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T&T murders in until February ,2019 .....89 dead

sgtdjones 2019-02-02 19:30:01 

Pensioner murdered in bed

A pen­sion­er was shot dead in his bed at his home in Pe­tit Val­ley.

Po­lice said at about 8 pm on Thurs­day, res­i­dents of Sime­on Road heard sev­er­al gun­shots.

Po­lice of­fi­cers who went to the lo­ca­tion at the cor­ner of Cor­po­ra­tion Road said they saw noth­ing strange.

How­ev­er, at about 5.30 am they got in­for­ma­tion that An­tho­ny Car­ring­ton had been found dead on his bed at his home near the cor­ner of Sime­on and Cor­po­ra­tion Road.

He was shot in the head and shoul­der.

A mo­tive is yet to be de­ter­mined in that mur­der which brought the toll for the year to 46.

In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-02 19:34:10 

Tobago records second murder

To­ba­go po­lice have de­tained a 25-year-old woman in con­nec­tion with is­land’s sec­ond mur­der for the year.

The vic­tim, An­der­son Ba­boo­nanan, 32, of South Orop­uche, Trinidad, was stabbed re­peat­ed­ly dur­ing a do­mes­tic in­ci­dent short­ly af­ter mid­night yes­ter­day at Low­lands, near the Gulf City Mall. At the time, he was dri­ving along the Claude Noel High­way in the com­pa­ny of a woman.

Ba­boo­nanan, who suf­fered stab wound to his neck and body was tak­en to the Scar­bor­ough Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal but was pro­nounced dead on ar­rival.

An au­top­sy is sched­uled to be per­formed to de­ter­mine the cause of death. The sus­pect, who is al­so from South Trinidad, is as­sist­ing the po­lice.

Of­fi­cers from the To­ba­go Homi­cide Bu­reau are con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tions.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-02 19:36:15 

Siparia woman hacked to death

Homi­cide in­ves­ti­ga­tors say they are still piec­ing to­geth­er clues in Wednes­day’s trag­ic death of Siparia gar­den­er An­gela McKen­zie. How­ev­er, her fam­i­ly be­lieves she was hacked to death by a man who had been steal­ing her crops.

McKen­zie, 64, lived in an iso­lat­ed com­mu­ni­ty known as The Project, off the 21 1/2 mile mark, Quinam Road.

Even if she was scream­ing dur­ing the at­tack by her killer, it is un­like­ly that any­one would have heard as her near­est neigh­bour lives al­most a kilo­me­tre away.

Po­lice said that around 5 pm, a neigh­bour went to McKen­zie’s home and found her bleed­ing in her front yard.

Siparia po­lice were con­tact­ed and they re­spond­ed along with an am­bu­lance but McKen­zie was al­ready dead as her neck had been al­most sev­ered.

There were al­so chop wounds to her hands and shoul­der.

De­tec­tives from the Homi­cide Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tions, Re­gion Three and crime scene in­ves­ti­ga­tors re­turned to the scene yes­ter­day where McKen­zie’s rel­a­tives had gath­ered.

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Dan_De_Lyan 2019-02-02 19:52:34 

In reply to sgtdjones

is there a breakdown on the cases? domestic? drugs?

sgtdjones 2019-02-03 10:55:35 

Shooting in Central: Three shot, one dead

One man is dead and three others wounded after two shootings in the central division on Saturday.

At around 5.35 pm, Clarence Sooknanan, 31, of Temple Street, went with two relatives to buy goats at Ramdhanie Street, Freeport, when he was shot.

Police reports said Sooknanan and the others met people who directed him to an abandoned HDC development, where a gunman fired at them.

Sooknanan was shot several times, while his relatives ran away.

When police got to the scene, they found Sooknanan's body.

He was taken to the Couva Hospital and later the San Fernando Hospital where he is in critical condition.

Hours later, at about 11.15 pm, Jermaine Henry was visiting his mother at Penco Street, Longdenville, Chaguanas, when he was shot several times by gunmen outside his house as he attempted to enter his car.

Two female acquaintances who were inside the car were also wounded.

Henry was taken to the Chaguanas Health Facility where he died while being treated.

Henry lived in Tobago for some time, and only returned to Trinidad to get his car.

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FuzzyWuzzy 2019-02-03 10:59:50 

In reply to sgtdjones

Why are you doing this running commentary?

sgtdjones 2019-02-03 11:03:05 

In reply to FuzzyWuzzy

Limestone Fuzzy

Do you ask the same when such published about Barbados?

It is news

That some people don't like to see.

Remember T&T is paradise

bravos 2019-02-03 11:08:59 

Well into the 60's for the corresponding period last year,although one murder is one too many and forty sumn is waay too high at this stage,20 or so less is priceless and shows a very positive trend..

The progress is noted and should redound well to the end of year tally...


**If one murder is one too many,what is 20 less?

sgtdjones 2019-02-03 23:35:47 

Man killed in Longdenville, 2 women wounded

A Long­denville man has been killed while two peo­ple have been hos­pi­talised af­ter a shoot­ing in the area on Sat­ur­day.

Jer­main Hen­ry, 35, of Pen­co Street, Long­denville, was a short dis­tance away from his home with a group of friends at Chat­ter­goon Su­per­mar­ket, when their gath­er­ing end­ed vi­o­lent­ly at around 11.40 pm.

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice re­ports, a black Nis­san Note pulled along­side the group and four men, all armed with guns, emerged from the car and opened fire.

Hen­ry and two women—Cat­ri­na Jor­don, 19, of Long­denville and Moni­fa Rich­man, of Laven­tille, were shot dur­ing the at­tack.

The gun­men re­turned to the car and fled while the wound­ed trio lay on the road­way.

An am­bu­lance was called and all three were tak­en to the Ch­agua­nas Dis­trict Health Fa­cil­i­ty.

How­ev­er, Hen­ry died while be­ing treat­ed short­ly af­ter mid­night.

His death took the mur­der toll for the year so far to 48.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-03 23:36:55 

Burkie escapes Sea Lots drive-by attack
1 slain, five wounded

A dri­ve-by shoot­ing in Sea Lots has left one man dead and five oth­ers wound­ed.

Po­lice said Rawl Williams, 40, was re­port­ed­ly killed when oc­cu­pants of a car who were tar­get­ing com­mu­ni­ty leader Cedric ‘Burkie’ Burke opened fire on a group of peo­ple at Pi­o­neer Dri­ve short­ly af­ter 8 pm.

Trey Beard, 23, Rahim Bruce, 23; Patrick Lau­ric, Trevor Isaac and Shenelle John­son, 24, were iden­ti­fied as the oth­er per­sons wound­ed in the at­tack.

Ini­tial re­ports of the in­ci­dent on so­cial me­dia had sug­gest­ed that Burke had been killed in the at­tack, be­fore these re­ports changed to sug­gest he had been shot. How­ev­er, po­lice lat­er con­firmed that this was false.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors in fact said that Burke re­port­ed­ly sur­vived the at­tack by ly­ing flat and prac­ti­cal­ly play­ing dead un­til the at­tack­ers left the scene.

A voice mes­sage cir­cu­lat­ing on What­sApp claims that men loy­al to Burke were able to "take him away" af­ter the at­tack but did not say in what con­di­tion.

Tonight's shoot­ing takes the mur­der count to 49.

Po­lice are still in Sea Lots in­ves­ti­gat­ing the in­ci­dent.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-03 23:38:45 

Schoolboy gunned down in Grande

A 17-year-old sec­ondary school stu­dent who is on sus­pen­sion has been gunned down by an un­known gun­man. De Shawn Hit­lal, a Form 4 stu­dent of San­gre Grande Sec­ondary School was killed while lim­ing with friends at North East­ern Set­tle­ment, Ojoe Road, San­gre Grande, on Sat­ur­day night.

He was shot mul­ti­ple times about his body and died while un­der­go­ing emer­gency surgery at the San­gre Grande Hos­pi­tal.

Po­lice re­port­ed that around 7:45 pm Hit­lal was sit­ting with friends at the side of the road at the cor­ner of Ja­cob and Road 6 in North East­ern Set­tle­ment when a white Hilux pulled up in front of them. le drove off.

Hit­lal, of Ra­moutar Ex­ten­sion, San­gre Grande, was still alive when he was tak­en by a pass­er-by to the hos­pi­tal. He died while un­der­go­ing surgery.

Po­lice of­fi­cers led by ASP Re­my of the East­ern Di­vi­sion and Homi­cide of­fi­cers from Re­gion 11, Arou­ca, PCs Ram­di­al, Ma­haraj, Wren, and Rat­tans­ingh were on the crime scene. Sev­er­al spent shells were re­cov­ered. Po­lice could not de­ter­mine a mo­tive for the killing of the stu­dent but be­lieved it was a hit be­cause of the num­ber of times he was shot about his body.

The shoot­ing takes the mur­der count to 50.

Hit­lal’s body will be tak­en to the Foren­sic Sci­ence Cen­tre, St James, to­day.

PC Wren of Homi­cide Bu­reau Re­gion 11, Arou­ca, is con­tin­u­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tion.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-04 09:45:07 

Sea Lots woman killed

Police are investigating the murder of a Sea Lots woman this morning.

Tracy Julian Rogers was at her Pioneer Drive home at about 7.15, when she heard someone call her name from the street outside.

When she stepped outside, she was shot several times.

She was then taken to the Port of Spain General Hospital by members of the community, where she died while receiving treatment.

More as this becomes available.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-04 15:09:37 

$1m reward for Carolyn who was kidnapped

Trinidad and Tobago has been captivated time and again by reports of missing women. And while many of them are found, alive or dead, many others remain missing to this day.

This is the case of Carolyn Katwaroo, a 43-year-old San Fernando businesswoman, who went missing almost four years ago and to this day, police have not located her or her body.

No ransom demand was made and Katwaroo’s relatives have described her disappearance as a mystery.

“You always question whether she is dead or alive. There is something inside of you that never wants to stop searching. In my heart, I cannot stop looking for her,” a close relative said.

Police say they have exhausted their leads but are continuing to follow new information as it is reported. The family has also contacted Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith on the case.

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nick2020 2019-02-04 15:22:54 

In reply to bravos

Unfortunately you have surpassed Bimshire per Capita.

bravos 2019-02-04 15:36:35 

In reply to nick2020

That's what you come here for? I really thought we were past that..

Rmemeber all it takes is one or two and you talking about Bim and I comparing our own from last this time it was over 70..

This isn't about Bim..wrong thread..

FuzzyWuzzy 2019-02-04 15:42:45 

In reply to nick2020

Between you and sarge gine send Bravo mad.

bravos 2019-02-04 15:45:44 

In reply to FuzzyWuzzy

No sah...Bravo in de real battlefield,this virtual one is joke.. and so is Stdjones

sgtdjones 2019-02-04 21:56:26 

Three dead in Sea Lots violence

VIOLENCE erupted on Sunday night and continued yesterday morning in Sea Lots, Port of Spain, leaving two men and a woman dead.

The killings have pushed the murder toll to 51 for 2019. Police said the first attack was an attempt to kill infamous Sea Lots resident Cedric “Burkie” Burke.

On Sunday night reports surfaced that Burke had been shot, but when approached by an Express photographer yesterday afternoon he raised his vest to show that he had not been struck at all.

“I looking like I get shoot?...I may have had some shots (alcohol),” quipped Burke.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-04 22:02:23 

After night of terror, killer returns for woman in Sealots

After shooting six and killing one in Sealots, Port of Spain on Sunday night, a killer came back early today and killed another.

Police were told that at around 7.15a.m . Tracy Rogers was at her Pioneer Drive home when she heard her name being called.

Rogers stepped out her home and was gunned down by a man.

At about 8.10 p.m. Sunday, residents of Pioneer Drive, Sea Lots, were out on the roadway when a black Nissan X-Trail was seen being driven by.

Several shots were heard and the vehicle sped off.

Six people were shot.

They were identified as Rawling Williams, 40; Trey Beard, 23; Rahim Bruce, 23; Patrick Lauric, Trevor Isaac and Shenelle Johnson.

They were taken to the Port of Spain General Hospital. Williams did not survive.

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ToTrini 2019-02-05 01:01:08 

[b]In reply to bravos[/Bravo in de real battlefield,this virtual one is joke.. and so is Stdjones

Picking up bodies from the battlefield

sgtdjones 2019-02-05 18:08:22 

3 charged with robbing 15, shooting bar woman

THREE men who allegedly went bar hopping, robbing 15 people and wounding a bar owner have been denied bail.

Businessman Shakeel Jemmott, technician Michael Pierre and Sherwyn Harris appeared before senior magistrate Rae Roopchand last Friday at the Rio Claro court.

It was alleged that on January 25 at J&B Bar, New Grant, armed with firearms and a cutlass, robbed five people of $43,800 in jewellery, their phones, wallets with identification cards, TT$550 and US$10 and a $300 handbag. It was also alleged that at this location, they wounded Dolcie Woods with intent to cause her grievous bodily harm.

They were also charged that on the same day at Khan’s Bar in Piparo they, armed with guns and a cutlass, robbed five people of their cellular phones, $860 cash and one woman of $18,900 in jewellery. Violence was used toward three of them.

Another five people allegedly fell victim on the same day at Homeboys Bar at Williamsville. It is alleged their $10,340 in jewellery, their cellular phones, cash, wallets with personal cards were also taken. Violence was used toward two of the alleged victims.

The charges were laid indictably by officers Isaac and Ramkissoon. The three accused were not called upon to plea.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-05 18:12:44 

Car repairman knifed to death over unpaid bill

AN argument over money led to the fatal stabbing of a 51 year old South Oropouche man on Monday.

Neatha Ramsingh, an auto straighter and painter, bled and died outside his house at Samlal Trace, St John’s Trace.

The suspect, a 51 year old man of Fyzabad, surrendered himself to police after the killing.

Around 6.30 p.m. a man whom Ramsingh knows came to his home.

Police said that the man owed Ramsingh money for a job.

Ramsingh and the man were arguing when the man pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the abdomen.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-06 10:27:29 

Gang Leader Burkie: Sea Lots residents are peaceful people

On the heels of Sun­day’s dri­ve-by shoot­ing where two peo­ple were killed and six oth­ers wound­ed and an­oth­er woman killed ear­ly Mon­day, com­mu­ni­ty ac­tivist Cedric “Burkie” Burke in­sists that res­i­dents of Sea Lots are un­der at­tack, adding that they are “peace­ful peo­ple.”

Burke made the com­ment dur­ing CNC3’s Morn­ing Brew yes­ter­day, hours af­ter po­lice locked down the com­mu­ni­ty on Mon­day night to en­sure there was no fur­ther vi­o­lence.

Min­utes af­ter the dead­ly shoot­ing, it was said that there was a hit on Burke’s life. How­ev­er, he said he be­lieves oth­er­wise as he es­caped un­hurt.

Burke and sev­er­al res­i­dents were play­ing a game of pok­er at Pi­o­neer Dri­ve, just off the Churchill Roo­sevelt High­way, Sun­day, when two ve­hi­cles pulled up short­ly af­ter 8 pm and its oc­cu­pants opened fire on them.

Rawlye Williams, 37, died on the spot while ca­lyp­son­ian Patrick “Re­veal­er” Lewis died of his in­juries at the Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal. Six oth­ers, Ja­mal Leid, 24; Nigel Roberts, 30; Shenelle John­son, 24; Trey Baird, 22; Trevor Isaac, 56 and Rahim Bruce, 23, were al­so hit.

Dur­ing yes­ter­day’s in­ter­view, Burke said one of Sun­day’s vic­tims re­mains ward­ed in the In­ten­sive Care Unit at the Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal.

Asked how he felt know­ing that he was the tar­get of the shoot­ing, Burke said he has noth­ing to fear and will go about his dai­ly rou­tine as nor­mal, “I have nev­er and nev­er will be. The peo­ple are cool and will go about their lives as nor­mal. Sea Lots don’t have any vi­o­lence, we don’t cre­ate any kind of vi­o­lence.”

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sgtdjones 2019-02-06 14:21:13 

19 girls rescued from Ariapita Avenue building

Nineteen Spanish speaking girls, between the ages 15 and 17, were rescued this morning from a businessplace along the Ariapita Avenue in Woodbrook.

Six people, of Asian ethnicity, were arrested for harbouring the girls.

The teenagers were rescued during a police operation which took place at about 2a.m. today, led by Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith.

The operation involved officers of the Western Division, the Special Operations Response Team, the Financial Intelligence Branch, and the Counter Trafficking Unit.

The teenagers have been taken for medical examination, and are being housed in a police facility in the Western Division.

Through the use of translators, Griffith himself has spoken to many of the victims, and has expressed his sympathy for what they experienced.

Speaking with Express this morning, Griffith said that this operation was a major breakthrough in the trafficking of women from Venezuela, and possibly even the trafficking of drugs.

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johndom90 2019-02-06 15:58:16 

In reply to FuzzyWuzzy

Why are you doing this running commentary?

Good question Fuzzy.

Some threads this ...i dont open, but browsing through it now, the same question came to mind. Mind you im not asking for or care, the answer.

sgtdjones 2019-02-07 00:33:25 

Simple answer

It shows facts about what is happening when the
Government fails to provide security for its citizens.

Citizens that do not venture out after it gets dark and live behind bars on windows and doors.

bravos 2019-02-07 00:41:32 

Yuh stick on 53 awah?

sgtdjones 2019-02-07 09:25:02 

Tunapuna man killed while washing car

Police are investigating the death of a Tunapuna man after he was gunned down near his home last night.

Police said at around 8.30, 36-year-old Ruel Samuel aka "Redoe" was washing his car near Taylor Street, El Dorado, when he was shot multiple times by a gunman, who then ran away.

Samuel died at the scene. Relatives called the police, who went to the scene with a doctor, declaring him dead.

Two of his sons were at home when the shooting happened.

Police said Samuel was not known to them as a person of interest, and has no criminal record.

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bravos 2019-02-07 12:29:29 

Rip to the human,but is that the best you can do after 3 days tuntun?

sgtdjones 2019-02-07 15:30:06 

Trouble brewing in central as cops kill 'Unruly ISIS' gangster

Purported Unruly ISIS gang member Allan Muhammad died this morning.

Police say he pulled a gun on them, so they had to defend themselves.

Allan Muhammad, 25, was killed at Crown Trace, Enterprise, near the gang’s base of operations.

The killing has sparked a protest outside the Chaguanas Health Centre, involving police officers and people associated with Mohammed.

There is also a developing situation at Crown Trace, Enterprise.

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Central Trinidad residents are getting alerts on social media to avoid certain areas because of the standoff between police officers and people angry over the killing of Muhammad.

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The total 55 dead

Two shot in Arouca

Two men are now recovering from gunshot wounds after being shot in Arouca.

Police sources say the two were shot by unknown gunmen on Albert Street, near a panyard.

They suffered non-life-threatening injuries, according to police, but were taken to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, where they are being treated.

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nick2020 2019-02-07 18:38:38 

In reply to bravos


sgtdjones 2019-02-07 18:44:24 

In reply to nick2020

Living in such an environment of Crime and murders

The population becomes immune to such news.

Yes, sadly, it becomes trivial as they go about their daily routines..


bravos 2019-02-07 22:02:51 

In reply to sgtdjones

"The total 55 dead" my ass...

A police killing is not a murder c@nt...what about the other police killings then? "6 more dead" ?

bravos 2019-02-07 22:03:25 

In reply to nick2020

Yeah that's like only 1/5 th of a person in Bim..

Don't ask me how,ask per-capita..

Curtis 2019-02-08 07:32:22 

If it wasn't for Murder and Theft, Trinidad wouldn't have a crime rate

nick2020 2019-02-08 08:00:50 

In reply to Curtis

And kidnapping and drugs.

But yeah.

sgtdjones 2019-02-08 09:33:45 

Allyuh doh shoot meh, I give up'

A suspected gunman took ten police officers on a run through Pleasantville on Thursday afternoon, shooting as he fled.

However, when he tried jumping a barbed wire fence, he grabbed the sharpened metal, and decided to he wanted to live.

“Allyuh doh shoot meh. I give up” he told the police officers chasing him. He was not shot.

The officers were patrolling Blitz Village, Pleasantville at around 12.45p.m when they saw a man wanted for several shooting offences. The man also saw them and he starting running.

Officers later reported that the man jumped onto a shed at the back of a house, leapt off into a grassy area at the back. He ran into someone’s yard, and then fired three shots at pursing police officers.

The police fired back.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-08 09:35:30 

He asked for Puncheon rum, then killed the barman

BAR proprietor Ralph Rajkumar was gunned down at his business place in Rousillac on Thursday night.

Rajkumar, 56, was shot in the head and chest, and died at hospital.

His wife, Camille Rajkumar, was standing at his side when the killer opened fire and she screamed for help.

The killer rode off in a bicycle and escaped.

Around 9.30 p.m. a man entered Rajkumar's businessplace named Unity Bar.

He asked for half of a bottle of puncheon rum, and Rajkumar told him the cost was $105.

The man then pulled out a firearm and at close range, fired three times at Rajkumar.

As Rajkumar collapsed, the man jumped on his bicycle and rode off.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-08 09:36:39 

18-year-old woman gunned down in Tunapuna

Police are trying to find out why Mariah Neptune was shot and killed in Tunapuna on Thursday night.

At around 1030p.m. she was standing in her front yard at Macoya Settlement, when two men walked up.

Both began shooting her.

Neptune was struck by a bullet in the chest.

The men ran away.

Neptune was taken to the Mt Hope Hospital.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-08 09:38:57 

'Creepy' hoodie leads to Enterprise killer

Kerron Isles saw the gunman coming to kill him. So he ran. But the man shot him in the back.

Isles, 29, of Enterprise, Chaguanas, died at hospital. The shooting happened at around 9.14p.m.

Police were told that unemployed Isles, also known as ‘Pot’ was liming at Sanzoe Bar located near Dass Trace Entenstion Enterprise, when he was approached by a gunman.

Witnesses described the gunman was wearing a long sleeved hoodie jacket with the word “Creepy” written on it.

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Two men were killed dur­ing five sep­a­rate shoot­ing in­ci­dents with­in a pe­ri­od of two hours in North, Cen­tral and South Trinidad on Thurs­day night, push­ing the mur­der toll to 58 by 11 pm.

Ac­cord­ing to po­lice re­ports, the two fa­tal shoot­ings hap­pened in Port-of-Spain and Rousil­lac.

The killing fields 58 dead and counting

sgtdjones 2019-02-08 09:42:48 

In reply to Curtis,nick2020

Notice the idiot Trini on this thread, he lives in a world that doesn't exist.

I ignore he rass.

bravos 2019-02-08 09:56:23 

He lives and excels in T&T and you can too..he knows his kids are safe at school the mall,the movies,the park,the bowling alley,the concert and the neighborhood..

He knows people are killing each other for trivial personal beefs mostly and knows sections of his people needs help and guidance with their anger issues,and laws need to be tweeked and he knows this is taking place, but not to the point where they will kill you and you kids randomly for fun at all the nice places..

He knows that despite the fact one murder is one too many we haven't even reached last year's January total of murders and he knows that the final tally would be significantly less than last year.

sgtdjones 2019-02-08 09:59:47 

Uk couple robbed at gun point

To­ba­go po­lice are in­ves­ti­gat­ing the rob­bery of a British cou­ple in Ply­mouth on Wednes­day. It is the sec­ond such in­ci­dent to oc­cur on the is­land in just four days.

Mark Peth­er­ick 66 and his wife Rose­mary, 67, re­tirees, of Ducote Wells, Unit­ed King­dom. were at Arnos Vale beach, at around 4.30 pm when they were ap­proached by a man bran­dish­ing what ap­peared to be a firearm, wrapped in a ban­dana.

He grabbed Rose­mary by the neck and de­mand­ed their cell phones. The cou­ple hand­ed $101, US$60, a Canon cam­era and £106 ster­ling pounds to the as­sailant who es­caped on foot.

The cou­ple were guests at the Blue Wa­ters Inn Ho­tel in Spey­side but were ex­plor­ing the west­ern part of the is­land when they were at­tacked.

Sgt Wil­son of the Old Grange CID is con­tin­u­ing en­quiries.

This is the sec­ond at­tack on tourists in the Old Grange dis­trict in less than a week. Cana­di­ans Ian and Neena Mc Mullin were robbed and as­sault­ed while sun­bathing on Grafton Beach, Black Rock last Sat­ur­day. Two men were held for ques­tion­ing but were even­tu­al­ly re­leased.

Sec­re­tary for Tourism in the THA Na­dine Stew­art-Phillips con­demned the at­tacks and urged res­i­dents to jeal­ous­ly guard the is­land’s safe­ty and rep­u­ta­tion.

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nick2020 2019-02-08 10:01:26 

In reply to bravos

He knows people are killing each other for trivial personal beefs mostly

Be careful! When your head is that deep in the sand it will get into your ears.

sgtdjones 2019-02-08 10:17:28 

In reply to nick2020

The man happy dat T&T hasn't reached last year's killing total as yet. Improving he says. sigh

Explain dat to the ones that lost their loved ones.

Now, see why I ignore he rass

But, but he sells barbed wire raptors to protect citizens.


bravos 2019-02-08 10:32:33 

In reply to stdjones

Raptor is for airports and industrial facilities etc and residence back walls by ravines etc, trust me I know...progressively working on 376 installations for a conglomerate as we speak..

Have done residential installs in Barbados also...and ?

You're an ass..

bravos 2019-02-08 10:36:45 

In reply to nick2020

No my head is very clear that's why I can stand up here and talk...Im not running away and looking and commenting from afar,I know exactly what's going on here and where and how and why..

sgtdjones 2019-02-08 11:39:06 

In reply to bravos

But, but he sells barbed wire raptors to protect citizens.

The above is what I wrote.........

Raptor is for airports and industrial facilities etc and residence back walls by ravines etc,

The above is your response!!!! So what does your raptor do?
Is it not a protector of Citizens from Criminals who want to steal, kidnap, rob or kill them?

Are you really this stupid?

"what is the secret to eternal happiness?"
The wise man answered: "To not argue with fools"."

sgtdjones 2019-02-08 15:39:08 

5-year-old confronted by gunmen

A woman playing in the yard of her home with her five-year-old daughter, was robbed by two men on Wednesday afternoon.

At about 12.50p.m. on Wednesday, Gayatrie Ramnarine, 29, was at her home at the Valencia Old Road, Valencia, when approached by two men.

They told Ramnarine that they were armed, before forced the woman and daughter into the home.

The men, then stole six bullfinch birds, together valued $9,000, as well as six cages together valued at $2,350.

The birds and the cages belonged to Ramnarine’s common law husband.

The police were notified and a team of officers from the Valencia Police Station, led by WPC John, visited the scene.

PC Samuel is investigating.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-08 15:42:16 

Duncan Street man gunned down

Police are investigating the death of a Duncan Street man, who was killed while with friends at the corner of Laventille Road and Piccadilly Street, Laventille, last night.

Police said two men walked up to 37-year-old Curtis McKenzie and shot him several times.

Police were called to the scene but were told by residents that McKenzie was taken to the Port of Spain General Hospital. He later died while receiving treatment.

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59 dead now

sgtdjones 2019-02-08 16:19:44 

Comments as posted in T&T newspapers

58 murders in 38 days. That projects to 572 for 2019 overtaking the 2009 record of 550. What is really going on? Seems like murder is becoming a new sport or pastime in T&T.


They keep fooling the people with their counting style. They only count those who die on the spot but do not count those who die at hospital. The number murdered is a lot higher than the figure given.


60 murders in less than 40 days ... the PNM CRIME PLAN is running true to form!!! Another one down in Laventille

johndom90 2019-02-08 19:18:45 

In reply to sgtdjones

What exactly do you come on this forum to prove?

What do you hope to achieve by calling out posters by name?

Is it to prove some superior intellect r show of power?

It is in utmost poor taste?

sgtdjones 2019-02-08 20:47:27 

In reply to johndom90

What exactly do you come on this forum to prove?

I live in a democracy so I don't have to answer to you.
Plus its none of your dam business!!!
Come on out say what you mean !!!

What do you hope to achieve by calling out posters by name?

Where did I call out posters by name?

Is it to prove some superior intellect r show of power?

Can one do such on a site such as this? Well I'll be....
What I post are facts, the above shows you are very insecure since I am clueless about you.

It is in utmost poor taste?

I view such as your problem, not mine.

If you have something to say to me spell it out, don't hide behind such asinine questions.

"what is the secret to eternal happiness?"
The wise man answered: "To not argue with fools"."

johndom90 2019-02-08 21:27:29 

In reply to sgtdjones

Where did I call out posters by name.

claude! Edwards! Rawlston!

That is degenerative and useless prose cannot hide the fact. This is not an investigative forum where we seek out the identities of posters

Some of us value out privacy...and of others

sgtdjones 2019-02-08 22:12:31 

In reply to johndom90


That is degenerative and useless prose cannot hide the fact. This is not an investigative forum where we seek out the identities of posters

Some of us value out privacy...and of others

Comments as posted in T&T newspapers

I posted the above in that comment section

Those were comments made in the Trinidad Guardian

Check the online versions

and you will see Trini's made those comments and posted their full names..

They are not members of this site.


Link Text

see there are comments under this article one by Rawlston!

Like I noted why not post what you want to say to me.
Now that you look foolish !!!

Another stupid Trini.

sgtdjones 2019-02-08 22:27:34 

Did viral video cause her murder?

A FIGHT between a woman and two teenage girls which was filmed and later went viral may have caused her murder.

The fight between Mariah Neptune, 18, another teen and a 21-year-old young women was filmed on Sunday and had gone viral by Monday.

On Thursday night, gunmen showed up at Neptune’s home and shot her at point blank range.

Neptune lived with her mother, father and eight other relatives at Macoya Settlement, Tunapuna.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-08 22:31:24 

Judge releases prisoner for murder of boy, 13

KALE Jacob was 15 when he was arrested and charged with the murder of a 13-year-old schoolboy in 2009.

Last year, Jacob pleaded guilty to stabbing Maliq Hillaire at Third Avenue, Barataria, on November 20, 2009.

He was freed by a High Court judge a short while ago.

Justice Hayden St Clair-Douglas imposed a 15-year sentence but deducted one-third for Jacob's guilty plea, and another year for his remorse, acknowledgment of his crime and the self-improvement courses he took while at the Youth Training Facility over the last decade and the nine years and three months he spent awaiting trial.

After the deductions, St Clair-Douglas told Jacob, “You ought to be released with immediate effect.”

Hillaire was a form one student of Barataria Secondary School and Jacob attended Malick Senior Comprehensive.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-09 11:02:04 

Man beaten to death after $25,000 casino winnings
Family wants justice

A list­ed John Doe at the Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal turned out to be a miss­ing man from Gol­con­da. How­ev­er, po­lice sus­pect that Kesther Ra­goo­bar, 29, was bad­ly beat­en, thrown out of a ve­hi­cle and left for dead at the side of the Churchill Roo­sevelt High­way in Beetham hours af­ter win­ning $25,000 at a casi­no.

Ra­goo­bar was last seen on Sat­ur­day by his moth­er Es­ther, 57, when he left his Gooray Trace, Gol­con­da home with friends to lime some­where in north Trinidad.

When Ra­goo­bar failed to re­turn home, his fam­i­ly grew wor­ried and lodged a miss­ing per­son’s re­port with the po­lice. Un­known to them at the time, Ra­goo­bar had al­ready been found by passers-by on Sun­day morn­ing and tak­en to the hos­pi­tal in a crit­i­cal con­di­tion. Med­ical of­fi­cials found no iden­ti­fi­ca­tion on him be­fore they con­duct­ed an emer­gency op­er­a­tion and lat­er list­ed him as a John Doe.

The hos­pi­tal sub­se­quent­ly sent out a re­lease with his de­scrip­tion ask­ing for help in iden­ti­fy­ing him. But it was not un­til days af­ter that his moth­er was told of a de­scrip­tion sent out by the hos­pi­tal and re­alised it fit his. Es­ther told Guardian Me­dia that she and oth­er rel­a­tives went to the hos­pi­tal hop­ing to find her son on­ly to be told he had suc­cumbed to his in­juries. The fam­i­ly viewed Ra­goo­bar’s body in the hos­pi­tal’s mor­tu­ary and pos­i­tive­ly iden­ti­fied him.

“I gone to iden­ti­fy the body and when I gone that was my son. I say wait, that’s not my son be­cause that’s not how he was; he foot cut out, he two hand break, they say he had a hole in the back of he head and big, he swell big,” a griev­ing Es­ther said.

An au­top­sy done the Foren­sic Sci­ences Cen­tre in St James re­vealed Ra­goo­bar died from mul­ti­ple blunt trau­mat­ic in­juries.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-09 11:05:57 

She came for Carnival from Japan

Asami’s case a priority for Cold Case Unit

Three years af­ter the mur­der of Japan­ese pan play­er Asa­mi Na­gakiya, the T&T Po­lice Ser­vice’s Cold Case Unit has found new in­for­ma­tion which can help solve the case.

Head of the Unit ACP An­tho­ny James con­firmed the po­lice had got­ten in­for­ma­tion which “points in a cer­tain di­rec­tion” ahead of to­day’s third an­niver­sary of the dis­cov­ery of Na­gakiya’s body.

“There may be some light at the end of this tun­nel,” James added.

Na­gakiya, 31, of Sap­poro-shi, Hokkai­do, had been com­ing to T&T since 2009 to play with steel­bands.

In 2016, she had al­so played mas with Lega­cy’s Car­ni­val band. Her body was found by a CEPEP work­er on Ash Wednes­day—Feb­ru­ary 9—at the base of a tree in the Queen’s Park Sa­van­nah. She was still clad in her Leg­end’s cos­tume

An au­top­sy re­vealed she had been stran­gled. Po­lice es­ti­mat­ed she had died some­time be­tween Car­ni­val Tues­day night and Ash Wednes­day. Na­gakiya was last seen alive on Car­ni­val Tues­day around 6.15 pm walk­ing with a man near Pic­ton Court, New­town.

TTPS’ Homi­cide di­vi­sion which probed the mat­ter, in­ter­viewed var­i­ous peo­ple in T&T as well as in Japan and had sought CCTV footage from ar­eas where Na­gakiya’s body was found.

Yes­ter­day, homi­cide of­fi­cials told Guardian Me­dia, avail­able CCTV footage did not cap­ture any­thing. A 31-year-old man who was in­ter­viewed by po­lice in con­nec­tion with the crime was killed in a rob­bery at­tempt nine months af­ter Na­gakiya died.

The case was tak­en up by the Cold Case Unit in 2017 when that di­vi­sion formed.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-09 15:49:01 

bravos Joined: 14-Oct-2009
Posts: 36787 20/01/19 21:26:42
One set ah assholes and pseudo-gansters killing each other for petty beefs in back alleys while de whole ah T&T partying uptown and having a time all over T&T,even by de river....RIP to them..

Three women shot after partying in Chaguaramas, US visitors

TWO women and a teenage girl from the United States were shot and injured while returning from a party in Chaguaramas on Saturday morning.

But the women were not the intended target, said police. Instead, they believed that the shooters were attempting to murder the driver of the car in which they were passengers. However, he escaped unharmed.

The incident took place just around 8 a.m. along the Western Main Road, in the vicinity of L’anse Mitan Road.

The identities of the women have since been given by police as Khadija Nurse, 17, of Maryland, New York, but who was staying at Beetham Gardens Port of Spain, Afisha Bonaparte, 22, of Bath Street, Port of Spain and Elaalyah Richards, 19, of Fifth Street, Beetham Gardens.

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All ah we partying all over a few get shot.

sgtdjones 2019-02-09 16:01:33 

Man killed by 'fake' police at Ratchet Hill

A COCORITE man has become the country’s latest murder victim.

The victim has been identified as Curtis Franklyn, 28, of Ratchet Hill, Waterhole, Cocorite.

Homicide detectives said sometime around 3 a.m., Franklyn was at home when he heard knocking on the front door of his house who identified themselves as police officers.

When Franklyn opened the door, he saw the men armed with guns and wearing camouflage outfits. They then opened fire on him before running off.

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Count up to 62 dead

sgtdjones 2019-02-09 16:06:02 

'Gunman' taxi driver's mom: 'Police didn't have to kill him'

A TAXI driver who pulled a gun during an altercation with another driver was shot by police officers this morning.

The man has been identified as David "Bruno" Thomas 37 of Almond St Edingburg 500, Chaguanas.

Police say that Thomas had an argument with the driver while at the Edinburgh 500 taxi stand.

Officers saw the commotion and ordered the driver to drop the gun but it was reported that he pointed it at them.

The police opened fire, killing Tkomas.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-09 22:48:00 

Plain clothes cop kills armed PH driver

A plain­clothes po­lice of­fi­cer shot and killed a man in Ch­agua­nas on Sat­ur­day morn­ing, af­ter the man al­leged­ly pulled out a gun to shoot an­oth­er man dur­ing an ar­gu­ment on a PH taxi stand.

Ac­cord­ing to ini­tial re­ports, the in­ci­dent took place at the Ed­in­burgh 500 taxi stand along An­drew Street some­time af­ter 10 am. The dead man has been iden­ti­fied as David Sim­mons.

De­tails are sketchy but po­lice said eye­wit­ness­es saw a man walk up to Sim­mons and an ar­gu­ment start­ed. Po­lice said Sim­mons al­leged­ly pulled out a firearm and threat­ened to shoot the oth­er man. A plain­clothes of­fi­cer who was near­by called on Sim­mons to drop the weapon but he re­fused and al­leged­ly point­ed the gun in the of­fi­cer's di­rec­tion. The of­fi­cer fired at Sim­mons, hit­ting him in the body. Sim­mons was tak­en to the Ch­agua­nas Health Fa­cil­i­ty where he lat­er died.

Po­lice said Sim­mons was well known to them.

Guardian Me­dia will up­date this sto­ry as more in­for­ma­tion comes to hand.

In­ves­ti­ga­tions are con­tin­u­ing.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-10 08:36:09 

Police arrest 31, guns, ammo seized

Thirty-one people were arrested by police in two separate anti-crime operations between Thursday and Friday and a quantity of guns, drugs and ammunition seized.

In the most recent of the two exercises, officers of the North Eastern Division held three men for possession of marijuana. The officers also seized two guns, a quantity of ammunition and camouflage clothing. The exercise, led by Snr Supt Inraj Balram, ASP Ramesar, Insp Baird and supervised by Cpl Lavia, was conducted between 1 pm and 11 pm, on Friday in San Juan by officers of the North Eastern Division Task Force.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-10 11:26:48 

Murder mayhem continues: Two more die

The two latest incidents took place in Port of Spain and Malabar, Arima.

Police said sometime around 9 p.m., Amory "Bonneyman" Mohammed was walking along Nelson Street in the capital city when gunmen indiscriminately opened fire. Mohammed was not believed to have been a target but was hit by one of the stray bullets. Two others were also injured and taken to hospital for treatment.

Around that same time, a group of people were liming along a roadway in Malabar when gunmen approached in a vehicle and opened fire. Two people, Isaiah Rampersad, 18, and another man were shot.

They were both placed in a vehicle by residents and taken for medical treatment but Rampersad was pronounced dead on arrival. The other man remains warded.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-10 11:28:14 

After breaking cop's arm, man killed

Police shot and killed a a man during a confrontation early this morning.

The dead man has been identified as Alister Pierre, 31, of Brazilome Branch Trace, San Raphael. The incident took place around 3 a.m. at Pierre's home when officers responded to a report of domestic violence.

Officers said after receiving the report, they went to the location but was attacked by Pierre, resulting in one of the officers sustaining a broken arm. During the scuffle, one of the officers shot Pierre once to the chest.

He was taken to the Arima Health Facility for treatment but was pronounced dead on arrival.

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Murder toll climbs to 62

jen 2019-02-10 13:05:51 

Gary will rid T&T of the culprits!!

Narper 2019-02-10 19:07:01 

In reply to jen

Gary looks very tired

I don't understand why Gary must be involved in raids at 4.00 am.

The doctors already ordered him to rest.

He reminds me of Randolph Burroughs in the 70s

Anyway get dem Gary !!!

nick2020 2019-02-11 10:38:46 

In reply to sgtdjones

I think Bimshire stopped at 9. Bravos will have to calculate the per capita for me.

sgtdjones 2019-02-11 11:11:24 

Man held for Parliament clerk’s murder

A LABOURER has been held in connection with the shooting death of Parliament clerk Mariana Moonisar.

Moonisar, 29, of Esperanza in California, was shot in her head last August while she and her father Roopchan Moonisar were in his car.

She died at hospital.

The elder Moonisar survived being shot in the neck.On Saturday, a 24-year-old labourer of Claxton Bay was arrested by police officers.

He remained in custody yesterday.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-11 11:12:41 

In reply to nick2020

I think Bimshire stopped at 9. Bravos will have to calculate the per capita for me.

He will get one of he people to do the calculations and post it later. He busy counting on that Mexican bridge.

rolleyes rolleyes

sgtdjones 2019-02-11 11:25:38 

Electrician killed by cops during arrest attempt
They made a mistake­—wife

Li­censed elec­tri­cian and YTEPP lec­tur­er Al­lis­ter Pierre was yes­ter­day fa­tal­ly shot in the neck dur­ing a po­lice-in­volved shoot­ing in which two of­fi­cers were al­so in­jured, with one suf­fer­ing a bro­ken arm. The tragedy hap­pened af­ter the of­fi­cers went to Pierre’s Brazil Vil­lage, San Raphael home to ar­rest him on an out­stand­ing do­mes­tic abuse war­rant.

Pierre was the third po­lice shoot­ing vic­tim in four days and the sixth for the year so far.

Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, at about 2.50 am yes­ter­day North­ern Di­vi­sion of­fi­cers shot Pierre when he re­port­ed­ly at­tacked two of them as they re­spond­ed to a re­port of do­mes­tic vi­o­lence at a house at Brazilome Branch Trace. He was lat­er tak­en to the Ari­ma Dis­trict Hos­pi­tal where he died while un­der­go­ing treat­ment. The po­lice re­port said one of the of­fi­cers sus­tained a bro­ken arm while his col­league sus­tained oth­er in­juries.

Po­lice said they were ex­e­cut­ing a war­rant for his Pierre’s ar­rest when they were at­tacked. They had a war­rant out for Pierre for ma­li­cious wound­ing and added that he was known to them hav­ing had a string of of­fences to his name, in­clud­ing lar­ce­ny, rob­bery, sex­u­al of­fences and drug pos­ses­sion.

How­ev­er, speak­ing with the Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day, Pierre’s wife Akeisha said she be­lieves her hus­band was mis­tak­en­ly tar­get­ed by the po­lice. She said her hus­band was not abu­sive to her and was not in­volved in all the of­fences not­ed by the po­lice.

She said yes­ter­day morn­ing the of­fi­cers came twice to her home and said it was on the sec­ond vis­it that things es­ca­lat­ed and her hus­band was at­tacked by the of­fi­cers while in her pres­ence in their bed­room. She said her hus­band was shot once in the neck and be­lieves the bul­let ric­o­cheted to the jaw.

“Al­lis­ter kept telling the po­lice that he did noth­ing wrong and asked them and begged them to tell him why they want­ed to ar­rest him. He even told the of­fi­cers ‘well, I didn’t hit my wife so tell me why al­lyuh do­ing this to me,” Akeisha said.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-11 11:28:26 

Gunmen storm Highlanders panyard, rob player
Band gets time to regroup for prelims

Gun­men stormed the pa­n­yard where the High­landers Steel Or­ches­tra was prac­tis­ing on Mon­day night, steal­ing a phone and caus­ing eight play­ers to im­me­di­ate­ly quit and leave the band in dis­ar­ray be­fore yes­ter­day’s cru­cial Panora­ma pre­lim­i­nar­ies.

As a re­sult of the in­ci­dent, the band’s man­ag­er Robert Her­nan­dez wrote to Pan Trin­ba­go ask­ing them to post­pone the day the band was to be judged - which was orig­i­nal­ly yes­ter­day.

On Mon­day around 8 pm, the High­landers play­ers had gath­ered for prac­tice when two men en­tered the pa­n­yard with guns drawn.

The band was prac­tis­ing at the Uni Stars pa­n­yard on Bertie Mar­shall Boule­vard, pre­vi­ous­ly known as Old St Joseph Road in Laven­tille, as ren­o­va­tions on the High­landers’ pa­n­yard on the East­ern Main Road are on­go­ing.

The gun­men ap­proached a group of about a dozen play­ers who were lim­ing near a pan rack and an­nounced a hold-up. They stole the Sam­sung cell­phone of a fe­male play­er be­fore an alarm was raised. Some men in the pa­n­yard re­spond­ed and the gun­men ran off.

The in­ci­dent trau­ma­tised the play­ers, many of whom are teenagers, forc­ing band mem­ber to can­cel prac­tice for the night.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-11 13:46:27 

Man charged with raping two children: "They were girlfriends'

A sound engineer who was charged with the sexual penetration of two girls appeared before the San Fernando Magistrates’ Court.

Kharril Edwards, 19, faced magistrate Alicia Chankar charged that between August 31 and October 1 2018 he sexually penetrating a 14-year-old female child.

A second charge laid by constable St John of the Child Protection Unit alleged that the same act occurred on January 28 2019.

Charges were also read to Edwards that on October 4 2017 he sexually penetrated a female child, 17 years old, without her consent and falsely imprisoned her. These charges were laid by constable Luke.

Edwards told the court that he and the alleged victims were once in relationships.

Police prosecutor asked that the seriousness the offences be considered should bail be granted.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-11 13:57:57 

Man shot in Felicity

Police are investigating the wounding of a man in Felicity earlier today.

At around 1.15 am Kyron Sutherland was at his Petersfield, Felicity, Chaguanas, home when he was reportedly confronted by gunmen, who shot him several times.

Sutherland was taken to the hospital where he underwent emergency surgery and is now warded.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-11 18:07:05 

'Biggy boy' gunned down in Fyzabad, three others shot

A man was shot and killed while liming with friends on Sunday night in Fyzabad.

Kendell “Biggy Boy” Cooper, 31, was struck several times. He died at hospital.

Three other men were also shot.

One - Mitch Ramdhanie – is listed in critical condition.

Atiba Fraser, 26, and Malik Joseph, 22, both of Fyzabad, were also treated for gunshot injuries.

At around 9.45 p.m. Cooper and the other men were liming in the porch of a house at Easy Street when they were ambushed by gunmen.

The gunmen fired multiple times on the group.

The wounded were taken to the Siparia District Health Facility.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-12 09:16:33 

Cops shut down highway to rescue Venezuelan woman

Southern Division police officers locked down the Solomon Hochoy Highway and rescued a Venezuelan national who was reportedly kidnapped in Diego Martin on Monday night.

The woman was found seated in the back seat of a dark coloured Nissan Serena intercepted along the south bound lane of the highway at around 10pm.

Police said officers received a wireless transmission on the kidnapping and information that the getaway vehicle was headed south on the highway.

All exits of the south bound lane were sealed off from Chaguanas to Debe, police said.

Officers from the St Margarets, Marabella, Gasparillo and Mon Repos police stations, Highway Patrol and Emergency Response Unit were involved in the exercise.

Approximately 30 minutes later, police said, the vehicle was intercepted.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-12 09:28:29 

Three killed overnight

Port of Spain Division police were busy up to late last night as they responded to two murders in Duncan Street, east Port of Spain and Block 22 in Laventille.

At around 10.25 pm, members of the Inter Agency Task Force (IATF) Duncan Street post were on mobile patrol when they found a man lying between buildings 32 and 34 with bloodstains on his body.

They took him to the Port of Spain General Hospital, where he died while being treated for gunshot wounds at around 10.50 pm.

He has not been identified yet.

Hours earlier, at around 4.20 pm, taxi driver Keston Ewing, 29, of Second Caledonia, Morvant, was shot in the chest while plying his Nissan Tiida for hire.

The violence did not end there, as 56-year-old Leopold Adams was gunned down near a car park at Building 4, Block 8 Laventille at around 4.50 am.

Sources said Adams ws shot 25 times. Residents took him to the Port of Spain General Hospital, where he declared dead on arrival.

In the Western Division, Carenage police were called to Smith Hill, where a man identified as Tyrone Joseph was killed.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-12 09:34:30 

Police-owned gas station robbed

Police are investigating the robbery of a Laventille gas station last night.

They said at about 9.30 pm, a man approached the cashier at the gate, pointed a gun at her and told her to hand over all the money.

She handed over $19,000 and he ran away.

Sgt Alexander and Cpl Murray of the Besson Street Police Station went to the scene.

The gas station, at the corner of Espinet Street and the Eastern Main Road in Morvant, is owned by the Police Social Welfare Association.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-12 18:58:16 

Family flees Sea Lots as gangsters kill 'informer

A MAN who gang members accused of being an “informant” was shot dead in the living room of his Sea Lots, Port of Spain home on Tuesday morning.

Police said that around 10.30 a.m. Nigel Francisco, who worked as a security officer with a Sea Lots security firm was at his Pioneer Drive, Sea Lots home when his neighbours heard eight gunshots.

Francisco, 52, was found dead in his living room.

Police said that on Monday night six of his relatives moved out the area when they had started receiving threats from a group of young men in the community who accused some of them of telling the police about illegal activities in the area.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-12 20:05:36 

Another shooting in downtown POS

Police are investigating a shooting incident at the corner of Nelson Street and Independence Square, Port-of-Spain.

Po­lice are al­so in­ves­ti­gat­ing an­oth­er shoot­ing in down­town Port-of-Spain that has left a man fight­ing for his life at hos­pi­tal.

Re­ports in­di­cate that a PH dri­ver was shot while at the cor­ner of Nel­son Street and In­de­pen­dence Square.

The vic­tim, iden­ti­fied as Chris­t­ian Guy, from East­ern Quar­ry, re­ceived sev­en shots while at the John John taxi stand.

He was rushed to hos­pi­tal where he was up to a short while ago, un­der­go­ing emer­gency treat­ment.

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Narper 2019-02-12 22:33:32 

In reply to sgtdjones

As a result, the murder toll stood at 66 up to last night.

This compares to 75 at the same time last year.

rass let up

this real bad

Yamfoot 2019-02-12 22:41:54 

What is the comparison with this time last year?

I see all those Downtown incidents. I used to walk all over that area while working for a brief 3 months in Trinidad 2003. Used to go and buy cloth.

bravos 2019-02-13 00:43:27 

In reply to Yamfoot

Not by any means acceptable,but it was 85 at this time last year..why highlight each and every murder when as bad as it is it's much less than last year? Gotta make it clear because there are some very fickle minds here ready to go off on my comments totally out of perspective,and the same goes for below,it's a direct response to your queries and comments. By someone on the ground who does his part..

'Downtown'in this case is East POS,on the fringes of the hotspots and hotspots themselves with many gang related murders,there was a plan by the Manning admin to gentrify the entire area but it got derailed by the result of the 2010 election,it's a few streets and the further East you go it get's worse,Charlotte and George to a lesser extent because it's a longer run back into their rat holes ,then Nelson and Duncan,everyone know about those streets,all stuck in time and you can smell it,it's arguably the worst part of T&T,Nelson and Duncan streets with Sealots to the South,Laventille hills to the North and Beetham and Laventille to the East and I mean walking distance 5-10 mins,much less running...I can show you a pic comparison of those areas and downtown P.O.S so you can have some perspective,every city has it's backwater and Nelson is as bad as it get's in T&T..

Make no mistake we're fighting this tooth and nail,too many illegal guns on the streets,for the amount if they were really out of control you would be hearing mass shootings and many more innocent casualties like in other places in all the nice places,and we would have a murder rate approaching the 50's/100,000,for all the highlighted bloodshed our murder rate has not exceeded the mid 30's/100,000 and that's because there has been a conscious fight taking place,we have all the ingredients to have a runaway murder rate like many of our neighbors,we are the #1 trans-shipment point,a huge amount of drugs guns and undocumented foreigners pass through here,I'm not condoning any of this but this is mostly catch me if you can tit for tat between idiots,too much idiots is the bigger one is going to intentionally shoot you me or that jones character anywhere in T&T,even in a hotspot..

This is T&T at it's worse and it won't get any worse..

We need legal reform (in process)

We need judicial reform (in discussions)

We need social outreach(in process)

We need tighter borders (in process)

We need prison reform,prisons must become institutions if forced education reform and the stage for calculated and even monitored reintegration (in discussions)

We need T-I-M-E,not personal agenda cheap shots and pessimism,our spirit and commitment would never be broken and would usher us out of these dark times.

I hope this thread is maintained till the end of the year,because all it will prove is that less people got killed this year than the last..


Andy99 2019-02-13 07:45:53 

In reply to Narper

As a result, the murder toll stood at 66 up to last night.

This compares to 75 at the same time last year.

Hmmmm that gap is closing.

sgtdjones 2019-02-13 09:48:09 

Gunmen kill 4 in 14 hours

IN the space of 14 hours between Monday night and yesterday morning four men were gunned down in separate incidents from West to East Trinidad.

As a result, the murder toll stood at 66 up to last night.

This compares to 75 at the same time last year.

The first incident occurred at 9 p.m. on Monday in Carenage.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-13 09:50:29 

Guard robbed in fake taxi by fake passengers

A DIEGO Martin security guard was robbed of $7,000 by occupants of a ‘fake taxi’ in Manzanilla on Sunday.

The 30 year old victim was beaten and robbed of the cash by ‘passengers’, then ordered out of the vehicle by the driver.

The victim reported to police that around 6.30 p.m. the victim, of Morne Coco Road, boarded a black Nissan Tiida in Sangre Grande to be taken to Mayaro.

He sat in the backseat between two men.

Upon reaching the vicinity of the Manzanilla Beach Resort, the passengers on either side beat the victim, and demanded the cash.

The thieves told the driver to stop the vehicle, and when he did they ran off and escaped.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-13 10:24:07 

PoS gang war spirals out of control again
Cops fear for innocent

The in­crease of mur­ders and gun vi­o­lence in the Sea Lots, East Port-of-Spain and Care­nage is now be­lieved to be di­rect­ly linked to the on­go­ing gang ri­val­ry be­tween two main gangs—the Ras­ta City and the Mus­lims.

How­ev­er, po­lice in the Port-of-Spain and West­ern Di­vi­sions fear that the lev­el of the vi­o­lence is in­creas­ing to lev­els where women and the in­no­cent are be­ing sense­less­ly killed in at­tacks to send “strong mes­sages” to those on ei­ther side of the turf war.

In the lat­est killing in Sea Lots, se­cu­ri­ty guard Nigel Fran­cis­co, 52, was killed at his Pi­o­neer Dri­ve home yes­ter­day, hours af­ter six mem­bers of his fam­i­ly were forced to pack up their be­long­ings and leave the area be­cause of threats made against their lives.

Ac­cord­ing to pre­lim­i­nary in­ves­ti­ga­tions, Fran­cis­co’s mur­der was di­rect­ly linked to the dead­ly dri­ve-by shoot­ing on Feb­ru­ary 3 at Pi­o­neer Dri­ve, Sea Lots. It is be­lieved he was killed be­cause gang mem­bers sus­pect­ed he was an in­former.

A res­i­dent from the area was ar­rest­ed by po­lice of­fi­cers who re­spond­ed to the crime scene, but there was no con­fir­ma­tion up to press time on whether the man was de­tained in con­nec­tion with Fran­cis­co’s mur­der or oth­er un­re­lat­ed in­quiries.

Ac­cord­ing to a po­lice re­port, at about 10.30 am res­i­dents heard sev­er­al gun­shots com­ing from Fran­cis­co’s house. The po­lice were called in and of­fi­cers lat­er found Fran­cis­co on his liv­ing room floor. He is be­lieved to have been shot sev­er­al times about the body by a high-pow­ered weapon.

Link Text

Guardian Me­dia was again told yes­ter­day by Sea Lots res­i­dents that they are un­der at­tack and there seems to be no pro­tec­tion for their lives. One res­i­dent, who wished not to be iden­ti­fied said: “This is a sad re­al­i­ty that we have to live with. I born and grow right here and this shoot­ing and mur­ders have be­come a nor­mal thing that we have grown ac­cus­tomed to.”

Interesting comment "accustomed to"?

sgtdjones 2019-02-13 14:55:09 

In reply to Yamfoot

Please, the expert bravos is clueless in his diatribe.

He claimed the anti-gang law will stop crime. Now this crap. We had these same laws in the 1990's look at the statics then.

In simple terms when we in T&T have governments that cannot provide a secure environment for its citizens its a failure, that leads to a failed state.

Two Oil booms under the PNM tenure all squandered and notice the rise in crime under their governance. Manning spent 2 Billion for useless Summits. Some areas Citizens don't have water electricity and live in shacks.
Can one envision such an environment to grow up in, and such kids are in generations of poverty.

These governments that held power from 2000 to now are clueless since the wealth was distributed to the top 15 %
of the population.

In areas that are dominated by Africans, they are the bottom of the ladder in the economy and have voted PNM for life over 50 years. Such governments have ignored these poor citizens.

To survive they kill each other; if such continues we will have a couple of generations of young African males that will be missing in the next census.

The gangs and drug trade flourishes in such areas.
This problem has been flourishing over the last two decades
as the poor get poorer with no horizon in sight.

The Unemployment rates in such areas are horrendous. They apply for a job, they must have a copy of their status from the police, where they live, see the discrimination.
They are vilified by the above even though innocent.

No amount of Laws or Gary will help unless the wealth is distributed, so all citizens will benefit.
My family have had business in T&T for over 100 years,
I have seen the changes in citizens.

It is a sad situation.

Narper 2019-02-13 18:41:07 

In reply to sgtdjones

T&T now on crime Red Alert
Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith has with immediate effect, raised the policing alert from ‘Amber’ to ‘Red’, as a result of ongoing gang activities and homicides.

n a statement on Wednesday afternoon, Commissioner Griffith said that law abiding citizens may experience some inconvenience due to these intensified operations, however, it is necessary to deal with criminal activity and to maintain law and order across the country.

Persons with information pertaining to serious crimes, especially gang activities are asked to text information to the Commissioner’s hotline 482GARY (4279).


state of emergency needed

sgtdjones 2019-02-13 18:51:49 

In reply to Narper

PNM, Growley said he will not enact the SOE

It tells the criminals to go for it.

sgtdjones 2019-02-13 18:54:18 

One sentenced to hang, another freed of 2006 murder

ONE man was sentenced to hang for a 2006 murder while his co-accused walked free after a Port of Spain jury returned its verdict on Tuesday.

Ijah Oba Braithwaite, of Eastern Quarry, Laventille, was convicted of the murder of Anthony McCarthy at Plaisance Terrace, East Dry River, Port of Spain, on May 16, 2006, while Akera “Kera” Allsop was freed.

Both were before Justice Maria Wilson in the Port of Spain Fourth Criminal Court.

Mc Carthy, was gunned down close to where he lived at Building No 3, Plaisance Terrace, East Dry River. He was returning from visiting his mother at her Laventille home when neighboursheard several gunshots and found McCarthy dead in a drain with ten gunshot wounds.

This was Braithwaite’s second trial.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-13 18:55:45 

Soldier critical after Beetham shooting

A soldier in the TT Regiment is warded in critical condition at the Port of Spain General Hospital after he was shot while driving his car last night.

Police said Akeem Ogarro, 30, of Pump Road, Picton, Laventille, was shot in the chest near the Pensioner's Quarters, Beetham Gardens, at around 10.20 pm.

Members of the Inter-Agency Task Force, Besson Street Police Station and Port of Spain CID went to the scene.

No arrests have been made as yet.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-13 19:07:31 

Mini-Uzi seized, 3 held after police chase

Three men were ar­rest­ed and a mi­ni-Uzi sub­ma­chine gun seized by of­fi­cers of the North­ern Di­vi­sion Task Force, Cen­tral, fol­low­ing a high-speed chase and po­lice-in­volved shoot­ing in­ci­dent in the Arou­ca dis­trict.

The in­ci­dent oc­curred on Tues­day.

Po­lice say of­fi­cers were on mo­bile pa­trol around 1:30 pm on Tues­day 12th Feb­ru­ary, 2019, when they re­ceived in­for­ma­tion of men armed with guns in the Arou­ca dis­trict.

The of­fi­cers pro­ceed­ed to the lo­ca­tion and ob­served a blue Nis­san Almera mo­tor ve­hi­cle with four male oc­cu­pants, pro­ceed­ing along Gold­en Grove Road, Arou­ca.

When the of­fi­cers at­tempt­ed to in­ter­cept the ve­hi­cle, it sped off and a chase en­sued which end­ed at the cor­ner of the East­ern Main Road and Wa­ter­loo Road.

As the Almera came to a stop, a man ex­it­ed the ve­hi­cle and point­ed a firearm at the of­fi­cers and fired sev­er­al shots at them.

The of­fi­cers sub­se­quent­ly re­turned fire in the di­rec­tion of the gun­man who ran off and es­caped.

The oth­er three men in the ve­hi­cle; a 24-year-old and a 21-year-old both of Ari­ma and a 21-year-old of Pi­ar­co were ar­rest­ed and a search of the ve­hi­cle con­duct­ed.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-14 15:31:15 

Wife found hanging, with bag over head

An autopsy is expected to be performed today to confirm what caused the death of 54-year-old Dularie Ramnarine.

Ramnarine, who lived at a home along the Eastern Main Road, Valencia, died yesterday at the Sangre Grande District Hospital.

Foul play is suspected.

The Express was told that at about 9a.m. on Thursday, Ramnarine’s common-law husband, Esmond Joseph, was in Arima, when he got a phone call from his wife.

He told police that she sounded panicked and he heard strange noises over the phone.

The call then ended.

Joseph said he tried to call his wife back several times but was unsuccessful.

As a result, he made his way home.

He told police that upon entering, he found his wife hanging from a cord, with a bag over her head.

There also appeared to be blood on her chest.

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SnoopDog 2019-02-14 15:36:56 

In reply to sgtdjones

It tells the criminals to go for it.

Carnival time boi - jump and wine.....and fire a gun, and chop up yuh neighbour, and move to the move to de right....

sgtdjones 2019-02-14 15:39:33 

Granny dies two weeks after being shot by stray bullet

GRANDMOTHER of 12 Charmayne Gray, 58, was sleeping on a couch in the living room of her Blitz Village, Pleasantville home when she was shot by a stray bullet two weeks ago.

Yesterday, Gray died while warded at the San Fernando General Hospital (SFGH).

Reports said the bullet entered her buttocks and exited her private area.

Doctors said over the last week Gray’s health deteriorated.

“She was not doing good and she was not looking good either. But we were still praying for the best,” Gray’s daughter-in-law, Lydia Charles told Newsday today.

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Murder counts races to 69 - Killings in Curepe, PoS

sgtdjones 2019-02-14 15:41:40 

In reply to SnoopDog

No sah...Bravo in de real battlefield,this virtual one is joke.. and so is Stdjones

Carnival time boi - jump and wine.....and fire a gun, and chop up yuh neighbour, and move to the move to de right....

This cant spoil we fete man ..ask bravos.

SnoopDog 2019-02-14 15:43:41 

In reply to sgtdjones

This cant spoil we fete man ..ask bravos.

Meh boi bravos seh "Doubles sales up this year boi - even gunman have to eat a food". lol

bravos 2019-02-14 16:48:18 

So some asses killing eachother in all the bad places must stop the rest of T&T from partying and enjoying all the nice places ? No fucking way,this isn't North America or Europe etc etc.. good people don't get killed in nice places so the parties will go on...let the idiots kill eachother in their holes,as if STDjones really gives a damn..pleh...

RIP to the couple innocents caught up,we will win the war ..

sgtdjones 2019-02-14 16:53:31 

GRANDMOTHER of 12 Charmayne Gray, 58, was sleeping on a couch in the living room of her Blitz Village, Pleasantville home when she was shot by a stray bullet two weeks ago.

Yesterday, Gray died while warded at the San Fernando General Hospital (SFGH).

"good people don't get killed in nice places so the parties will go on"

Tell that to her kids or grandkids, she wasn't living in a nice place?



sgtdjones 2019-02-14 21:34:03 


Drive-by shooting on Mcinroy Street, Curepe around 8pm tonight.

Deceased identified as Curtis Basde

Details still sketchy at the moment, will update when accurate info comes

Murder counts races to 69 - Killings in Curepe, PoS

TWO men were gunned down in separate incidents on Thursday night bringing the year’s murder toll to 69.

A man arrested before for drug trafficking was ambushed in Curepe around 9 p.m.

Police said Curtis Basdeo, 27 of Palm Drive, Champs Fleurs was at Mc Inroy Street, Curepe when a car stopped near to him.

sgtdjones 2019-02-14 21:36:43 

In reply to bravos

So some asses killing eachother in all the bad places must stop the rest of T&T from partying and enjoying all the nice places ? No fucking way,this isn't North America or Europe etc etc.. good people don't get killed in nice places so the parties will go on...let the idiots kill eachother in their holes,as if STDjones really gives a damn..pleh...

RIP to the couple innocents caught up,we will win the war ..

Arima closes down at 10 pm nightly..not a nice place huh?

Amazing response.

sgtdjones 2019-02-15 09:31:32 

Police charge 2 for robbing tourists

TWO bandits have been charged for the assault and robbery of a middle-aged Canadian couple, said a statement yesterday by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. Ian Roderick Mac Mullin and his wife Lina Mac Mullin had been left with bruises to their faces after they were assaulted and robbed during their visit to Grafton Beach in Tobago.

The police statement said, “Theon Agard, aged 26, of Golden Lane, Tobago and Keith Stewart aged,21, of Bethel, Tobago were charged by Sgt Wilson of the Tobago CID jointly for robbery with violence, assault with intent to rob and malicious damage.” The incident allegedly occurred on Sunday, February 3, 2019.

Scarborough Police are continuing investigations.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-15 16:07:11 

Melon killed in George Street drive-by

A homeless man known only by his nickname, "Melon," was killed during a drive-by shooting in downtown Port of Spain last night.

Police said he was walking along George Street at around 9.30 pm when a car sped by, firing shots.

Members of the Besson Street Police Station and the Homicide Bureau went to the scene with a district medical officer who declared him dead at the scene.

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FuzzyWuzzy 2019-02-15 16:22:37 

In reply to sgtdjones

Stop it sarge. You are going to upset the per capita

sgtdjones 2019-02-15 16:38:31 

In reply to FuzzyWuzzy

doh worry bravos cant count so we safe

razz razz razz

sgtdjones 2019-02-16 09:45:05 


Piper killed

One person shot and lying motionless on George Street, POS.

45 days and 73 murders,

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sgtdjones 2019-02-16 14:19:05 

Fruit vendor shot dead

A 38-year-old fruit vendor was killed this morning in what police suspect was a hit.

According to police, around 2.30 am, residents of Bharath Street, Tunapuna heard gunshots and later found Neil Subra dead, near his van from which he sold his fruits. Subra, police said, was a businessman and is believed to have been killed as a result of failed business ventures.

In an unrelated incident, an 18-year-old woman was one of four shot in a drive-by in Diego Martin on Friday evening. Police said the teen, Onika Clapperton, Jason Greaves, 41, Makesi Mc Covley, 32, and Isaac St Bernard, 50 were in a car proceeding along Humming Bird, Avenue, Simeon Road, Petit Valley when they were attacked, at about 6.10 pm.

All four were taken to the St James Medical Complex where they were treated and discharged.

Investigations are continuing into both incidents.

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BeatDball 2019-02-16 14:56:17 

Told U facters long ago that socihitist politicians never make law enforcement priority. They never accept that physical security is a prerequisite for an orderly society. But, as I always reiterate/ram it dung alyuh mcs, run guh to Singapare, South Korea, China, Chile & my favorite place, RWANDA! Heheheheheh. This shoite is so serious, that I have to amuse myself in gallows humour. But, but here's the abbreviated solution for the dunces in the Region: have the capital city being litter free, enforce the quality of life issues/crimes of the capital city - zero tolerance; police & traffic officers, govt office workers should be competent & service oriented. Of course, dem bwoys seh, it all has to start at the top! I'm just fligging tired of crime/criminality in the region. If the homicide rate can go down to double digits (an impossibility) in GT, TT & Yard, then & only then will you see people galloping their arses to go back home...


sgtdjones 2019-02-17 11:16:17 

Man drives himself to health centre after being shot in both legs

A 54-year-old man is nursing gunshot injuries following a robbery in Wallerfield.

The victim was reportedly shot in both legs.

According to police reports, at about 1 pm on Thursday, the victim arrived at Mexico Road in Wallerfield, where he met two men.

The trio, police were told, was there to discuss a construction job.

However, while there, one of the men pulled out a firearm and announced a hold-up.

He then shot the victim in both legs before relieving him of his cash and valuables.

The two men then drove off in a white Nissan AD wagon.

The victim managed to drag himself to his own car and drove to the Arima Health Facility, where he was treated.

W Sgt Grant is continuing inquiries.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-17 11:18:23 

Man beaten, robbed while 'star-gazing' in Arima

A 23-year-old man, who took a moment to star gaze while waiting on a friend in Arima on Thursday night, was robbed and beaten by two armed men.

According to police reports, at about 11:55 pm on Thursday, the victim, of Maracas St Joseph, had parked his silver Nissan Navara motor vehicle along Pro-Queen Street in Arima and walked to the Princess Royal Park.

He told police that he was waiting on a friend, and began stargazing.

He did not notice when a man approached him, armed with a firearm.

The assailant, who the victim said had a goatee beard and was clad in a white jersey and black pants, pointed the weapon at the 23-year-old and announced a hold-up.

The victim attempted to run but was caught by the assailant, who proceeded to hit him about the body.

While he was on the ground, a second man approached the victim and began kicking him.

The victim then told police that the armed man placed the firearm behind his head and took all his belongings including the key for his vehicle.

The assailants drove off in the Navara.

PC St Clair is continuing inquiri

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sgtdjones 2019-02-17 18:50:50 

2 vendors killed in 3 days

TWO VENDORS were among three people brutally killed over the last three days as this year's murder toll climbs to 74 in less than two months.

On Saturday morning, a 38-year-old fruit vendor was killed in what police suspect was a hit.

According to police, around 2.30 am, residents of Bharath Street, Tunapuna heard gunshots and later found Neil Subra dead near his van from which he sold fruits. Subra, police said, was a businessman and was believed to have been killed as a result of failed business ventures.

In an unrelated incident, an 18-year-old woman was one of four shot in a drive-by in Diego Martin on Friday evening. Police said the teen, Onika Clapperton, Jason Greaves, 41, Makesi Mc Covley, 32, and Isaac St Bernard, 50 were in a car proceeding along Humming Bird, Avenue, Simeon Road, Petit Valley when they were attacked, at about 6.10 pm.

All four were taken to the St James Medical Complex where they were treated and discharged.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-18 09:12:37 

Burnt cellphone near human remains in Gran Couva

A burnt cellphone may lead to the identity of skeletal remains foundin the Gran Couva forest on Sunday.

Central Division police, acting on information, went to the area following a bush fire at around 3p.m.

The officers found a human skull, bones, one black slipper and the cellphone.

The items have been bagged and taken to the Forensic Science Centre in St James.

Police have asked relatives of missing people to visit the Forensic Sciences Centre to identify the items found.

DNA samples would also be taken to determine the identity of the person.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-19 14:56:15 

CEPEP worker gunned down

One man is dead and another wounded after a shooting at Cameron Road, Petit Valley, earlier today.

Police said at around 9.30 am Shaquille Mendes, 23, and his friend Shandelle Thomas were working as part of a Community Environmental Protection and Enrichment Programme (CEPEP) gang when a man approached the group and shot both men several times.

Mendes died at the scene, while Thomas was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Police said neither men were known to them and are working on establishing a motive for the killing.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-19 14:58:00 

Man,70, on sex charges

A 70-YEAR-OLD man was remanded into custody today when he appeared in the San Fernando Magistrates' Court charged with two counts of sexual assault on a 12-year-old girl.

Peter Roy Scott, of Harmony Hall, Marabella, appeared before magistrate Alicia Chankar. She read to him a charge that on July 3, 2018, he sexually penetrated the girl.

A second charge read to Scott, who is a welding instructor, was that on the same day, he sexually touched the child's breast. Both incidents are alleged to have happened at Bamboo Village, La Romaine.

Attorney Frank Gittens, who represented Scott, pleaded for bail saying the accused suffers from uncontrolled diabetes

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sgtdjones 2019-02-19 15:00:12 

Two arrested at airport, after doubles vendor chopped to death

Police have detained a close female relative and a Guyanese national in connection with the death of Chaguanas doubles vendor, Dharoop Jagessar.

The 21-year-old man and 52-year-old woman were detained at the Piarco International Airport attempting to leave the country early Tuesday morning.

The two, who were acting suspiciously, were held for questioning by Airports Authority officers.

The Central woman told police that the man had chopped her male relative at his doubles stall near the Chase Village overpass late Monday night.

The woman said she then taken against her will.

Airport Authority officers contacted officers attached to the Chaguanas police station who visited the scene and found Jagessar’s body at around 4.27a.m.

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76 Murders

sgtdjones 2019-02-20 14:16:26 

Man killed in Springvale shooting

POLICE are investigating a murder in Springvale where an unidentified man was shot in what police believe to be a drive-by shooting. Residents said that shortly after 1 pm, they heard gunshots and the screeching sounds of vehicles.

When they checked, they saw the man slumped in the front passenger seat of a car at the corner of Vistabella Road and Hubert Ranch Street in Vistabella.

There were numerous bullet holes on the left back door. Police believe the car crashed into a dirt bank and flipped before it came to a halt in the middle of the road.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-20 14:19:08 

Taxi driver killed in Morvant

Police are investigating the murder of a man identified only as a taxi driver, at Chinapoo Hill, Morvant, last night.

Newsday understands members of the Morvant Police Station were called to the scene at around 10.45 pm, after several gunshots were heard.

Police said the man who appeared to be dark-skinned, in his early thirties and of East Indian descent was found at the side of the road with several gunshot wounds to the head.

Up until this morning the man remained unidentified, but several residents said they knew him as a taxi driver in the area.

In a separate incident members of the Northeastern and Northern Division Police were involved in anti-crime exercises at Blanchisseuse and Maracas, St Joseph, between 10 am to 6 pm on Tuesday.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-20 14:20:34 

Two wounded in Laventille drive by

Two men are being treated for gunshot wounds they received during a drive-by shooting at Mentor Alley, Laventille, on Tuesday night.

Police said shortly before 7 am, painter Joel Walker, 33, was standing near his home when he saw a white Nissan Tiida stop a short distance away from him.

After hearing gunshots he wan away and felt a burning on his left thigh. On checking he saw he was bleeding.

Walker's brother-in-law, Kenneth Best, 52, was also shot in his right thigh as he was walking towards his home.

Both men were taken to the Port of Spain General Hospital where they were treated.

No one was arrested for the shooting.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-20 14:28:48 

Parliament Clerk's alleged killer charged

A 24-year-old man has been charged with murdering Parliament clerk Mariana Moonisar and the wounding her father.

He will appear in the Chaguanas Magistrates’ Court today.

Jonathan Ramroop, a labourer of Dow Village, California, was charged with murder, wounding with intent and possession of firearm and ammunition.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-20 19:32:45 

Grande man gunned down in Sando

Gunmen opened fire on a car along Hubert Rance Street, San Fernando, killing one of the occupants, on Wednesday.

Police said the driver was not found in the vehicle, but the front seat passenger was shot dead.

The man was identified as 28-year-old Lyndon Beharry of Ojoe Road, Sangre Grande.

The incident occurred at around 1.30pm at the Corner of Hubert Rance Street and Vistabella Road.

Residents said they heard loud explosions and saw the green Nissan Almera car overturn several times.

Beharry was found slumped in the passenger seat. He was shot in the head and about the body.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-21 09:42:51 

Bodies found in Petit Valley, Cedros

THE BODIES of two people, believed to be Venezuelan, were found within hours of each other in Petit Valley and Cedros.

Police are now calling for the public's help in identifying them.

The first body was found on Morne Coco Road early this morning. Police told Newsday at about 6 am, a pedestrian was walking along the road, near the spring, when he found the body of a man.

He alerted the police

The man was wearin dark coloured three-quarter jeans, and a black and purple hoodie. His hands were bound and he seemed to have suffered a gunshot wound to the right side of his chest.

A little more than two hours later, at about 8.30 am the body of a woman was found on Fullarton Beach, Cedros.

When Newsday reporters contacted police sources, they said police were still at the scene. At the time they were still trying to determine the identity and age of the woman, who was of a light brown complexion.

Police sources told Newsday no reports of a missing woman had been made in recent times.

More on this as it becomes available.

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Dan_De_Lyan 2019-02-21 23:03:46 

In reply to sgtdjones

You are the real TT Crime that CP24 Toronto news guy.. JOJO Chinto smile

RIP to all the Victims

sgtdjones 2019-02-22 09:03:26 

Cops finally nab sex ring mastermind

A Chi­nese na­tion­al de­scribed by po­lice as one of the mas­ter­minds be­hind a ma­jor sex and drug ring op­er­at­ing in West­ern Trinidad that was smashed more than two weeks ago was cap­tured on Tues­day.

In­tel­li­gence sources told Guardian Me­dia the man had been on the run ever since po­lice raid­ed a West­moor­ings home at West­ern Cir­cle on Feb­ru­ary 6, where sev­er­al young girls be­tween the ages of 15 and 19 years were res­cued.

Dur­ing that op­er­a­tion, head­ed by the Spe­cial Op­er­a­tions Re­sponse Team (SORT), Counter Traf­fick­ing Unit (CTU), Fi­nan­cial In­tel­li­gence Branch (FIB) and Child Pro­tec­tion Unit (CPU), at least 18 sus­pects in West and East Trinidad were ar­rest­ed and 19 South Amer­i­can fe­males. Young women were al­so res­cued from an­oth­er house along Morne Co­co Road in Diego Mar­tin and the Stir Fry King Restau­rant along Ari­api­ta Av­enue, Wood­brook.

Sources told Guardian Me­dia the po­lice got in­for­ma­tion about the man’s where­abouts and were able to catch him in­side a house in West­moor­ings. Sources said the man had been try­ing to make plans to leave the coun­try since the raid.

In­tel­li­gence sources say the sus­pect had leased the house on West­ern Dri­ve, West­moor­ings that po­lice raid­ed. He had en­tered this coun­try with a Guyanese pass­port and was al­so in pos­ses­sion of a Ja­maica li­cense which Guardian Me­dia has seen. A source fa­mil­iar with the on­go­ing case ex­plained that over the last few weeks they have been able to un­earth de­tailed in­for­ma­tion about how the sex ring is be­ing op­er­at­ed with the clout of the Asian mafia. Based on fur­ther in­for­ma­tion po­lice be­lieve the young women are smug­gled in by boat af­ter they are hand-picked by agents in Venezuela.

“This smug­gling op­er­a­tion takes place most­ly on the south­ern penin­su­la of Trinidad,” the source said.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-23 10:08:51 

Killed and buried in the Moruga forest

The decomposed body of a man was found in a forested area in La Lune, Moruga, on Friday.

Police said a farmer was walking to his garden when he spotted the remains, almost two kilometres from the roadway, at around midday.

The body was in an advanced state of decomposition, as officers were unable to determine the ethnicity of the man.

The body was removed to the Forensic Science Centre in St James.Police said DNA testing would be required to identify the man.

Relatives of missing people have been advised to visit the Southern Division Homicide Bureau for further information.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-24 10:08:33 

Body on beach is missing Tunupuna woman

The body found on the beach at Fullerton Village in Cedros last Thursday is that of Pandroutee Sinanan, the 55 year old Tunapuna woman who had been reported missing.

Sinanan, of First Street, Maingot Road, was last seen at around 6:20a.m on Monday close to her home.

Her body was identified by her sister on Friday

An autopsy was performed by Dr Hughvon Des Vignes at the Forensic Science Centre in St James, but a cause of death could not be determined.

Des Vignes was able to establish that the cause of death was unnatural, but was unable to state what caused Sinanan’s death due to the advanced state of decomposition.

Sinanan was a member of the administrative team of SITAL College, Eastern Main Road in Tacarigua.

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allan 2019-02-24 10:17:57 

In reply to sgtdjones

Is this worst than jamaica?

sgtdjones 2019-02-24 10:28:51 

In reply to allan


I am not Familiar with the Jamaica crime problem.

As a Trini, I post what I am familiar about T&T.

bravos 2019-02-24 10:29:16 

In reply to allan


Jamaica consistently in the 40's-50's + per/100,000,not too long ago they went down to just under 40/100,000 and at that time T&T was in the mid 20's/100,000 then the whole place tun up from North to South,though one murder is one too many T&T even at it's highest in 2008 has never entered the 40's per 100,000,not even last year with just over 500,and not even at this high rate which is still lower than last year at this juncture..

There are at least 4 Caribbean countries other than Jamaica with higher rates than T&T..and before the recent spikes there were more..

A serious fight is taking place,see this year's rate be lower than last year,this thread is pointless..

sgtdjones 2019-02-24 17:39:05 

Venezuelan knifed to death in Cunupia

A Venezuelan national was stabbed to death during an argument at an apartment in Cunupia on Sunday.

The suspect, also a Venezuelan national, fled the scene.

The deceased has been identified as 33-year-old Jose Herminez.

The incident occurred at Moore Trace extension off Adjodha Road at around 7.30am.

Herminez shared the apartment with three other Venezuelan nationals.

Police said Herminez was involved in an argument with one of the men who went into the kitchen and armed himself with a knife.

The suspect stabbed Herminez several times about the body and slit his throat.

He then escaped.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-24 17:40:33 

Boatman gunned down at Alcan Bay

Police are investigating the death of a Carenage man on Saturday night.

Cassius Clay Williams, 46, lived on a boat at Alcan Bay.

Williams was liming with a group of men near his boat when man walked up to him and opened fire at around 10pm.

The group scattered, police said, and Williams collapsed to the ground.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-24 17:45:11 

Guyanese charged with killing doubles vendor ‘Pie’

THE 20-year-old Guyanese man who police arrested at the airport last week when he tried boarding a flight, has been charged with murdering Chaguanas doubles vendor Dhroop "Pie" Jagessar.

Police from the Homicide Bureau Region III, however, released the 52-year-old Guyanese woman who was held with the suspect. She is a close relative of Jagessar who was chopped to death last Monday at Susheela Drive, Chase Village in Chaguanas.

At about 2 am on Tuesday, security personnel at the Piarco airport arrested them while trying to get on a plane to Guyana. Police learnt that hours earlier, between 8 pm and 10 pm, Jagessar was chopped and killed.

A few days ago, legal officer PC Kyrn Lewis from the bureau, submitted a file to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. On Friday evening Deputy DPP Joan Honore-Paul advised police to charge the man and release the woman.

The suspect is expected to appear in the Chaguanas Magistrates’ Court tomorrow.

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BeatDball 2019-02-24 17:52:15 

In reply to sgtdjones A cop is never on the scene...I dont get it.

confused evil

JahJah 2019-02-24 19:10:05 

In reply to bravos

Jamaica consistently in the 40's-50's + per/100,000,not too long ago they went down to just under 40/100,000 and at that time T&T was in the mid 20's/100,000 then the whole place tun up from North to South,though one murder is one too many T&T even at it's highest in 2008 has never entered the 40's per 100,000,not even last year with just over 500,and not even at this high rate which is still lower than last year at this juncture..

But it entered the 30s in 2006 though. Doh act like it nuh high nuh rass.

BTW, Jamaica has had 58 per in 2005. Trinidad has hit 40 per, in that 2008 year

sgtdjones 2019-02-25 07:57:09 

'PH' driver and girlfriend rob passenger

A 23-year-old “PH” (private hire) driver is in police custody after he chopped and robbed a St Joseph man.

According to police reports, around 5.30 p.m. on Thursday, the victim, of Bhagaloo Extension, Enterprise, upon exiting a taxi at Upper Acono Road, Maracas, St Joseph, was confronted by the driver of the car.

The man pulled out a cutlass and announced a hold-up. The victim, police said, resisted the attack and fought back.

During the struggle, the victim managed to disarm the assailant, but he received cuts to his arms and body.

The assailant then instructed a woman who was in the car to secure another cutlass which was in the trunk. The woman did so and handed it over to the driver.

The 25-year-old victim, having suffered wounds, complied with the assailant’s second threat and announcement of a robbery.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-25 07:58:29 

''Open the door before we kill allyuh'

A retired police inspector, who operates a Lotto booth in Tunapuna, had to open fire on two men who threatened to kill him and his wife.

The incident took place around 7 p.m. on Thursday while the ex-inspector and his wife were at the Lotto booth, which is located along Eastern Main Road, Tunapuna.

Investigators were told that the couple were conducting sales when they heard a banging on the door. A male voice was then heard saying, “Open the door before we kill allyuh”.

The 56-year-old man then checked his CCTV system and saw two men standing outside the door, one of whom was holding an object resembling a firearm.

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BeatDball 2019-02-25 12:06:01 

In reply to sgtdjones 3 cheers for that retired police inspector. Nuff respect.


bravos 2019-02-25 13:43:16 

Guyanese murdering Guyanese and Trinis in T&T,Venes murdering Venes and Trinis in T&T,Yadi brothers doing their part too..and is no problema.

T&T sweet too bad yes...

bravos 2019-02-25 13:46:48 

In reply to JahJah

39...and yes it too damn high,waay too high,we should be in the teens at least...assholes alone making good lil vibrant countries look bad..

nick2020 2019-02-25 13:50:48 

Jamaica consistently in the 40's-50's + per/100,000,not too long ago they went down to just under 40/100,000 and at that time T&T was in the mid 20's/100,000 then the whole place tun up from North to South,though one murder is one too many T&T even at it's highest in 2008 has never entered the 40's per 100,000,not even last year with just over 500,and not even at this high rate which is still lower than last year at this juncture..

Anyone else find bravos' sudden understanding of per capita when referencing other countries truly fascinating?

Yamfoot 2019-02-25 15:03:18 

In reply to bravos

What is the rate per 100,000 in Trinidad now?

sgtdjones 2019-02-25 15:56:57 

9 bullets for hairdresser...while waiting for boyfriend

A 27-year-old woman was shot nine times about the body in Malabar on Sunday night.

Tashay Melville, a hairdresser, is listed in serious condition at the Eric Williams Medical Science Complex.

Melville was seated in her Hyundai Elantra car when gunmen opened fire on the vehicle at around 10.30pm.

The incident occurred at St Joseph Avenue off Lacroix Road.

Police said Melville, of Quarry Drive, Champs Fleurs, was visiting her boyfriend when she was shot.

Her boyfriend, police said, is a known to them.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-25 16:25:42 

In reply to Yamfoot

What is the rate per 100,000 in Trinidad now?

1.3 million people divided by 100,000 = 13

Another senseless brutal murder by the gun bringing the projected rate for 2019 to 572

572 divided by 13 = 44 approx

516 murders recorded in 2018. The year 2018 ended with 516 murders, making it the second deadliest year in the history of T&T.

The population of T&T 2018 Central Bank.....1,372,598

1,372,598 divided by 100,000 = 13.72598

516 murders divided by 13.73 = 37.5819

The number for 2018 is 37.5

bravos 2019-02-25 17:08:09 

In reply to Yamfoot

35.4/100,000 at the end of 2018...

Will have to wait till the end of the year to calculate this year's,at this Sam while last year there were over 100 murders and we were 'heading for 700' according to per capita experts..

Based on very reliable historical monthly trends this year looking like 400+.

BeatDball 2019-02-25 18:45:01 

In reply to nick2020

big grin

bravos 2019-02-25 19:53:47 

In reply to BeatDball

I always maintained that per-capita was not a good example,per -capita says that a country with over 340 blood free days a year and 20 odd fools killing each other in shit territory on the other days is more deadly than Mexico where the dead bodies on one bridge can easily surpass that country's annual total,where from judge to politician and political motorcades to journalists to numerous hundreds of law enforcement officers are slaughtered..

These fiends of reason would have you believe that a man who counts in the millions with material yields and ratios etc don't understand the principles of simple apple and oranges averages..

And what's even more disingenuous is the fact that they choose to ignore the fact that the UN has adopted similar perspective in ranking countries safety and risk factors etc,so much so T&T and Jamaica are safer than the US..Even the failed and broken poster Courtesy after spreading these lies had to digress,so much so we don't even see his type around here anymore..

There are more posters to disappear have no fear..

See you on the slaughter thread..wink

sgtdjones 2019-02-25 20:09:51 

In reply to nick2020

Anyone else find bravos' sudden understanding of per capita when referencing other countries truly fascinating?

Claims he counts in the millions with material yields and ratio's the 100,000 is too little for him. Unfortunately if
he sees the calculator I use in Engineering, those that he talks about are already programmed, thus calculations become

Wow expecting posters to disappear, his calculation wrong.

lol lol lol

bravos 2019-02-25 20:30:35 

In reply to stdjones

F@ck you yuh lying refugee of the 80's,sold your country out to sleep in Massa barn,,f@ck you yellow belly black hating wish T&T burn to justify your stance..

Shameless will brush in your ass to perpetuate your dark agenda..

Now you like a total clown reporting very murder,slow weekend huh bitch!?how many more,one,none?

sgtdjones 2019-02-25 20:37:24 

In reply to bravos

F@ck you yuh lying refugee of the 80's,sold your country out to sleep in Massa barn,,f@ck you yellow belly black hating wish T&T burn to justify your stance..

Shameless will brush in your ass to perpetuate your dark agenda..

Now you like a total clown reporting very murder,slow weekend huh bitch!?how many more,one,none?

Is that the best you have to offer?

Shows your Laventille upbringing with your tirade.

Carry on.

razz razz razz

bravos 2019-02-25 20:38:22 

In reply to stdjones

Racial mudda k@nt..

sgtdjones 2019-02-25 20:39:36 

In reply to bravos

Racial mudda k@nt..

You learning new words

Good for you. Soon you may hit standard 7.

razz razz razz

bravos 2019-02-25 20:42:27 

In reply to stdjones

You need another T&T murder quick bitch,why don't you come to T&T and ask someone to put you out yuh misery...

sgtdjones 2019-02-25 20:45:13 

In reply to bravos

Someday when you graduate from high school we go chat.

Keep it up, your stupidity on this Board keeps growing

razz razz razz

Courtesy 2019-02-26 06:34:45 

In reply to bravos
If only to refute your jackassery on this thread. Per capita is the metric that allows one to proceed with on an across the board comparison in country statistics. You cannot take aggregates from countries and proceed to compare these numbers because it will be meaningless, as countries have varying populations and you will not be comparing like with like. It will be plain wrong to so do. At the very least anyone with a basic education will understand this concept and not do any comparison like this.

You may wish further to explore the determinants (causes) of crime but you cannot use per capita to compare your murdering island TNT to Jamaica and other islands, while at the same time talking about and dissing Mexico's per capita murder - in which a number of cities there present with little or no crime. Why not compare one of these crime free cities in Mexico with TNT? It will be equally wrong to go that route. You cannot use per capita for "one bridge" selectively. Your words: "a bridge in Mexico in one day will have more murders than TNT." Your quoted bridge reference underpins your initial lack of knowledge on per capita. and I am not even certain that you fully understand the concept and its applicability. You are such an uneducated, insular idiot...plain and simple. And that is a dangerous cocktail.

As a statsman I will never deviate from this very fundamental methodology. What the poster posted was a 2014 UN Report on per per capita murder rate and he argued that the chance of being murdered (very important) in Saints Kitts & and Nevis and TNT was greater as compared with Mexico. Your insular bottom (ass) had you arguing otherwise. Your post then:

"How can a small country like Saint Kitts and Nevis compare with a country like Mexico which on any day, on one bridge, will have many more murders than Saint Kitts Nevis in one year?"...

And you still continue to highlight murders (selective incidents) in the USA and Canada as proof that the chances of being murdered in these countries are greater than TNT...FOOL. Btw, only a fool takes two data points (two months) and uses it to establish a year-end total. Two points of data is inadequate to establish a trend.

You are such an lying, simplistic, arrogant, insular, blind fool. You are only now beginning to understand per capita but you choose to be selective in its application. Stick with posting porn on this site. Have a great day. Btw, Happy New Year to the rest of you.

Courtesy 2019-02-26 06:46:57 

In reply to sgtdjones

Someday when you graduate from high school we go chat.

Keep it up, your stupidity on this Board keeps growing

This guy must be from some forest in TNT who never saw a school. I have never come across such an uneducated tit like this specimen. And I don't think I will ever...

nick2020 2019-02-26 09:35:40 

In reply to Courtesy

Remember he pays people like you to wear a tie and read him his financials while he is in his jammies. lol

Courtesy 2019-02-26 11:15:37 

In reply to nick2020
"Fools could make money but is..."
Typical example and it's only through political patronage he gets work. And he pays me to complete his tender documents.
lol lol lol

sgtdjones 2019-02-26 14:34:47 

Pamela's killing devastates co-workers, students

SITAL College is mourning and celebrating the life of Pandroutie “Pamela” Sinanan, who was killed and her body found in the Fullerton Beach last Thursday, four days after she disappeared.

Sinanan, 55, was last seen near her home at First Street, Maingot Road, Tacarigua last Monday morning, on her way to work at SITAL College where she was a member of the administrative team.

The next time anyone knew anything was when relatives went to the Forensic Science Centre, St James to identify her body.

An autopsy could not find the cause of death, but the pathologist ruled that it was “unnatural”.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-26 14:36:39 

Ashley missing since January 3

Police need help in locating 17-year-old Ashley Williams.

Ashley, of Tunapuna Road, Tunapuna, was last seen at her aunt’s Cantaro Village, Santa Cruz home, around 7a.m. January 3.

She was reported missing to the Santa Cruz Police Station, three days later.

Ashley is of African descent, 5 feet 4 inches tall and slim built with a light brown complexion and short hair which has been dyed blonde. She was last seen wearing a black short sleeved shirt.

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bravos 2019-02-26 15:13:40 

looking for that next murder still losers?

Your rates and projections mean nothing,the total for this year will be less than last year,talk done..

Never thought this thread could degenerate further,serves me right for constantly difibbulating it..

Place rel nice right now,buzzing with good vibes..

No matter what you little sterile pencil pushers statAssticians and conflicted nationalities in your cubicles say,wee keep buzzing,we keep reaching for the stars and we keep fighting ..

T&T shall prevail and you little guys should try and focus on fixing your similarly sick societies,but we done know allyuh cyar see beyond the comfort of yuh cubicles,mind yuh co-worker ain't gun yuh down..

sgtdjones 2019-02-26 15:22:59 

the total for this year will be less than last year,talk done..

Explain such to someone who lost a son/daughter/child/brother/mother /father etc to murder,
you will be amazed at what they may call you.

As usual a patch of hot air by an illiterate individual.

(Shaking my head in disgust)

bravos 2019-02-26 15:41:47 

Now explain to someone who lost a son or a daughter in a nice school park movie or mall shooting in your preferred societies with lower murder rates..

Tell them their rates are lower But just be careful in all the nice and regular places where nice and regular people frequent..

IdioTT shake your head till it fall off in more disgust when you look at yourself in the mirror,fake lying racial refugee..

sgtdjones 2019-02-26 15:54:48 

In reply to bravos

Are you really this illiterate?

the total for this year will be less than last year,talk done..

This is what you posted above?

Explain such to someone who lost a son/daughter/child/brother/mother /father etc to murder,
you will be amazed at what they may call you.

This is what I replied.It is only about murder innT&T.

Please read your response below:

Now explain to someone who lost a son or a daughter in a nice school park movie or mall shooting in your preferred societies with lower murder rates..

Tell them their rates are lower But just be careful in all the nice and regular places where nice and regular people frequent..

IdioTT shake your head till it fall out in more disgust when you look at yourself in the mirror,fake lying racial refugee..

Do you see why you are laughed at on this forum? I am speaking of T&T.

This would be embarrassing if you paid someone to write
responses for you and they write as the above.
You need to get better-educated people to write for you.


Courtesy 2019-02-26 16:05:24 

In reply to sgtdjones
Your boy added a new word to the lexicon.

...Never thought this thread could degenerate further,serves me right for constantly difibbulating it...

I suppose he meant "defibrillating." What an uneducated ass. He'll be sorry he woke me up.

I never see a man make a projection and use "will be." Bravos must be a seerman too.

lol lol lol

Courtesy 2019-02-26 16:18:38 

bravos 11/27/14 9:01:07 PM 
It's so unfair that because of its size Mexico isn't on that list,but frigging st
kitts and Nevis on it based on twenty something murders a year. On one
bridge in Mexico at any given day you can get more than that. 
They kill police and soldiers by the
scores,judges,lawyers,journalists,politicians etc. that per 100,000 thing
doesn't tell the real story. How can 20 incidents of murder in st kitts be
greater that tens of thousands in Mexico ?

Jackassery at its best. Dat seermen will regret he woke me up.

lol lol lol

Courtesy 2019-02-26 16:25:13 

bravos11/27/14 11:17:05 PM 
Garden of Eden take the cake though,after Caine killed Abel their rate was a
bloddy 25,000 per 100,000 ,makes Honduras look like child's play.. 

Even if you count the snake it was still a staggering 20,000 murdered per
OH waaaht... Cam on....

De seerman who never believes in the bible quoting it. HYPOCRITE!!!

OK. OK I hear devil duz quote it too.

lol lol lol

sgtdjones 2019-02-26 18:22:35 

Murder suspect asked neighbour for shovel to bury body

A 25-year-old woman is in police custody after she chopped a 74-year-old man to death and went to the victim's neighbour's home to ask for a shovel to bury the body.

Police said the man, Trevor Johnson was at his Savannah Drive, Sangre Grande home at around 1.30 am today when he was visited by the woman.

The suspect later told police that Johnson tried to talk her into having sex with him. She said she got angry, left his house and returned armed with a cutlass, chopping him on the left side of his neck. The woman then went to one of the man's neighbours to ask for a shovel borrowed, telling the neighbour, "I just killed someone."

Villagers made a citizens arrest and called the Sangre Grande Police who arrived some minutes later along with the district medical officer. Johnson was pronounced dead at the scene. The woman who operates a burger cart in the area is in police custody.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-26 18:24:20 

In reply to Courtesy

I suppose he meant "defibrillating." What an uneducated ass. He'll be sorry he woke me up.

When you were on sabbatical, he made some amazing statements.

I have no idea how or where he gets them from.

razz razz razz

bravos 2019-02-26 20:26:00 

Not only have I given this pathetic thread life time and time again,I have also given failed and broken poster courtesy a new lease on his pathetic existence..

Not this time,Not gonna be lured into a whole discourse about averages and basic stats,clearly he hasn't made any progress and remains a sterile and generic underachiever long missing his bus and having to walk with a very heavy axe to grind..

Poor fella..

You and STD deserve eachother,pathetic pair,one a failed professional with no grasp on reality and one a failed Trini and international loafer...

sgtdjones 2019-02-26 20:40:10 

You cannot give anyone an existence based on the false diatribes you post.

In various postings, I have proven you to be clueless
about T&T, yet you persist.
I would be embarrassed.

Then you start with profanities about my mudda etc, it shows a loss of control and a poor upbringing.

I am not a failed Trini, if you only knew, you see I don't come on boasting about contracts, or family life, etc.

If you have kids, I hope they get their intelligence from
the maternal side of the family. If not I feel really sorry for them, no human being deserves such.

Courtesy 2019-02-27 05:59:31 

In reply to bravos
"Defibrillating" You are intellectually lazy and a complete fool. Any first grader would get this right. See, I am of use to your abject deficiency bottom (ass) in education.

However. you are of absolutely no use to me here intellectually. Next time avoid misrepresenting what I post here to furnish your own selfish ends. You will regret to have awoken a sleeping giant. You are nothing but a per capita fool.

nick2020 2019-02-27 07:02:48 

In reply to bravos

But bravos you were the one who brought averages and stats to the thread. I never doubted you understandings per captica; you just badly deflected on Trinidad's issues with crime and talked about a bridge in Mexico.

Courtesy 2019-02-27 07:13:41 

In reply to nick2020
Come on Nick, does a guy who introduced the number of murders "on one bridge in Mexico" as his reflection (understanding) of per capita appear to you to have a solid grasp of the per capita methodology? I believe you are being overly generous here. I am tempted to post the entire thread so you can establish a perspective and context to help guide your inference above.

He perhaps is getting the hang of it now but he does not have a clue about its applicability. I am delighted however that I have been of some assistance to him in his hour of need in education.

Dan_De_Lyan 2019-02-27 10:08:38 

Looks like the killing has abated.
Not one in a week
Saw a dove carrying a branch.


bravos 2019-02-27 20:09:39 

In reply to Dan_De_Lyan

Doh worry wit he,right now he probably emailing google alerts to find out if there's a glitch..murder slow these days..

T&T's gonna be them lil dots like Bim I'm afraid for..

sgtdjones 2019-02-27 21:43:13 

In reply to Dan_De_Lyan

Ah just got in a very busy day

Its carnival weekend, they are busy hiding bodies

doh worry they will soon catch up

I will read my emails later.

Notice, the moron posted above, he thinks he is
so important he must give his opinions on such threads.
Inflated Ego.


sgtdjones 2019-02-27 21:45:32 

Step mom to stand trial for infant's murder

Marcia McClean has been committed to stand trial before the High Court for the murder of her four year-old step-daughter Jenice Figaro.

McClean intends calling two police officers as defence witnesses when the matter goes to trial.

McClean, 30, was charged that on November 24 2016 she murdered the child at the Williamsville home she shared with Figaro, the child’s father and her daughters.Initial reports were that the child ate a meal of fries, garlic sauce and ketchup before she was pronounced dead at the San Fernando General Hospital. An autopsy however found that the child was beaten to death.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-27 21:49:09 

Brutal attack on principal at Tunapuna primary school

Education Minister Anthony Garcia is condemning what he describes as “the despicable act of violence” perpetuated against the Principal of the Tunapuna Hindu Primary School by two intruders on Wednesday.

A report from the School Supervisor says that two men entered the school at approximately 2:40pm and indicated to the security officer they would like to see the Principal for a recommendation.

They proceeded to the Principal’s Office where they pulled out a baton and dealt him a blow to his head. The men them fled the compound on foot.

The Tunapuna Police was and contacted. They spoke with the principal before he was taken to the Mt Hope Hospital by paramedics.

The Express was told that the attack was linked the the principal's decision to discipline a pupil.

A team of Officers from the Student Support Services Division of the Ministry of Education will be visiting the school on Thursday to provide intervention and counselling for students.

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bravos 2019-02-28 08:28:08 

In reply to Dan_De_Lyan

doh worry they will soon catch up

Could the agenda be any clearer?

A real Trini or man would've said," I hope it stays that way" or,"just as I predicted,that high January rate won't hold"..As I am doing now.

T&T's murders are going to be significantly less this year and new initiatives are bearing fruit..

The idiot reporting old murders and assaults now,the agenda and wishes are glaring and disgusting.

This is why I make no qualms to cuss that disgusting illwishing conflcted fucker at every opportunity..

sgtdjones 2019-02-28 16:42:12 

In reply to bravos

As I noted to you when you cussed my mother

When I visit T&T I'll come a calling, you can cuss me
to my face then.

Until then be an internet bad john.

You keep talking about the gun you carry,

I don't need one.

We will see who runs....till then keep cussing man

lol lol lol

Courtesy 2019-02-28 16:45:34 

In reply to sgtdjones
Whappen waring factions Trinbago call a truce for carnival or is this the usual carnival "go easy bredda?"

bravos 2019-02-28 21:37:33 

In reply to nick2020

Bim had the equivalent of 10 or more Trinis yesterday alone,you need to go home and make it better before it's too late,I warned you guys..

Best of luck..

sgtdjones 2019-02-28 22:49:41 

In reply to Courtesy


During the Carnival, such truce exists more police about.

sgtdjones 2019-02-28 22:50:26 

Insp Alexander: Leave me alone

Sus­pend­ed In­spec­tor Roger Alexan­der is rub­bish­ing claims on so­cial me­dia that he has been ar­rest­ed and de­tained un­der the An­ti-Gang Act.

Alexan­der who spoke to Guardian Me­dia via What­sapp said: "I just want to tell peo­ple leave me alone, but they must get their facts right first be­fore post­ing for likes on the so­cial net­work."

With­in the last 24 hours, re­ports about sur­faced about Alexan­der be­ing ar­rest­ed, in­clud­ing a post on Face­book by a po­lice of­fi­cer. How­ev­er, Alexan­der has dis­missed these claims and point­ed out that he is al­ready on sus­pen­sion pend­ing the out­come of a court mat­ter.

He said even though he's on sus­pen­sion he still sup­ports the fight against crime and he pass­es on any in­for­ma­tion he gets to po­lice be­cause peo­ple still trust him and comes to him for help.

Alexan­der ap­pealed to peo­ple on so­cial me­dia not to post er­ro­neous in­for­ma­tion.

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sgtdjones 2019-02-28 22:57:40 

Grenades, illegal monkeys seized in Point

Po­lice raid­ed a house in Point Fortin and ar­rest­ed a man af­ter seiz­ing two live hand grenades and four white-front­ed ca­puchin mon­keys be­lieved to have been smug­gled in from the Venezue­lan main­land.

The 28-year-old sus­pect, who works part-time as a rig­ger and fish­er­men, is now un­der in­ter­ro­ga­tion at the Pe­nal Po­lice sta­tion.

In­ves­ti­ga­tors said around 7.10 pm Wednes­day, a par­ty of of­fi­cers from the South West­ern Di­vi­sion­al Task Force, led by Sgt Shel­don Ablacks­ingh and in­clud­ing Cpl Har­riper­sad, Actg Cpl Singh, Actg Cpl Marsh and PC Ajai Jaglal, went to TNA Road, Num­ber 2 in Point Fortin where they ex­e­cut­ed a search.

The mon­keys were found in a cage mea­sur­ing about two feet by four feet and ap­peared de­hy­drat­ed. With­in hours of the raid, one of the mon­keys died.

The grenades were found in a room of the house.

Po­lice said the sus­pect will be charged for pos­ses­sion of pro­hib­it­ed weapons and of pro­tect­ed an­i­mals with­out a per­mit. The charges will be laid by Game War­den Steve Seep­er­sad and Jaglal. In­ves­ti­ga­tors said the sus­pect will ap­pear be­fore a Point Fortin Mag­is­trate on Fri­day to an­swer the charges.

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sgtdjones 2019-03-01 16:12:48 

Caroni Police Station becomes a murder scene

A 15-year-old school drop-out has been arrested for murder.

The teenager was arrested at his La Paille Village, Caroni home on Thursday night in the presence of his mother.

The arrest was made after a wounded man drove his vehicle into the compound of the Caroni Police Station seeking help.

His front seat passenger had been shot dead when two men opened fire on the vehicle at Emerald Drive, La Paille Village, at around 8.30am.

The deceased has been identified as 28-year-old Nicholas Janet. He had two addresses – Brasso Seco, Paria, and Knaggs Street.

Officers at the Caroni Police Station reported that the vehicle entered the compound a around 8.45p.m. and the driver, Faraz Rampersad opened his door.

The officers found 28-year-old Rampersad bleeding from gunshot wounds.

His front seat passenger was in a slumped position, dead.

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sgtdjones 2019-03-01 16:14:33 

Couple chopped: Father-in-law charged with attempted murder

A 67 year old Rio Claro man was charged with attempted murder of his son and daughter in law.

The suspect, of IDU Trace, Riverside Road, Poole Village, is expected to be taken before a magistrate on Friday.

Lalchan was taken into police custody after he allegedly chopped his two relatives on Wednesday night in the home they shared.

Rajesh Lalchan, 30, and his wife Bissoondaye Mahabir, 38, were chopped multiple times.

Around 7.30 p.m. Lalchan and Mahabir were involved in an argument allegedly with the suspect.

The suspect allegedly picked up a cutlass and attacked them.

Lalchan was chopped on the head, ear, and back, and sustained multiple fractures.

Witnesses called Rio Claro police and PC Meighoo and others arrested the suspect.

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sgtdjones 2019-03-01 16:17:47 

Body found in burnt car

Police are trying to identify the burnt body of a man found in a car in Valencia yesterday.

They said at about 9 am police responded to a report of a burning car in Sawmill Avenue, just off the Valencia Old Road. When they got there the fire was out, but the body was found in the back seat.

Up to press time the man could not be identified.

People with information on the body are asked to call 999, 555, 800-TIPS, or contact the Commissioner of Police via WhatsApp at 482-GARY

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Courtesy 2019-03-01 16:44:31 

In reply to sgtdjones
Thanks, I also want to do a study on the correlation between barbed wire sales and the level of crime. Can you get from the TNT Chamber of Commerce the level of sales for the past 5 years. I believe the Bravos barbed wire brand came on the market 5 years ago. I want to see if he is one of the persons benefiting from crime in TNT.

big grin

sgtdjones 2019-03-01 17:18:49 

In reply to Courtesy

Guyanese murdering Guyanese and Trinis in T&T,Venes murdering Venes and Trinis in T&T,Yadi brothers doing their part too..and is no problema. Based on very reliable historical monthly trends this year looking like 400+.

I know the barb wire brand "Raptor".

When I visit him in La Romaine , my ole stomping grounds.
If he is not busy doing his per 100000 ratio's and historical monthly trends, see above, will see if I can get some info.



razz razz razz razz razz

Courtesy 2019-03-01 17:30:14 

In reply to sgtdjones
Thanks. As a businessman Bravos should have a vested interest in the crime levels. Perhaps I can solicit his assistance also in that regard. After all, he should have yearly barbed wire sales at the tip of his fingers if he is a good businessman doing his analysis.

Bravos, can you assist as well?

Courtesy 2019-03-01 17:40:27 

In reply to sgtdjones

Now sgtdjones , based on your 87 murders over a 59 day period (Jan + Feb). I have projected 538 murders for the year. I must admit that this does not factor in seasonality but it's a reasonable projection based on daily rate.

And the fool is so confident that the numbers will decrease significantly.

BeatDball 2019-03-01 18:40:11 

What did the Williams bloke said a few years ago - a local can get the job done. Dwl. Shucks, I'm getting bazziddee. Anyway, GG has a pro-active approach, but, I will say this again - Socialist oriented govts cannot manage crime! Just look across the cities & countries where Demoncraps/Socishitists are in charge. Ok, lemme assk this, has anybloody ever hear of Dr Rowdy Rowley speak out on the crime situation more than once & in a firm & no nonsense approach?
sad confused evil

sgtdjones 2019-03-02 09:32:55 

Venezuelan dad dies innocently...
as gunmen open fire on target

A MAN with a criminal history and an innocent bystander were killed in a drive-by shooting Couva on Friday.

Police said the bullets were meant for Daniel Renaldo Bute who was known to them for narcotics offences.

But Roni Henson Bruzal, a Venezuelan national, was merely walking past Bute when he too was shot, police said.

Bruzal's daughter was next to him when the bullets struck him, but she was not hurt.

The shooting occurred around 6.40 p.m. in front of Maddy's Mini Mart at the corner of Junon Street and Southern Main Road.

Bute, a labourer, was standing on the pavement in front of the mini mart and Bruzal, a rigger, and his daughter were walking into the business place.

A silver Nissan Tiida pulled up in front of Bute and fired three shots, then sped off.

Bruzal stumbled into the mini mart and died on the floor.

Bute was taken to the Couva District Health Facility where he was pronounced dead.

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sgtdjones 2019-03-02 09:34:50 

13-year-old Maria disappeared before daybreak

Police need help in locating 13-year-old Maria Burnette.

Maria, a pupil of the Arangeuz Educational Secondary School, was last seen at her 6th Avenue, Barataria home, around 4:45am, on Thursday.

She was reported missing to the Barataria Police Station, around 10:30am, on that same date, by her mother.

Maria is of mixed descent, 4 feet 4 inches tall and slim built with a brown complexion and long hair.

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sgtdjones 2019-03-02 09:38:06 

Quick police action at Quick-E in P/Town

QUICK action by police prevented a robbery yesterday at Quick-E supermarket in Princes Town, but the owner and a customer were shot and wounded.

The victims were taken to the Princes Town Area Hospital and were treated and discharged.

Police said shortly after 3 pm today, two gunmen walked into the supermarket at Petit Café Road and announced a holdup. They shot the owner, who was standing near the cash registers, injuring his hands. A bullet grazed a nearby customer in the and people

Peole nearby heard the gunshots and contacted the police, who responded within minutes.

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sgtdjones 2019-03-02 21:03:40 

Murder toll hits 89 with Diego Martin slaying

THE murder toll continues to escalate with the shooting death of a Diego Martin man on Friday night.

The victim has been identified as Michael Mungroo. His death and that of Roni Henson Bruzal and Daniel Renaldo Bute, who were also both killed on Friday night in Couva, have taken the murder toll for the year so far to 89.

For the corresponding period last year, the toll stood at 98.

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