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How does Trump know...

Courtesy 2019-09-24 20:27:13 

...the transcript he has ordered to be released throws light on the whistleblower's complaint?

The complaint has not been made public. I need to hear the complaint. What was it that alarmed the whistleblower?

lol lol lol

The Donald throws a bone...who is biting?

He thinks everyone is as dummb as he is.

big grin

Courtesy 2019-09-24 20:31:07 

Vaj, Licktrumpballs and Nitro don't need to bite. They just swallow. So there is absolutely no reason for them to appear on this thread. Please don't.

big grin

nitro 2019-09-24 20:34:43 

In reply to Courtesy

Its hard to resist. Many, many efforts will be made to get rid of the Dotard but the Almighty use people, bad and good, for his purpose.

Nominating conservative judges to federal courts and to the supreme court; by tacitly supporting abortion bans; by supporting Christian universities and organizations that profess a moral objection to same-sex marriage or contraception; by supporting religious dispensations from anti-discrimination laws; by moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

More to come

SnoopDog 2019-09-24 20:49:25 

In reply to nitro

Nominating conservative judges to federal courts and to the supreme court; by tacitly supporting abortion bans; by supporting Christian universities and organizations that profess a moral objection to same-sex marriage or contraception; by supporting religious dispensations from anti-discrimination laws;

Welcome to the United States of Iran.

Courtesy 2019-09-24 21:00:46 

Pelosi's announcement coming up in a few seconds. The tine now is 4.59.35

Courtesy 2019-09-24 21:10:18 

Question by the reporter at the end which was not answered (Pelosi took no questions.)

Question: What does this accomplish if the Senate does not commit?

My answer: Let the public judge them.

maj 2019-09-24 21:25:39 

Nancy trying to hard to hold tight to Speaker seat like her facelift stitches.

big grin big grin

SnoopDog 2019-09-24 21:27:27 

In reply to maj the vaj

Nancy's face is fcuking Cleopatra's next to your fat ugly mug.

Courtesy 2019-09-24 21:41:30 

Trump true to form has offered the release of the transcript.

There is lil' value in a transcript on its own. A voice recording is the way to go plus the whistle blower's complaint.

This must also be put in the context that Trump when ask whether he would accept dirt from a foreign government on his opponent earlier this year... he answered in the affirmative.

Runs 2019-09-24 21:44:54 

In reply to Courtesy

exactly cool

Courtesy 2019-09-24 21:47:36 

In reply to Runs

Trump in typical fashion is attempting to snake his way out of this. Same Trump script different day.

Most American reporters are lazy. I just can't see Trump surviving with all he has done if it were in the UK.

nitro 2019-09-24 21:50:12 

In reply to maj

lol lol lol

Here we go again.

Democrats are like West Indian cricket supporters. They live in permanent hope only to suffer horrible losses when it matters most. lol

Courtesy 2019-09-24 23:44:21 

Breaking News: The NYT is reporting that the White House has dropped its objection to the whistleblower testifying before Congress.

All that is outstanding now is a voice recording of Trump's call to the Ukrainian President.

Runs 2019-09-25 00:00:40 

In reply to Courtesy

I wonder why the about turn lol cool

Courtesy 2019-09-25 00:04:32 

In reply to Runs

The Whistleblower Act is peloscidly clear. Not everyone wants to go to jail for Trump for violating it.

I expect the Ag DNI to pass on the complaint to Congress shortly.

big grin

sgtdjones 2019-09-25 00:10:48 

In reply to Courtesy

Moscow Mitch will not allow the Impeachment in the Senate

AG Barr will say you can't impeach the President on such evidence.

Donnie lives to fight another day

What a Country

Courtesy 2019-09-25 00:14:31 

In reply to sgtdjones

What happens in the Senate by way of impeachment, should not be of concern to the Democrats. Let the facts unfold and let the American electorate decide. The Democrats would have fulfilled their constitutional duty.

Runs 2019-09-25 00:20:47 

Reminder: Coming from this White House, neither transcripts nor weather maps can be trusted.
- Preet Bharara

Courtesy 2019-09-25 00:24:10 

In reply to Runs

The White House will be committing political suicide if they doctor the transcripts. The whistleblower's complaint has already been leaked. It has just not been made public.

black 2019-09-25 00:25:37 

In reply to Courtesy

What happens in the Senate by way of impeachment, should not be of concern to the Democrats. Let the facts unfold and let the American electorate decide. The Democrats would have fulfilled their constitutional duty.


Let the Senate answer for their own actions.

Runs 2019-09-25 00:34:10 

Witholding Federal Funds is a popular tactic by the unscrupulous one

Link Text

Courtesy 2019-09-25 00:35:37 

In reply to black

I have no respect for politicians who put their own interest before that of the country.

Just do the right thing.

maj 2019-09-25 00:54:57 

In reply to nitro

Rinse and repeat retards, they haven't figured out that DT is toying with them.

Playing possum, these pseudo intellectuals keep falling for the trap.

DT keeps flashing the fools gold.

black 2019-09-25 01:24:15 

In reply to maj

Rinse and repeat retards, they haven't figured out that DT is toying with them

Maybe you need a lesson on the constitution, when impeachment starts, the toying stops.

sgtdjones 2019-09-25 01:55:21 

We must remember that Nancy held a news Conference,
She announced that an inquiry will commence.

Only after the House has an opportunity to vote on
Impeachment and have the votes in the house of Congress,
can impeachment start.

Dems made a critical error by not waiting for tomorrow
document releases, and seeing what is the smoking gun
to proceed.

Trump has an ace up his sleeve, a press conference with the President of Ukraine, tomorrow afternoon.

A bad decision Dems....Donnie outsmarted Dems.

Runs 2019-09-25 02:03:34 

In reply to sgtdjones

Only after the House has an opportunity to vote on
Impeachment and have the votes in the house of Congress,
can impeachment start.

Huh? You need to educate yourself on the process and what today’s implication means.

sgtdjones 2019-09-25 02:39:06 

In reply to Runs

Huh? You need to educate yourself on the process and what today’s implication means.

NO, what I stated is factual

Only after the Congress takes a vote and it has the majority, can Impeachment begin. It cannot begin before.

If they cannot get the votes to pass in the House ;its dead and a waste of time.

The Dems can have all the Impeachment inquiry they want in the interim. Nancy had a press conference today with the announcement.

black 2019-09-25 02:42:01 

In reply to sgtdjones

AG Barr will say you can't impeach the President on such evidence

Congress totally controls this process, it's in the constitution. As a matter of fact, Congress can also change the way DOJ operates.

There's a difference between power and authority, in this instance, DOJ does not have the authority.

Courtesy 2019-09-25 10:51:42 

Congress is bicameral and both Houses operate independently. Either body can initiate formal impeachment proceedings. However, both bodies must pass the impeachment.

Runs 2019-09-25 10:56:10 

The House impeaches and the Senate convicts or not. cool

black 2019-09-25 11:16:57 

In reply to Courtesy

In this instance, the House initiates impeachment proceedings.

Courtesy 2019-09-25 11:18:34 

In reply to black

In this instance, the House initiates impeachment proceedings.


sgtdjones 2019-09-25 11:43:13 

In reply to black

This is a President who has shown how to avoid the Constitution by the following, for an Orange moron he has the Dems in Control.

Control of executive power
Control of the Senate
Control of the DOJ
Control of the Supreme Court (5-4)

The House can pass anything, if Moscow Mitch
decides not to bring it to the Senate its dead.
Congress can make amendments to change the DOJ
it must have Senate approval and be signed by the President.

Hellraiser 2019-09-25 13:07:44 

In reply to sgtdjones

Dems made a critical error by not waiting for tomorrow
document releases, and seeing what is the smoking gun
to proceed.

I beg to differ. No need to wait for a smoking gun when Donnie keeps admitting to what he is denying.

Apart from this there are several other impeachable offenses that can/may/will be pursued in this impeachment procedure.
1. Obstructing justice
2. Profiting from the Presidency
3. Collusion
4. Advocating political and police violence
5. Abuse of power
6. Engaging in reckless conduct
7. Persecuting political opponents.
8. Attacking the free press
9. Violating immigrants' right to due process
10.Violating campaign finance laws.

black 2019-09-25 13:14:56 

In reply to sgtdjones

Control of the Senate 
Control of the DOJ 
Control of the Supreme Court (5-4)

Don t mistake favorable rulings as control, when placed under oath, DOJ and Senate personnels will look out for themselves.

These guys don't have personal loyalty to Trump, they are merely acting in the party's interests. In fact, many of them don't personally like him.

The House can pass anything, if Moscow Mitch 
decides not to bring it to the Senate its dead. 
Congress can make amendments to change the DOJ 
it must have Senate approval and be signed by the President

Again, what the Senate does is their problem, it does not stop the House from carrying out its constitutional duties.

sgtdjones 2019-09-25 13:17:50 

In reply to black

Again, what the Senate does is their problem, it does not stop the House from carrying out its constitutional duties.

The House can pass anything it wishes....then it must be sent to the Senate . Moscow Mitch can refuse to bring such to the Senate . Its now all dead . Time wasted.

Runs 2019-09-25 13:21:57 

Officially, there are no transcripts of these types of calls. They are listened to by others in the administration and they take "some" notes, but do not write everything down. The only thing we will see is what they want us to see and nothing more! Trump already admitted on the record what he did... Waiting to release the so called transcripts gives them time to write or "rewrite" whatever they want, remember that.

Runs 2019-09-25 13:23:17 

In reply to sgtdjones

Politically damaging my friend, let it all play out, the wrongdoing, do not jump to conclusions. wink

sudden 2019-09-25 13:23:37 

In reply to stddjones

The House can pass anything it wishes....then it must be sent to the Senate . Moscow Mitch can refuse to bring such to the Senate . Its now all dead . Time wasted.

are you saying that Mitch can refuse to bring to the senate floor a formal impeachment matter floor from the House?

sgtdjones 2019-09-25 13:24:18 

In reply to Hellraiser

I agree the Orange Moron violated laws that can result in Impeachment.

But , but even if the House has enough votes to declare
the Orange Moron is impeachable , its up to the Senate to decide if he is guilty or not.

Moscow Mitch may not get this to pass in the Senate. His Republicans will not impeach the Orange Moron.

A waste of time , the Orange Moron has 33% of votes as his base, it will propel him to another term. Sadly.

Runs 2019-09-25 13:27:04 

In reply to sudden

He fails to look at the potential political fallout if the Dems impeach with overwhelming evidence.

Has to look at the issue objectively, pros and cons.

sudden 2019-09-25 13:30:31 

In reply to Runs

like Trump he doesnt know what he is talking about. he just intimated that Mitch can refuse to bring a formal impeachment matter before the senate.

now back pedalling to say the repubs in Senate would vote against

next post will contradict all that

black 2019-09-25 13:40:04 

In reply to sgtdjones

The House can pass anything it wishes....then it must be sent to the Senate . Moscow Mitch can refuse to bring such to the Senate . Its now all dead . Time wasted

Time is not wasted, the House must convince the American people that Trump us unfit for office and that is going to have an impact on the election.

sgtdjones 2019-09-25 13:40:30 

In reply to sudden

are you saying that Mitch can refuse to bring to the senate floor a formal impeachment matter floor from the House?

It depends on the evidence that the House comes up with
and submits it to the Senate. It has to be sufficient to impeach, then it's up top the Senators when they vote , Yes or NO.

Look at how many bills Moscow Mitch has refused to bring to the Senate knowing it would fail.

sgtdjones 2019-09-25 13:46:40 

In reply to black

The Orange Moron has been unfit to be President since he walked down the escalators in NY City.

Now, isn't it strange he got over 60 million votes?

His opponent got approx 3 million more votes.

The College decided the President. Orange Moron wins.What a crazy system.

This can occur......

2020 election , Orange moron loses.
He refuses to concede
DOJ rules election is invalid.
To the Supreme Court ( Trump 5-4)

What happens next ....Founders never envisioned such.

sudden 2019-09-25 13:47:25 

In reply to stdjones

It depends on the evidence that the House comes up with
and submits it to the Senate. It has to be sufficient to impeach, then it's up top the Senators when they vote , Yes or NO.

Look at how many bills Moscow Mitch has refused to bring to the Senate knowing it would fail.

do you really know what impeachment means?

the only way impeachment gets to the senate is if someone impeachable is formally charged by the House.

it then goes to the Senate for the Senate to hear and vote on. in that way the Senate is the Court/jury with certain House members acting as prosecutors and cannot refuse to hear the case . but i maybe wrong hahaha

sgtdjones 2019-09-25 13:49:30 

In reply to sudden

Dimwit, I have stated what you just posted . You claim to be a lawyer? shock

Can you assimilate after you read. It's obvious you can't.

You are looking at to many mail order brides Catalog from Europe .

lol lol lol lol

Runs 2019-09-25 13:49:56 

In reply to sudden

He is clueless, guess he forgot we have Google these days lol

sgtdjones 2019-09-25 13:52:08 

In reply to Runs

Huh? You need to educate yourself on the process and what today’s implication means.

You claim the above yet you were wrong.

It depends on the evidence that the House comes up with
and submits it to the Senate. It has to be sufficient to impeach, then it's up top the Senators when they vote , Yes or NO.

Read what I posted its above its facts and I dont google
but will do it in this case to show you are again wrong

Is the Senate obligated to hold a trial?

The Constitution clearly envisions that if the House impeaches a federal official, the next step is for the Senate to hold a trial. But there is no obvious enforcement mechanism if Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader, were to simply refuse to convene one — just as he refused to permit a confirmation hearing and vote on Mr. Obama’s nominee, Judge Merrick Garland, to fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2016..

You and the wannabe lawyer are wrong.

Courtesy 2019-09-25 19:54:07 

Lawmakers, staff to view whistleblower complaint.

Runs 2019-09-25 20:00:31 

In reply to Courtesy

Pressure delivers lol

Courtesy 2019-09-25 20:04:22 

In reply to Runs

This is getting interesting by the minute.

The whistleblower's complaint will be sent to Congress this afternoon.

Courtesy 2019-09-25 20:06:45 

Sleazy Comey has his say.

Courtesy 2019-09-25 20:18:36 

This matter is crystal clear to me: In his conversation with the Ukrainian Prez Trump was asking for reciprocity and that reciprocity meant investigating his political opponent.

Now the "goodly men and women" in Congress must consider whether their oath of office is to uphold the constitution or the President.

It is as simple as this.

Democrats should have no worry about what happens in the Senate. Fulfilling their constitutional duty is the only thing which should matter.

Courtesy 2019-09-25 21:17:26 

Whistleblower's complaint has been delivered to Congress.

Courtesy 2019-09-25 21:39:02 

Rep Swalwell has seen the whistleblower's complaint.

He says the DNI has advised that they cannot speak to the details but he says "what it relates to is credible, serious and urgent and the DNI should release the whistleblower to speak to us."

Courtesy 2019-09-25 21:45:33 

BREAKING on MSNBC: GOP Senator Says Abject Terror Is the Only Thing Keeping Republican Senators From Voting to Convict An Impeached Trump.

Him say if this was done by secret ballot 30 Senators would vote to impeach Trump.

Courtesy says: They need to grow a pair of balls.

Courtesy 2019-09-25 21:50:29 

Adam Schiff: "The complaint was well written and certainly provides information for the Committee to follow up with other witnesses and documents...what this courageous individual has done is to expose serious wrongdoing..."

Film at 11.

Courtesy 2019-09-25 23:13:31 

Breaking news: Majority of the House now backs formal impeachment(219).

Runs 2019-09-25 23:43:17 

In reply to Courtesy

Thoughts and prayers

Courtesy 2019-09-26 00:32:35 

Tremors are being felt on the Republican ground:

Romney says it's "troubling in the extreme."

Toomey says it's "inappropriate."

Sasse, "it's really troubling."

nick2020 2019-09-26 02:57:24 

In reply to Courtesy

Abject Terror

Of what? rolleyes Are people really that self serving and stupid?

Courtesy 2019-09-26 11:32:24 

In reply to nick2020

Of what? rolleyes Are people really that self serving and stupid?

I am not qualified to give you an answer. Perhaps you can seek the services of Vag, Sucktrumpballs and Nitro.

big grin

On a serious note, there is a abject fear of being primaried.