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Trump and his corruption of America

sgtdjones 2019-09-23 03:26:18 

Trump and his corruption of America

The image of the Obama’s greeting the Trump’s on the White House porch haunts Americans, today. Obama's knew what a disaster this president would be yet they carried out their duty with all the grace and dignity that American tradition demands. One other image of the meeting on the White House porch is Trump, ever the gentleman, leaving his wife in the dust. I think it was Barak not Michelle who came down the stairs to escort Milania up. A telling moment that was an indication of what was to come. It will be a long time till we see that spectacle again. The mutual respect for democracy is gone, be it an unreasonable fear of immigrants voting or a valid disrespect for the rigged electoral college system. All foreseeable transitions will take place in front of Supreme Court, witnessed only by phalanx’s of high prices lawyers.

Sadly, there is no "too far" to go to. Subpoenas are ignored, testimonies are blocked, accusations are lost in the vortex of the courts, critics are mocked and discredited. Only an election can get rid of this awful man, this awful president. Donnie can only be stopped by "We the People." When he is no longer wildly popular, when he is no longer a money machine, loved by his base and taking in a flood of cash from his real base, the billionaire club, then Americans have a chance to stop him. But, unfortunately, if bowing down to Putin in Helsinki on international TV wasn't enough to lower his support among his base, if bragging about grabbing women and getting away with it wasn't enough, if obstructing justice on numerous occasions as detailed by the Mueller report didn't stop him, I don't think Ukraine will.  Nope, there does not have to be a quid pro quo for it to a crime. Asking for election help from a foreign country is a crime even if nothing is offered in return. The request itself is a crime.

And despite the clamor for impeachment, it's but a pipe dream. Too many people don't realize that impeachment is not the same as removal.The Senate would never remove him, so what's the point? Indeed, impeachment proceedings would likely further energize his supporters.The irony of not being able to put him in leg irons is not because he hasn’t broken laws, demeaned the office, and undermined democracy. It’s because he done all of these things and done them repeatedly. We have been so overwhelmed by his corruption that America can’t focus properly on anyone of his crimes  . Not only has the number of Trump offenses overwhelmed the American government but the majority party and appointees in the justice system are doing everything they can to block any investigation or attempt to stop him and hold him to account. The system is broken when people abandon the law to protect their hold on power.

I can't believe this is happening in America.Yes, Americans have been so overwhelmed, but the biggest problem of being able to put Trump away is that a sizable portion of Americans, including the very wealthy (o.1%), the Wall Street and corporate elites, middle and lower class non-college educated whites, for their own selfish reasons want Trump to remain in power, trample on the Constitution and act like an authoritarian.  

If one co-branch of the government believes impeachment is appropriate, why should it accede to the other co-branch that will not impeach not because the President is innocent of committing impeachable offenses but solely due to a desire to retain power? Did Pelosi get this wrong. A failure to impeach, after an investigation and public hearings provide overwhelming evidence of impeachable offenses might fire up Trump's hardcore supporters, but it will also fire up the rest of the country to see such a public display of political corruption and enabling of blatant misbehavior. And it would likely mean a Senate with the Dems in the majority after the next election.

A do nothing approach that Pelosi favors is a prescription for business as usual, with no shaming of Senate Republicans from a refusal to impeach and another GOP majority after the next election. But it's asking too much of Dems and especially Pelosi to risk their recently acquired power in the House on an impeachment strategy. It's safer to put up with Trump and another Senate controlled by the GOP by not rocking the boat with an impeachment proceeding.Is this no impeachment position a terrible miscalculation on Pelosi’s part. As usual, the Democrats are awful at messaging. Pelosi thinks the general public pays attention to the machinations of DC. She and the Dems have to make the case, day after day, on TV for impeachment. Start the proceedings, get the tax returns, lay out the evidence, put people in handcuffs who ignore subpoenas.  

But, I wonder what makes Americans think impeachment would necessarily energize his opponents.Did impeachment really hurt Bill Clinton in the eyes of his supporters?. Likewise, the Mueller investigation, though it failed,depose Trump, did not energize his supporters?. I think in some ways it exhausted them a little. It's tiring to defend your guy when he's under attack. That's why Trump constantly attacks people all the time.
People on the left don't get it. Most Americans aren't constitutional scholars. The Republicans went after Clinton on obstruction and it backfired, and obstruction isn't enough for Republican Senators.

Helsinki crossed a line, but there were no dead people around afterwards. Treason is what Americans understand, and treason is aiding an enemy in a conflict. The military aid to Ukraine was, in Trump and Republicans own words, necessary for defense against Russia. 13,000 people have died there. Americans are volunteering there.

The big question is, when will any of Trump's corruption matter to his base? Why do they support a President who commits blatant illegal acts routinely? The economy isn't that great and it's not great for at all for millions in the lower income brackets. A recent poll says that 69% of the country "dislike Trump for being Trump"!  Has he finally gone too far? That is the saddest, most plaintive and forlorn question Americans have ever seen. Yes, he has. But that answer is the same New Yorkers would have given, starting on inauguration day. Perhaps, in 20 years, citizens can look back on this as an aberration in America's quest to form a more perfect union. But it sure is painful and scary at the moment.

I imagine that the farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, and in the other mid western states, are suffering and regretting their republican vote. Happy tariff wars to all the republican farmers.If this president is not impeachable, no one is. Show the American people what he has done, and expose the Republicans for the enabling crooked party they are. The electorate will get it... finally.
Donnie's strategy (from Roger Stone) is "always attack, never defend." America  should use that against him and attack him incessantly. That includes impeachment.  When there are no consequences for the actions of a president who considers himself above the law, this emboldens not only him, but the sycophants who surround him. Lewandowski is a prime example.

President Obama wanted to issue a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference in 2016, in order to avoid the perception that he was favoring the Democratic candidate. Mitch McConnell refused to sign on.
Let the historians get the encyclopedic record of his crimes. Can America just get him evasion?
Just an opinion

Runs 2019-09-23 09:06:21 

In reply to sgtdjones

Dems circling him like a great white does a seal perched on a floating ice floe, it is only a matter of time before it completely melts. wink

Runs 2019-09-23 12:12:37 

The Art of The Connery

Link Text

Fmr. Sec. of State Kerry on Ukraine call: "My reaction is one of absolute shock and amazement that apparently within hours or days of the Mueller testimony, the president is on the telephone putting American foreign policy in hock while he extorts the leader of another country to Russia's advantage." lol

carl0002 2019-09-23 13:57:14 

In reply to Runs

Dems circling him like a great white does a seal perched on a floating ice floe, it is only a matter of time before it completely melts.

I am going to bet that the great white you see circling turns out to be nothing more than a Dolphin. Hope I am wrong.

big grin big grin big grin big grin

Bigzinc 2019-09-23 14:13:00 

In reply to Runs

Not sure about melting. Trump insulated by the powerful and by colour.

he may melt down though

Runs 2019-09-23 14:52:37 

Host: Did the president threaten to cut off aid to Ukraine?
Giuliani: No, no. That was a false story.
Host: 100 percent?
Giuliani: Well I can't tell you if it's 100% percent. lol

Someone needs to come get their grandpa

Runs 2019-09-23 15:21:15 

This heating up

In a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) this morning, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said the Senate should hold hearings regarding any connection between delayed aid to Ukraine and Trump's reported request that the country probe the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading Democratic contender in next year's presidential election. Schumer also asks McConnell to compel the Senate to issue a subpoena to bring the whistleblower complaint to Congress "as required by law."

sgtdjones 2019-09-23 15:32:46 

In reply to Runs

"...making impeachment—the proper constitutional remedy for presidential corruption—hard to achieve"

Impeachment, as a tool of censure, is occasionally possible when the opposing party holds the House of Representatives. Impeachment and conviction, as a mechanism to remove a president from office is virtually impossible under a two-party system, because the president's party will almost certainly hold enough seats in the Senate to block it.

Practically speaking, there is only one way to remove a President from power, and that is an election.

They may circle but Donnie is showing a lot of flaws that the Founders never thought off when writing the constitution.

carl0002 2019-09-23 16:21:48 

In reply to sgtdjones
Its not that founding fathers never thought of these things. The founding fathers did believe in the basic good of human beings that aspire to be elected to the highest office in the land. They had certain checks and balances that would trip up someone who intended to be devious but never accounted for an entire party being behind such a person. They never accounted for 1 person whose every thought is evil and an entire party falling in line. They never foresaw a Donald Trump.

For all intents and purposes Trump should not be around to still be causing havoc. The constitution provide a means to deal with that. Its the Democrats who are failing to do their constitutional duty for political expediency. As a result, they will lose the very thing that they are trying to hang on to. Some how they have come to the conclusion that to investigate a president for doing wrong bears more weight than the senate having to remove a clearly criminal president. If democrats fail to act they will pay dearly.

Runs 2019-09-23 16:28:25 

In reply to carl0002

I concur

nitro 2019-09-23 17:24:27 

Another day, another round of crying.


Runs 2019-09-23 18:54:58 

In reply to nitro


sgtdjones 2019-09-23 19:02:01 

In reply to carl0002

Its not that founding fathers never thought of these things. The founding fathers did believe in the basic good of human beings that aspire to be elected to the highest office in the land

Most of them were slave owners, they didn't have the grey matter of decent human beings.


carl0002 2019-09-23 19:31:49 

In reply to sgtdjones
They were not perfect by no means but that's a different discussion altogether. NYT The 1619 Project laid that out plain. Listen to it when you get a chance. The irony of that constitutional document is rather startling shock

sgtdjones 2019-09-24 02:41:08 

In reply to carl0002

I dont read any American Newspaper ....its all American viewpoints.

But will take a look.

Thanks .

carl0002 2019-09-24 19:10:32 

In reply to sgtdjones
Its also a podcast that look at the role of Afro American in American Democracy since 1619 when the first 20 slaves were sold. Very intersting. You should listen to it.