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Senate Trial if Trump is Impeached

sudden 2019-09-29 12:17:16 

Link Text

The Republican leadership issued a memo Saturday clarifying that the Senate must take action if the House of Representatives approves articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. The statement came in response to concerns that the Senate could simply refuse to hold a trial.....

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also said as much in a March interview with NPR: “If it [impeachment] were to happen, the Senate has no choice. If the House were to act, the Senate immediately goes into a trial.”

sudden 2019-09-29 12:17:48 

where is that alien stdjones?

black 2019-09-29 12:22:22 

In reply to sudden

It would be suicidal for Republicans to not hold hearings.

sgtdjones 2019-09-29 12:49:20 

In reply to sudden

Tort you didn't copy and paste ?

An original thought for you ....Senate can refuse or
proceed to a trial. If they move to trial......

Then comes the vote in the senate, the Senate has never
removed a President.

It will not start and the Donald will continue till 2020
election. The voters will be the only one to remove him.

Remember Moscow Mitch refused Obama nominee to the Supreme Court.

Just an opinion.

sudden 2019-09-29 12:52:15 

Senate can refuse or
proceed to a trial. If they move to trial....

wuh loss muh belly

nick2020 2019-09-29 13:08:44 

In reply to sudden

In his defense I heard an expert say Trump could contest impeachment if he felt it was done improperly.

Maybe the Senate has the same out.

Strategically I am not sure why they would ever do that. People overstate the noisy few Trump supporters. They are the overwhelming minority.

sgtdjones 2019-09-29 13:08:49 

In reply to sudden

wuh loss muh belly

Well, I must say you do have a large girth....razz

Keep trolling since it adds nothing to any debate.

We should differentiate between criminals who make violent threats online, and trolls who are just arseholes

Bonnie Greer

sudden 2019-09-29 13:13:00 

In reply to nick2020

mate once Trump is indicted by the House his trial is held in the senate with the senators as the jury -not the judge. the judge is the chief justice

why you think McConnell said what he said in that quote. all of the other talk is just talk

nick2020 2019-09-29 13:23:36 

In reply to sudden

I believe what you posted to be true. But maybe jonesy listened to the guy who went down the improper impeachment route.

I don't know why they would even have to send that memo around. Sounds like political suicide to not take it to the Senate

sgtdjones 2019-09-29 13:32:17 

In reply to nick2020

In his defense I heard an expert say Trump could contest impeachment if he felt it was done improperly.

I have posted such......

The DOJ can claim its done improperly.(Barr)

Donnie goes to Supreme Court (5-4) remembered he stacked such in his favor.

Only the voters in 2020 can remove the Donald.

The impeachment is just giving Donnie a black eye,as did Clinton. The Senate has never removed a President.

The celebration by posters , oh well......

sudden 2019-09-29 13:34:17 

In reply to nick2020

because any federal official can be impeached but all dont have to have a trial.

if a senator is impeached the senate could just vote to expel without a trial.

but it is a different matter for a president.

and as i have said before precedent has been set. every president impeached has been tried but not convicted - Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.

sudden 2019-09-29 13:39:30 

In reply to nick2020

tell me, under what scenario do you see an improper impeachment happening?

come on man. these are just theoretical musings.

the house selects congresspeople who are legally minded advised by top class lawyers to examine whether the matter is impeachable and then to draw up articles of impeachment.

sometimes i wonder about the intelligence of posters on this MB

black 2019-09-29 13:44:06 

In reply to sgtdjones

Donnie goes to Supreme Court (5-4) remembered he stacked such in his favor.

Not going to happen.

You guys have to look a precedent, it would destroy the fabric of the country.

What is to stop a Supreme Court in favor of Dems from doing so?

Besides, the Supreme Court would NEVER interfere in the constitution duties of Congress.

Trump can make his case after the process is complete and that is unlikely to change.

sgtdjones 2019-09-29 13:48:31 

In reply to black

Neil Gorsuch: 'Do you really want me to rule the country ...

You need to go back and see where a recently nominated Trump Supreme Court Judge , noted to a reporter question
do you want us to run the Country.

WE are dealing with a series of hypothesis here and do not have the ability to see ahead.

Opps pardon me some on this site have such ability.

black 2019-09-29 13:55:11 

In reply to sgtdjones

Dude, the Supreme Court will make the decision when it's their turn but will not interfere in the Congressional process.

That would be the same as Congress interfering in the business of the Supreme Court.

You do know that Congress is more powerful, right?

Walco 2019-09-29 13:55:13 

In reply to sudden
I did not think this was a real issue to be honest. The Senate refusing to hold a trial would be the functional equivalent of indicting someone without putting them on trial. The rule of law, of which the US Constitution sits at the pinnacle, is the foundation of the democracy.

sudden 2019-09-29 13:56:37 

In reply to Walco

it is not. but when you have idiots like stdjones copy and pasting articles that he doesnt understand it becomes one. big grin

sgtdjones 2019-09-29 13:58:17 

In reply to black

My Hypothesis was based on Donald contesting the outcome.

DOJ makes a ruling , it ends up at the Supreme Court.

Only 2020 election can remove the Donald , the Senate will not.

sgtdjones 2019-09-29 14:00:06 

In reply to Walco

Didn't Moscow Mitch refuse to hear Obama nominee for the Supreme Court? He has refused to bring Bills that the House passed, he will only bring bills that the President will sign, nothing else.
Can one read this moron mind?

black 2019-09-29 14:01:23 

In reply to Walco

I did not think this was a real issue to be honest. The Senate refusing to hold a trial would be the functional equivalent of indicting someone without putting them on trial. The rule of law, of which the US Constitution sits at the pinnacle, is the foundation of the democracy


black 2019-09-29 14:03:01 

In reply to sgtdjones

Didn't Moscow Mitch refuse to hear Obama nominee for the Supreme Court? Can one read this moron mind?

I could probably come up with 10 reasons why that is different.

Courtesy 2019-09-29 17:19:16 

In reply to sudden

...sometimes i wonder about the intelligence of posters on this MB.

Most of us are brain dead.

big grin

Runs 2019-09-29 17:38:38 

In reply to Courtesy

lol The Constitution is quite clear on the procedures for impeaching a President with very clear precedents as examples. lol

Dan_De_Lyan 2019-09-29 17:48:05 

In reply to Runs

Fox is not entirely evil

Courtesy 2019-09-29 17:49:51 

In reply to Runs

lol lol lol

It may still not be clear for some of us.

Courtesy 2019-09-29 17:52:53 

BREAKING WAPO is reporting that a deal is reached for the whistleblower's unfiltered testimony.

black 2019-09-29 18:22:26 

In reply to nick2020

I don't know why they would even have to send that memo around. Sounds like political suicide to not take it to the Senate

The Democratic House WILL take it to the Senate. This debate is about the Senate's action upon receiving impeachment notice.

Runs 2019-09-29 19:02:41 

Former British Prime Minister David Cameron supports the explanation why Joe Biden pressured the president of Ukraine in 2015 to crack down on corruption.

nitro 2019-09-29 19:23:09 

In reply to Courtesy

Just a repeat of hearsay. Will be futile as the Mueller report.

black 2019-09-29 19:29:50 

In reply to Runs

That is the real reason, Repubs maliciously distorted it.

Courtesy 2019-09-29 20:23:31 

In reply to nitro

Man stop parading as a jackass here or it that you are an attention seeking whore? You and your ilk are devoid of even a modicum of decency. You have lost the capacity to think and reason for yourself...occupying the lowest plain of human existence - and like an amoeba contorting to the idiocy of Trump and Fox News.

Cho man!!!

I really don't know why I responded to you today? Fack man!!!

sudden 2019-09-29 20:50:50 

In reply to Courtesy

man, Nitro knows better you know. he just doing his ting big grin

Courtesy 2019-09-29 22:14:54 

In reply to sudden

I doubt it and even if it were, it is ridiculous, stupid and infantile. There is a limit to ridiculousness and jackassery.

The man follows every thread here on Trump just to express his unparalleled perfidy.

Runs 2019-09-29 22:20:19 

In reply to sudden

Troll pushing crap on the mb to generate discussions lol

nick2020 2019-09-29 22:21:01 

In reply to Courtesy

My dad once told me if a friend asks to borrow some money and you never see him again you paid a small price to get rid of a bad friend.

It will be wonderful to never have to see the likes of all of these Trump people again.

Courtesy 2019-09-29 22:27:31 

In reply to nick2020

Nick, I could pay these jackasses a fortune if I had it, just to stop posting. It's beyond ridiculous now.

problemjay 2019-09-30 01:02:57 

You will need a two third majority vote from the senate to remove a President... once again Trump not going anywhere!

POINT 2019-09-30 01:08:42 

In reply to black

FYI it aint the Democratic House . In actuality "THE HOUSE " is the Short name for" THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES"
which is comprised of Members from both
the Republican & Democratic Parties .

Currently the Democratic Party controls
the House of Representatives due to
the fact that in the " HOUSE " The Democratic Party has more members than the Republican Party , so the
Democratic Party is currently in control of the House of Representatives .

In the Senate , the Republican Party
has more Members than the Democratic
Party so the Republicans are in control of the Senate .

The is absolutely no doubt that Trump will be Impeached in the House of Representatives , because the Democratic Party has much more members in the House than the Republicans .

When Trump is Impeached , the Trial
will be heard in the Senate , with the Chief Justice as the Judge in the
Senate . I believe that it will take
3/4 of the Members of the Senate to
find Trump either Guilty or Innocent.

If HE is found Guilty , he will cease
to be President of the United States , and will go down in the History of American Presidents as one of the few Presidents to bear the Stigma of being Impeached .

black 2019-09-30 01:16:31 

In reply to POINT

FYI it aint the Democratic House . In actuality "THE HOUSE " is the Short name for" THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES" 
which is comprised of Members from both 
the Republican & Democratic Party . 

Currently the Democratic Party controls 
the House of Representatives due to 
the fact that in the " HOUSE " The Democratic Party has more members than the Republican Party , so the 
Democratic Party is currently in control of the House of Representatives . 

In the Senate , the Republican Party 
has more Members than the Democratic 
Party so the Republicans are in control of the Senate .

Dude, why are you stating the obvious? If I used, "Democratic House", it is in reference to which party controls it.

You can't teach me anything in regards to American politics.

POINT 2019-09-30 03:10:23 

In reply to black

FYI , it is not the Democratic House ,




If as you stated ALL the Members in the
House of Representatives were Members
of the Democratic Party , your assertion would have been correct , however that aint the case , due to the fact that there are Elected Republicans in :


black 2019-09-30 03:18:54 

In reply to POINT

You need to take a nap.

Runs 2019-09-30 16:14:45 

"Well, under the Senate rules, we're required to take it up if the House does go down that path, and we'll follow the Senate rules ... It's a Senate rule related to impeachment that would take 67 votes to change, so I would have no choice but to take it up. How long you're on it is a whole different matter, but I would have no choice but to take it up, based on a Senate rule on impeachment."
— Mitch McConnell