag teaming up against Sarge but he's holding his far.

sgtdjones 2024-06-21 17:04:35 

In reply to SnoopDog

I am busy at Central Police station Today ...getting a receipt so I can get the truck towed to a repair shop.

I just found out I must wait for an adjuster from Wawanesa Insurance to visit on Monday...

To busy to engaged two idiots with no life

googley 2024-06-21 18:16:51 

In reply to sgtdjones

whats the total estimated loss?

sgtdjones 2024-06-21 19:38:28 

In reply to googley

I don't know I must produce all sort of receipts even latest oil changes to show milage.

Then await an adjuster from Wawanesa Insurance ....he/she determines the actual value.

The Caterpillar, police said it may have left the Port of Montreal, destination unknown...

To Purchase a new truck....approx. 60, license plates required...ministry will give me one that states farm Vehicle. Must have insurance.
Can drive such on farm roads ...

I haven't had the time to check what a new Cat D10 is worth.... est...3 million Cdn

Curtis 2024-06-21 21:40:09 

In reply to sgtdjones

Sarge, is it a 4 by 4 Van? Not no tiny wagon?

Convexrook 2024-06-22 00:27:00 

In reply to sgtdjones

Sorry to hear about your unfortunate circumstances brother.

Why not move further North?
Lots of Space up North.

Gentlemen. It's bee na while since I logged and posted anything on the forum but check in occasionally.

WI cricket draw me out

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 00:35:31 

Hamilton Police

On Friday, Const. Krista-Lee Ernst said police have determined that the arson targeted a specific victim, and was not a statement about the presence of the encampment.

Police have recovered the black GMC Sierra pickup truck used, she said. It was stolen.

Police are also aware of a similar pickup truck that has been seen multiple times in the community. That is not the truck involved.

The suspect was described as a white man, around 30 years old, with short, blond hair. He wore a T-shirt and black jogging pants.

The investigation remains ongoing.

Stolen truck

Rear of truck

sudden 2024-06-22 01:07:52 

You hear lie

googley 2024-06-22 01:28:45 

In reply to sudden

You are in Canada currently, right? Hmmm lol

sudden 2024-06-22 01:35:05 

In reply to googley

big grin

sudden 2024-06-22 01:40:03 

In reply to googley

But you know it is all a lie
That buddy lies like a rug

nick2020 2024-06-22 01:45:27 

In reply to sgtdjones

you are not worried about the 180,000lb vehicle they also "stole"?

They towed it with the Sierra?

sudden 2024-06-22 01:46:44 

In reply to nick2020

Wuh loss

Halliwell 2024-06-22 01:48:15 

They always return to the scene of the crime
Sudden I feel you are part of this

sudden 2024-06-22 01:50:32 

In reply to Halliwell

And you know what?

I am at a certain escarpment in Canada

googley 2024-06-22 01:50:35 

In reply to Halliwell

It is highly coincidental that Sudden is in Canada at the same time. lol

nick2020 2024-06-22 01:52:45 

In reply to googley


sudden 2024-06-22 01:57:01 

In reply to googley

Correlation is not causation

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 02:00:15 

In reply to nick2020

you are not worried about the 180,000lb vehicle they also "stole"?

The Caterpillar, police said it may have left the Port of Montreal, destination unknown...

Only an idiot would make such comment...keep it up you are consistent..

Halliwell 2024-06-22 03:36:03 

In reply to googley

Sarge lawyers will jam his rass!!!

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 03:41:03 

In reply to Halliwell

Shouldn't you be asleep, instead of causing

bravos 2024-06-22 05:14:23 

In reply to sudden

Cat D10 weighs over 180,000 lbs/ 90 tons and requires special trailers and other support trucks, special permits,route planning, police escorts ,partial disassembly with heavy lifting equipment to remove the blade and arms for transport and shipping which would have to be prearranged with special provisions and more lifting equipment on board . Such a task would require a lot of planning and a whole support team.

D10s cost thousands an hour to operate and are only used in massive earth moving operations and big surface mining operations where they can move thousands of cu.m of material daily. Some of the biggest construction companies in the world don't even own D10s, they are very specialized and are almost primal as their main purpose is to displace rip and push the rawest of material at the source en masse hence the size and weight .

No D10 nowhere in the world can just conveniently end up on the last river boat outta town without the world noticing . It's a big ass piece of equipment and that guy/gal is a clown which I refuse to engage.

Pity the posters that takes this clown seriously .

bravos 2024-06-22 06:49:55 

Big ass D8 dozer on left, D10 that caught the last river boat outta town on right You gonna struggle to find even the one on the left on a regular large scale construction site , you kinda going into large scale high volume heavy mining and mountain moving territory already with the D8, let alone a D10..

First D10, just to give you some perspective on what this fraud is proposing here..

oh those early ones are even smaller in many regards, engine, hydraulic system, rams etc,main structure, under carriage etc..

Repeat after me, 'Mining dozer' . ..Sound it out..

nick2020 2024-06-22 11:49:03 

In reply to bravos

This is what sarge lost.

Emir 2024-06-22 12:02:17 

In reply to bravos

big grinbig grinbig grinbig grin

Bravs, not sure if you visit the Penal area, but word his, this fraud spends most of the day in a run down rum shop and he has a lap top

sudden 2024-06-22 12:57:34 

In reply to bravos

He is a big time Fraud

Lies, lies and more lies

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 13:39:43 


Its amazing how dimwits are clueless about the Niagara Escarpment and its geological composition.
Hamilton, Ontario, is on the escarpment in such a way that the north end of the city is below and the south part above approx. 100m
Commonly referred to as "The Mountain" by its residents, many roads or "mountain accesses" join the urban core below with the suburban expansion above.
From 1892 to 1936, the Hamilton Incline Railway transported people up and down "The Mountain".

The Canadian shield is part of the Niagara Escarpment which stretches from upstate New York, crossing into Canada at Niagara Falls and continuing northward through the Bruce Peninsula, to curve back around the western side of Lake Michigan.
The Canadian Shield is rich in natural resources, including minerals, forests and freshwater.
The Canadian Shield is one of the world's richest areas in terms of mineral ores.
It is filled with substantial deposits of nickel, gold, silver, and copper.
There are many mining towns and farmland extracting these minerals.
Mining began in the region in the mid-19th century and was key to Canada's economic development.

Niagara Escarpment

Escarpment rock surface

Its amazing how some posters love to look clueless and as idiots...

I will let them bray ....fcking clueless bunch

nick2020 2024-06-22 14:02:54 

In reply to sgtdjones

We don't believe you have even one of those Caterpillars.

So why not take a photo of one that you still have there with a sign that reads "still cheaper than sudden's divorce" and we will believe you.

VIX 2024-06-22 14:05:57 

I have no doubt a truck was stolen.

But the short fat-ass stole it himself.

Telling his boss at the farm how is not he but another fruit-picker from the barracks.

As for the tractor, is probably as Nick pointed out, a toy one from his barbie doll and choo-choo train collection.

Allyuh think it easy with that low-value poster?

googley 2024-06-22 14:57:15 

In reply to sudden

Correlation is not causation

I hear there were security cameras around...not too late to come clean lollol

bravos 2024-06-22 15:31:45 

In reply to nick2020

Sad af ..

bravos 2024-06-22 15:35:20 

In reply to sudden

He/she always looking to outdo the last ridiculous lie.

Let's put it this way, he/she is more likely to be the owner of the stock pic deck than the owner operator of a D10. And we all know how ridiculous the deck proposition was . What a clown...

bravos 2024-06-22 15:39:07 

In reply to VIX

Probaby uses the D10 to tend to the 1000 foot yacht at the bottom of the mountain..

bravos 2024-06-22 15:42:15 

The Caterpillar, police said it may have left the Port of Montreal, destination unknown...

The heavy equipment and heavy transport world would've been all over this.

bravos 2024-06-22 16:06:29 

In reply to Emir

Sad sad case.

Emir 2024-06-22 16:38:24 

In reply to bravos

Mental illness?

I mean the stories he cook up is beyond the normal simple embellishment.

But you are right, we should feel sorry for him/her.

I now feel bad I made fun of him and had laughs at his expense, I apologize.

nick2020 2024-06-22 17:00:39 

In reply to bravos

And we all know how ridiculous the deck proposition was .

Well you gotta admit that was one of the most entertaining threads ever created on the internet. Started by black and reached a crescendo with you calling him out.

sudden 2024-06-22 17:12:53 

In reply to nick2020

I seem to remember a rather comical thread about a deck

SnoopDog 2024-06-22 17:31:02 

Well this three man melee has now turned into a battle royal with more participants joining in to put a good beating on our boy Sarge the Plagiarist.

Time to invoke the mercy rule? lol

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 17:49:20 

In reply to SnoopDog

Its funny how they come out from under the rocks and post stuff about something they know nothing about...

A boboolee from T&T , that has closed down shop in La Romain..being the biggest accuser..

When I get documents from Hamilton Police will post such .

Now let them

Stolen pickup truck used in tent arson recovered by police

Back of Truck
Reversed into a brick wall...

Inside of truck

Broke back window to enter truck

When I get info from Hamilton Police , RCMP about D10 will post such until then I shall be quiet and let jackarses bray...
The RCMP handle investigations when such occurs ...
Theses dummies are unfamiliar with such...thus the braying.

bravos 2024-06-22 17:56:15 

In reply to SnoopDog

The joker plagiarize a frigging stolen vehicle victim story yes ! And how come they find a run of the mill run down pick up but can't track a 90 ton machine the size of a building!! Hahahaha !!

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 18:01:02 

CASE NUMBER: 24-659099

Police Confirm Tent Arson Was Targeted, Not Anti-Encampment
Hamilton Police have successfully located and recovered the stolen vehicle used in the arson attack on a tent at a local encampment, which occurred on Wednesday evening.

On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at approximately 8:00 p.m., a black pickup truck drove onto the grassy area at the northwest corner of Wellington Street North and Simcoe Street. A male suspect exited the vehicle, poured a liquid from a yellow jerry can onto a tent, ignited it, and then fled the scene. Although the fire was extinguished, the tent and all its contents were destroyed. Thankfully, no one was inside the tent at the time of the incident.

Witnesses describe the suspect as a white male, approximately 30 years-of-age, with short blonde hair. He was wearing a t-shirt and black jogger pants.

Detectives have confirmed that this attack was targeted against an individual and was not an anti-encampment statement. This incident remains isolated, and there are no ongoing concerns for public safety in connection to this case.

Investigators are still working to gather information about the suspect and are eager to speak with the property owner of the tent. Anyone with information is encouraged to come forward.

Contact Information:
Detective Greg Blunsdon
Phone: 905-540-5085

For those who prefer to provide information anonymously, please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or submit tips online at

Hamilton Police appreciate the community's support and cooperation as this investigation continues.

bravos 2024-06-22 18:05:48 

In reply to Emir

Yeah stolen pick up yet no mention of or link to stolen rare 90 ton machine worth millions? That in itself would've made for some very dramatic and unbelievable news which no journalist would've passed up on..surely there would've been discussions with industry experts on the magnitude of the theft etc and what would've been required to carry it out etc cctv footage etc and the associated awe . Surely it would be very easy to document identify and track a vessel that took on such a cargo that requires special heavy transport and handling etc.

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 18:10:38 

You cant identify guns coming into T&T..but you are braying about something you know little about.

Any lawyer would say nothing till the police contact you ...

I await the RCMP statement...twisted

I will have a release document from Hamilton Police and will post it, its at the repair shop that accepted the vehicle.

SnoopDog 2024-06-22 18:12:46 

The beating being administered to our boy Sarge continues unabated.

He's fighting back but most of his punches are hitting air.

Where's the ring doctor? Dukes? Anybody?

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 18:15:53 

In reply to SnoopDog

Can you explain to these idiots what I am talking about..

They know nutting about Canadian law ..even that dummy sodden...

The police ask me to say nothing...until investigation is completed even the RCMP...

Notice the broke bobolee from T&T braying...

bravos 2024-06-22 18:22:27 

All they have to do is get the sailing records, cargo manifests, witness statements, port and nearby cctv footage over the time-line the crime occured .

Remember this thing is like a building on wheels but heavier ! Did he/she think a D10 was a farm tractor?

bravos 2024-06-22 18:25:59 

In reply to nick2020

Ever notice that the most successful threads involving the idiot are the ones where he f@ckin he own self without mercy or grease ?

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 18:27:01 

Trinidad cannot get such records months after a tug Boat and taker spilled oil off Tobago...

So shut your dumb arse...evil

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 18:29:21 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: My email deleted
Date: Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 12:50 PM
Subject: Fwd: Nrinder Nann Statement
To: <>, Cameron Kroetsch <>, <>

Hello Mayor, Councilors ,

I have received a copy of the attached document. Wouldn't it been wise to contact the authorities and gather more information regarding the theft of my truck before issuing such idiotic releases.
My conversation with a police officer this morning suggests that the theft of two trucks, one manufactured in 2004 and the other in 2006, that are coincidentally identical, is quite unusual.

Both vehicles were driven into a concrete wall, resulting in extensive damage to their interiors and shattered windows.

An individual in his 40s, who owns multiple high-value properties in Ward 2 and Ward 3, owns the truck involved in the fire.

This individual is also a responsible taxpayer. The article you provided, which sparked considerable controversy, did not mention the ​44-year-old individual in question.

The newspaper reported on an individual with blonde hair who seemed to be approximately 30 years old.
Have you noticed the differences, councilors? ....

Formerly, Mr. Cameron called them ( campers in Parks) my neighbors in an email, but I told him I don't have such neighbors.
I have complete faith in my neighbor's respect for personal boundaries and would never imagine them using my truck without my consent.
The truck was stolen from Young Street, where it had remained parked consistently for the past 15 years​ on one of my properties.

At 9 a.m. this morning, I collected a document from the Central Police station and coordinated the towing of my truck to Runco, located at Young and John Street in Hamilton.
After receiving the truck and thoroughly cleaning the interior, I made two intriguing discoveries.
​One receipt bearing a masculine name and address.
A key chain displays a woman's name.
I have never engaged in any form of smoking in the truck. Cigarettes butts were found.

Given your connections to influential individuals in Hamilton, as previously stated in your release, could you please inquire about the aforementioned matter?

Could you estimate how many such neighbors live nearby your residences , for curiosity?

The police officer assured me that they would issue a revised statement after I inquired about the truck's theft exclusion in their initial release.

It's noteworthy that they prioritize the cart ​before the horse.
In addition, two city councilors have issued official statements...

It's unfortunate that there appears to be a lack of competence at City Hall in Hamilton.


Councilor ward 3

She made a dumb arse statement without facts...

The Hamilton Police detective was called and collected the evidence found in truck...

bravos 2024-06-22 18:34:04 

People here we go, 'the truck the truck', the f@ck up truck !

What about the monster D10 worth millions ???

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 18:36:57 

When I get info from Hamilton Police , RCMP about D10 will post such until then I shall be quiet and let jackarses bray...
The RCMP handle investigations when such occurs ...
Theses dummies are unfamiliar with such...thus the braying.

Being a moron that never graduated from high school its beyond you rasshole..

Its obvious you can read but cannot assimilate what I wrote about the D10 above...

What a fcking wonder your rass is broke..

googley 2024-06-22 19:17:53 

I still maintain its someone who knows you and your whereabouts that did the stealing!! lol

who knows, the stuff might have already been shipped overseas! maybe Tnt? lol

bravos 2024-06-22 19:27:54 

Which heavy haulage company moved a D10 recently to the port ? There aren't many , so which was it ? Everyone in the industry would know about this..easy case to crack ..cctv everywhere also...


bravos 2024-06-22 19:37:03 

I have 6 of these trucks on my farm, some SOB stole one a week ago
Also one of my D10 Caterpillar Tractors...

So it's more than one 'farm' spec D10s huh ? What's this mofo farming ???

Oh God lie and say it was a mower or a bobcat nah, not a D10 ffs !! Stupidity and dishonesty is a hapless

Cheeks 2024-06-22 20:16:11 

Another super entertaining gem. big grin

Emir 2024-06-22 21:00:24 

In reply to bravos

Exactly, someone stole a massive, bulky equipment that requires all sorts of coordination to remove it involving many people.

But the sicko didn’t think before he wrote.

bravos 2024-06-22 21:11:19 

In reply to Emir

Stupidity and dishonesty together at work ! redface

nick2020 2024-06-22 22:19:56 

In reply to bravos


I said he seems to care more about a Sierra truck than a million dollar piece of equipment.

And he cuss me.

bravos 2024-06-22 22:23:26 

In reply to nick2020

Yeah ain too long see that when I was going through the thread saw Sudden pick up on that, also saw you mentioned the

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 22:48:55 

...Critics here...Police Project elephant.

Idiots watch this...

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 22:50:04 

In reply to nick2020

The truck has been recovered by Hamilton Police and awaiting Wawanesa Insurance adjuster to be repaired.
A lot of paperwork to be completed.

D10 is an RCMP investigation and was told not to say anything...

You should read what I posted , so you don't look stupid....and get cussed but that's not your objective...

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 23:07:12 

Construction equipment theft continues to be a major concern for business owners. Stealing construction equipment is a low-risk, high-reward opportunity for thieves, especially on unsecured construction sites. Less than 25% of stolen construction equipment is recovered each year.
While it’s difficult to nail down concrete figures, the National Equipment Register (NER) estimates the value of construction equipment stolen each year is somewhere between $300 million to $1 billion. That estimate is for equipment only and doesn’t include tools and building materials which are often easy targets for thieves.

The cost of replacement is just the beginning of the headache that stolen equipment causes construction business owners.
There’s also the time spent having to file police reports and insurance claims.

This was followed closely by Tractors loaded onto a trailer or towed off a construction site..Half of the construction equipment stolen in 2016 were models five years or newer. Newer equipment with fewer operating hours will have a higher resale value for thieves.

sudden 2024-06-22 23:32:08 

None of that makes contact with the so called theft of D10

Once a liar, well you know the rest

This is even worse than the deck pic / story

Now he has been told not to say anything

You just can’t make this Shoite up

Then again, you can or rather he did

Narper 2024-06-22 23:32:40 

In reply to sgtdjones

O skunt Sarge....I haven"t read whole the tread as yet...but hang in there...I have full confidence in Canadian police

sgtdjones 2024-06-22 23:38:49 

In reply to sudden

D10 is an RCMP investigation and was told not to say anything..

They can have something to enthrall you; a confidential investigation called "Project Fatso"rolleyes

sudden 2024-06-23 00:06:32 

Teacher Percy say if you tell a lie
You going to hell as soon as you die

bravos 2024-06-23 01:37:22 

In reply to sudden

Construction equipment is stolen and decks are built everyday , just not D10s and stock photo promo decks .

Yuh hear lie !

VIX 2024-06-23 02:49:49 

In reply to bravos

The short fat f#ck has been caught out in so many lies that only ignoramuses like snoopdog, beatdball, black and zsa zsa pay him any mind. Low value poster indeed!

sudden 2024-06-23 13:08:16 

Who in their right mind would steal a D10?

I mean how do you go about doing that without having heavy duty equipment and transport on hand and at the ready, which is not easy to hide

And then somehow get it on a ship?

And then it becomes a RCMP investigation and a gag order has been placed on the virtual complainant

And we are suppose to believe this from a serial liar?

bravos 2024-06-23 14:14:49 

In reply to sudden


Well thank God they only stole one of them.

Could've been worse..(the lies) lollol

bravos 2024-06-23 14:16:57 

In reply to VIX

He's pathetic.

camos 2024-06-23 14:30:26 

big grin what do you farm?

bravos 2024-06-23 14:37:29 

In reply to camos

10 ton potatoes .

sgtdjones 2024-06-23 15:18:21 

In reply to camos

Clearing land on farm to grow Saffron, costs at least $10 for one gram, its very expensive.
Grown on a small portion of farm over the last few years,learning process, in another 3 years a large portion of farm will grow such.
Niagara school of Horticulture provides help with experience co-op students opened in 1936.
It is located on Niagara Boulevard about five miles downstream from Niagara Falls.

Saffron also has an incredibly short harvest window.
Crocus sativus is a fall-flowering plant, only blooming for a couple weeks out of the year.
Saffron is typically harvested in late October into November.

Emir 2024-06-23 16:04:26 

In reply to camos

He is big "Canadian" farmer, his crops includes but in not limited to the following:

1. Lies leaves
2. Delusion leaves
3. Dotishness
4. Chupidness

sudden 2024-06-23 16:13:03 

Now that is funny

sudden 2024-06-23 16:15:08 

Let me get this straight when was the ground cleared to plant saffron in Niagara?

Cheeks 2024-06-23 16:21:16 

There is something pathological surrounding these unsolicited fables. I gaaaaaan.

nick2020 2024-06-23 16:55:06 

In reply to Cheeks

But Cheeks you will miss the end of this fictional tale big grin

bravos 2024-06-23 17:16:38 

Man using a couple or more D10s to plant saffron..

Man digging a DEEPER hole that not even all the D10s in the world could fill.

An eternal ABYSS of never-ending lies, shame and pity.

sudden 2024-06-23 17:35:13 

In reply to bravos

De Liar no shame hasbig grin

bravos 2024-06-23 19:28:26 

In reply to sudden

Considered that while writing, but for it is us right thinking Trinis that are ashamed .

sgtdjones 2024-06-23 19:36:47 


right thinking Trinis

You are a loser , what happened in La Romain , Raptors all shut are broke..dummy

...Isn't it great to have these losers all worked up about me...

A few came out from under their rocks recently...

Commenting on things they are clueless about....

Are they familiar about the undulations and rock formation of the Canadian shield

Its obviously not or they wouldn't be making asinine comments..

But continue folks with no lives...

bravos 2024-06-23 19:48:33 

Somebody get this guy/girl some help, I have no clue what he/she's going on about !! Madness lol..

nick2020 2024-06-23 19:51:20 

In reply to sgtdjones

Isn't it great to have these losers all worked up about me

This is who you are in a nutshell. Someone who wants to project himself as a winner.

This makes you a loser. Someone who brags about charitable donations.

johndom90 2024-06-23 19:53:26 

big grin
Ah go stay out ah dis lol

sgtdjones 2024-06-23 20:08:53 

In reply to johndom90

Are you allowed out of your mothers in law basement...
Why not stick to watching Soaps ...
its intelligent as you have become...

sgtdjones 2024-06-23 20:11:55 

In reply to nick2020

You are a really this dumb fcking idiot....

Do you read what I post , its obvious you have a deficit ...

Continue with the cult of stupidity ...

None of these fcking morons understand what I posted ...

Carry on .....razz

tc1 2024-06-23 20:45:15 

In reply to bravos

Your hommie has a very large farm to require a D10 cat to move soil, why not use a smaller machine for efficiency. you are correct that the D10 cost could more than 2.5m

Ayenmol 2024-06-23 21:41:01 

In reply to sgtdjones

so the truck in the report that was photographed, that's your truck that was stolen?

if so they really did a number on it.

all four of my rims were stolen off my suburban once.
the emotions you feel after such an intrusion are overwhelming.

bravos 2024-06-23 22:17:27 

In reply to Ayenmol

They did a bigger 'number' on the multi-million dollar D10 . It's yet to be found, I would be more concerned about that and I would've made sure it was the focal point of the 'investigation' . We're talking about something worth millions, even my thread title would've focused on my multi-million dollar loss rather than an old cheap farm pickup, that would've probably gotten a mention along the way.

Maintain your integrity as a forthright poster and don't take that character seriously, don't be fooled by a clown, it's not a good look, you'll have a red nose and don't even know it .

bravos 2024-06-23 22:19:26 

In reply to tc1

Billionaire moves I guess . confused

nick2020 2024-06-23 22:50:09 

In reply to bravos


And he has more than 1.

Ayenmol 2024-06-23 22:57:57 

In reply to bravos

I just wanted to know why the thief changed the wheels on his z71 before going on a rampage.....
But ayou trini wont give the man a second to expound.

i done know who haul away the man D10, no mystery there.

XFactor 2024-06-23 23:03:18 

Trini Bacanal at large here!lol

bravos 2024-06-23 23:15:07 

In reply to Ayenmol

You know I thought it could've been sarcasm, but yeah I was actually going to spend some time on those pickup pics to look for anomalies but left it for someone else to do, and you did ! lol

* Those darn hillbillies ! evil

bravos 2024-06-23 23:17:24 

In reply to nick2020

Yep that's a boss ! smile

Emir 2024-06-23 23:45:33 

In reply to bravos

Oh gord oh, I feelin sorry for the jackass, I never seen anyone gotten so mauled in here before, even with the deck stuff and the stock photo.

And from among his 3 "friends" in here, 2 have abandoned him, even for them it seems too much.

Lets give him a mercy break.big grin

Ayenmol 2024-06-24 00:03:58 

This is not funny. It's not even pathetic. It's just sad,

There Is absolutely no doubt this is fabricated!

That this individual is a compulsive liar.

Am quite sure not even the India photos were his!

You have a farm with multiple trucks for the farm...but you removing the standard wheels and replacing them with aftermarket 22 inchers?

What? On a farm truck?

Then you out here posting daily.....multiple times, while claiming to run multiple businesses?

You can post multiple topics per day on cc while running these businesses. You can run a blog on top of that all for attention....but you can't post once while on vacation....because what? India has no internet? Or you cant afford it?

You have a blog you claim, posting on things you are clueless about while you have multiple D10s on your farm?

You wcant post a single photo of that, of course.

Videos of D10s with not a second of narration are getting a million views on YouTube, with accounts garnering thousands of subscribers, while you here seeking attention from a handful of posters about tablets you donated?

Man you are a compulsive degenerate liar.

Get help man. This is beyond sad it's painful.

bravos 2024-06-24 00:07:11 

In reply to XFactor

Nah doh simplify it to that. Nick, Sudden and others aren't Trini . It's a bachanal for basic decency and respect . You can't go around trying to insult the intelligence of intelligent men no matter the nationality.

What I can tell you is though the vast majority of Trinis here stand for reason and decency so if that makes it a Trini bachanal well count me in .

bravos 2024-06-24 00:17:49 

In reply to Ayenmol

Take down of the year .

I don't think anymore needs to be said..

Let's see if they keep digging deeper after your wake up call, would probably need some giant mining excavators too..

tc1 2024-06-24 00:24:50 

An oversize load like moving a D!0 would have an escort by a security company or the police .

sudden 2024-06-24 00:45:32 

In reply to Ayenmol

Best post ever by you

bravos 2024-06-24 02:14:03 

Have a look at what this one did in 51 mins, its a 'D11' basically a D10 with some upgraded components and not a seperate bigger model designation..Start the vid take a couple mins and see how it operates with the ripper and then the blade, then skip a bit and see the progress and then skip to when the guy walks in the hole for some proper perspective

Thousands of tons of material moved..

sudden 2024-06-24 13:04:02 

In reply to bravos

Man posting all kind of crap but not addressing the D10 and other salient issues as pointed out by you and Molly

SnoopDog 2024-06-24 13:21:11 

It's day 6 of this argy bargy and Sarge the Plagiarist is now pretty much a corpse after enduring the shellacking of a lifetime.

Thankfully, his insurance policy covers losses from all perils of any kind.

sudden 2024-06-24 13:23:56 

In reply to SnoopDog

Not losses from lying, thobig grin

sgtdjones 2024-06-24 14:13:56 

In reply to SnoopDog

From: Susan deleted
Date: Mon, Jun 24 at 9:51 AM
Subject: Fwd: Status Update: Document Request - Claim # 007000001249095 et al
To: My email deleted

I've uploaded already the documents from the purchase of the truck.

Can you gather up

a recent oil change or service bill from Runco showing the km. It must be in the 120k or 130k now because was 109k two years ago
a picture or two of the truck if you have it
Receipt for wheels and tires
Receipt for paint job if possible
Receipt for any major repairs done recently if any

Latest Oil Change with kilometers

For the D10 Caterpillar , it has been reported to the Hamilton Police. Wawanesa notified of what was told to me in confidence by the police.

Wawanesa Representative that handles such Heavy equipment will contact you shortly.

Please notify the Caterpillar Representative,

Head Office Concord:

Toromont Cat
P.O. Box 5511
3131 Highway 7 West - Building B
Concord, ON L4K5E1

Notify Toromont CAT of the situation, they will need permission to give information to Wawanesa

Since this D10 Caterpillar was purchased 2 years ago, a bill of sale must be provided.

Toromont CAT serviced this D10 , they must provide all documentation.

Be prepared for a tedious and time consuming process during the investigation.

I was advised such equipment are taken apart then shipped by professionals thieves, they have transport, skilled diesel mechanics and customers.

Toromont Cat advised that 6 Caterpillars have gone missing in the Golden horseshoe in the last 14 months.

GPS went silent on June 9th 2024 at 3am on both stolen items

Location: Your farm , in the township of deleted.. Southern Ontario. Canada

The Civil Engineering Company , Projects engineers will be contacted also.

Get Toromont CAT to examine your two other caterpillars on your farm and submit to Wawanesa the report.

Insurance Representative.

Wawanesa Logo and Document Request Icon
Document Request

Wawanesa Agent

Dear Susan,

We require a few pieces of information to help resolve the insurance claim 007000001249095.

Under the Files section in the Claims Central platform, kindly submit the following:

All vehicle documents pertaining to the purchase of the vehicle
A copy of the Bill of Sale
A copy of your most recent service record and/or oil change receipt for mileage confirmation
A copy of receipts for any modification or additional parts added to vehicle (example: paint job, aftermarket wheels and tires)
A couple pictures of vehicle

Sharing these items with us as soon as possible will help expedite the resolution of your claim. Please send these items by email or by signing into Claims Central.

Sign In to Share

Having trouble? Try copy and pasting the link below:

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact me at: (844) 929 2637 ext. 7100 or


Christine Goulay
Claims Adjuster | Auto Physical Damage
The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company
100-4110 Yonge St, Toronto, Ontario, M2P 2B7
Tel: (844) 929 2637 ext. 7100
Wawanesa Logo

sgtdjones 2024-06-24 14:20:51 


If the critics can read and assimilate

Should be interesting to hear their expert opinions

Fcking bunch of losers...

I will get other reports soon... morons.

Envy and jealousy typical crab in the barrel posters...

Ayenmol 2024-06-24 15:12:20 

In reply to sgtdjones

maybe am guilty of all the above...

i would ask for proof or wait for reports....

but they will never sure.

or they'll be more fabrications.

I call on anyone here who has even a paper thin thread of a doubt that you are making this up, to speak up.

Anyone.....even those who generally converse with you here.

I do not have a fraction of the importance you claim....or the responsibilities, yet i cannot find the time to be half as involved here as you.....or even care to be without some other more important thing in my life suffering.

I am now sure that black character was you.

You have to be sane person can carry on like this....or fail to see what others can so clearly.

there is just no other explanation.

sgtdjones 2024-06-24 17:25:49 

In reply to Ayenmol

maybe am guilty of all the above...

I just submitted what my insurance gave me ...your comments are laughable..

Why don't you kindly go fix a roof for Jehovah witness

That where your expertise lies...

Now black and I are the same...razz

He lives in Texas

I live in Southern Ontario...

Your brilliance is astonishing...razz

googley 2024-06-24 17:50:34 

In reply to sgtdjones

Did you hire Snoop to make sure you are getting a fair deal? lol

sgtdjones 2024-06-24 17:59:00 

In reply to googley

No, if one hires a lawyer Insurance company will no longer talk to me...

How many lawyers are familiar with a D 10 Caterpillar.

Snoopy is only familiar with his BMW after the Trini girls are finished with it and he needs repairs at the BMW dealer...razz

bravos 2024-06-24 18:05:28 

Head Office Concord:

Toromont Cat
P.O. Box 5511
3131 Highway 7 West - Building B
Concord, ON L4K5E1

Notify Toromont CAT of the situation, they will need permission to give information to Wawanesa

Since this D10 Caterpillar was purchased 2 years ago, a bill of sale must be provided.

Toromont CAT serviced this D10 , they must provide all documentation.

Be prepared for a tedious and time consuming process during the investigation.

I was advised such equipment are taken apart then shipped by professionals thieves, they have transport, skilled diesel mechanics and customers.

So I decided to have one of my employees contact our victim's Cat Agent Toromont Cat as he posted above, and this is how the emails went . He sent this to me like minutes ago .

First email..

Email thread with replies....

Feel free to contact Ms. Sabrina Kooistra at

sgtdjones 2024-06-24 18:13:39 

....did you read what the Insurance agent said to me

Notify Toromont CAT of the situation, they will need permission to give information to Wawanesa

I haven't given permission nor notified Toromont Cat the details as yet , I need a police report...

Privacy permission...dimwitt..

They cannot give info without my Insurance or my try again...razz

sgtdjones 2024-06-24 18:30:18 

Received today

Paper work galore..

To: deleted
Sent: Monday, June 24th 2024, 10:21 AM
Subject: RE: Claim #1249**** - Questions

Good morning ,

Thank you for returning the signed police consent form to me. I have requested a copy of the police report.
I need your signature on the attached privacy act documents.
I’ll reach out to our appraisal department so they may dispatch an appraiser to Runco’s.
I will forward a police consent form to you in a separate email which is needed for our police report order.

Our underwriting department is reviewing your policy and have asked for additional information to ensure the vehicle(s) on your policy are rated properly.

Can you provide additional information:

What is the trailer used for?
How long have you been using it commercially?
Have you advised your broker?
Are any other vehicles on the policy being used for anything other than personal use?


Christine Goulay | Claims Adjuster 3, Auto Physical Damage
The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company
100-4110 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON M2P 2B7
TF: 1-844-929-2637 Ext. 7100

sgtdjones 2024-06-24 18:50:51 

Sabrina Kooistra<>
Mon 2024-06-24 2:40 PM

Good afternoon.

Thank you for your e-mail. 
We take the Privacy Act very serious at Toromont.
I can assure you – there was no personal information shared or exchanged about any of our customers

Thank you


bravos 2024-06-24 19:21:19 

Hahaha a purported copy and paste of an e-mail but post *edited

And which Canadian says they take something 'very serious' and not 'very seriously' , and why not post a screenshot ?

I know why..

Yuh hear lie..

bravos 2024-06-24 19:24:53 

Why all the 'confidentiality' anyone with a missing piece of equipment would like the word to be spread by all and any means ...

This guy/girl is far gone and beyond help..

Sad case..

sudden 2024-06-24 19:31:48 

In reply to bravos

Well well well

sudden 2024-06-24 19:32:11 

In reply to sgtdjones

Have you no shame

nick2020 2024-06-24 20:27:08 

In reply to sudden

Did I miss something?

Trip to India?

nick2020 2024-06-24 20:29:47 

In reply to sudden

Well well well

big grin

sgtdjones 2024-06-24 20:50:48 

In reply to sudden

Have you no shame

when addressing losers ..nah

The idiot bobolee from T&T ..I high lighted the line thus edited..

look how many came out from under their rocks to comment.

See I just did the line to you dummy above...razz

sudden 2024-06-24 20:51:42 

In reply to nick2020

You just can’t make this Shoite up

Then again, he did

sgtdjones 2024-06-24 20:53:28 

In reply to sudden

hey fatso

you are a failure in every thing you did in your life..

Bobolee is broke...

I have a lot of documentation that is needed by Wawanesa...ta ta...

sudden 2024-06-24 20:56:11 

Teacher Percy say if you tell a lie
You going to hell as soon as you die

bravos 2024-06-24 21:14:46 

In reply to sudden

'Dey say de man who tief de van is de man who bun de tent ,dey never say nutten bout ah D ten. .yuh hear lie' !!

King LIAR !!

bravos 2024-06-24 21:24:09 

In reply to Ayenmol

That's why I don't engage with that clown. It's an insult to one's self .

Emir 2024-06-24 22:16:45 

In reply to bravos


googley 2024-06-24 23:20:11 

In reply to sgtdjones

You should hire SnoopDog..dem insurance company will rob you blind. SnoopDog might even do it pro.bono lol

sgtdjones 2024-06-25 01:06:22 

In reply to googley

I am awaiting the adjuster for the truck...see what he/she will note ....

Then ask lawyers familiar with such briefs. Snoopy $5,000 retainer up

The only thing they haven't asked for as yet is my first born.

Where it will get interesting is the D10, how they will evaluate such that its missing.

This is a learning experience for me ...first time stuff stolen.

I have posted whatever I have received to date...

bravos 2024-06-25 01:13:38 

In reply to Ayenmol

Just looked at the trucks, definitely different trucks..

The one he posted before the 'incident' ('Here's the truck' )doesn't have mud-guards, the plastic part of the front bumper is painted body color, it also doesn't have rear facing lights at the top rear and wind deflector over the windows.

The one of it stolen ( ('Stolen truck') has rear facing lights at the top rear , wind deflectors over the four side windows and the plastic part of the front bumper isn't painted ,it's the same bare work grey plastic as the mud-guards and one truck is dark grey the other is black, the wheels are also different as you pointed out .

Even the (his) stolen truck story is a lie.

Sad af.

johndom90 2024-06-25 01:19:17 

Ode to the most interesting man/woman on here

sgtdjones 2024-06-25 01:35:08 

Idiot Boboolee

The first picture had 14 inch rims and Cooper tires

After I painted the truck , I needed new tires

I got 13 inch rims with Goodyear Kevlar tires ;its black and they put on mud guards at no charge...etc

All models have the rear facing lights at the top rear . I have had this truck for over 20 years..dummy
How come you missed the plastic rain protector on windows...?

Some day I will post marshmellow ...diesel 800 hp , a monster...its a 3500 white Ford...then check the Hugh tires..

You are desperate aren't you its a 2004 model with just over 120,000 kilometers.razz

Its obvious you can't read or you would have noticed the questions Wawanesa has asked...
hire one as you do to read your financials...
So what happened you close down La Romaine Raptor...
Why isn't Geoeqip not listed in phone book when I looked recently in T&T...?
What happened to your gun shooting gallery in your home... no permit huh?

sgtdjones 2024-06-25 02:09:19 


Not watching soaps with mother in law huh?

See what happens when one gets hit by to many soccer balls to the head...

they try to act intelligent..

johndom90 2024-06-25 02:26:59 

Everywhere man

Narper 2024-06-25 02:45:38 

In reply to sgtdjones

Wawanesa Insurance been with them for over a decade.

I have been with them for 20 and auto

sudden 2024-06-25 12:21:57 

Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse

VIX 2024-06-25 12:53:06 

In reply to nick2020

you have to ask why a low-value poster pushing 70 would continually come up with this never-ending stream of lies. To impress who? a couple dozen folks on an anonymous message board?

When will it end? The low-value poster says he was/is- just to name a few -
a top secret government spy. A United Nations helicoptor pilot, a TT army soldier, a Barbados coast guard officer, a petroleum engineer, a vaccine equipment manufacturer, now he's a saffron farmer!
But still has time to copy past nonsense seemingly by the hour.

Not to mention his educational achievements, scholarships to univeristies in Canada, England TT. , and the US- where whe was an Ivy league star quarterback,
Still up to now he can't form a proper sentence without copy pasting.

Must be some type of mental disease as others suggest.

Drapsey 2024-06-25 13:10:22 

In reply to VIX


sgtdjones 2024-06-25 13:14:16 

In reply to Narper

Its a great company Wawanesa, my family history shows they have been with them for over 32 years.

sgtdjones 2024-06-25 13:17:20 


Posters keep showing your insecurity by attacking me....

I have provided documents that I have received but such are ignored...

Nothing posted affects my life nor lifestyle... Crabs in the barrel syndrome...

Continue...with your sad lives...razz

Ayenmol 2024-06-25 16:24:01 

In reply to sgtdjones

I believe you are in a mental institution. I guess access to the internet is a great way for lazy wardens to pacify the inmates.

No way you are a sane individual. No way.

Then when called out you claim yo are under attack and call everyone losers.

A true narcissist.

Are you suffering from Narcissistic personality disorder at the least?

sgtdjones 2024-06-25 16:47:44 

A roof shingles installer giving out medical advice ...

Did he fall off a roof and hit his head?

So many talented folks on this site...

Ayenmol 2024-06-25 17:14:32 

In reply to sgtdjones

At the same time, people with narcissistic personality disorder have trouble handling anything they view as criticism. They can:

Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special recognition or treatment.
Have major problems interacting with others and easily feel slighted.
React with rage or contempt and try to belittle other people to make themselves appear superior.
Have difficulty managing their emotions and behavior.
Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change.
Withdraw from or avoid situations in which they might fail.
Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection.
Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, humiliation and fear of being exposed as a failure.

bravos 2024-06-25 17:44:12 

In reply to Ayenmol

Bingo !

Ayenmol 2024-06-25 17:52:18 

In reply to sgtdjones

The first picture had 14 inch rims and Cooper tires

After I painted the truck , I needed new tires

I got 13 inch rims with Goodyear Kevlar tires ;its black and they put on mud guards at no charge...etc

All models have the rear facing lights at the top rear . I have had this truck for over 20 years..dummy

More fabrications. It took you long enough to fabricate and you still got it wrong.

The minimum wheel size that can be fitted to a Z71 is 16 inches! Minimum, due to the caliper size.

The fact that your mind goes to 13 inch rims mean you are only familiar with small cars.

Also....You fitted HD wheels to a farm truck just to change tires?

Why would a paint job require new wheels? And who paints a farm truck of which the have multiple?

In fact anyone who has multiple vehicles of the same type go to great lengths to keep them stock for interchangability of parts....particularly farm vehicles due to the beating they take.

You are a Narcissistic, degenerate, liar.

bravos 2024-06-25 18:14:52 

In reply to Ayenmol

Boy I asked myself all of those same questions, but that 13 and 14 inch thing was playing on my mind the most..haven't interacted with such sizes since the late 80s early 90s as a lad with a couple wee cars !!

bravos 2024-06-25 22:26:50 

In reply to Curtis

Just saw that ! smile

Chrissy 2024-06-25 22:38:27 

In reply to bravos
Deading wid laff

Chrissy 2024-06-25 22:41:44 

In reply to nick2020
Di deck had di wrong tires?Woooiiiieee muh bellylol

bravos 2024-06-25 22:49:39 

In reply to Chrissy

lol I already died laughing ! lol

Chrissy 2024-06-25 23:10:15 

In reply to VIX
But di man giving nuff diversion from di World Cup licks lol

sgtdjones 2024-06-25 23:11:00 

.....all my vehicles are in top condition..

One can make modifications roofer...its not difficult

I have 4 with 17 inch rims...the rest were changed.

I just called a fabricator that modifies cars ...his answer one can do anything with a vehicle ...
We have had numerous request for changes and they did for me with the 3500 Ford Marshmellow...800 horse power

Simpletons gathering together in laughter...keep it up...

I am posting what I was told....

sgtdjones 2024-06-25 23:13:27 


Its obvious you can't read or you would have noticed the questions Wawanesa has asked...
hire one as you do to read your financials...
So what happened you close down La Romaine Raptor...
Why isn't Geoeqip not listed in phone book when I looked recently in T&T...?
What happened to your gun shooting gallery in your home... no permit huh?

I see you are ignoring such...Careful how you answer

The female moderator deleted my previous post a few months ago...did she get her wings
I am still awaiting her Lara book, she noted she would write a column on Tony Cozier, and a few others , they are invisible.razz

VIX 2024-06-25 23:27:18 

In reply to Chrissy

Stupidjones and his non-stop lies, It never ends eh.

What a pitiful existence.

He should stick to playing with barbie dolls and picking fruits.

There's a reason Arawak referred to the fraud as low-value.

sgtdjones 2024-06-25 23:36:43 

In reply to Ayenmol

Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special recognition or treatment.
Have major problems interacting with others and easily feel slighted.
React with rage or contempt and try to belittle other people to make themselves appear superior.
Have difficulty managing their emotions and behavior.
Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change.
Withdraw from or avoid situations in which they might fail.
Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection.
Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, humiliation and fear of being exposed as a failure.

I can assure thee I have none of the above indications , you seems to know them well, were you treated for such?
Barry gave me the most handles on this board and simpletons followed
You are convinced that I am poster Black , yet we reside thousands of klms away from each other.
He a Guyanese , I am T&T now a Canadian Citizen.
You are a roofer ....yet you are giving medical opinions without meeting the individual.
Now I am professed to be 70 years old...
Posters can make up what ever they has no effect on me, provides laughter.
I am not aiming for perfection , such is impossible , I am contented where I am...

You claim to be a god loving Jehovian witness, do such followers practice what you post?
I feel sorry for you and your God.
See why I don't believe in something that is invisible and cannot be found so science can check out such individual.
Can you take me to see heaven or Hell, I am

sgtdjones 2024-06-26 00:04:56 

In reply to Ayenmol

Why would a paint job require new wheels? And who paints a farm truck of which the have multiple?

In fact anyone who has multiple vehicles of the same type go to great lengths to keep them stock for interchangability of parts....particularly farm vehicles due to the beating they take.

You are a Narcissistic, degenerate, liar.

I bought these trucks in 2004 ....notice the shape they are in by the pictures I posted no rust. they are sprayed with an oily undercoat each year.

If the Ministry of Labor visits and see trucks that show problems , they will call in the Ministry of Transport and I would be charged, also by the Labor ministry.

These are 4x4 that has new Heavy duty transmissions that was installed, the tranny liquid is sent to a radiator in front of the truck , plus heavy duty parts .
Completely different from the cheap transmission supplied by GM.

I made sure that these trucks can work on the farm without mechanical problems, any driver found misusing these trucks are dismissed.
Bought parts to keep in inventory... I had to replace one engine , all water pumps , battery after 5 years , 3 radiators , alternators and replace parts of the AC...etc

One must produce safety certificates yearly and insurance.

The trucks came with Cooper tires in 2004, three years ago I changed them to Good year Kevlar and new rims .Old rims were leaking air tires lasted 17 years .
Odometer reads just over 119,000 kilometers... approx. 10k per year.
I got a great deal on such and took it. Over the past three years I have had no tire problems.

If such makes me a Narcissistic, degenerate, liar, so be it , your opinion matters

sudden 2024-06-26 00:29:39 

Post some pictures of the farm, the saffron blooming and the other vehicles on the farm

I know you can’t post pictures of the D10 or talk about it as a result of the gag order imposed by the RCMP as it involves state secrets

Chrissy 2024-06-26 00:36:55 

In reply to bravos
He mek Trump look like a rank amateurlol

Ayenmol 2024-06-26 01:00:15 

In reply to sgtdjones

You claim to be a god loving Jehovian witness, do such followers practice what you post?

God hates liars.

So do those who serve him.

A liar is not worth time. You disrespect everyone when you constantly lie and make up stories that people have to spend hour disecting while you continue to pile lie upon ridiculous lie with no shame, guilt or remorse.

You are a dishonest attention seeking mental patient. everyone has a problem with that.

sgtdjones 2024-06-26 02:20:28 

In reply to sudden

Fatso ....I stand behind what I post , regardless of idiotic comments.

Chrissy ...Lara book
.....Cozier post

You both should be the last to talk about lies...

I have posted what I received to date from Police and Insurance company...

Any errors it what I was told and posted....I have never had such occurrences before ...

bravos 2024-06-26 02:37:45 

In reply to Chrissy

lolI have no clue what that supreme gas lighter is going on about with his Alternative Facts ..frothing at the mouth !

bravos 2024-06-26 02:38:49 

In reply to sudden

Damn ! smile

nick2020 2024-06-26 08:53:05 

In reply to Chrissy


Think he looking for a VP pick?

googley 2024-07-09 15:34:25 

Sarge, what is the latest on this? You got your stuff back or insurance reimbursed you?

KTom 2024-07-09 15:55:22 

In reply to sgtdjones

How Canada became a car theft capital of the world

Prako 2024-07-09 16:56:09 

In reply to KTom

I saw that on BBC as well.

The anti-theft devices they are installing on properties in the Greater Toronto area makes that city look ghetto-esque.

carl0002 2024-07-09 18:45:01 

Just saw this thread and and did not read all of it but seriously nobody aint wasting their time stealing that kinda truck.

sgtdjones 2024-07-09 18:49:18 

In reply to googley

Sarge, what is the latest on this? You got your stuff back or insurance reimbursed you?

Unfortunately not as yet ....I am presently out of Canada will be back next week .
the truck will be a write off...the paperwork...Grrrrrrrrrrrr
Tractor have no clue....will call Police when I get back.
Police is useless , once they find out you have insurance , they stop.

Wawanesa Insurance is a crook....

sudden 2024-07-09 19:06:24 

So after the many lies, those excuses are what you are going to hang your hat on?

sgtdjones 2024-07-09 19:11:44 

In reply to KTom

Hamilton Police told me they get about 30 calls per day stolen trucks

The older models are made of steel , today newer models plastic.