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Emir 2024-06-21 13:32:48 

All for his love of Zionism.

1. He knew his base and centrist are scared of a Trump's presidency and all he had to do was smile and show he can walk to win, but then Israel golden opportunity to finally exterminate and ethnically cleanse Palestine popped up,
2, So he calculated he can support, defend and protect Israel while they slaughter the Palestinians under his guidance and watch
3. When the world called it a genocide- he sent his goons to threaten and silence smaller countries.
4. Now, his base and others from the various constituencies that would have voted to keep Trump out, are holding firm, his narrative as driven by MSNBC is it will be the end of democracy and our nation if Trump returns, so you have no choice but to vote for me.

In essence, he gambled with the country, if Trump wins, it will be BIDEN who is responsible.

XDFIX 2024-06-21 14:16:25 

In reply to Emir

Bro, you think the world revolves around Gaza? What's happening in Sudan is worse than Gaza!!

velo 2024-06-21 15:21:26 

Biden has been holding the world hostage since his election threatening to with hold funds and put sanctions on countries like south africa and uganda if they dont toe the line of america policies not just this gaza issue

Emir 2024-06-21 15:47:40 

In reply to XDFIX

But Biden is not financing, protecting, and assisting with the Sudan genocide, as he is doing with the Palestine, that is the difference.

To assist and promote the Palestine genocide, he has:
1. Given new aid in the sun of $15 Bil to Israel, plus a blank check in case more is needed.
2. Veto or block all UN resolutions- attempted to economically harm countries that protested the genocide.
3. Provided arms, intelligence, attacked others fighting against it, allowed Zionist Americas to fight as Israeli soldiers, and lied to Americans.

Are you just naive and ill informed or you pulling a page from the evangelicals to distort.

Fantom 2024-06-25 02:17:47 

In reply to Emir

I support and will fight for your right to express your opinions and pressure Biden based on your policy objectives.

However, if you believe that criminal45 working with the criminalzionist will be better for you, for Palestinians, Muslims or humanity, may Allah be with you.