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One of my farm trucks stolen..#$&***

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sudden 6/24/24, 2:23:56 PM
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debut: 11/27/06
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In reply to SnoopDog

Not losses from lying, thobig grin
sgtdjones 6/24/24, 3:13:56 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs

In reply to SnoopDog

From: Susan deleted
Date: Mon, Jun 24 at 9:51 AM
Subject: Fwd: Status Update: Document Request - Claim # 007000001249095 et al
To: My email deleted

I've uploaded already the documents from the purchase of the truck.

Can you gather up

a recent oil change or service bill from Runco showing the km. It must be in the 120k or 130k now because was 109k two years ago
a picture or two of the truck if you have it
Receipt for wheels and tires
Receipt for paint job if possible
Receipt for any major repairs done recently if any

Latest Oil Change with kilometers

For the D10 Caterpillar , it has been reported to the Hamilton Police. Wawanesa notified of what was told to me in confidence by the police.

Wawanesa Representative that handles such Heavy equipment will contact you shortly.

Please notify the Caterpillar Representative,

Head Office Concord:

Toromont Cat
P.O. Box 5511
3131 Highway 7 West - Building B
Concord, ON L4K5E1

Notify Toromont CAT of the situation, they will need permission to give information to Wawanesa

Since this D10 Caterpillar was purchased 2 years ago, a bill of sale must be provided.

Toromont CAT serviced this D10 , they must provide all documentation.

Be prepared for a tedious and time consuming process during the investigation.

I was advised such equipment are taken apart then shipped by professionals thieves, they have transport, skilled diesel mechanics and customers.

Toromont Cat advised that 6 Caterpillars have gone missing in the Golden horseshoe in the last 14 months.

GPS went silent on June 9th 2024 at 3am on both stolen items

Location: Your farm , in the township of deleted.. Southern Ontario. Canada

The Civil Engineering Company , Projects engineers will be contacted also.

Get Toromont CAT to examine your two other caterpillars on your farm and submit to Wawanesa the report.

Insurance Representative.

Wawanesa Logo and Document Request Icon
Document Request

Wawanesa Agent

Dear Susan,

We require a few pieces of information to help resolve the insurance claim 007000001249095.

Under the Files section in the Claims Central platform, kindly submit the following:

All vehicle documents pertaining to the purchase of the vehicle
A copy of the Bill of Sale
A copy of your most recent service record and/or oil change receipt for mileage confirmation
A copy of receipts for any modification or additional parts added to vehicle (example: paint job, aftermarket wheels and tires)
A couple pictures of vehicle

Sharing these items with us as soon as possible will help expedite the resolution of your claim. Please send these items by email or by signing into Claims Central.

Sign In to Share

Having trouble? Try copy and pasting the link below:

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact me at: (844) 929 2637 ext. 7100 or


Christine Goulay
Claims Adjuster | Auto Physical Damage
The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company
100-4110 Yonge St, Toronto, Ontario, M2P 2B7
Tel: (844) 929 2637 ext. 7100
Wawanesa Logo
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sgtdjones 6/24/24, 3:20:51 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs


If the critics can read and assimilate

Should be interesting to hear their expert opinions

Fcking bunch of losers...

I will get other reports soon... morons.

Envy and jealousy typical crab in the barrel posters...
Ayenmol 6/24/24, 4:12:20 PM
Ayenmol avatar image

debut: 5/4/03
19,373 runs

In reply to sgtdjones

maybe am guilty of all the above...

i would ask for proof or wait for reports....

but they will never sure.

or they'll be more fabrications.

I call on anyone here who has even a paper thin thread of a doubt that you are making this up, to speak up.

Anyone.....even those who generally converse with you here.

I do not have a fraction of the importance you claim....or the responsibilities, yet i cannot find the time to be half as involved here as you.....or even care to be without some other more important thing in my life suffering.

I am now sure that black character was you.

You have to be sane person can carry on like this....or fail to see what others can so clearly.

there is just no other explanation.
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sgtdjones 6/24/24, 6:25:49 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs

In reply to Ayenmol

maybe am guilty of all the above...

I just submitted what my insurance gave me ...your comments are laughable..

Why don't you kindly go fix a roof for Jehovah witness

That where your expertise lies...

Now black and I are the same...razz

He lives in Texas

I live in Southern Ontario...

Your brilliance is astonishing...razz
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googley 6/24/24, 6:50:34 PM
googley avatar image

debut: 2/9/04
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In reply to sgtdjones

Did you hire Snoop to make sure you are getting a fair deal? lol
sgtdjones 6/24/24, 6:59:00 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs

In reply to googley

No, if one hires a lawyer Insurance company will no longer talk to me...

How many lawyers are familiar with a D 10 Caterpillar.

Snoopy is only familiar with his BMW after the Trini girls are finished with it and he needs repairs at the BMW dealer...razz
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bravos 6/24/24, 7:05:28 PM
bravos avatar image

debut: 10/14/09
41,039 runs

Head Office Concord:

Toromont Cat
P.O. Box 5511
3131 Highway 7 West - Building B
Concord, ON L4K5E1

Notify Toromont CAT of the situation, they will need permission to give information to Wawanesa

Since this D10 Caterpillar was purchased 2 years ago, a bill of sale must be provided.

Toromont CAT serviced this D10 , they must provide all documentation.

Be prepared for a tedious and time consuming process during the investigation.

I was advised such equipment are taken apart then shipped by professionals thieves, they have transport, skilled diesel mechanics and customers.

So I decided to have one of my employees contact our victim's Cat Agent Toromont Cat as he posted above, and this is how the emails went . He sent this to me like minutes ago .

First email..

Email thread with replies....

Feel free to contact Ms. Sabrina Kooistra at
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sgtdjones 6/24/24, 7:13:39 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs

....did you read what the Insurance agent said to me

Notify Toromont CAT of the situation, they will need permission to give information to Wawanesa

I haven't given permission nor notified Toromont Cat the details as yet , I need a police report...

Privacy permission...dimwitt..

They cannot give info without my Insurance or my try again...razz
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sgtdjones 6/24/24, 7:30:18 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs

Received today

Paper work galore..

To: deleted
Sent: Monday, June 24th 2024, 10:21 AM
Subject: RE: Claim #1249**** - Questions

Good morning ,

Thank you for returning the signed police consent form to me. I have requested a copy of the police report.
I need your signature on the attached privacy act documents.
I’ll reach out to our appraisal department so they may dispatch an appraiser to Runco’s.
I will forward a police consent form to you in a separate email which is needed for our police report order.

Our underwriting department is reviewing your policy and have asked for additional information to ensure the vehicle(s) on your policy are rated properly.

Can you provide additional information:

What is the trailer used for?
How long have you been using it commercially?
Have you advised your broker?
Are any other vehicles on the policy being used for anything other than personal use?


Christine Goulay | Claims Adjuster 3, Auto Physical Damage
The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company
100-4110 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON M2P 2B7
TF: 1-844-929-2637 Ext. 7100
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sgtdjones 6/24/24, 7:50:51 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs

Sabrina Kooistra<>
Mon 2024-06-24 2:40 PM

Good afternoon.

Thank you for your e-mail. 
We take the Privacy Act very serious at Toromont.
I can assure you – there was no personal information shared or exchanged about any of our customers

Thank you

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bravos 6/24/24, 8:21:19 PM
bravos avatar image

debut: 10/14/09
41,039 runs

Hahaha a purported copy and paste of an e-mail but post *edited

And which Canadian says they take something 'very serious' and not 'very seriously' , and why not post a screenshot ?

I know why..

Yuh hear lie..
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bravos 6/24/24, 8:24:53 PM
bravos avatar image

debut: 10/14/09
41,039 runs

Why all the 'confidentiality' anyone with a missing piece of equipment would like the word to be spread by all and any means ...

This guy/girl is far gone and beyond help..

Sad case..
sudden 6/24/24, 8:31:48 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,393 runs

In reply to bravos

Well well well
sudden 6/24/24, 8:32:11 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,393 runs

In reply to sgtdjones

Have you no shame
nick2020 6/24/24, 9:27:08 PM
nick2020 avatar image

debut: 7/2/12
28,755 runs

In reply to sudden

Did I miss something?

Trip to India?
nick2020 6/24/24, 9:29:47 PM
nick2020 avatar image

debut: 7/2/12
28,755 runs

In reply to sudden

Well well well

big grin
sgtdjones 6/24/24, 9:50:48 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs

In reply to sudden

Have you no shame

when addressing losers ..nah

The idiot bobolee from T&T ..I high lighted the line thus edited..

look how many came out from under their rocks to comment.

See I just did the line to you dummy above...razz
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sudden 6/24/24, 9:51:42 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,393 runs

In reply to nick2020

You just can’t make this Shoite up

Then again, he did
sgtdjones 6/24/24, 9:53:28 PM
sgtdjones avatar image

debut: 2/16/17
36,617 runs

In reply to sudden

hey fatso

you are a failure in every thing you did in your life..

Bobolee is broke...

I have a lot of documentation that is needed by Wawanesa...ta ta...
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sudden 6/24/24, 9:56:11 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,393 runs

Teacher Percy say if you tell a lie
You going to hell as soon as you die
bravos 6/24/24, 10:14:46 PM
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bravos 6/24/24, 10:24:09 PM
bravos avatar image

debut: 10/14/09
41,039 runs

In reply to Ayenmol

That's why I don't engage with that clown. It's an insult to one's self .
Emir 6/24/24, 11:16:45 PM
Emir avatar image

debut: 8/9/14
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In reply to bravos

googley 6/25/24, 12:20:11 AM
googley avatar image

debut: 2/9/04
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In reply to sgtdjones

You should hire SnoopDog..dem insurance company will rob you blind. SnoopDog might even do it pro.bono lol
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