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Can A Country Change The Accent Of It's People?

XDFIX 2024-06-17 14:17:05 

I would love to see Yardies assuming the Ozzie or British accent - that would be charming, ain't it?

Yardies' tone already is a plus!

lol lol

A little self hate is good at times!

What say you?

The only problem with that I would argue, the BC and RC wouldn't carry the same force and power!

JayMor 2024-06-18 00:58:22 

In reply to XDFIX

Israel last century more than changed a country's accent-- it created one! In making a dead language (in terms of the spoken form) the official tongue an accent was also invented.

But on the level of what you posted, here's a start. big grin


XDFIX 2024-06-18 14:20:42 

In reply to JayMor

Not a bad take! big grin

Isn't there a beat like this called "yuh gonna pray" - I search for it on Youtube and Google but nothing shows up!

May have been a Bob Marley early number, not sure, as a former radio man, you may know it!