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Biden suffering criticism

Rascalp 2021-07-09 15:47:33 

Taking heat for decision to withdraw U.S troops from Afghanistan.The old boy is correct.America cannot stay in there forever.They should have got out when Bin Laden was killed.The original reason why U.S got involved there.Not nation building
Should have gotten out 10 years ago.

problemjay 2021-07-09 18:37:32 

Taliban licking dey chops. Now is complete takeover

Casper 2021-07-09 18:48:23 

In reply to Rascalp

Who has ever won in Afghanistan?

Brerzerk 2021-07-09 19:18:10 

Both the Iraqi n Afghan armies are some real wutliss, cowardly hard-back men. You gett'n trained n equipped for more than a decade n the fuss fire-fight coming your way yuh take off like mongoose Stuepsssssssssss

nitro 2021-07-09 19:26:41 

In reply to Casper


johndom90 2021-07-09 19:45:22 

Afghanistan! the graveyard of empires.
this so called war was al about money, military industrial complex....full stop.

Later on the world noticed that the opium trade from Afghanistan had quadrupled - imagine that.
Alas it is to late for the Americans to exploit those rare earth minerals...the ride is over.

The one eyed Taliban leader on the motorcycle, offered up Osama to the Americans early in the campaign and mess rs Rumsfeld /Chaney
voted to let him live. Reason.....we its to early to stop...the pigs need to feed at the trough.

velo 2021-07-09 20:21:16 

would the afhan militia have defeated the soviets without america's help in the 80's?