Kudos to Wackie and Idi Admin for having dis wagon running
Great ride so far
Miss Chissy [Christine] had greeted and advised me "to enjoy the ride"
So many of us ole farts are still here
Message Board Archives
TODAY- I have been 22 yrs on this board
In reply to Narper
Congratulations brother.
Arawak sending a lil something?
And…BACKROOM for this shite!
In reply to Halliwell
Backroom is for the riff raffs
And bullying and talking shite throughout that time
Congrats Narps
Wow, you started in your teens?
In reply to Narper
In reply to Narper
Congrats on your 22nd anniversary bro.
You have been a great wagon driver throughout this time.
wow! one month before me...congrats!
In reply to Narper
Congratulations Junior, but I've been here as long as Chrissy!
In reply to Narper
And how many times has wifey lectured you about being on this site...
Now Lara is not around, so you need a new excuse...
In reply to Narper
Congrats bro. Keep on batting! The Penthouse is your kingdom for the year!
In reply to sgtdjones
what were your previous incarnations? I know you been here before that date!

Congrats Narp!
In reply to googley
barry gave me about two dozen. I wish I could remember some of them.
but I have only had this handle...
In reply to Curtis
Narps is no young yam.
In reply to Narps
May you be around to drive the wagon for another 22!
22 this year.
In reply to Narper
Dayum Bro. That's an entire generation span. 3 more years to your Silver Jubilee celebrations.

I think I am close to your tenure, any congrats Narps
I dont know the exact month I joined. The year was 2003. So 22 years for me too!!!.
Click to read the short backstory.
yes guys/gals...nice going....so many of us has been here for over 2 decades
In reply to Yamfoot
Feb 8...22 years
In reply to StumpCam
You are a couple of days my senior...but you were a spectator then

In reply to sgtdjones
Man....wifey of 43 years

In reply to googley
AS long my boys wid me

Leave Hallan in he basement
In reply to nick2020
And as long as you are around to run de FLs

You all note the amount a runs. Congrats are in order!
In reply to Narper
Congrats! Keep it going man!
In reply to Narper
Thanks! Forgot it was there.
So for the newbies.....you'd better have respect for the oldsters on here! In real life, I am young though
@arawak should have long service awards!!!!!
In reply to Narper
Congrats on your 22nd anniversary
for 2025 get a Tesla wagon
In reply to NarperCongrats Narps aka Cut and paste aka Wagon Chief! I right behind you at 21.
In reply to natty_forever
runs galore
But Chrissy is the leading runs scorer
Many years ago she wiped the slate clean...and restarted the count
Congrats Narps. 22 years is a long time. Hope to see you around for another 22 years at least.
I am really a newbie compared to you guys who have been around 15, 20 years.
In reply to Narper
Long time - yuh drive a good wagon
In reply to Narper
Congrats Narps. You are the wagon and FL GOAT of this site
In reply to Narper
Belated Happy Anniversary Narps. You and CC.dom are a test class couple
Congrats Sir, keep on batting !!!
Nice to see the message board family coming out
Congrats Bhai, just keep the wheels turning and keep Shiv off the road ..... I don't believe he has a license as yet
Some here are bowlers. TC here from 2004 and only gone 18k runs. Or he cannot bat.
It's been a while
This iteration, were you on the previous version ?
In reply to Narper
Wow 22 years
Happy Anniversary man
I've learned so much about the sport from you and others on here.
Continue to teach bro. and continue to enjoy de ride.
In reply to positiveg
In reply to Narper
Congrats Narps!!
In reply to Narper
Congrats Narps. I hope U R around for another 22 years with health and strength. If I remember well, I think I join just before the WC in South Africa.
In reply to TanteMerle
It's been a long time. My 22 coming up same year as my retirement.
In reply to analyst-kid
Stick around please
In reply to Narper
So Narps, during the 22 years what is your take on the following:
1. The poster you have learned a lot from?
2. What cricket incident sticks out in your mind?
3. The funniest moment on this board that you could recall?
In reply to googley
I have learned a lot from being on this board...from many many posters over the years..and not only about cricket.
in the 2003 WC in RSA Ramnaresh Sarwan being floored after being hit in the head by the Lankan fast bowler Dilhara Fernando ....Sars did not move on he ground for a while...my blood went cold for a short while and I though he had gone to meet his maker.
I taped that match but I have never looked at the tape ...and I still have the VHS tape.
Chrissy welcoming Abuja from Nnini village

I would like to invite other posters {Including Googs) to answer his questions to me.
In reply to Narper
Congrats bro, the mb kept me up-to-date with the game.
Were you on CANA before this mb?
In reply to Narper
Respect.....a long long journey....your match updates are the real takeaways....
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