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Children 'dumped' in hospitals for T&T Carnival

sgtdjones 2019-03-23 12:01:48 

Children 'dumped' in hospitals for T&T Carnival

Hos­pi­tals are be­com­ing “home” for some—in­clud­ing chil­dren at Car­ni­val time.

Some par­ents de­lib­er­ate­ly dose their chil­dren with Brook­lax lax­a­tive, take them to hos­pi­tals for “di­ar­rhoea” treat­ment and leave them there when they want to fete for Car­ni­val, Health Min­is­ter Ter­rence Deyals­ingh said yes­ter­day.

“ ...They in­duce di­ar­rhoea, go to the Ac­ci­dent and Emer­gency unit com­plain­ing of this and you have to keep the child! There’s no law against giv­ing your child a lax­a­tive on Car­ni­val Fri­day, but be­cause this pub­lic health sys­tem is free, it’s abused,” Deyals­ingh told Par­lia­ment.

Re­ply­ing to Op­po­si­tion ques­tions, Deyals­ingh con­firmed that across the health sec­tor there are cur­rent­ly 51 peo­ple who are “long-stay pa­tients.” This in­cludes 18 at the San Fer­nan­do Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal. There are none at Port-of-Spain Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal.

Deyals­ingh said the max­i­mum time-frame a per­son can be treat­ed at a pub­lic hos­pi­tal varies de­pend­ing on a di­ag­no­sis. But he said peo­ple “liv­ing” at hos­pi­tals are left there by their fam­i­lies, “be­cause their fam­i­lies don’t want to take care of them at home.”

Link Text

sgtdjones 2019-03-23 12:03:17 

“ ...They in­duce di­ar­rhoea, go to the Ac­ci­dent and Emer­gency unit com­plain­ing of this and you have to keep the child! There’s no law against giv­ing your child a lax­a­tive on Car­ni­val Fri­day,

This is paradise.

sad sad sad

goofballs 2019-03-23 12:34:00 

In reply to sgtdjones

Dude, this has been going on since 1983 or before.
Some never met criteria for admission but when you look around, the parent already abandoned the child right in the ER.
Just to go party. Happens a lot, increased incidences during Carnival, New Years's Eve etc.
Free babysitting.
They come back 3-4 days later to claim their "child" and usually full of complaints!

sgtdjones 2019-03-23 13:39:38 

In reply to goofballs

How can any parent do this to its own?

Defies logic.

But it is we party.

sad sad

bravos 2019-03-23 13:42:14 

In reply to goofballs

You gotta excuse that alter-ego,murder news slow these days in T&T..

His search engine overheating right now..

Shame on those parents,but bad parenting isn't exclusive to T&T or the Caribbean and foreign examples are waaay more twisted and diabolical..

sgtdjones 2019-03-23 13:46:01 

“ ...They in­duce di­ar­rhoea, go to the Ac­ci­dent and Emer­gency unit com­plain­ing of this and you have to keep the child! There’s no law against giv­ing your child a lax­a­tive on Car­ni­val Fri­day,

I am an alter ego when exposing these individuals.

He is not blaming Venezuelans, Jamaicans, or Guyanese as yet
for causing T&T to look bad, or we go have 20 murders less than last year or the Mexican Bridge as yet.

What a paradise, ah tell ya.

Dan_De_Lyan 2019-03-23 14:05:56 

Trini feters are creative. big grin

Dan_De_Lyan 2019-03-23 14:05:56 

Trini feters are creative. big grin

bravos 2019-03-23 14:11:56 

In reply to Dan_De_Lyan

shhhhhhhhhh nah...........

Talk about a twisted way of cashing in on NIS and Health Surcharge contributions.

sgtdjones 2019-03-23 20:07:24 

In reply to Dan_De_Lyan

PJ say dem gats energy.

Kalinago 2019-03-23 20:24:01 

Show us the 'more worse' foreign examples...
TRINBAGO is falling A-P-A-R-T before our very eyes!

Dan_De_Lyan 2019-03-23 21:32:31 

In reply to Kalinago

isn't there a book from TT called Things Fall APART?