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JayZ collaborates with the NFL

Tryangle 2019-08-15 15:45:37 

Why do I get the feeling that neither side in the whole anthem kneeling/social justice saga trusts Jay Z?

DukeStreet 2019-08-15 15:52:10 

In reply to Tryangle
JayZ is a business guy. He has his eyes set on NFL ownership. Open your eyes.

Tryangle 2019-08-15 16:07:28 

In reply to DukeStreet

I was already on the *suspicious* train lol lol lol

DukeStreet 2019-08-15 16:17:32 

In reply to Tryangle


nitro 2019-08-15 16:45:11 

Jay Z is smart. Build your wealth.

maj 2019-08-15 17:59:35 

In reply to nitro

You cant make changes from the outside. He's in and can see the inner workings of the NFl. Im sure he will take away beneficial knowledge.

sudden 2019-08-15 18:14:00 

In reply to maj

what rot are you talking . most things worth changing are forced from without not within

maj 2019-08-15 18:16:29 

In reply to sudden

now thats a load of crap..protests only accomplish so much, until you are at the bargaining table, thats when change really happens.

Is the NFL better for the kneeling, has black America benefited from the kneeling?

sudden 2019-08-15 18:22:50 

In reply to maj

Is the NFL better for the kneeling, has black America benefited from the kneeling?

no wonder you talk so much shoite. do you actually know why NFL players are kneeling?

maj 2019-08-15 18:37:23 

In reply to sudden

has black America benefited from the kneeling?

are black Americans getting equal treatment under the law?

black Americans are now 4th class citizens in America. Thanks to Dems Illegals, Gays and Hispanics have leapfrogged them in importance..

keep kneeling on the outside.

DAVE400 2019-08-15 19:14:12 

In reply to Tryangle


Dan_De_Lyan 2019-08-15 19:22:14 

Camel Toe is a soup licker

rockstarxxx 2019-08-15 20:31:02 

In reply to maj

black Americans are now 4th class citizens in America. Thanks to Dems Illegals, Gays and Hispanics have leapfrogged them in importance..

The first 3 classes aren't flooded the penitentiary system and burden the tax payers.

Tryangle 2019-08-16 13:49:11 

From twitter:

Jay really could have just made his money partnering w/NFL without becoming their foil against Kaepernick and the kneeling protest.

But now he’s going to be a monument for the NFL to say, “Why are you protesting? Jay Z said it’s time to move on.”

A billionaire is so far removed from our day-to-day, paycheck-to-paycheck issues, that we'd do well not pretending they have any insights into what we should prioritize and how we should or shouldn't protest injustices.

Cheeks 2019-08-16 14:15:11 

In reply to rockstarxxx

The first 3 classes aren't flooded the penitentiary system and burden the tax payers.

Whatever class you belong to...clearly its failing you. Still can't construct a sentence.

maj 2019-08-16 14:17:46 

In reply to rockstarxxx

Illegals are costing us billions of dollars at the border.

$4.5 billion.

rockstarxxx 2019-08-16 16:15:35 

In reply to Cheeks

Whatever class you belong to...clearly its failing you. Still can't construct a sentence.

The same way you cant construct a better way of thinking rather than being small minded.

jala 2019-08-17 12:32:30 

In reply to rockstarxxx

The first 3 classes aren't flooded the penitentiary system and burden the tax payers.
u must be a Jagdeo supporter...this is downright racist !!! twisted

nick2020 2019-08-17 13:58:29 

In reply to maj


You will never be American to an American no matter how desirous you are.

maj 2019-08-17 15:03:44 

In reply to nick2020

that us means i pay taxes..

You will never be American to an American no matter how desirous you are.

Im as American as i want be, seems like you have an inferiority complex and DT has broken your spirit.