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Greta Thunberg - Mature Beyond Her Years, But

Walco 2019-09-27 11:41:58 

Something does not seem right with the young lady. She seems a little off ... weird even.

Link Text

tigga 2019-09-27 12:11:53 

I saw her first time yesterday too. Yeah too off but because of the cause I wouldn't bite her wagon.

sudden 2019-09-27 12:20:30 

In reply to Walco

dont you know? she ranges somewhere on the autism spectrum which she acknowledges

Drapsey 2019-09-27 12:55:57 

In reply to Walco

And now we're ready to destroy the young lady. redface

Walco 2019-09-27 13:07:26 

In reply to sudden
Thanks for that info. Did not know but it explains it for me

Walco 2019-09-27 13:08:04 

In reply to Drapsey

Big loud stewps rolleyes

Bigzinc 2019-09-27 13:29:18 

In reply to Walco

this courageous young lady is on the autism spectrum.

bravos 2019-09-27 14:10:26 

Seems a bit manufactured ...good cause and message though..

Kay 2019-09-27 15:02:20 

In reply to Walco

Suffers from Asperger's but her message is mostly on key ....

maj 2019-09-27 16:50:58 

In reply to Walco

Brainwashed, Hoisted and Scripted.

Malallah actually had a real life experience..

Who stole her future?

Drapsey 2019-09-27 17:13:18 

In reply to maj

Malallah actually had a real life experience..

Who stole her future?

Looks like the 16-yo's "theorem" went over your head.

nickoutr 2019-09-27 18:36:01 

In reply to maj
she is a Wednesday adams wannabee

tigga 2019-09-27 18:54:07 

In reply to Drapsey

Another loud stewps for you dummy (Mr Sandfords voice). Yah comprehension sorely needed polishing.

maj 2019-09-27 19:45:17 

In reply to Drapsey


She subscribes to theory we have 12 years to live..

NO wet behind the ears 16 YO will ever get my attention.

Tryangle 2019-09-27 19:59:09 

None of this matters.

The science guys and their supporters are going to be doubted by the "right".

The other guys and their supporters are going to be doubted by the "left".

SnoopDog 2019-09-27 20:24:20 

In reply to maj the vaj

NO wet behind the ears 16 YO will ever get my attention.

Yuh nah gat no shame shitface?

That 16 year old already is ten times smarter than you. She's made one speech and all you right wing retards are now collectively frothing at the mouth. lol

powen001 2019-09-27 21:37:13 

In reply to maj

NO wet behind the ears 16 YO will ever get my attention.

THAT would be your first error.

steveo 2019-09-27 22:11:57 

In reply to maj

Jackass it’s not 12 years to live, its 12 years before the effects of global warming are non-reversible

sgtdjones 2019-09-27 22:22:12 

In reply to SnoopDog

That 16 year old already is ten times smarter than you. She's made one speech and all you right wing retards are now collectively frothing at the mouth.

Spot on snoopy

They know nothing about this young lady yet they babble.

maj 2019-09-28 00:56:16 

Sorry I like cheese burgers and steaks wet behind the ears privileged white biatch wants to ban red meat.

maj 2019-09-28 00:58:05 

In reply to steveo

Sounds even more stupid when you say because we are already feeling the effects.

Didnt the ozone layer repair itself.

The Earth is resilient unlike you snowflakes.

maj 2019-09-28 00:59:27 

You lefties so desperate for a leader..a 16 yo is your hope. Please go jump off a glacier.

Runs 2019-09-28 01:06:50 

In reply to steveo

lol He is talking science

SnoopDog 2019-09-28 01:47:36 

In reply to maj the vaj

Of course you like red meat. You’ve been choking on the Dotard’s d*#k for the last 2 years.

Walco 2019-09-28 09:29:29 

In reply to maj

NO wet behind the ears 16 YO will ever get my attention.

Yet you worship a 70+ year old President who acts like a 6 year old. Go figure smile

Halliwell 2019-09-28 11:02:46 

Shameless scum some of you.

steveo 2019-09-28 16:35:03 

In reply to Runs

lol He is talking science

Not really, he is just smart enough to read and repeat heartland america's talking points

steveo 2019-09-28 16:46:04 

In reply to maj

Sounds even more stupid when you say because we are already feeling the effects.

Didnt the ozone layer repair itself.

The Earth is resilient unlike you snowflakes.

Try pissing in a lake and drinking from it, at first you will be smacking your lips at that pristine liquid, however over time you will begin to taste the piss. The tipping point when the water becomes undrinkable is analogous to the CO2 tipping point in the atmosphere

As for the ozone layer repairing itself, it was only after there was a global ban on the chemicals that made the hole in the first place, which gave the ozone a chance to regenerate...the thing that really saved the ozone layer was the fact that the profiteers of those chemicals did not have the clout the fossil fuel industry has

As for being a snowflake, its better than riding the dicks of the people that profit out of snuffing me out

Dan_De_Lyan 2019-09-28 16:46:22 

In reply to Halliwell

kARMA IS A BITCH..Some mother fluckers here have some shortcomings.

maj 2019-09-29 15:41:05 

This was written by a former classmate of mine.

If you think Greta’s “movement” is grassroots and organic, you CLEARLY don’t understand how the world works.

Aside from years of researching and understanding the dog and pony puppet show called politics, I have personal experience in this realm.

Having worked for over a decade on both sides of the camera in Hollywood, including five years managing recording artists in the music industry, and then seven years in organizing and activism, which includes two years running a nonprofit SPECIALIZING in activist consulting and organizing, I have two words for you:


What is astroturfing you ask?

It is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants.

Every single mainstream cause has a hidden agenda. Now that doesn’t mean that environmental destruction and pollution aren’t real issues that need attention. But they’ve been warped over the years into a “movement” that the elite are now using to control us.

The same thing happened to the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter etc.—the latter two I again have personal experience in and saw the downfall of. Occupy Wall Street was compromised by ACORN and destroyed from within. Which AGAIN, I have personal experience with. How? Someone I know WELL (if she feels like chiming in, I’ll let her do it on her own) literally sat in on board meetings and recorded their corruption and became a whistleblower and testified in front of congress—which eventually led to the NGO being disbanded.

And Black Lives Matter, while it was never completely destroyed, it’s been used as a means of dividing us. Once I found out the originators of the movement were given $50 million by the Ford Foundation to finance their “organizing” aka astroturfing, I was out!

So, take this advice from someone DEEP in the know:


sudden 2019-09-29 15:58:57 

In reply to maj

even if that is the case, even if earth rejuvenates itself, do we want to destroy it to prove that we are right?

what i dont understand about the Conservatives is their willingness to destroy everything as a political agenda or opposition to so called liberal policies. what is wrong with clean energy and making sure the planet is not assaulted by man's actions?

are you saying man has a right to pollute and kill trees and animals and destroy nature?

does any of that make sense to you?

maj 2019-09-29 16:19:14 

In reply to sudden

Of course it does, I for one do not want to destroy the earth. But these activists are extreme and driven by ulterior motives.

They are not as true to the cause as they portray themselves.

NYC recycles plastics, bottles and cardboard. It's a losing endeavor. Now I'm not saying give up the practice but at least make it a fiscally prudent.

Dan_De_Lyan 2019-09-29 19:45:13 

Greta on the daily show

steveo 2019-09-30 00:23:37 

In reply to maj

Maj, say years after the fact, it becomes known to the public that the fossil fuel industry knew that they were destroying the habitat, ala the tobacco industry and cancer, what penalty do you think would be imposed on those people and their collaborators??

Dan_De_Lyan 2019-09-30 02:06:05 

In reply to steveo

in the 70s fuel crisis, Brazil took a stand and decided that bio diesel is their way out.

Brazil's 40-year-old ethanol fuel program is based on the most efficient agricultural technology for sugarcane cultivation in the world, uses modern equipment and cheap sugar cane as feedstock, the residual cane-waste (bagasse) is used to produce heat and power, which results in a very competitive price

These non technical clowns are clueless

maj 2019-09-30 02:13:16 

In reply to steveo

We dont need fossil fuel producers to tell us to tell us that fact.

A slow moderate move from fossil fuels is the way to go.

What people AOC push will cripple many countries economies large and small. Imagine low income people having to give up their old reliable gas vehicles that is paid for, being mandated to purchase a high priced ev.

imusic 2019-09-30 02:20:40 

In reply to maj

Malallah actually had a real life experience

So only surviving a gunshot to the head from the taliban earns grudging acknowledgement from you eh?

Jeezas......what a piece of work u are

nickoutr 2019-09-30 02:25:54 

child abuse ... this is not unusual for the loony left to use kids as human shields ... they should let the poor mentally retarded girl enjoy her childhood

maj 2019-09-30 02:28:36 

In reply to imusic

Who stole this privileged teenager's future?

A 16YO sailing a boat across the ocean who lives in Sweden.

Why dont you answer that question.

She's has no real life experience to the fact.

imusic 2019-09-30 03:00:17 

In reply to maj

Let’s accept your premise that she’s acting this way because she’s been duped.

Do you blame her or any young person fir thinking that their future is fucked.

The “hoax” is compelling. Ice caps ARE melting. Glaciers in Greenland HAVE MELTED. Catastrophic weather events ARE HAPPENING with greater frequency.

Let’s say it’s not fossil fuels that are primarily the cause. Do you deny that something is going on? Given the information she’s receiving, shouldn’t she be terrified?

You and I will likely be dead by the time it gets even worse. I am a meatatarisn. I love meat. I reject anyone telling me meat should be banned.

That’s doesn’t mean that climate change isn’t very very real

And it’s not about’s aboht my kids and theirs

steveo 2019-09-30 13:02:49 

In reply to imusic

You and I will likely be dead by the time it gets even worse. I am a meatatarisn. I love meat. I reject anyone telling me meat should be banned.

That’s doesn’t mean that climate change isn’t very very real

And it’s not about’s aboht my kids and theirs

It is and will continue to happen in our life times, right now in Guyana the sea and the rivers are overflowing and there is flooding happening in areas I have never hear flooded before

stabroek news

The current unprecedented high tide has affected several communities in Regions 2,3,4,5, and 6


steveo 2019-09-30 13:07:17 

In reply to maj

We dont need fossil fuel producers to tell us to tell us that fact.

But we certainly dont need them to spread propaganda to cloud and diminish the issue.

I hope as things progress, they string up all those fcukers that had a hand in the global warming subterfuge

maj 2019-09-30 15:24:29 

In reply to steveo

Do you drive a gas car? Do you heat your house with gas? Do you use electricity?

Let's be realistic it's not all bad.

To charge all those EVs out there oil has to be burned to charge them.

steveo 2019-09-30 16:02:56 

In reply to maj

Do you drive a gas car? Do you heat your house with gas? Do you use electricity?

Let's be realistic it's not all bad.

To charge all those EVs out there oil has to be burned to charge them.

WTF are you talking about??

There is a reason people pay taxes and elect representatives, their job is to solve these kind of problems.

Am I going to reverse global warming by stopping the use of my car?

maj 2019-09-30 17:12:11 

In reply to steveo

I hope as things progress, they string up all those fcukers that had a hand in the global warming subterfuge

Fact is we need oil.

No one will be hanged for it.

steveo 2019-09-30 17:47:08 

In reply to maj

Fact is we need oil.

No one will be hanged for it.

No one should be hanged for selling oil, but people should be hanged for

1. lying about the effects of fossil fuels
2. impeding the transition to zero or carbon negligible energy sources
3. hijacking the political system to prevent the protection of the environment

etc, etc

It all boils down to crimes against humanity.

Prime example is the "killing of the electric car" in its initial stage

The oil industry, through its major lobby group the Western States Petroleum Association, is brought to task for financing campaigns to kill utility efforts to build public car charging stations. Through astroturfing groups like "Californians Against Utility Abuse" they posed as consumers instead of the industry interests they actually represented.

Chevron bought patents and controlling interest in Ovonics, the advanced battery company ... ostensibly to prevent modern NiMH batteries from being used in non-hybrid electric cars

nick2020 2019-09-30 18:19:14 

In reply to maj

There are two groups here:

People who accept we adversely affect the environment and are trying to improve the situation.
People who deny we adversely affect the environment.

If wrong:

The former group are a bunch of tree hugging hippies who have been duped by pseudo-science.
The latter group are a bunch of stick your heads in the sand ostriches who have been duped by corporate greed into selling the future of the planet for some coin.

My dad always told me he rather believe and be wrong than not believe and be wrong.

sudden 2019-09-30 18:22:27 

In reply to nick2020

the real question is, what is wrong with taking care of the planet and getting away from fossil fuels?

ray 2019-09-30 18:56:57 

typical...big men Trump supporters ganging up on a 16 year old girl...what a shocker!

next thing, they gon call her a hoe

steveo 2019-09-30 19:06:24 

In reply to Dan_De_Lyan

These non technical clowns are clueless

Republicans dont think about these issues, they just go along because its part of their brand

maj 2019-09-30 20:11:58 

In reply to nick2020

I subscribe to neither, I prefer to be Independent than a sheeple.

The 16yo is being propped up, a great marketing gimmick. I refuse to follow a gimmick.

I do what I can on my end but I will not give in blindly to extremists who just know what they are told to believe.

Fossil fuels are bad, but try living without it. The costs are enormous.

It's not a black or white issue. I know the Reps tried to kill the ev years ago. But the free market demanded it.

The consumer and producers will drive change not governments.