The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

T&T The Couva Children’s Hospital 2015, and not used by Rowley..

sgtdjones 4/22/24, 2:26:33 AM
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debut: 2/16/17
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T&T The Couva Children’s Hospital 2015, and not used by Rowley's Government

The Couva Children’s Hospital has been officially opened in 2015

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar said this $1.3billion hospital is part of her Government’s policy of people-centered development.
The hospital needs funding to keep it operational, Colm Imbert has always been a complete jackass.
The funny thing is an engineer with no experience in economics or finance is the finance minister. Again, only in Trinidad and Tobago.

When Kamla came into power? there was general goodwill like never before, then what happen ? An Implosion. Typical of Indian parties in T&T.

Khan: $239m to start hospital project

Finance Minister Colm Imbert needs to learn the details of a government to government loan,"Imbert makes it look as though we took money and was spending
it wildly and so on and I find that to be very dishonest and stupid," Khan said."When I first entered the ministry, I researched how government to government loans
run so I understand," he said.
"They may know we spent $239 million but they don't know it's based on the 15 per cent."Khan said calculations would show that 15 per cent of $1.5 billion was
around $240 million and those funds were used up front to get the project underway.
"Loans from China take about a year more to come through, so while it was being processed, the last administration used its 15 per cent to develop the infrastructure
around the area," he explained.

In 1991, after PNM won the election...the first thing Imbert did was to get a full working crew to take down the dragon NAR's Robinson placed above the red house,
Imbert put a dove instead.I remember seeing Imbert grinning like it was the greatest achievement of his life. Colm Imbert has always been a complete jackass.

An empty hospital since 2015 and neonatal deaths rising....Great is the PNM
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