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T&T $80,000 per month PM Rowley for doing nothing

sgtdjones 2024-02-18 01:24:18 

T&T $80,000 per month for Rowley for doing nothing

At the moment, after serving up a gold-plated pension scheme for Rowley et al, Imbert is now rewarding the non-performing Rowley and the gang with an immoral, indecent, undeserved salary increase against a background of a non-performing economy with the poor getting poorer, employed losing jobs and the general population ketching dey nennen.

" The Prime Minister’s salary is due to take a huge leap once the recommendations of the Salaries Review Commission (SRC) made in its 117th report obtains the approval of the Cabinet.

The report was tabled in the House of Representatives, at the Red House, Port of Spain, yesterday.

The Prime Minister’s salary will move from $59,680 per month to $80,000 per month." (Express).
When a PM retires he gets his salary as a pension...

These parasites are already receiving lots of freeness and expensive perks courtesy the taxpayer, on top of other opportunities. And imagine retired public servants and retired teachers still receiving a pension of $3,500 for the past 12 years or so and the only words of comfort they received from the imp was a passing reference in a Budget statement a few years ago that the Government would be looking at indexing public servants' pensions, not a word since, not even an interim increase pending this long forgotten promise from this Promises Never Materialize government whose motto "A promise is a lie. Fools beware. Read my lips."

T&T Express

sgtdjones 2024-02-18 17:12:58 

SRC: No increase for judges, pay cut for Industrial Court members

INDUSTRIAL COURT judges are said to be up in arms over the Salaries Review Commission’s (SRC’s) 117th Report, which has proposed a cut in their monthly remuneration from $32,080 to $29,100.
Sunday Newsday understands that some judges have even complained that the court’s registrar, under the commission’s proposed emolument structure, is receiving a higher basic monthly salary of $34,000 plus perks.In its 98th Report in 2013, the SRC had proposed a monthly salary of $50,350 for the CJ, $42,020 for the Justices of Appeal and $37,300 for puisne judges. In the commission’s 117th report, no changes were proposed.

The President will also be exempt from taxation.
“The salary, pension and any allowance of whatsoever nature payable to the office holder in respect of his/her services as President to be wholly exempt from the payment of income tax and any other tax.”

The Prime Minister currently receives a monthly salary of $59,640. But should the commission’s proposals be agreed to, it will increase to a whopping $80,000 monthly.
Regarding overseas travel, the PM is to be provided with hotel accommodation and meals plus a subsistence allowance of US$150 per day. The commission has also proposed an annual travel grant of $36,800.Under the suite of recommendations proposed by the SRC for Trinidad and Tobago’s top public officials, the Prime Minister will be entitled to a maximum loan of $350,000 at a rate of interest of six per cent per annum repayable over a period of six years to either purchase a new or used motor vehicle.
Should the PM purchase a new motor vehicle, the office holder will be exempt from motor vehicle tax, value-added tax and customs duty.
If the office holder purchases a used vehicle, he or she will also be entitled to a full exemption from special motor vehicle tax, value-added tax or customs duty, according to the report.
The SRC has also recommended that the PM receive a maximum loan of $20,000 at a rate of interest of six per cent per annum to effect repairs to a motor vehicle.

The citizens that live in poverty get 3500 per month, and must pay approx. 1200 per year in property taxes , effective immediately.

camos 2024-02-18 19:36:36 

In reply to sgtdjones

The citizens that live in poverty get 3500 per month, and must pay approx. 1200 per year in property taxes , effective immediately.

Can one own property and lives in poverty, unless it is by choice?

sgtdjones 2024-02-18 19:46:41 

In reply to camos

One can save over the years got property that was handed down to them. Never paid property tax.
Businesses do not pay property taxes.
Now retired living on a pension of 3500 dollars T&T per month.. poverty line.
Property must now pay 1200 per year in taxes ...but wait they are retired taxes will be deferred till after they die .
Actuary noted if one lives 15 years after retirement with interest over 25,000 is owed to government after they die.
The government if you cannot pay after 5 years will seize that home... Do they have a choice?
Very few companies have pension plans , unless you are the 30,000 civil servants.

Comparative Salaries
Average salary of a secondary school teacher: $12,000. Average salary of a senior lawyer in the civil service: $17,500 . Average salary of a Head of a Civil Service Ministry: $18,000 . Average salary of a senior judge in the Supreme Court and High Court: $37,300 . Average salary of a skilled factory worker? $10,000. Is there a legal minimum wage? If so, what is it? $17.50

Now see why the Central bank noted approx 25 % live in poverty.
Poverty the mother of Crime

The PM , an all in Parliament today will receive over 55,000 dollars per month in pension plus benefits.
A beautiful paradise ....

I returned from T&T a few weeks ago ...I put every thing owned in T&T, in a Corporation owned by a Trust...
No taxes from me or future generations ...they can fack themselves.

FanAttick 2024-02-18 20:19:10 

In reply to sgtdjones

$80000 must be a joke…that’s just over half of the average salary of a 1st year law associate….

How can a Prime Minister of an oil producing country get that little pittance? Insulting

Curtis 2024-02-18 20:32:25 

In reply to FanAttick

That's close to 12,000 US per month, $144k US.

Plus tax free, and perks

Canadian PM makes $179k per yer CAd

Tax free and perks take that to next level

FanAttick 2024-02-18 20:42:16 

In reply to Curtis

Canadian PM makes $179k per yer CAd

Are you sure?

sgtdjones 2024-02-18 21:13:43 

In reply to FanAttick

80,000 x 12....
960,000 T&T dollars per year benefits and perks.

Trudeau's salary this year is $379,000.

10 top Highest paid Caribbean Leaders

notinsular 2024-02-20 06:26:17 

In reply to sgtdjones

The highest paid politician in TnT today is the opposition leader. No comment from the paid CambridgeAnalytica troll about that though.
She receives a salary of $29,590 by virtue of being opposition leader. She also receives the prime minister's salary of $59,680 as pension as being an ex prime minster. SO she is in receipt of nearly $90,000 TT per month. She barely shows up for anything, including sitttings of parliament. ANy perspective on this Mr sgtdjones ?

notinsular 2024-02-20 06:28:12 

Futher perspectives:
1. Contrary to what many citizens believe, these are still just recommendations from the SRC. They have not yet been implemented. They will need to be considered and agreed to by Cabinet before they can be implemented. They are proposals, not fact.

2. The SRC has repeatedly advocated for increases for this group of public officials since 2014 when the recommendations of the 98th report were accepted. When those increases were effected in March 2014, the salaries of Cabinet ministers were increased from $33,000 a month to $41,030—a 24.3% increase!

3. The salaries of this group of public officials have not been adjusted again since that time.

4. The SRC does not operate in a vacuum. It takes three important factors into consideration when determining what it believes to be fair compensation for the job: the overall economic conditions (including the cost of living and the financial circumstances of the country); the job description, i.e., the work that is required; and competitive compensation, i.e., what similarly qualified individuals across other industries receive as compensation for doing similar work and having similar responsibilities.

5. Let us also understand that we are speaking about specific offices and classifications of jobs here, and not specific office-holders and persons. Please avoid the temptation to make ad hominem attacks out of this issue.

6. This exercise should not be seen as a reward for current office-holders but rather as an incentive for future applicants and aspirants. Competitive compensation is designed to ensure that the right (read: most qualified) persons will actually find the position attractive enough to apply for it. (Please recall the old saying about paying peanuts and getting elephants.)

7. We have a unique case of the chief executive of a Government that administers $60b annually being paid less than most CEOs in the private sector and some CEOs in the public sector. (You think the CEO of Massy, ANSA McAl, NGC or Heritage gets paid $59,000 a month?) There are even gazetted public servants currently being paid more than sitting MPs! Given the demands placed upon MPs on an almost 24/7 basis, I certainly would not apply for that job at the current rate of pay ($17,410 per month), would you?

8. Stop conflating the issue of better pay for these public officials with the 4% offered to public servants. And don’t make it about fiscal prudence either. At most we are talking about an increase in the payroll of the sitting members of Parliament in the region of $6m per year. If you applied that quantum of increase across the public sector, each worker would receive $65 more a year. It’s not an “apples with apples” comparison. It’s about competitive compensation for the 72 people who should be leading this country; 72 persons vs 90,000. It’s not logical to think for one minute that similar increases are justifiable and sustainable and therefore should be applied to public servant salaries.

9. It should be noted that it is also being recommended that the duty allowance be removed from the PM’s compensation package. Consequently, his increase is not $20,000 as being touted, but more in the region of $11,000.

10. Lastly, it should be noted that the PM, ministers, senators and all MPs pay taxes on their salaries and they are not “tax free”,

sgtdjones 2024-02-20 17:26:50 

In reply to notinsular

She also receives the prime minister's salary of $59,680 as pension as being an ex prime minster

Kamal will only receive such pension when she retires, I got such info from the PM office his secretary.

sgtdjones 2024-02-21 00:29:45 

T&T Comments

Rawlston Gonourie

Rowley & Browne's new best friend:

"Panday, the daughter of the late former prime minister Basdeo Panday, took to Facebook to weigh in on the proposed salary hike for, among others, a 34 per cent increase for the Prime Minister, and 60 per cent for the Opposition Leader, while judges have been recommended for a cut in their salaries.

“We have no money… that has been the mantra of governments over the last 20 years.

“We have no money…That is why the country does not have a regular supply of water, the roads are in a deplorable state, schools are in a state of disrepair, we don’t have enough beds and medication in the hospitals and the police and the DPP are under-resourced,” she said in her post.

She said this is the same mantra which Government offered as justification why public servants could not get more than a four per cent increase in wages.

The same reason used to justify why, “we have to increase electricity rates and the population must now pay the new property tax.

“The reality is, if these same persons were hired by the private sector, it’s likely instead of a pay increase, they would be fired.

“With a proposed 34 per cent increase for the PM, 60 per cent increase for the Leader of the Opposition and 15 per cent increase for MPs with back pay (since the new salary increases, if approved, may take effect from October 1, 2020), it’s no wonder some find it hard to let go of the trappings of office.

“Let us reward hard work, honesty, integrity and meritocracy not waste, corrupt.Even stalwart PNM supporter Cudjoe is supporting Kamla's crime talks. What does that say about Rowley?


Anti crime conversations - what you go share with citizens Kammie? As PM didn't raise minimum wage a paltry $2.50; ended poverty; hunted down who put drugs in tins; decriminalized dope; cleared out corrupt police; developed affordable homes; gave the best healthcare; kept the the Canadian COPs; dealt with corruption; enact reform based prison - and kept murder low?

If only you thought to spread the wealth when you had the power.

Dragon Dog

Yes, let's blame Kamla for the 64 murders for the year and everything else, while ignoring the last 8 years of PNM ineptitude, corruption mismanagement and self-enrichment.

Dragon Dog

Not every body empty and shallow like Toolums