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WE REJECT ROWLEY Guaidó deputy slams TT 'support' for Maduro

sgtdjones 2019-02-12 09:31:16 

Guaidó deputy slams TT 'support' for Maduro

This was the view of Deputy to the Venezuelan National Assembly Carlos Enrique Valero who yesterday took to his twitter account,
@CarlosValero08, to condemn and outright reject Prime Minister Dr Rowley and the TT government for its continued "support" of the Nicolás Maduro government in Venezuela

Head of the National Assembly Juan Guaidó has declared himself interim President of Venezuela and has the support of the European Union (EU), Canada, the United States and several other major world nations. Maduro has the support of Russia and China and more importantly, the Venezuelan military.

Valero first issued a release to the Trinidad and Tobago public last week, thanking the government and police for the rescue of 19 Spanish-speaking girls during a sex raid last Wednesday in several parts of Trinidad including Westmoorings, Ariapita Avenue and Curepe. Eighteen suspects, including several Asian men, were detained.

"We thank the Government of Trinidad and Tobago for ensuring the human rights of adolescents and allowing them to communicate with their families and/or lawyers," Valero wrote last week. He said that about 19 "presumably Venezuelan adolescents" were rescued from a sex ring in TT.

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Narper 2019-02-12 11:26:18 

In reply to sgtdjones

Growley left on gum more and more countries are backing Guaido....soon it's going to be T&T, Russia and China propping up it as the other Caricom countries flip too....btw Maduro is continuing his attacks on Guyana oil exploration

He sent his minster quietly to the swearing ceremony of Maduro...sucking up to Maduro

Now he TRYING to claim T&T neutral....and they not supporting Maduro...but they following Caricom of non interference in the internal affairs of a country....major cop out this as millions are suffering in Venezuela

sgtdjones 2019-02-12 12:31:21 

In reply to Narper

Growley, thinks he has a deal for natural gas from Venezuela
the Dragon Field.

He has an MOU but it must be ratified by the
National Assembly, that's not going to happen.

A clueless dimwit as a leader

problemjay 2019-02-12 12:40:21 

In reply to Narper

Growley left on gum more and more countries are backing Guaido....soon it's going to be T&T, Russia and China propping up it as the other Caricom countries flip too....btw Maduro is continuing his attacks on Guyana oil exploration

He sent his minster quietly to the swearing ceremony of Maduro...sucking up to Maduro

Now he TRYING to claim T&T neutral....and they not supporting Maduro...but they following Caricom of non interference in the internal affairs of a country....major cop out this as millions are suffering in Venezuela

and is Mexico going to flip? and is Uruguay going to flip? which other caricom nations you hope going to flip? is South Africa going to flip? Keep listening to the anti-Rowley voices in your head


Narper 2019-02-12 14:07:14 

In reply to problemjay

anti-Rowley voices in your head

Anti Rowley voices in his own head...he is confused.

Emir 2019-02-12 14:26:16 

In reply to problemjay

big grin

bravos 2019-02-12 21:44:56 

In reply to Emir

Like Rowley bald head cornfusing some ah dem..some ah dem dougla and Indian when dey bald yuh does cyar tel yinno...

Dem is de cornfused cyartel...