The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Bravo, Pollard blacklisted

Mon, Apr 1, '19


WICB Under Scrutiny

For­mer West In­dies Crick­et Coach Phil Sim­mons will be avail­able to coach the West In­dies team again if need­ed af­ter Ju­ly 15th, 2019. Speak­ing from over­seas dur­ing the Is­ports ra­dio pro­gramme on i95.5fm with host An­dre Er­rol Bap­tiste on Sat­ur­day night, Sim­mons stat­ed, "At the mo­ment I am con­tract­ed to Afghanistan and there can be no talk about West In­dies crick­et. I'm fo­cused on Afghanistan and how we get ready for the Crick­et World Cup start­ing in May.”

He con­tin­ued, “But af­ter the Fi­nals on Ju­ly 15th, my con­tract is up with Afghanistan, but no­body knows the fu­ture, but my whole aim now is to win the World Cup so af­ter 15th Ju­ly, let us see what hap­pens. But every­one who knows me un­der­stands how much I love the re­gion and how hard it has been for me over the last three years deal­ing with that mat­ter. I am just glad it is over and my name has been cleared. Most im­por­tant­ly, the apol­o­gy from the new Pres­i­dent Ricky Sker­ritt goes a long way in clear­ing up a lot of the talk un­der the pre­vi­ous ad­min­is­tra­tion. I be­lieve that this shows that this new team is about the in­ter­est of crick­et and not about them­selves.”

Sim­mons, who made his Test de­but in 1988 and played 26 Test match­es for the West In­dies, spoke about the many ills he ex­pe­ri­enced as West In­dies coach and de­spite his suc­cess with the team win­ning the ICC World T20 fi­nal on April 3rd, 2016, re­called a num­ber of sit­u­a­tions he had to en­dure.

He said, “I re­mem­ber the for­mer pres­i­dent telling me that we could not pick cer­tain play­ers (named called Dwayne Bra­vo and Ke­iron Pol­lard) be­cause they passed him straight and did not say any­thing, how they had no man­ners, team se­lec­tion was just too per­son­al. In fact, he said un­less they play for Trinidad and To­ba­go, they should not play for the West In­dies. This was al­so echoed at the se­lec­tor's meet­ings.”

read more at Trinidad Guardian