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Jonestown Survivor: Jim Jones II

googley 2024-06-22 20:25:41 

Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Jonestown Survivor: Trump Has “All the Trappings” of Being the Next Jim Jones

[The way you describe a cult leader, I can’t help but think about Donald Trump’s own personality and his rhetoric and habits. People do frequently refer to MAGA as a cult.

I said he was a cult leader three years ago. He has all the aspects of a cult leader and as for his followers, I was watching a video this morning where someone at a Trump rally said, “He could kill someone at the White House, and I would still support him.” That’s the kind of absolute control that a cult leader somehow mesmerizes followers to follow. He has all of the trappings. He’s charismatic. Some would argue he’s megalomaniac. He’s paranoid. And all of that makes for a toxic soup that we may be forced to deal with once again

googley 2024-06-22 20:26:39 

With the election coming up, you have a very unique insight into the worst case scenarios of this kind of situation. I’m wondering what you’re feeling.

I am completely disturbed by the potential of another four years of Donald Trump. I served in Congress during his tenure and thank God we had control of the House during most of that time. I was in the House gallery when January 6 took place. I’m lying on the floor in the gallery and there’s a gunshot that rings out in the Speaker’s lobby. And I thought, “Oh my God, I survived the jungles of Guyana and I’m going to die in this tabernacle of democracy.” I mean, that’s how close I thought we were. And it could have been much worse in terms of bloodshed had more guns been brought into the Capitol.

Brerzerk 2024-06-22 20:40:56 

In reply to googley

Thank God Jackie was able a full life to retirement. Would've been sad to go on a fact-finding mission as a junior staffer and end up dead

Chrissy 2024-06-22 21:23:55 

In reply to googley
She’s right

XDFIX 2024-06-22 22:19:03 

In reply to googley

Trump cannot go more than 4 years, if he wins - his cultish behavior, if any, will be limited!

Drapsey 2024-06-22 23:15:44 

In reply to XDFIX

Trump cannot go more than 4 years, if he wins - his cultish behavior, if any, will be limited!

Should Trump regain the Whitehouse he'll say that the standing term limit is limited to two-consecutive terms, not two that are separated. So, he would have every right to seek that unprecedented 3rd term, age notwithstanding.

googley 2024-06-23 00:42:25 

In reply to XDFIX

Hopefully 4 years but this time changes are being planned from day one