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Vix Impeachment Process Has Started

Runs 2019-09-25 01:05:23 

Bring up the thread, why yuh hiding it? lol

pelon 2019-09-25 01:36:16 

In reply to Runs

Be with cation.
The impeachment inquiry has started, that which is entirely separate from an actual impeachment. Trump is neither impeached (duh), nor "under impeachment"... yet.

Paradoxically, it is going exactly according to plan for BOTH parties*

The Dems hope to finally have momentum/credibility/public support to impeach Trump - but this is yet to be the case.
On the other hand the Repuglicans will spin this (like the Muller Investigation) in a way that protects Trump, and emboldens the cry of "witch hunt" politics. (the word du jour is 'feckless')

Reminder: Bill Clinton shows that an impeachment is no guarantee of a single term.

Sidenote: At this point, the upper hand is STILL with the party in power. AS long as they protect Mr. Trump, he will be re-elected...

sgtdjones 2019-09-25 01:46:16 

In reply to Runs

Me tinks Nancy and gang spoke to early.A big error.

Dems should have waited till tomorrow after the release
of the documents. The documents will show Donnie asking
but not as what the News are reporting. He will escape .

This is an inquiry to impeach the President.

It can only start the impeachment process after the House voted for such , in the interim it's just a news conference.

Let us not celebrate . The Dems have just helped in electing Donnie again. I cant believe Donnie outsmarted the Dems?

Runs 2019-09-25 01:51:13 

In reply to pelon

Bill was impeached in his second term no?

black 2019-09-25 01:59:27 

In reply to pelon

On the other hand the Repuglicans will spin this (like the Muller Investigation) in a way that protects Trump, and emboldens the cry of "witch hunt" politics. (the word du jour is 'feckless') 

Democrats need to go about this methodically, in the way the evidence is presented. They are making a case to the American people, the evidence in going to be more convincing than spin.

Reminder: Bill Clinton shows that an impeachment is no guarantee of a single term.

Poor example, the case against Clinton was farcical, it started with an affair and ended with them impeaching him for lying about it.

Sidenote: At this point, the upper hand is STILL with the party in power. AS long as they protect Mr. Trump, he will be re-elected...

The upper hand is with the party that make the most convincing case. Republicans will pay if they try to protect a President that engaged in criminal conduct.

Runs 2019-09-25 02:02:06 

In reply to sgtdjones

Educate yourself on the process and today’s implication. cool

Runs 2019-09-25 02:15:01 

Giuliani’s turn to get thrown under the bus could not happen to a nicer guy, thoughts and prayers for Rudy lol

Officials inside the Trump administration are laying President Donald Trump’s perilous political future at the feet of his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who they say conducted a disastrous shadow foreign policy when it came to Ukraine: “Rudy — he did all this…This shitshow that we’re in — it’s him injecting himself in the process.”

carl0002 2019-09-25 02:23:08 

In reply to sgtdjones
It makes no difference. He admitted that he brought up Biden in the conversation. Argument done. The president only offered up the transcript and Whistleblower complaint when it became obvious that impeachment was no on the table. Senate even voted to release the complaint-when it was obvious what was coming down the pipe. Whistle blower asked to meet with Intelligence committee so all things coming to head. So even if the transcript and whistleblower report is a dudd, Trump going to get what he is begging for-Impeachment.

Runs 2019-09-25 02:24:38 

In reply to carl0002


black 2019-09-25 02:26:48 

In reply to Runs

Officials inside the Trump administration are laying President Donald Trump’s perilous political future at the feet of his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who they say conducted a disastrous shadow foreign policy when it came to Ukraine: “Rudy — he did all this…This shitshow that we’re in — it’s him injecting himself in the process.

This shows that Trump should be nowhere near the Whitehouse. I would not hire Giuliani to walk my dog. lol

VIX 2019-09-25 13:46:33 

In reply to Runs

That thread dead and archived, it so old.

Allyuh backroom crazies used to bawl impeach if Trump even farted too hard lol lol lol

Like I said, I'll post another one during your commander-in-chief's 2nd term

Runs 2019-09-25 13:48:48 

In reply to VIX

How correct we were, don’t you agree? Removing eggs splattered all over you and your pals faces. lol

carl0002 2019-09-25 13:52:46 

That insect moving rather slow today

nickoutr 2019-09-25 13:56:51 

wishful thinking .... lemmings of the lame stream media

steveo 2019-09-25 14:01:16 

In reply to Runs

Runs you taking bets Trump get impeached?
lol lol lol

VIX 2019-09-25 14:04:47 

In reply to Runs

Allyuh crazies realise that this Ukraine thing is a new development right.??
Not one of the many many many you and your pitiful cronies have been bawling impeachment for over the last few years!

Your idiotic president is not going to be impeached. Bow down to your leader! big grin big grin

Even though he should be in jail all now for a myriad of crimes, not the least sex crimes.

sgtdjones 2019-09-25 14:08:00 

In reply to VIX

Is the Senate obligated to hold a trial?

The Constitution clearly envisions that if the House impeaches a federal official, the next step is for the Senate to hold a trial. But there is no obvious enforcement mechanism if Senator Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky and the majority leader, were to simply refuse to convene one — just as he refused to permit a confirmation hearing and vote on Mr. Obama’s nominee, Judge Merrick Garland, to fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2016.

VIX 2019-09-25 14:11:46 

In reply to sgtdjones

I live in TT, ask me about that.
I don't care about murcan propaganda news except to entertain myself with the backroom crazies.

Go copy-paste something nonsensical and reaffirm yourself.

sgtdjones 2019-09-25 14:14:50 

In reply to VIX

I didn't ask where you live nor care,

Or what you entertainment priorities are

Just posted facts.


nitro 2019-09-25 14:14:57 

Grand Standing, typical Democrats. Nothing of substance.

In the meantime a Socialist is leading Biden.