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Someone is going to crack

black 2019-09-28 05:47:05 

under threat of a prison sentence and the case is going to be blown wide open.

And those who lie, have to worry about being exposed by someone who is willing to tell the truth.

This is going to be very interesting.

Casper 2019-09-28 07:36:26 

In reply to black

Unlike they drink too much Kool-Aid and go down with the Corrupt One.

Walco 2019-09-28 09:12:06 

In reply to black

Boss lots of people cracked already and fed information to Deep Throat 2.0. Also, Double Agent Orange cracked and gave up the transcript. Only thing left is to fill in the blanks and then see how many Republicans in the Senate decide to follow the Orange One over the electoral cliff after he is impeached.

Runs 2019-09-28 11:03:10 

In reply to Walco

Pence advised against releasing but they panicked cool

More than 300 former national security and foreign policy officials signed a letter released Friday labeling President Trump’s Ukraine actions a “profound national security concern.”

doosra 2019-09-28 11:40:04 

when? big grin

black 2019-09-28 13:04:37 

In reply to Walco

Boss lots of people cracked already and fed information to Deep Throat 2.0

Why didn't those people become whistleblowers, themselves?

Agent Orange cracked and gave up the transcript.

Several things going on here.

1. They had to produce something because the complaint was looked at by the IG and approved to be sent up the chain.

2. The Orange fella thought he was smarter than everyone else and could explain his way out of any situation.

3. They were hoping to get the same reaction they got after the release of the Mueller report.

4. Giuliani corroborated the Ukraine meeting.

Only thing left is to fill in the blanks and then see how many Republicans in the Senate decide to follow the Orange One over the electoral cliff after he is impeached

I disagree, information will have to be verified. under threat of perjury and imprisonment.

Courtesy 2019-09-28 13:13:14 

In reply to black

What do you think "fill the blanks" means?

black 2019-09-28 13:17:29 

In reply to Courtesy

What do you think "fill the blanks" means?

I got that but it's not going to be that easy, many people are going to claim, executive privilege.

Runs 2019-09-28 13:20:37 

In reply to black

Then that will be added as obstruction of congress and added to the articles of impeachment. wink

Courtesy 2019-09-28 13:22:19 

In reply to black

...I disagree, information will have to be verified....

black 2019-09-28 13:23:10 

In reply to Runs

Yes, Congress will have to lean on these guys, very hard.

black 2019-09-28 13:25:11 

In reply to Courtesy

Ok, you win. lol

I was just trying to say, it was not going to be as easy as he stated. lol

black 2019-09-28 13:34:34 

In reply to Courtesy

Boss lots of people cracked already and fed information to Deep Throat 2.0. Also, Double Agent Orange cracked and gave up the transcript. Only thing left is to fill in the blanks and then see how many Republicans in the Senate decide to follow the Orange One over the electoral cliff after he is impeached

Here is his full quote. Cherry picking one line can convey different meaning. How does he know how many people cracked?

Courtesy 2019-09-28 13:37:23 

In reply to black

Boss lots of people cracked already and fed information to Deep Throat 2.0. Also, Double Agent Orange cracked and gave up the transcript...

The above is known...persons giving information to the whistleblower and Trump released a summary of his convo. It has been reported on extensively.

How does quoting the complete post alter the context of your response?
...I disagree, information will have to be verified....

Please don't bother to respond. Different day, same obfuscation and modus operandi.

black 2019-09-28 13:45:28 

In reply to Courtesy

Boss lots of people cracked already and fed information to Deep Throat 2.0. Also, Double Agent Orange cracked and gave up the transcript. Only thing left is to fill in the blanks and then see how many Republicans in the Senate decide to follow the Orange One over the electoral cliff after he is impeached

Ultimately, his statement will be proven, correct but he made it seem like a foregone conclusion.

If you look at my lead post, me and Walco are basically saying the same thing, I only disagree about how easy he portrayed it to be.

What is so hard to understand about that?

nitro 2019-09-28 14:46:56 

In reply to black

Pituful Democrats. Cant win on the issues so they asking the Deep State for help.

Trump will win again, BIGLY!

black 2019-09-28 15:20:19 

In reply to nitro

You can yell, "deep state" until the cows come home, they cannot touch Trump if he is not going anything wrong.