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Pssst. The Blue wave is now officially..........

embsallie 2018-11-09 10:31:18 

A Tsunami.
Chrissy, Black, Runs and the deluded Deplorables from the other side like PJ, Nitro, Maj., Khaga
Don't look now but this wave is beginning to do what waves do - inundate.

All of a sudden, GA and FL are now in play.

This is tantamount to hearing about a catastrophic Hurricane like Maria pass over land, but the reality settles in a day or so later when you can actually visualize the damage in its wake.\

Now the Repuglicans like Scott in Florida ably supported by that weasel little Marco and that wannabe lawyer Rudy Giuliani are crying like babies, talking about fraud and "magical" votes that showed up for the Democrats in Broward and Palm Beach Counties.

Karma is a bitch, when the shoe is on the other foot.

Those who live by the sword know the rest.

black 2018-11-09 10:52:21 

In reply to embsallie

Good to hear!

There needs to be a law that prohibits Secretaries of State from running for office while overseeing elections.

embsallie 2018-11-09 10:59:36 

In reply to black

There is a law. Just not for Repuglicans.

Just see who now is about to head the Justice department as AG.
Whitaker is a sleazebag who was sanctioned for bilking investors in a Ponzi scheme.
He is on record talking against the special counsel and also is a Trump lapdog.

Talk about corruption.

VIX 2018-11-09 11:02:02 

So Trump is no longer president?

embsallie 2018-11-09 11:10:18 

In reply to VIX

Where did you hear that Sean Hannity?

Khaga 2018-11-09 11:14:26 

In reply to VIX


VIX 2018-11-09 11:15:06 

In reply to embsallie

nah somebody in the backroom said that a blue tsunami is washing dem stink stink republicans away, i thought trump get wash way too

Khaga 2018-11-09 11:16:24 

In reply to embsallie

Trump Democrat Joe Mancin won..Trump Democrat Kyrsten Sinema might win..Name all Obama Republicans if you brave..

maj 2018-11-09 11:16:38 

In reply to embsallie

Thought you Dems accepted election outcomes..thats right only when its in your favor.

Dems still have prostate issues..still trickling.

camos 2018-11-09 11:17:49 

In reply to VIX

blue wave won't take Trump,but he should look out for men in blue uniforms!


maj 2018-11-09 11:18:26 

63..seats..thats how many net seats Obama lost in his first midterms..both House and Senate.

Runs 2018-11-09 11:18:55 

In reply to embsallie

Over 350 so far in less than 2 years. Most incompetent ever. Hail Trumpism says no one ever.

maj 2018-11-09 11:20:43 

In reply to camos

You guys love Sessions now, before his AG confirmation he was a southern racist redneck.

How many names you guys call to take down trump..

I'll start with A for Avenatti..gone

Khaga 2018-11-09 11:21:25 

In reply to maj

B for Barrack? lol

nickoutr 2018-11-09 11:23:05 

election stealing in progress ...

camos 2018-11-09 11:23:18 

people are sort of fixed on the house gains and senate losses but attention needs to be paid to the various state level gains for the Dems and the implications for the future.

maj 2018-11-09 11:23:27 

In reply to Khaga

He looked tired and rundown after his campaigning..DT looked orange fresh..he made Hillary collapse.. big grin

maj 2018-11-09 11:24:14 

In reply to camos

Yes, Reps gained 4 govs in key states for 2020. big grin

Khaga 2018-11-09 11:27:40 

In reply to camos

Taking the Whitehouse back in 2020? Will you bet the House on it? lol

camos 2018-11-09 11:27:43 

In reply to maj

GOP got beaten up in gov races, they had 30 or more before the elections. they must be glad not every seat was up for reelection.


camos 2018-11-09 11:30:12 

In reply to Khaga

can't predict 2020 without candidate!

Khaga 2018-11-09 11:31:31 

In reply to camos


So, we are talking about 2024 and beyond..they change party after 8 year anyway..psssst!!

Runs 2018-11-09 11:31:39 

In reply to camos

States will end that gerrymandering thieving the Reps did

googley 2018-11-09 11:33:27 

In reply to maj

which states they gained govs?

maj 2018-11-09 11:34:44 

8000 more votes coming don't need no stinking ID or Citizenship to that's racist.

camos 2018-11-09 11:35:52 

In reply to Runs

there is a big push to getting independent agencies to do the divisions.

Runs 2018-11-09 11:39:06 

In reply to camos

They do not have the people or support so they rigged it

maj 2018-11-09 12:28:41 

In reply to googley

which states they gained govs?

they have of control of these key states.

GA and FL soon.

maj 2018-11-09 12:29:04 

In reply to Runs

Russians again..

Runs 2018-11-09 12:38:39 

In reply to maj

gerrymandered states cool

maj 2018-11-09 12:40:40 

In reply to Runs

Reading VOX all day.. big grin

Runs 2018-11-09 12:52:52 

In reply to maj

Me? Nah am well informed from other sources cool

embsallie 2018-11-09 12:56:52 

In reply to Khaga

Do not know about Kirsten yet, but Mancin is an opportunist. I never like his wavering ass.

Khaga 2018-11-09 12:59:46 

In reply to embsallie

I voted for Kyrsten..but she has been muted about Trump and her ads show how she votes with Trump and pragmatic blah blah..

embsallie 2018-11-09 13:00:15 

In reply to VIX

nah somebody in the backroom said that a blue tsunami is washing dem stink stink republicans away, i thought trump get wash way too

It will take more than a tsunami to remove Trump. We know that; however a tree cannot stand forever without roots. The Jim Jordans' and Devin Nunez' and Mark Meadows of this World were just defanged.

googley 2018-11-09 13:04:22 

In reply to maj

you said: Yes, Reps gained 4 govs in key states for 2020.

I asked: which states they gained govs?

Your response: they have of control of these key states.

whats wrong with this picture? You giving me the Trumpian answer! I asked which state have they gained governors! (key work is "gained) cool

you are spreading fake news! The dems gained 7 gov seats!

maj 2018-11-09 13:08:34 

In reply to googley

my key word "control"

googley 2018-11-09 13:10:30 

In reply to maj

control vs gained (which you originally claimed) are 2 different things lol

maj 2018-11-09 13:19:58 

In reply to googley

yeah i know..i mis-remembered big grin

embsallie 2018-11-09 13:21:45 

In reply to maj

Doh worry about Avenati and Barack. They safe.
Think about all the indictments coming down the Pike.
Oops! I forgot all of those that already been named, those who have already been sentenced, and those who are shitting in their pants wondering what the verdict is going to be?


embsallie 2018-11-09 13:24:20 

In reply to maj

Reps gained 4 govs in key states for 2020.

Didn't the Dems take 6?
I sure hope you not counting Desantis in your Governors.

maj 2018-11-09 13:26:51 

In reply to embsallie

Second, who is now in charge says.."no evidence of collusion"..

maj 2018-11-09 13:27:21 

In reply to embsallie

Key states in Primaries for 2020

nitro 2018-11-09 13:43:53 

Despite all the bogus votes, Trump retains the big upper house!

Chrissy 2018-11-09 13:58:28 

In reply to nitro

Ah shut up.

Chrissy 2018-11-09 13:59:03 

In reply to embsallie

Dems took seven gov houses

Runs 2018-11-09 14:08:44 

In reply to maj

Man in charge is an unconstitutional plant, more obstruction of justice lol
He made that conclusion by the way without the facts. You can hire him to represent you. lol

Headley 2018-11-09 14:10:59 

In reply to Chrissy

Just in time for the 2020 census and the GOP gerrymandering to be straightened out.

googley 2018-11-09 14:15:52 

In reply to Chrissy

Dems took seven gov houses

Maj was trying to pull a Trump fake news! lol

black 2018-11-09 14:27:32 

In reply to embsallie

Do not know about Kirsten yet, but Mancin is an opportunist. I never like his wavering ass

You have to understand the politics of running in a red State.

Joe Manchin voted for Kavanaugh but ONLY after his confirmation was certain. Joe votes with Democrats on a lot of things but he needs to not look like he is anti-Trump.

He would have lost the election if he didn't vote for Kavanaugh but his vote was virtually meaningless.

camos 2018-11-09 14:30:32 

In reply to black

he trick the people in WV!


Runs 2018-11-09 14:33:17 

In reply to black

Spot on

black 2018-11-09 14:40:37 

In reply to camos


Forking hillbillies!!! lol

Jamstar 2018-11-09 14:41:45 

Claire McCask with voted with the Republican party 45% of the time.

She is the reddest of Democrats yet she lost.

embsallie 2018-11-09 14:47:36 

In reply to black

Call it what you want. Mancin is too placating.
Sometimes I find Democrats lacking in resolve.
A strong politician need to have strength or courage of conviction.

black 2018-11-09 14:48:30 

In reply to Jamstar

Claire McCask with voted with the Republican party 45% of the time. 

She is the reddest of Democrats yet she lost


It's like Russian Roulette, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

black 2018-11-09 14:49:39 

In reply to embsallie

Call it what you want. Mancin is too placating. 
Sometimes I find Democrats lacking in resolve. 
A strong politician need to have strength or courage of conviction.

But then he will be sitting on the sidelines.

hubert 2018-11-09 15:52:59 

In reply to black
Watch it .I have friends that are hillbillies

big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin big grin

Runs 2018-11-11 06:09:13 

Another one bites the dust.

Breaking News: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), a noted defender of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has lost his House seat to Democratic challenger Harley Rouda, the AP projects.

Runs 2018-11-12 21:46:10 

HUGE DEM WIN: Kyrsten Sinema delivers victory remarks after becoming the first Democratic senator elected in Arizona in 30 years. The once-homeless congresswoman just defeated her GOP opponent in a tight race that took days to call. She'll be Arizona's first woman senator, as well as the first openly bisexual senator in U.S. history.

Runs 2018-11-12 21:46:44 

Thank you Senator Flake lol

nickoutr 2018-11-12 23:43:15 

In reply to Runs
Obviously won by demonrats fraud

Khaga 2018-11-13 00:22:25 

In reply to Runs

Trump Democrat..

Runs 2018-11-13 07:01:24 

In reply to Khaga

Yea like McCain lol

runout 2018-11-13 10:26:56 

Link Text

Seems like Florida can't get anything right when it comes to vote counting.

Googs, what's up with these folks?
lol lol lol

camos 2018-11-13 10:35:58 

why isn't there standard election procedures, at least for federal offices? Florida does one thing Georgia does something else.

black 2018-11-13 10:41:14 

In reply to camos

The States are electing their representatives to represent them. I don't think the Federal Government can require them to do that.

Technically, they are independent States.

googley 2018-11-13 10:41:55 

In reply to runout

The repubs have been in charge in Florida since 1999!!! No wonder!

camos 2018-11-13 10:45:46 

In reply to black

The States are electing their representatives to represent them

They are not only making decisions that affect their states, they end up representing every citizen!

embsallie 2018-11-13 11:31:53 

In reply to camos

Hey there Trump surrogates: Nitro, Maj, PJ, Khaga, Nickoutr you know yourselves.

How is that victory lap coming along?
How many seats Trumpism won?

By the way nice progress on the North Korean deal. That took some negotiations. The ART OF THE DEAL. What a Coup.

big grin big grin

runout 2018-11-13 13:10:33 

In reply to googley

One county revealed Monday that it had allowed some hurricane-displaced voters to cast their ballots by email — a violation of state law. Another had to restart its recount after getting about a quarter finished because someone forgot to push a button. And in oft-criticized Broward County,

Don't seem like Repubs in charge there googs...same cast in the last election.

birdseye 2018-11-13 13:30:52 

In reply to embsallie

Whitaker is a sleazebag who was sanctioned for bilking investors in a Ponzi scheme.
that's his new Michael Cohen wink wink

nitro 2018-11-13 14:13:56 

Broward County has a lot of illegals, maybe most of the people here are illegal.

googley 2018-11-13 14:15:20 

In reply to runout

who has overall responsibility for voting in Florida since 1999? pray, tell me! lol

embsallie 2018-11-13 14:32:22 

In reply to googley

Nah. Runout think that those in charge of election in Broward were under their own governance.

Secretary of State, Attorney General and Governor - all of these were under the rule of republicans.

Does runout know that the Governor can fire supervisors of elections?

Does he know that Olyphant (Broward County) was fired by one such Republican Governor Jeb Bush? Olyphant was before Dr.Brenda Snipes.

googley 2018-11-13 14:34:18 

In reply to nitro

Broward County has a lot of illegals, maybe most of the people here are illegal.

Did you get that off Trump's tweet or Faux news? lol

Jamstar 2018-11-13 14:51:18

Jamstar 2018-11-13 14:51:41 

Blue wave wash them weh.

nitro 2018-11-13 14:54:53 

In reply to googley


lol lol lol

Chrissy 2018-11-13 15:15:03 

In reply to nitro

Movie house gi yuh more licks in Arizona lol

Runs 2018-11-13 15:15:52 

Bankrupt the country like he did his casinos.

JUST IN: The U.S. recorded a $100.5 billion budget deficit in October, an increase of about 60% from a year earlier, as spending grew twice as fast as revenue. redface

Add in another 200 million for troops to counter mothers with babies. This guy is just wasting taxpayers money like he did with his dad. A total loser.

Jamstar 2018-11-13 15:18:36 

In reply to Runs

He probably thinks it grows on trees!!!!

Runs 2018-11-13 15:20:32 

In reply to Jamstar

No one to hold him accountable, just roll out idiotic policies and toss money in when they go south. When recession hits the people will line up for bread.

What happened to the Republican fiscally conservative mantra? This guy is spending his way to bankrupting the country.

camos 2018-11-13 15:23:14 

In reply to Runs

JUST IN: The U.S. recorded a $100.5 billion budget deficit in October, an increase of about 60% from a year earlier

oh my! tax cut not paying for itself?

sgtdjones 2018-11-13 15:51:40 

Republican leaders should at least consider the reality that Trump’s steady low-40s approval rating represents a ceiling rather than a floor.

Whey PJ?

razz razz razz

nitro 2018-11-13 16:20:43 

In reply to Chrissy

Sweet licks lol lol lol

googley 2018-11-13 16:41:05 

In reply to Runs

JUST IN: The U.S. recorded a $100.5 billion budget deficit in October, an increase of about 60% from a year earlier, as spending grew twice as fast as revenue.

....and its the democrats causing the market to crash! lol lol

googley 2018-11-21 09:00:24 

Wave getting bigger! lol lol