The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

One of my farm trucks stolen..#$&***

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bravos 6/22/24, 4:39:07 PM
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debut: 10/14/09
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In reply to VIX

Probaby uses the D10 to tend to the 1000 foot yacht at the bottom of the mountain..
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bravos 6/22/24, 4:42:15 PM
bravos avatar image

debut: 10/14/09
41,039 runs

The Caterpillar, police said it may have left the Port of Montreal, destination unknown...

The heavy equipment and heavy transport world would've been all over this.
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bravos 6/22/24, 5:06:29 PM
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debut: 10/14/09
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In reply to Emir

Sad sad case.
Emir 6/22/24, 5:38:24 PM
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debut: 8/9/14
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In reply to bravos

Mental illness?

I mean the stories he cook up is beyond the normal simple embellishment.

But you are right, we should feel sorry for him/her.

I now feel bad I made fun of him and had laughs at his expense, I apologize.
nick2020 6/22/24, 6:00:39 PM
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debut: 7/2/12
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In reply to bravos

And we all know how ridiculous the deck proposition was .

Well you gotta admit that was one of the most entertaining threads ever created on the internet. Started by black and reached a crescendo with you calling him out.
sudden 6/22/24, 6:12:53 PM
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debut: 11/27/06
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In reply to nick2020

I seem to remember a rather comical thread about a deck
SnoopDog 6/22/24, 6:31:02 PM
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debut: 1/24/04
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Well this three man melee has now turned into a battle royal with more participants joining in to put a good beating on our boy Sarge the Plagiarist.

Time to invoke the mercy rule? lol
sgtdjones 6/22/24, 6:49:20 PM
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debut: 2/16/17
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In reply to SnoopDog

Its funny how they come out from under the rocks and post stuff about something they know nothing about...

A boboolee from T&T , that has closed down shop in La Romain..being the biggest accuser..

When I get documents from Hamilton Police will post such .

Now let them

Stolen pickup truck used in tent arson recovered by police

Back of Truck
Reversed into a brick wall...

Inside of truck

Broke back window to enter truck

When I get info from Hamilton Police , RCMP about D10 will post such until then I shall be quiet and let jackarses bray...
The RCMP handle investigations when such occurs ...
Theses dummies are unfamiliar with such...thus the braying.
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bravos 6/22/24, 6:56:15 PM
bravos avatar image

debut: 10/14/09
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In reply to SnoopDog

The joker plagiarize a frigging stolen vehicle victim story yes ! And how come they find a run of the mill run down pick up but can't track a 90 ton machine the size of a building!! Hahahaha !!
sgtdjones 6/22/24, 7:01:02 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs

CASE NUMBER: 24-659099

Police Confirm Tent Arson Was Targeted, Not Anti-Encampment
Hamilton Police have successfully located and recovered the stolen vehicle used in the arson attack on a tent at a local encampment, which occurred on Wednesday evening.

On Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at approximately 8:00 p.m., a black pickup truck drove onto the grassy area at the northwest corner of Wellington Street North and Simcoe Street. A male suspect exited the vehicle, poured a liquid from a yellow jerry can onto a tent, ignited it, and then fled the scene. Although the fire was extinguished, the tent and all its contents were destroyed. Thankfully, no one was inside the tent at the time of the incident.

Witnesses describe the suspect as a white male, approximately 30 years-of-age, with short blonde hair. He was wearing a t-shirt and black jogger pants.

Detectives have confirmed that this attack was targeted against an individual and was not an anti-encampment statement. This incident remains isolated, and there are no ongoing concerns for public safety in connection to this case.

Investigators are still working to gather information about the suspect and are eager to speak with the property owner of the tent. Anyone with information is encouraged to come forward.

Contact Information:
Detective Greg Blunsdon
Phone: 905-540-5085

For those who prefer to provide information anonymously, please contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or submit tips online at

Hamilton Police appreciate the community's support and cooperation as this investigation continues.
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bravos 6/22/24, 7:05:48 PM
bravos avatar image

debut: 10/14/09
41,039 runs

In reply to Emir

Yeah stolen pick up yet no mention of or link to stolen rare 90 ton machine worth millions? That in itself would've made for some very dramatic and unbelievable news which no journalist would've passed up on..surely there would've been discussions with industry experts on the magnitude of the theft etc and what would've been required to carry it out etc cctv footage etc and the associated awe . Surely it would be very easy to document identify and track a vessel that took on such a cargo that requires special heavy transport and handling etc.
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sgtdjones 6/22/24, 7:10:38 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs

You cant identify guns coming into T&T..but you are braying about something you know little about.

Any lawyer would say nothing till the police contact you ...

I await the RCMP statement...twisted

I will have a release document from Hamilton Police and will post it, its at the repair shop that accepted the vehicle.
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SnoopDog 6/22/24, 7:12:46 PM
SnoopDog avatar image

debut: 1/24/04
15,665 runs

The beating being administered to our boy Sarge continues unabated.

He's fighting back but most of his punches are hitting air.

Where's the ring doctor? Dukes? Anybody?
sgtdjones 6/22/24, 7:15:53 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
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In reply to SnoopDog

Can you explain to these idiots what I am talking about..

They know nutting about Canadian law ..even that dummy sodden...

The police ask me to say nothing...until investigation is completed even the RCMP...

Notice the broke bobolee from T&T braying...
bravos 6/22/24, 7:22:27 PM
bravos avatar image

debut: 10/14/09
41,039 runs

All they have to do is get the sailing records, cargo manifests, witness statements, port and nearby cctv footage over the time-line the crime occured .

Remember this thing is like a building on wheels but heavier ! Did he/she think a D10 was a farm tractor?
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bravos 6/22/24, 7:25:59 PM
bravos avatar image

debut: 10/14/09
41,039 runs

In reply to nick2020

Ever notice that the most successful threads involving the idiot are the ones where he f@ckin he own self without mercy or grease ?
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sgtdjones 6/22/24, 7:27:01 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
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Trinidad cannot get such records months after a tug Boat and taker spilled oil off Tobago...

So shut your dumb arse...evil
sgtdjones 6/22/24, 7:29:21 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: My email deleted
Date: Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 12:50 PM
Subject: Fwd: Nrinder Nann Statement
To: <>, Cameron Kroetsch <>, <>

Hello Mayor, Councilors ,

I have received a copy of the attached document. Wouldn't it been wise to contact the authorities and gather more information regarding the theft of my truck before issuing such idiotic releases.
My conversation with a police officer this morning suggests that the theft of two trucks, one manufactured in 2004 and the other in 2006, that are coincidentally identical, is quite unusual.

Both vehicles were driven into a concrete wall, resulting in extensive damage to their interiors and shattered windows.

An individual in his 40s, who owns multiple high-value properties in Ward 2 and Ward 3, owns the truck involved in the fire.

This individual is also a responsible taxpayer. The article you provided, which sparked considerable controversy, did not mention the ​44-year-old individual in question.

The newspaper reported on an individual with blonde hair who seemed to be approximately 30 years old.
Have you noticed the differences, councilors? ....

Formerly, Mr. Cameron called them ( campers in Parks) my neighbors in an email, but I told him I don't have such neighbors.
I have complete faith in my neighbor's respect for personal boundaries and would never imagine them using my truck without my consent.
The truck was stolen from Young Street, where it had remained parked consistently for the past 15 years​ on one of my properties.

At 9 a.m. this morning, I collected a document from the Central Police station and coordinated the towing of my truck to Runco, located at Young and John Street in Hamilton.
After receiving the truck and thoroughly cleaning the interior, I made two intriguing discoveries.
​One receipt bearing a masculine name and address.
A key chain displays a woman's name.
I have never engaged in any form of smoking in the truck. Cigarettes butts were found.

Given your connections to influential individuals in Hamilton, as previously stated in your release, could you please inquire about the aforementioned matter?

Could you estimate how many such neighbors live nearby your residences , for curiosity?

The police officer assured me that they would issue a revised statement after I inquired about the truck's theft exclusion in their initial release.

It's noteworthy that they prioritize the cart ​before the horse.
In addition, two city councilors have issued official statements...

It's unfortunate that there appears to be a lack of competence at City Hall in Hamilton.


Councilor ward 3

She made a dumb arse statement without facts...

The Hamilton Police detective was called and collected the evidence found in truck...
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bravos 6/22/24, 7:34:04 PM
bravos avatar image

debut: 10/14/09
41,039 runs

People here we go, 'the truck the truck', the f@ck up truck !

What about the monster D10 worth millions ???
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sgtdjones 6/22/24, 7:36:57 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs

When I get info from Hamilton Police , RCMP about D10 will post such until then I shall be quiet and let jackarses bray...
The RCMP handle investigations when such occurs ...
Theses dummies are unfamiliar with such...thus the braying.

Being a moron that never graduated from high school its beyond you rasshole..

Its obvious you can read but cannot assimilate what I wrote about the D10 above...

What a fcking wonder your rass is broke..
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googley 6/22/24, 8:17:53 PM
googley avatar image

debut: 2/9/04
22,938 runs

I still maintain its someone who knows you and your whereabouts that did the stealing!! lol

who knows, the stuff might have already been shipped overseas! maybe Tnt? lol
bravos 6/22/24, 8:27:54 PM
bravos avatar image

debut: 10/14/09
41,039 runs

Which heavy haulage company moved a D10 recently to the port ? There aren't many , so which was it ? Everyone in the industry would know about this..easy case to crack ..cctv everywhere also...

bravos 6/22/24, 8:37:03 PM
bravos avatar image

debut: 10/14/09
41,039 runs

I have 6 of these trucks on my farm, some SOB stole one a week ago
Also one of my D10 Caterpillar Tractors...

So it's more than one 'farm' spec D10s huh ? What's this mofo farming ???

Oh God lie and say it was a mower or a bobcat nah, not a D10 ffs !! Stupidity and dishonesty is a hapless
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Cheeks 6/22/24, 9:16:11 PM
Cheeks avatar image

debut: 12/3/02
15,499 runs

Another super entertaining gem. big grin
Emir 6/22/24, 10:00:24 PM
Emir avatar image

debut: 8/9/14
18,191 runs

In reply to bravos

Exactly, someone stole a massive, bulky equipment that requires all sorts of coordination to remove it involving many people.

But the sicko didn’t think before he wrote.
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