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Barbados U 13 Competition

analyst-kid 2016-03-09 10:45:25 

Franklyn Stephenson Academy unbeaten and into the semifinals.

Police Juniors 137 in 33.3 overs
Franklyn Stephenson Academy 138/0 in 19 overs

Jacob Bethell 69 n.o Jaden Leacock 50 n.o

Jacob Bethell 474 runs in the tournament leading run scorer with an average of 237.00

Is this Bethell (white boy) related to former Barbados player Arthur Bethell and my school colleague Graham Bethell?

openning 2016-03-09 11:07:19 

In reply to analyst-kid

I wrote about him a couple weeks ago, any youngster that score tons at this level, I like.
He is one of Frankie boys.
His grand father is Arthur Bethell and his father is Graham
The U-15 and U-17 trials are going on, also.

Bestian 2016-03-09 11:21:48 

Yes Kid...he is. He transferred over to the Franklyn Stephenson Academy last summer after being nurtured at Wanderers previously.

tc1 2016-03-09 11:47:31 

In reply to analyst-kid

s this Bethell (white boy) related to former

this is played out, only bajans uses this term , your non-docile and aggressive friends describe Brendon Nash as a yardie

analyst-kid 2016-03-09 11:51:43 

In reply to tc1

that reference was for the non-Bajans actually.

tc1 2016-03-09 12:13:33 

In reply to analyst-kid

u never see trini, muddies or yardies refer to their own as such

openning 2016-03-09 12:28:46 

In reply to tc1
I agree with you, he got my attention by seeing his scores weekly, not by his name or color.
The ton he scored a few weeks ago, made me look more closely at Franklyn Stephenson Academy, and the players he is sending to trials.

tc1 2016-03-09 13:38:43 

In reply to openning

we are bajans, he seems to be a good player and still u13

imusic 2016-03-09 14:05:11 

In reply to analyst-kid

Bethell (white boy)

Not necessary bro.

analyst-kid 2016-03-09 15:24:46 

all I could do is laugh. I have no racial is just the absence of them from the highest echelons of BARBADOS cricket was going on for a long time and personally I would welcome them back.

There was a player who was very prominent with Shamar Brooks at this same stage...a Simon Steel....he never went on and I was disappointed. I am hoping this guy does.

openning 2016-03-09 15:46:41 

In reply to analyst-kid

Is he not Peter Short grandson?
Major teams Barbados Under-19s, Hampshire 2nd XIl

Devin 2016-03-09 16:42:31 

There is nothing wrong with pointing out that the youth is white. How many white youths in the Caribbean play Cricket? How many of them play at a high level and go on to represent their regional team?

The kid is an anomaly.

cherri 2016-03-09 17:35:21 

In reply to openning

There are lots of white boys playing cricket, and when they reach a certain age, most of them are sent to finish their studies abroad hence not much is heard about them, and I guess there are reasons for that because in the current set-up how much of them will come to the fore...... if you want to see them, doan go to the Wanderers, not even Carlton, they are at the Windward Club in St. Philip.......

sudden 2016-03-09 17:38:16 

In reply to cherri

Heard Stephenson say that G Bethel or one of those boys were told at trials that cricket in Bim is for blacks that the white boys have their businesses. Sounds like something we would say to the white folks and feel no way about it.

Devin 2016-03-09 17:39:08 

White boys in Barbados like tennis, yachting, motor sports, surfing, swimming, and water sports in general.
big grin big grin

cherri 2016-03-09 17:47:06 

In reply to sudden

Those things that we say and do and think nothing about does actually hurt people, we does make nuff ig'runt remarks and think nothing about them.......I got a problem with that......I was at the club a few years ago and something like that was said to a lil fella who was with the Kiddie Cricket programme, and I will tell you, the parents took serious offence to it, how do you go around lil children and tell them those things and believe that it will not hurt, he is just a kid like the others doing something he like and some hard back jackass up in he face talking bout white this and white that, and then they does expect people to just laugh it off....

analyst-kid 2016-03-09 17:50:40 

well I feel they should be encouraged but yuh can't get away from the buffoons making their comments

Trex 2016-03-09 17:52:06 

In reply to analyst-kid

Is this Bethell (white boy)

Ouch...Be careful...This boys family may have been Bajans longer than anybody else. Why is there a need to highlight his complexion or race?

tc1 2016-03-09 18:03:29 

In reply to Trex

lol lol lol

tc1 2016-03-09 18:12:16 

In reply to cherri

Windward was a outpost of Wanderers cricket club , Dennis and Eric (Steel Donkey)Atkinsonplayed there after retiring from first cricket.

this behavior should not be tolerated , we need to adopt the JA Motto.

tc1 2016-03-09 18:17:49 

In reply to openning

he was a solid player at u19

sudden 2016-03-09 18:28:01 

In reply to tc1

You really think that's a Ja motto? Just that bajans can be hurtful and uncaring

tc1 2016-03-09 18:58:47 

In reply to sudden

U may have misunderstood me :
THE 'OUT OF MANY WERE ARE ONE' work, and the Tees we are 'THE MOST COSMOPOLITAN COUNTRY'. is a unifyer

some/ too many bajans are 'uncaring and hurtful' to one another,i have not seen posters from JA or Tees referred to 'whites'. they are inclusive and use the term Jamaican
or Trini

analyst-kid 2016-03-10 09:18:29 

In reply to tc1

since when do we look to JA or Tees for examples in addressing our cultural references?

Barbados history dictates that we have more interaction with white Bajans than they do and the separation from us by them is therefore more pronounced.

Hence the reference to "white boy" by me. As Devin says he is an anomaly but they need to be encouraged.

analyst-kid 2016-03-10 09:22:31 

In reply to tc1

when I was at Kolij, the white boys separated themselves from us and gathered by themselves.

Any participation with us in anything afterwards was viewed with surprise.

It is the same in Barbadian culture but re cricket I would welcome them with open arms.

tc1 2016-03-10 10:17:18 

In reply to analyst-kid

and the black boys at kolij separated themselves from others blacks

sudden 2016-03-10 11:23:00 

In reply to analyst-kid

we didnt have much white boys at Cawmere so i cant speak to that issue but we had wankers, geeks, chizzlers, normal guys, bright, not so bright, comedians and general idiots. i am proud to say except for the normal guys, geeks and the bright I was a card carrying member in all the other groups

defeyeant 2016-03-10 11:43:02 

It seems like the white boys disappear from representing Bim at or around the under 17 stage though. I see quite a few of them at the lower levels and such but then they somehow just disappear. Whats up with that?

tc1 2016-03-10 16:14:35 

In reply to sudden

u was a groupee and the short man was the leader of the group


sudden 2016-03-10 19:10:26 

In reply to tc1

Powen a leader? A leader of what? The midget gang?

pelon 2016-03-10 20:01:10 

Under 13: Every Series, reviewed here

tc1 2016-03-10 20:13:29 

In reply to sudden

i know that would get u going, the short man said he was a player Himalaya