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Emir 2024-06-20 17:34:45 

So the "jokiest" debate will feature two of the oldest men to run for President.

The current President claim to fame is he financed and supported genocide in Zionist Israel against a defenseless and occupied people. And his opponent'S CLAIM TO FAME, is the current President, didn't go far enough in making the genocide more deadly and violent- he would expand it to kill the survivors as well.

Fantom 2024-06-20 18:18:51 

In reply to Emir

We still need you to vote and encourage others to vote for Biden. We didn't leave the Caribbean to live under a crooked eediat racist dictator wannabe.

Emir 2024-06-20 18:31:03 

In reply to Fantom


We didn't leave the Caribbean to live under a crooked eediat racist dictator wannabe.

Good description for Trump and Biden- now you see the problem Americans are facing in this election? And specifically why Biden despite a good economy, is lagging in every poll?

The candidate who best stand is Cornel West. Assuming you are a voter, it is wise to vote for him and encourage others to do the same so we won't end up with living "under a crooked eediat racist dictator wannabe."

Fantom 2024-06-20 18:48:18 

In reply to Emir

I don't how much electoral politics you are familiar with so let me make this clear: a vote for Cornel West, Jill Stein, Marianne Williamson or RFK is a vote for crooked45.

If you happen to believe otherwise, then you are not as astute as I held you to be.

The current Israeli PM is just as crooked as crimial45. A vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote against Muslim self-interests.

Emir 2024-06-20 19:33:17 

In reply to Fantom

I am old and stupid but smart enough to not praise a man who financed, supported and defended genocide simply because his opponent said he would have done worse.

Secondly, this had nothing to do with “Muslim Interest.” It is about humanity.

Thirdly, if it was about “Muslim Interest” then a better reason to not vote for him as he committer genocide against a people whose faith are mostly Muslim .

Now, I have been following and studying our system for over 70 years, if we continue to make the claim that third party candidates are a wasted vote, exactly as the 2 party system wants us to believe, and when we continue to fall for that trap, the Bidens and Trumps of this world will survive and there will be no change.

I know MSNBC narrative is telling you this is the end of all of us as a nation if Trump terror prevails and if they scare enough decent people by this narrative, a man who financed, defended and protected genocide will be rewarded with the presidency once again.

What can be worse that genocide? A dictatorship?

VIX 2024-06-20 20:40:25 

Which president of the misfits' great merica wasn't an Israel batty-licker?

hubert 2024-06-20 22:10:54 

I do not see any upside for Biden in a debate with Trump.
Better if he has town hall meetings in well organized way and outline his
agenda, successes ,priorities etc and Then take questions.

He should not debate a Con. Bad precedent.
Let Trump debate Kennedy.

Emir 2024-06-20 22:33:44 

In reply to VIX

Bro, none, not one, but Biden went big, where no other president dared go- he alone, despite has advisers and others begging him not to, decided to defend, financed and protect the perpetuators of genocide. Then he lied and lied and attacked and placed threats to smaller nations who stood up to the genocide. Up to last week, he told the world at the UN, Israel accepted a plan to stop the war, and he was waiting on the Palestinians, only for Bibi to then tell the world, he had not accepted.

And he said he was a proud Zionist. This weak old man, who can barely finish a sentence, is in fact guilty of genocide. So despite the grave threat to the country and the world of a Trump presidency, Biden continues to defy his base and the world, this is the only reason why Trump is still relevant as Biden's base has concluded that genocide cannot be rewarded, Trump or no Trump.

Emir 2024-06-20 22:35:47 

In reply to hubert

How will he explain his support for Genocide- this is the only reason his base- who can wipe out MAGA, has left him.

hubert 2024-06-20 23:54:28 

In reply to Emir

Empty Suit wont be sanitized by a washer smile
America is in a bad WAY with an incumbent idiot and a Convict as alternative.

I shall only stand and watch lol