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Origins of the gospels?

trev114 2024-06-21 16:36:02 

The religious might differ

XDFIX 2024-06-21 19:02:14 

The theologian and journalist suggests that slaves in the Roman empire contributed to the core texts of Christianity in this refreshingly readable book

They did an inspired job, scholarship and all! Slaves on this side of the pond back in the day weren't even allowed to read!

Drapsey 2024-06-22 23:07:38 

In reply to trev114

Good topic on the anniversary of the day "Joshua commanded the sun to stand still".

Yes, that phenomenon has everything to do with June 22 being the longest day of the year.

Brerzerk 2024-06-22 23:47:47 

In reply to Drapsey

No scientific assistance to 'ol Josh just God n Aaron "nummu?" Hmmm

Emir 2024-06-23 13:16:01 

In reply to Brerzerk

The New Testament and the modern day bibles- all the umpteen various versions, are 100% man made- it was an attempt to Europeanize the authentic Old Testament with Euro Pagan culture- it was vastly successful.

Today we only have the Coptic church and tiny snippets of Byzantine faith that maintain the authentic teaching of the Holy Prophet Jesus Christ.

My great great grand mother- she was Indian, from Moradabad was a life long Christian, active in her small village church, and a travelling preacher, who never practiced the Euro Pagan version, believed in all the prophets, and never spoke of Jesus from the Euro pagan perspective of the Trinity and believed in one Supreme God.