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Central American migrants

black 2019-05-18 21:53:49 

What is really going on with these people?

Why are so many people leaving their countries and why are they putting their lives and the lives of their children in such danger?

Are economic conditions that dire in those countries? It sure as hell is not crime that they are afraid of.

Ewart 2019-05-18 22:49:58 

In reply to black

Which of these you never heard of:

1.the Desaparecidos?

2.The Contras?

3.Oliver North?

4.John Poindexter

5.John Bolton?

6.Elliott Abrams?

7.Ronald Reagan?


black 2019-05-18 22:59:58 

In reply to Ewart

3.Oliver North?

4.John Poindexter

6.Elliott Abrams? 

7.Ronald Reagan?

The impact of these idiots are still being felt?

Ewart 2019-05-18 23:11:18 

Just ask the people in the caravans why they are choosing to leave their homes and their countries. They might not know the names, but they do know the crippling effects.

One out of every 3 of them is likely to tell you of a desaparecido who is a relative.


dayne 2019-05-19 00:23:31 

Those three countries need investment and assistance in Nation building, their political systems are corrupt or dis-functional.

Casper 2019-05-19 02:10:44 

“Desaparecidos” is the story of Latin America, in some countries more than others.

Name a country and there is evidence of this most unfortunate history, generally connected to the nature of right-wing governments, the drug trade, and a combination of these two, as a result of America’s ill-conceived interference in the affairs of Latin America.

Now, the problems created in Latin America have boomeranged and are now showing up on America’s border.


maj 2019-05-19 05:17:23 

In reply to black

90% say jobs.

StumpCam 2019-05-19 10:16:21 

In reply to black

Central Americans, South Americans, North Americans .....Aren’t they All Americans???? razz

black 2019-05-19 10:22:16 

In reply to StumpCam

Tell that to Trump. lol

black 2019-05-19 14:07:41 

In reply to Casper

Poverty seems to be the driving force.

The CIA Factbook also explains that poverty is so widespread in Guatemala that nearly half the children under five years of age are malnourished.

Nearly 60 per cent of the country lives below the poverty line, and about 23 per cent are classified as living in extreme poverty.

Much of the country’s political and economic instability stems from its civil war, which took place between 1960 and 1996 and left about 200,000 civilians dead.

BeatDball 2019-05-19 21:36:21 

In reply to dayne Glad you said! These facting fools - blame uncle Sam for every flicking thing!


CITYBOY 2019-05-19 21:49:58 

In reply to black

Hola..the same reason why you left your tropical paradise....and tons of Guyanese used that same Mexican route,,


sudden 2019-05-19 22:28:26 

In reply to black

for the same reasons whites did

black 2019-05-19 22:37:17 

In reply to CITYBOY

Hola..the same reason why you left your tropical paradise....and tons of Guyanese used that same Mexican route,, 


The only way I would have been in danger was if Pam Am fell out of the sky. lol

I don't have problem with people seeking a better life but it is the way it's done and the danger they are putting themselves in.

Runs 2019-05-20 02:18:33 

In reply to CITYBOY

Yep cool

black 2019-05-20 12:27:16 

In reply to sudden

for the same reasons whites did

Again, I'm not questioning the motive.

Why not leave the kids with family and send for them later?.

Maybe there aren't any good answers.

CITYBOY 2019-05-20 22:12:26 

In reply to black

Hola...The people running from poverty...where will the family get money to feed another mouth????
It happened in Guyana people were leaving their children with relatives and they headded to different countries....and it was a bit its hardship on the family..
Its not a nice scene...the clear motive is to live better and provide for family...
we get obsessed by someone at the border...but do you realise the hardship endured to get to that point..
weeks upon weeks..starving,sweating,tired but they push on....
they just dont turn up at any border overnoight.
the African migrants travelling from Africa...its months to get to Europe sometimes years..same with the Syrians...and when they show up we say you are jumping the line..
My friend you and I GOT LUCKY...yes LUCKY to be where we are...without having to walk thousand of miles and suffer fatigue and starvation.
not all can travel by PAN AM...

Runs 2019-05-20 22:48:49 

In reply to CITYBOY

Real talk, nuff respect bro cool

black 2019-05-20 23:05:08 

16 yo dies at border.

BeatDball 2019-05-20 23:22:21 

In reply to CITYBOY Citybai, what is the ideology of those countries where the people are running from? Dont tap dance with me! Say it out lould! Mih done.

sad cry evil

Runs 2019-05-20 23:43:00 

In reply to BeatDball

Which country is full Capitalist?

It is rhetorical by the way. wink

CITYBOY 2019-05-21 11:26:10 

In reply to BeatDball

Hola...I do not concur with the ideology question????
Leaders of third world countries are corrupt and dont give a damn about the people...
corruption is steeped in US dollars...not rupees..I know you are suggesting that unc sam should not be blamed...if Unc Sam had minded his own gadaam business and stay out of Guyana in 1960's we would all be still in Guyana..
Read a bit will not harm you..
anyway poor people dont give crap about ideology..especially without jobs,and hungry belly..
just so you know those Latin American countries were termed Banana republics because the big boys with cash (FROM AMERICA)bought up all arable lands...pushed farmers out and steam rolled them into poverty...all the whilst dutifully paying the corrupt leaders..
Whose ideology was that???
We cant roll back things but we can learn from it..and those like you and me who are safely nestled in North America chomping down down on hamburgers and being fed a bunch of capitalism bullshit....need to open our chest..accept the truth and look in the mirror.

BeatDball 2019-05-21 14:26:24 

In reply to CITYBOY I agree that the average bloke doesnt care about ideology, but is more concerned with physical & economic securities...but, which ideology best provides it? NOT socialism - crime & corruption...btw, Runs: how did China bring 8 hundred million people out of poverty? State run Capitalism - now, put in your pipe & smoke it, ole chap. Gwallang.


SnoopDog 2019-05-21 14:37:42 

In reply to BeatDball

State run Capitalism

That's what socialism is you fcuking moron.

Runs 2019-05-21 14:39:03 

In reply to BeatDball

Free market reforms, it is still a Socialist state pal. wink

Runs 2019-05-21 14:39:21 

In reply to SnoopDog

lol I give up

SnoopDog 2019-05-21 14:41:47 

In reply to Runs

And you have to live with those imbeciles who want $8 billion socialist dollars to pay for a wall to keep Brown people out.

Runs 2019-05-21 15:08:04 

In reply to SnoopDog

Groupthink lol

BeatDball 2019-05-21 15:33:57 

In reply to SnoopDog Facting arsehole, it's not! Re-read what socishitism/communism is...& then look where it's practice! Re-pack your grip & lewwe run to China, South Africa, Venezuela, Guatemala, El Salvador, Zimbabwe, etc. Mudda off, as the jewmaycans would say. Fact.

evil twisted

BeatDball 2019-05-21 15:37:47 

& Jackrasses! Why were Caribbean folks re-immigrating to the USA from England in the 80s & even now? & Canada to the USA? Eh? Eh? Eh? But, ahyuh wouldnt answer that but, run into the rat holes! Again, gwallang!
big grin evil

SnoopDog 2019-05-21 15:47:27 

In reply to BeatDball

Yuh see how dotish and chupid yuh make yuhself to be.

But that's okay. Every time yuh open yuh chupid mouth I'll be here to kick some sense into yuh dotish backside. big grin

BeatDball 2019-05-21 17:11:21 

In reply to SnoopDog That's fine that I'm dotish...but, you my good fren, is doltish! Axe granny & naany what the proper word is...treeknees, guyneez & small islanders really muck up that English word, didnt they? Btw, I have never hear of Jewmaycans using it!

big grin

SnoopDog 2019-05-21 17:32:38 

In reply to BeatDball

That's fine that I'm dotish...but, you my good fren, is doltish! Axe granny & naany what the proper word is...treeknees, guyneez & small islanders really muck up that English word, didnt they? Btw, I have never hear of Jewmaycans using it!

Leh meh repeat mehself. Yuh chupid and yuh dotish. big grin

CITYBOY 2019-05-21 18:25:02 

In reply to BeatDball

Hola....remigrants are olderand semi retired and they dont need the hassle..they are comfortable going to America or Canada for a nice life and cant be bothered about other issues except their health.
As for socialism ....please verify and analyse...CAPITALISM IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF SOCIALISM?COMMUNISM...its opioids to the people....feed them pay them a paltry sum and allow them to talk freely....but they are what they see and hear from the present day well as by the media..
how does this differ..
I think you are a bright fella...but this thing is not guess work...get your books out and find out why China is top of the totem pole....I
Democracy is the right to choose wrong and believe you are right.

nick2020 2019-05-21 18:25:22 

In reply to black

You are doing a good job black. Keep it up!