The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket - Football Fantasy League

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NineMiles 11/27/18, 10:55:45 PM
NineMiles avatar image

debut: 4/23/07
23,294 runs

Gameweek 13

Rank Team Points Total
1 Mourinhosaurus 47 789
2 Pool Party 62 731
3 Barsenal 74 712
4 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 50 697
5 whatfredsaid 38 684
6 Pleasethinkcarefully 54 680
7 Bachacs 33 675
8 KiKyKay 31 669
9 Tigerwoodshotspurs 34 664
10 Binary Fc 74 658
11 Xtc11 43 656
12 Acid(^_^) 38 641
13 Arsanola 51 640
14 Red n White 54 637
15 Mollie's cocktail 53 594
16 Everton Royals 44 573
17 G-Stars FC 56 398

Barsenal and Binary FC are joint top scorers for the week with 74 points
NineMiles 12/4/18, 9:26:53 PM
NineMiles avatar image

debut: 4/23/07
23,294 runs

Gameweek 14

Rank Team Points Total
1 Mourinhosaurus 45 834
2 Barsenal 66 778
3 Pool Party 46 777
4 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 56 753
5 whatfredsaid 52 736
6 Pleasethinkcarefully 56 736
7 Bachacs 53 728
8 KiKyKay 53 722
9 Tigerwoodshotspurs 53 717
10 Acid(^_^) 74 715
11 Red n White 76 713
12 Binary Fc 42 700
13 Xtc11 37 693
14 Arsanola 41 681
15 Mollie's cocktail 63 645
16 Everton Royals 47 620
17 G-Stars FC 35 433

Red n White top scores with 76 points
Ayenmol 12/12/18, 1:53:06 PM
Ayenmol avatar image

debut: 5/4/03
19,283 runs

Gameweek 16 Premier League

Rank Team/Manager Round Score Total Points
1 same Mourinhosaurus 83 976
Richie P
2 same Pool Party
Jamaica Days 78 916
3 same Barsenal
H Straughn 54 861
4 same whatfredsaid
Jimmy Rod 41 841
5 up Xtc11
mos hosein 98 835
6 same Bow Wow Trippie yeh
David D 49 833
7 down Bachacs
Hassan Khan 43 828
8 down Pleasethinkcarefully
Matt Ritchie 41 824
9 up Acid(^_^)
Acid (^_^) 49 810
10 down Tigerwoodshotspurs
Vijay Parabdeen 34 810
11 up Arsanola
Daval Ozill 69 806
12 down Red n White
Triso Boothe 43 799
13 down KiKyKay
Spidey Buff 26 796
14 same Binary Fc
Akpan Fabian Iniabasi 43 777
15 same Mollie's cocktail
Jolly J 63 742
16 same Everton Royals
Damian Barker 37 694
17 same G-Stars FC
Garrett Campbell 18 458
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JR_Cool 12/31/18, 7:14:55 PM
JR_Cool avatar image

debut: 10/25/07
1,154 runs

Gameweek 20

Rank Team GW Points Total
1 Ole Ola Gunnar 54 1159
2 Pool Party 44 1159
3 Barsenal 47 1087
4 Bachacs 45 1067
5 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 42 1057
6 Acid(^_^) 40 1046
7 whatfredsaid 64 1046
8 Xtc11 54 1042
9 Sigurdsson Kane49 1028
10 Arsanola 63 1007
11 Tigerwoodshotspurs52 1001
12 KiKyKay 49 996
13 Red n White 34 980
14 Mollie's cocktail 58 970
15 Binary Fc 44 954
16 Everton Royals 41 868
17 G-Stars FC 21 552
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JR_Cool 1/4/19, 7:10:37 PM
JR_Cool avatar image

debut: 10/25/07
1,154 runs

Gameweek 21

Rank Team Points Total
1 Ole Ola Gunnar 51 1210

2 Pool Party 33 1192

3 Bachacs 66 1133

4 Barsenal 46 1133

5 Bow Wow Trippie yeh 58 1111

6 Acid(^_^) 64 1110

7 Sigurdsson Kane 63 1091

8 Arsanola 81 1088

9 Xtc11 45 1087

10 whatfredsaid 37 1079

11 Tigerwoodshotspurs 74 1075

12 KiKyKay 67 1063

13 Red n White 75 1055

14 Mollie's cocktail 50 1020

15 Binary Fc 65 1019

16 Everton Royals 54 922

17 G-Stars FC 41 593
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NineMiles 1/5/19, 3:56:59 PM
NineMiles avatar image

debut: 4/23/07
23,294 runs

In reply to JR_Cool

Great job Cool J, keep up the good work lol
Ayenmol 1/17/19, 9:25:47 PM
Ayenmol avatar image

debut: 5/4/03
19,283 runs

Rank Team Round Score Total Points

1 up Pool Party 67 1259

2 down Ole Ola Gunnar 41 1251

3 same Bachacs 49 1182

4 same Barsena 48 1177

5 same Bow Wow Trippie yeh 61 1172

6 up Sigurdsson Kane 72 1163

7 down Acid(^_^) 37 1147

8 up whatfredsaid 63 1142

9 same Xtc11 45 1132

10 down Arsanola 37 1125

11 same Tigerwoodshotspurs 42 1117

12 same KiKyKay 40 1103

13 same Red n White 47 1102

14 same Mollie's cocktail 78 1098

15 same Binary Fc 46 1065

16 same Everton Royals 38 960

17 same G-Stars FC 32 625
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JR_Cool 1/22/19, 1:33:33 PM
JR_Cool avatar image

debut: 10/25/07
1,154 runs

Game week 23
Rank Team Manager Score Total
1 Pool Party Jamaica Days 67 1326
2 Ole Ola Gunnar Richie P 67 1318
3 Barsenal H Straughn 68 1245
4 Sigurdsson Kane Matt Ritchie 84 1243
5 Bow Wow Trippie yeh David D 62 1234
6 Bachacs Hassan Khan 39 1221
7 whatfredsaid Jimmy Rod 65 1207
8 Acid(^_^) Acid (^_^) 54 1201
9 Xtc11mos hosein 66 1198
10 Arsanola Daval Ozill 72 1197
11 Tigerwoodshotspurs Vijay Parabdeen 68 1181
12 Mollie's cocktail Jolly J 70 1160
13 KiKyKay Spidey Buff 46 1149
14 Red n White Triso Boothe 43 1145
15 Binary Fc Akpan Fabian Iniabasi50 1111
16 Everton Royals Damian Barker 39 999
17 G-Stars FC Garrett Campbell 39 664
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JR_Cool 1/22/19, 1:35:36 PM
JR_Cool avatar image

debut: 10/25/07
1,154 runs

Here are the rankings at GW 23 last season. I am doing a whole 3 points better!

Game week 23

Rank Team Round Score Total Points

1 JamaicaDay 63 1332

2 Olecastle 76 1311

3 Binary Fc 58 1301

4 Kung Fu Evra 76 1289

5 Wembley Hotspur 70 1274

6 Grove Town X1 43 1212

7 CoolJ 11 61 1204

8 HuronSquad 66 1203

9 Barsenal 61 1192

10 Arsanola 55 1176

11 Bachacs 51 1135

12 Teambwoy! 32 1121

13 Back to Yorkeys Knob 38 1107

14 Ray ball 66 1043

15 Everton Royals 45 1026

16 G-STARS 40 981

17 Positive XI 39 980

18 (^_^) Acid 30 898

cool cool cool cool
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DAVE400 2/12/19, 1:20:11 AM
DAVE400 avatar image

debut: 5/28/04
47,278 runs

Looking forward to update. cool
Real-cricket 3/4/19, 2:52:49 AM
Real-cricket avatar image

debut: 4/28/11
8,189 runs

Gameweek 29
Ole Ola Gunnar
Richie P 45 1709
2 same Pool Party
Jamaica Days 47 1648
3 same Barsenal
H Straughn 47 1609
4 same Tigerwoodshotspurs
Vijay Parabdeen 50 1570
5 same Bow Wow Trippie yeh
David D 57 1569
6 up Arsanola
Daval Ozill 69 1560
7 same Bachacs
Hassan Khan 53 1549
8 down Sigurdsson Kane
Matt Ritchie 47 1544
9 same whatfredsaid
Jimmy Rod 39 1498
10 same KiKyKay
Spidey Buff 34 1479
11 up Acid(^_^)
Acid (^_^) 40 1469
12 down Xtc11
mos hosein 31 1467
13 same Red n White
Triso Boothe 21 1433
14 same Mollie's cocktail
Jolly J 39 1406
15 same Binary Fc
Akpan Fabian Iniabasi 27 1369
16 same Everton Royals
Damian Barker 33 1327
17 same G-Stars FC
Garrett Campbell 42 872
- edited -
Real-cricket 4/1/19, 1:54:33 AM
Real-cricket avatar image

debut: 4/28/11
8,189 runs

whey ninsey
coachdogar 4/10/19, 4:25:34 PM
coachdogar avatar image

debut: 4/6/19
5 runs

In reply to NineMiles

watch smart cricket live 2019 streaming online 100% free with just single click.
asad664 4/19/19, 2:08:41 PM
Chrissy 4/24/19, 11:23:11 PM
Chrissy avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
194,144 runs

In reply to asad664

This is a football thread - what the hell is wrong wid allyuh
Chrissy 4/24/19, 11:23:39 PM
Chrissy avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
194,144 runs

In reply to coachdogar

Start your own thread in the rumshop- this is football
Real-cricket 4/27/19, 1:16:57 AM
Real-cricket avatar image

debut: 4/28/11
8,189 runs

The race for top spot is heating up big grin
Real-cricket 4/27/19, 1:18:35 AM
Real-cricket avatar image

debut: 4/28/11
8,189 runs

Rank Team & Manager GW Round Score TOT Total Points
1 same Pool Party
Jamaica Days 29 2069
2 same Ole Ola Gunnar
Richie P 59 2051
3 same Barsenal
H Straughn 19 1945
4 same Back at the Lane...
David D 27 1913
5 same whatfredsaid
Jimmy Rod 55 1906
6 same Tigerwoodshotspurs
Vijay Parabdeen 24 1894
7 same Arsanola
Daval Ozill 46 1883
8 same Bachacs
Hassan Khan 25 1877
9 same Sigurdsson Kane
Matt Ritchie 32 1869
10 same Acid(^_^)
Acid (^_^) 19 1797
11 same Xtc11
mos hosein 65 1786
12 same KiKyKay
Spidey Buff 10 1765
13 same Red n White
Triso Boothe 27 1753
14 same Mollie's cocktail
Jolly J 19 1717
15 same Binary Fc
Akpan Fabian Iniabasi 58 1675
16 same Everton Royals
Damian Barker 27 1598
17 same G-Stars FC
Garrett Campbell 0 1129
NineMiles 5/12/19, 2:08:58 PM
NineMiles avatar image

debut: 4/23/07
23,294 runs

As we head into the final fixtures of the Premier League season, it's a 2-way battle between Pool Party and Ole Ola Gunnar.

Pool Party has a 17 point lead and is the favourite to win. It will also be a 3peat if he does.

This could be devastating for Real Cricket if it happens as he's lead for 31 out of the 37 Gameweeks so far.

Good Luck to the both of you and may the best team win. cool
Ayenmol 5/12/19, 4:53:40 PM
Ayenmol avatar image

debut: 5/4/03
19,283 runs

In reply to NineMiles

Congrats Pool party. Well played!

Now I know the League and the strategy...look out for mollie's cocktail next year!
Ayenmol 5/12/19, 4:57:00 PM
Ayenmol avatar image

debut: 5/4/03
19,283 runs

Btw, I think my team finished with the highest monetary value in the League!

A dim light...
Real-cricket 5/12/19, 6:23:21 PM
Real-cricket avatar image

debut: 4/28/11
8,189 runs

In reply to NineMiles

Congrats Jamaica Day. You're a boss at this! On to the next season. Yes I led for most but on the positive side another good season for me big grin
NineMiles 5/12/19, 7:43:19 PM
NineMiles avatar image

debut: 4/23/07
23,294 runs

In reply to Real-cricket

And plays his triple cappo chip in the final game...not just that but chooses Mane to boot. What an effing genius lol
Real-cricket 5/12/19, 9:26:27 PM
Real-cricket avatar image

debut: 4/28/11
8,189 runs

In reply to NineMiles

I opted against mane as cappo cause i knew he would have played his tripple cappo on him. I went for Aguero hoping he would score big and Mane wont score. But........ lol
NineMiles 5/12/19, 11:22:32 PM
NineMiles avatar image

debut: 4/23/07
23,294 runs

Final scores of the Season:

Gameweek 38

Rank Team Points Total
1 Pool Party 93 2300
2 Ole Ola Gunnar 65 2255
3 whatfredsaid 77 2136
4 Barsenal 60 2109
5 Back at the Lane... 60 2091
6 Bachacs 66 2065
7 Arsanola 57 2061
8 Sigurdsson Kane 69 2061
9 Tigerwoodshotspurs 47 2055
10 Xtc11 47 1991
11 Acid(^_^) 63 1983
12 KiKyKay 47 1930
13 Red n White 76 1924
14 Mollie's cocktail 60 1893
15 Binary Fc 45 1873
16 Everton Royals 47 1741
17 G-Stars FC 19 1222

Congrats once again to JamaicaDay. smile
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