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Special unit of foreigners probing T&T corruption cases

Headley 2019-05-02 13:31:45 

For­mer mem­bers of the Se­ri­ous Fraud Of­fice in the UK, who have spent most of their ca­reers pros­e­cut­ing com­plex fraud and cor­rup­tion cas­es, were al­so brought in­to T&T to be part of the spe­cial unit. It took a team of more than two dozen foren­sic of­fi­cers, who are housed at Tow­er C at the In­ter­na­tion­al Wa­ter­front Cen­tre in Port-of-Spain, to bring the in­ves­ti­ga­tion to this stage, the sources told Guardian Me­dia.

Some 32 foren­sic of­fi­cers from De­loitte and Touche, who al­so worked on the Cli­co in­ves­ti­ga­tion, are al­so part of the team.

TT$1.5 Billion could make a lot of lawyers very rich.big grin big grin

Ah wonder how the notorious Sarge from Abercromby St. missed this one.

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Headley 2019-05-02 13:42:38 

BTW Sarge be very careful from now on. As yuh slip is capaud smoke yuh pipe.

Justice Gobin seems to think you and fellow social media commentators "are not immune from being sued for defamation".

This is a defama­tion ac­tion plain and sim­ple," she added.

Jus­tice Gob­in's award is a re­minder that Trinidad and To­ba­go's com­menters on Face­book and oth­er plat­forms are not im­mune from be­ing sued for dam­ages.

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sgtdjones 2019-05-02 13:43:55 

In reply to Headley

Charlotte Street Headley

This is T&T, they are trying to prosecute Liars..Lawyers.

This will be in the Court system for over a decade plus,
now, the only ones who will come out off this rich is the Brit Senior Lawyers at the expense of the Taxpayers.

When it reaches the Privy Council two decades from now,
it will be dismissed based on some idiot in T&T didn't fill out the proper paperwork.

The defence work will be pro bono and the Others will
get tax payers money.

Lawyers win. Citizens lose.

"On another level the PNM is known for distractions. We recall before elections they charged Basdeo Panday, before elections things found in Sadiq Baksh's water tank. So there is a history of this. And I do believe the PNM is in desperation mode. They are in a panic.
Rowley administration is searching for a way to distract the public's attention away from their record of failure over the last four years. The Rowley administration is characterised by incompetence, corruption, massive unemployment and runaway crime," "

sgtdjones 2019-05-02 13:45:39 

In reply to Headley

Charlotte Street Headley

I am like teflon Jack Warner , nothing sticks .

razz razz razz razz razz

Headley 2019-05-02 13:49:34 

In reply to sgtdjones

I have noted your comments. In view of Justice Gobin's warning I will add nothing further. Even TT$775,000 could 'pauperise' me and endanger my household. big grin big grin lol lol

sgtdjones 2019-05-02 13:52:59 

In reply to Headley

Charlotte Street Headley

With T&T dollars over valued by 45% its peanuts.

I can borrow some from Jack.

razz razz razz

Some 32 foren­sic of­fi­cers from De­loitte and Touche, who al­so worked on the Cli­co in­ves­ti­ga­tion, are al­so part of the team.

How many were charged in the above?

Mean­while, Pamela El­der, SC, who is rep­re­sent­ing Ram­lo­gan, is ques­tion­ing the po­lice’s con­duct in the on­go­ing in­ves­ti­ga­tion in­to cor­rup­tion al­le­ga­tions against him.
She said: “You don’t ar­rest a man and 14 hours lat­er you search his home. Com­mon sense will tell you that you should have had the ev­i­dence in hand be­fore you ar­rest­ed him.”
El­der al­so com­plained over the fact that in­ves­ti­ga­tors had not in­ter­ro­gat­ed Ram­lo­gan up to that time, al­though he was de­tained while at­tempt­ing to board a flight bound for the British Vir­gin Is­lands (BVI) ear­ly yes­ter­day. She de­scribed the of­fi­cers’ con­duct as op­pres­sive.

The defence wins based on stupidity

lol lol lol