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Sherfane Rutherford on CPL incident

shivnotout 2025-01-11 19:57:24 

"After a game against Barbados (which) we lost, the owner texted me about making the team lose. He said, I caused them to lose the game. I responded in a way. That is not a good time to message a player. We are professionals, we have feelings. So obviously when you're not doing well, you just want to reflect. So, when he texted me at the wrong time, I responded to him. That was where they decided for me to leave."

shivnotout 2025-01-11 19:58:57 


anthonyp 2025-01-11 20:06:31 

In reply to shivnotout

During the CPL I posted that there's more to the story... good to see Sherfane finally talking about it.

The owner of that franchise thinks he own the players.. whatever he tell them they must do. Rutherford is not a fella that takes nonsense from people. A few years ago Sanasie (the former GCB President) found out that.

These franchise owners gotta start knowing their places... with the amount of match fixing that's goings around, why are they allowed to contact the players directly?

Batbeforepad 2025-01-11 20:13:29 

In reply to anthonyp

GUESS he couldn’t have played under CLIVE nor ROHAN either …. since he lacked the discipline like so much of our current cricketers …

Narper 2025-01-11 20:15:14 

In reply to shivnotout

owner....see im here

jacksparrow 2025-01-11 20:29:27 

We should hear from the owner exactly what the conversation was, and not just take Rutherford's side. Owners should be able to talk directly with players and address any issues with them.

Edrich 2025-01-11 22:05:46 

[b]In reply to jacksparrow[/ incorrect, The team owners have to address their concerns to the the team management, but shouldn’t be allowed to contact any player directly. Players have their representatives to handle off field issues.

Chrissy 2025-01-11 23:31:39 

In reply to anthonyp

Ding ding. Musse think di caste system works with us.

TheTrail 2025-01-11 23:42:38 

In reply to Batbeforepad

GUESS he couldn’t have played under CLIVE nor ROHAN either …. since he lacked the discipline like so much of our current cricketers

What does that article have to do with discipline?

Kay 2025-01-12 01:02:33 

In reply to Edrich

The team owners have to address their concerns to the the team management, but shouldn’t be allowed to contact any player directly. Players have their representatives to handle off field issues.

In that team the owner is management. The man is owner, selector, coach, disciplinary committee etc. smile

Brerzerk 2025-01-12 01:24:51 

50 yrs ago Clive n Babu were cappo, coach and bottle washer yet players could take matters up with team mgt. With the advancement of HR, sports mgt.and general human respect men looking back to 70's-80's model

sgtdjones 2025-01-12 01:26:56 

In reply to Chrissy

Ding ding. Musse think di caste system works with us.

The specifics of the caste systems in Africa vary among the ethnic groups. Some societies have a rigid and strict caste system with embedded slavery , whereas others are more diffuse and complex. Countries in Africa that have societies with caste systems include Mali , Mauritania , Senegal , Gambia , Guinea , Ivory Coast , Niger , Burkina Faso , Cameroon , Liberia , Sudan , Sierra Leone , Algeria , Nigeria , Chad , Ethiopia , Somalia , Djibouti , Eritrea and others.

hey ding ding...You weren't aware of the above, or you would not have made such a racist, asinine statement.

Edrich 2025-01-12 01:52:13 

TheTrail 2025-01-12 03:05:32 

Has CWI and WIPA been notified of this incident? If yes, what are they doing about it?

I would like to see/hear their response to this serious allegation.

Brerzerk 2025-01-12 03:51:14 

I only just ow read the piece. Rutherford has shown himself to be an intelligent young man who understands his sort and life. These are not the days when (effective or not) Packer can just walk into the dressing room and dress down (pun intended) men because he is their "paymaster" (pun not intended)

granite 2025-01-12 12:52:06 

In reply to sgtdjones

Well I didn't know that a caste system exists in Africa.Thanks mate I learn something from posters on a regular basis.

dayne 2025-01-12 13:14:45 

In reply to sgtdjones

Is it a caste system or a tribal system that exists in Africa?

Halliwell 2025-01-12 13:21:27 

Yeah agreed. If he feel is pussycat Pant or pussycat Koli he was talking to, wheel and come again!!! Keep your subservient God and Money thinking for those who offer obeisance.

What was funny though was the immediate and robust defence of the caste system lol

Allyuh good oui!

positiveg 2025-01-12 14:17:31 

In reply to Chrissy

That same owner doesn't know his place.

sgtdjones 2025-01-12 14:46:03 

In reply to Halliwell

Oh really...

Then tell such to BCCI don't want their caste , subservient god, and money?
Arent CWI complaining they want more money ... Naw, they wouldn't do such, would they?
Coz CWI owns the CPL.Dem Hindian owners better be warned. Don't tell the natives you want better production; dem might pack up an leave...
Gosh, how can I make such an error?lol

You don't worship a subservient God, blue-eyed blonde dude on a cross, huh? cool

sgtdjones 2025-01-12 15:12:29 

In reply to dayne

Is it a caste system or a tribal system that exists in Africa?

"Remember, the Atlantic Slave trade was only possible because there were centralized African kingdoms willing to go into the interior, strategically attack villages, take hostages, bring them back to the coast and sell them. It would not be appropriate for a "tribal" society to do this consistently and effectively.African society was ever "tribal" ... that the term "tribe" was most often applied to African societies by colonial officials who didn't know what they were talking about."


Caste system existed in various African countries.The development of caste systems across various regions of Africa remains an intricate and complex historical phenomenon. While exact timelines are difficult to pin down, scholars suggest that these systems likely emerged between the 9th and 15th centuries, influenced by a mix of socio-economic, cultural, and environmental factors within diverse ethnic groups. These hierarchies often reflected occupational roles, kinship ties, and local traditions, shaping the social fabric of numerous communities.

Recent breakthroughs in archaeogenetics have shed light on the longevity of some of these systems, revealing just how deeply rooted they are in human history. For instance, the Ari people of Ethiopia exhibit one of the oldest continuous caste systems still in existence in Africa. Their societal structure, characterized by occupational segregation and strict caste-based endogamy, highlights the enduring nature of these divisions. Genetic studies have provided critical evidence that these practices have been maintained over millennia, underscoring their historical significance.

sgtdjones 2025-01-12 15:41:28 

In reply to Brerzerk

These are not the days when (effective or not) Packer can just walk into the dressing room and dress down (pun intended) men because he is their "paymaster" (pun not intended)

Didn't Packer do such... then we saw the end result , almost perfection.

Brerzerk 2025-01-12 17:33:05 

A. I mentioned Packer in my 2nd comment, he couldn't do that today! By the way caste systems exist throughout the world if even socio-economic. But, no where I'm the world has an entrenched system as India (and it's outlier societies) which includes ensuring one group remain shit-cleaners

Halliwell 2025-01-12 18:20:29 

In reply to sgtdjones

You doubled down with Africans sold Africans??? shock

When an IPL owner buys your farm and outdoor labs and put you to clean, you will need support.

sgtdjones 2025-01-12 19:23:50 

In reply to Halliwell

When an IPL owner buys your farm and outdoor labs and put you to clean, you will need support.

If someone wants to buy our engineering and research facilities , they can make an offer, as Bechtel, Ontario Teachers Pension Fund et al.
I consulted my employees, and we said no. I will not sell.

You are saying that the BCCI cricketers are subservient to the board. Owing to what they don't have a WIPA?
So WIPA since Dinas left have not done the same ?
What has WIPA done for its players since Dinas left?

Agreed to over a 50% pay cut without their approval when touring India.
Some Comparisons to "the plantation mentality", Oh sorry , you dont recall..

BCCI has a pay system that does not require a WIPA; they are some of the highest paid worldwide.
Does the IPL have a WIPA? No. It pays a compensation package that no other entity can match.

Are players from the Caribbean subservient to such ? If they dont get what they want, they dont have to play...

sgtdjones 2025-01-12 19:30:33 

In reply to Halliwell

In reply to dayne

Is it a caste system or a tribal system that exists in Africa?

Now Halliwell
You doubled down with Africans sold Africans???

I didn't double down; I am answering a question. Can you see the difference?
I gave an explanation about a tribal system, and you are getting your bloomers in a knot.
Its ironic how you excluded the caste system in Africa but questioned the notation the owner made about such "a robust statement."

It begs the question, why?

I see selective goal posts changing... ok, I gats it.razz

Raskil 2025-01-12 20:04:58 

KL Rahul I believe had a similar issue with ownership.
Any chance to go after India some folks on this board lives for.

Ruthie has the right to set boundaries. Bollywood is not India. The most diverse country in the world on many counts cannot be simplified. I keep seeing a certain religious zealot do the same while ignoring the very obvious crimes against humanity because he identifies with.

Y’all want to eat with one hand and stab the ones putting food on the table with the other.

Anyway, y’all welcome Steve Smith again back to captaincy after sandpaper. The media has forgotten all about it as they usually do when it’s one of theirs.

Moments like M Holding kicking a stump will remain foremost.

sgtdjones 2025-01-12 20:22:45 

In reply to Brerzerk

Southern Ethiopia has a rich and diverse cultural history, and the social structures of various ethnic groups in the region reflect this complexity. Historically, some groups, such as the Gamo and Weyto, adopted forms of social stratification that bear similarities to caste systems. These systems, while distinct in their own cultural contexts, involve practices such as endogamy (marrying within one’s own group), occupational specialization, and hierarchies that affect social interaction and acceptance.

For example, the Gamo people are known to have had social divisions based on occupation. Artisans, often referred to as "qesso," held specialized roles within these communities, such as blacksmithing, weaving, or pottery. While their skills were essential to the functioning of society, their status was often viewed as subordinate or marginal in comparison to other groups. Similarly, groups labelled as "buda" were often stigmatized and associated with notions of impurity, which influenced how they were treated socially and culturally. These labels carried social and symbolic weight, shaping relationships and interactions within the broader community.

It’s worth noting that the use of terms like "qesso" and "buda" and the dynamics they represent as the Indian caste system, though there are parallels in terms of hierarchy and restrictions. The concept of caste in southern Ethiopia is deeply rooted in the region's unique historical, cultural, and ecological context, making direct comparisons to other systems, such as the Indian varna and jati, complex and often problematic

The "buda" were often stigmatized and associated with notions of impurity , sounds just as the ones in India .

googley 2025-01-12 20:24:51 

In reply to sgtdjones

No matter what you called it, any form of discrimination does not belong in society, past present and future.

sgtdjones 2025-01-12 20:31:25 

In reply to jacksparrow

We should hear from the owner exactly what the conversation was, and not just take Rutherford's side. Owners should be able to talk directly with players and address any issues with them.

Exactly...can't go with one version. 3 sides to every story.

Remember, he is the owner; he pays the bills .

How many owners actually play the sport?

sgtdjones 2025-01-12 20:33:21 

In reply to googley

Where was the discrimination, and how did it occur?

So if a player is deemed to have problems with his captain and others and is released...
Is such discrimination?

googley 2025-01-12 23:10:39 

In reply to sgtdjones

I was referring to the caste system vs tribal classifications.

I don't know enough to state for sure that Rutherford case was one of discrimination. However some owners can be over zealous and do stupid things.

sgtdjones 2025-01-13 01:48:32 

In reply to googley

Look at Elon Musk; he is being taken to court for discrimination, illegal dismissal, etc...

And he is almost your president in waiting... He grew up in South Africa, where a caste system existed.

imusic 2025-01-13 02:19:26 

In reply to sgtdjones

Doesn’t a caste system exist in America today?


jacksparrow 2025-01-13 03:59:56 

Brerzerk 2025-01-13 09:08:32 

In reply to googley

A most profound post. Any kind.
Sargie as I Agree with Googley that all forms of discrimination is reprehensible I must add that impurity doesn't necessarily means thatvan impure one and their descendants are regulated/condemned to cleaning up the excrement of others. I salute PM Modi for one thing...the rapid construction of sanitary facilities

Trex 2025-01-14 17:15:02 

In reply to shivnotout

What was Rutherford's response?

newdread 2025-01-15 11:10:40 

In reply to Trex

An insightful question.