The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

COPS have a clandestine...

BeatDball 6/17/24, 10:54:39 PM
BeatDball avatar image

debut: 7/20/14
15,749 runs

plan to oust gaffe galore Bidunce from the presidential run! Clinton Obama Pelosi Schumer! Dwl dwl dwl. big grin

PS. Whilst driving home, I tuned into Mr Snerdley's radio segment & heard it. Dwl dwl dwl. Fools, step oooop! big grin
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googley 6/18/24, 4:25:51 PM
googley avatar image

debut: 2/9/04
22,870 runs

In reply to BeatDball

Snerdley? Thats your source?!! He learned all the tricks from Limpbaugh!
BeatDball 6/18/24, 5:34:48 PM
BeatDball avatar image

debut: 7/20/14
15,749 runs

In reply to googley Yep, that absolutely brilliant El Rushbo; Maha Rushie; has talent on loaned from God; de man who has to tie half of his brain behind his back, just to be fair! big grin
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sgtdjones 6/18/24, 9:46:32 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,394 runs

In reply to BeatDball

You still supporting Marmalade Menace? shock
googley 6/18/24, 10:00:26 PM
googley avatar image

debut: 2/9/04
22,870 runs

In reply to BeatDball

de man who has to tie half of his brain behind his back

thats what happens when you sit on your brains...its located behind/below his back! lol
hubert 6/18/24, 11:03:56 PM
hubert avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
19,116 runs

In reply to googley
