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Emir 2024-06-23 18:13:54 

That and the belief that milk is good for adults is one of the biggest mistakes in the history of modern nutrition.

Humans are the only species that regularly drink the milk of another species, and worse, drink milk past infancy. Cow’s milk is designed for calves and, therefore, has a completely different nutrient profile from human breast milk. Modifying it slightly and calling it a formula makes little difference.

The act of drinking milk becomes even weirder when one considers the diseases milk causes. Lactose intolerance (gas, diarrhoea and belly pain) is found in 75 per cent of the world’s population and even higher among brown-skinned peoples. About five per cent of infants are allergic to the protein in cow’s milk. It causes constipation, abdominal discomfort and vomiting.

Leading cause of disease

Chrissy 2024-06-23 18:37:15 

In reply to Emir
Was never a milk drinker -even as a toddler, I used to spit out the milk and the porridge, but I do like the occasional coffee ice-cream.
You will never ever see me drinking a glass of milk.

Drapsey 2024-06-23 18:54:07 

In reply to Emir

Humans are the only species that regularly drink the milk of another species, and worse, drink milk past infancy. Cow’s milk is designed for calves and, therefore, has a completely different nutrient profile from human breast milk. Modifying it slightly and calling it a formula makes little difference.

Now, here is an investment idea. Let's get into the human milk production business. We don't have to do the production locally. Like most modern 'manufacturing' processes, we can take advantage of the readily available Chinese resources.

Details to follow.

XDFIX 2024-06-23 19:11:35 

In reply to Drapsey

The on the average 6 feet American men and over 5 feet women will generally attribute that height to milk!

That said, a lot of different milk on the market these days!

johndom90 2024-06-23 20:13:21 

Lactose intolerance

Knowledge is Power! A true and powerful statement .

Human beings are naturally " Lactose Intolerant " ( lactase non persistent"), we lose the ability to efficiently process the lactose in dairy products from about age 26 and should gradually reduce intake of such products as we age. Being openly lactose intolerant means that you eschew more symptoms than most, but
we are all at risk. The advice is not to totally eliminate....but to reduce consumption/intake- its tough to eliminate that peanut iceream/cheesecake altogether ...but ....reduced consumption will do.

Why this is not common knowledge passed on to the masses?

As usual the answer can be found by following the money... $$$$$ to the trillion dollar milk industry lobby.

and ...after Covid ....we know how the health "professionals " will roll.

so you are quite right.....

KTom 2024-06-23 22:01:36 

In reply to Emir

Humans are the only species that regularly drink the milk of another species, and worse, drink milk past infancy.

Humans are also the only species that cook food, breed and eat domesticated animals, farm crops, ferment alcohol, etc. Following the good doctor's logic, it would seem that humans should only consume raw meat and wild plants, and drink water.

Cow’s milk is designed for calves and, therefore, has a completely different nutrient profile from human breast milk.

Designed by whom? Let us use the word adapted. I would agree that the nutrient profiles are different, but hardly completely different - both contain proteins, fat, the sugar lactose (yes, nearly all infants are lactose tolerant), vitamins, calcium, etc. That human milk may be slightly nutritionally superior to cow's milk for infants is why medical authorities typically recommend breastfeeding, where possible.

But the subject at hand is adult (or non-infant) consumption of cow's milk. The point is whether the difference between human milk and cow's milk is relevant at all. The human digestive system does not recognise the sources of ingested material. It's role is simply to break down this material into digestible constitutent parts - proteins are ultimately broken down into individual amino acids, sugars into glucose, fats into fatty acids - and eject the rest. What counts, of course, is the nutritional value of the overall diet.

The act of drinking milk becomes even weirder when one considers the diseases milk causes. Lactose intolerance (gas, diarrhoea and belly pain) is found in 75 per cent of the world’s population and even higher among brown-skinned peoples.

I would not characterise lactose intolerance as a disease. If the symptoms of drinking milk are intolerable, don't drink it. What's weird about drinkng milk (or eating cheese, yoghurt, cream) if a person is lactose tolerant, it's a good source of protein, fats, sugar, vitamins, calcium, etc, and it's pleasurable to do so?

I will continue to consume my usual 2-3 pints a day.

Chrissy 2024-06-23 23:16:00 

In reply to KTom
All animals drink water

KTom 2024-06-23 23:36:30 

In reply to Chrissy

How is that relevant? The thread is about milk (which is about 90% water). If you wish to subsist on a diet of water, uncooked flesh and wild fruit and vegetables in solidarity with the rest of the animal kingdom, be my guest.

Brerzerk 2024-06-23 23:49:58 

In reply to XDFIX

To high protein diet not milk. Within 40yrs of WWII The Avg Japanese was 2" taller... eggs one of the main reason

KTom 2024-06-24 00:11:12 

The good doctor continues:

Milk damages the intestine in babies and adults. It causes bleeding. The blood loss causes iron deficiency anaemia which, among other things, causes tiredness, weakness, depression, amenorrhoea and headache.

Am I allowed to ask how it damages the intestine? Or would that be pedantic and boring? Where does the blood come from and where does it go?

Because of excessive intake, high cholesterol and fat content, milk is implicated in the development of obesity and its companion diseases, heart attacks, strokes and diabetes.

So is milk the problem or only its excessive intake? I'm reminded of the maxim - the dose makes the poison.

High milk consumption during adolescence is associated with a higher chance of old-age fractures. Europeans, who drink the most milk, have the highest rate of hip fractures, whereas persons from Asia hardly experience similar fractures.

The logic eludes me. Is he claiming a direct causal link between drinking milk and brittle bones? Is he suggesting that high consumption of calcium - which conventional medicine teaches strengthens bones - actually weakens them? If Europeans (I assune he means whites) do indeed have a higher incidence of old-age fractures than Asians, I would contend a more reasonable explanation be that whites generally have a greater life expectancy than Asians, and so one would expect to see a correlation with age-related maladies.

Halliwell 2024-06-24 01:06:26 

Excellent deconstruction of that Facebook-worthy post.

dayne 2024-06-24 14:10:01 

Well, the milk sold in the modern times is much different from the milk sold decades ago. Especially in the first world countries where big profits determine most things, big milk retailers sell milk full of additives, like antibiotics, growth hormones, steroids. Those additives affect people in different ways, here are some ways, for grown men it could lead to an enlarge prostate, as the growth hormones could keep the prostate growing, #2, it can make both girls and boys enter puberty earlier, #3, milk creates mucus in a person's body, especially if they have any mild infection, sometimes that mucus get trapped around to brain which could lead to strokes and amnesia as a person gets older, sometimes the mucus settles around the joints that cause arthritis.

Halliwell 2024-06-24 20:56:35 

In reply to dayne

Bro, milk must be free from Steroids, Antibiotics and Growth Hormones before it is fit to be sold for human consumption…BY LAW!!!
No international producer will risk that.

WI_cricfan 2024-06-24 21:00:27 

In reply to Chrissy

All animals drink water

Me goat, sheep, and cow suck dem momma bubbie

dayne 2024-06-24 21:17:55 

In reply to Halliwell
Where did you find that law? I doubt it exists, I do not know if you remember about 15 years ago Oprah Winfrey was sued by the American Farmers Association, because on one of her shows she highlighted the same list of things I highlighted in my post. The Farmers won the lawsuit and the courts give them the greenlight to continue giving their cows the chemicals. Oprah had to pay 20 million dollars for the damages and loss of sales the farmers incurred.

sgtdjones 2024-06-25 01:22:46 

In reply to KTom

When I was in Gothenburg, I was told this at Chalmers University by a professor who was

The Scandinavians, like the rest of humanity, are unable to synthesize vitamin D in their epidermis for the majority of the year due to the feeble sunlight they experience as a result of their location in the far north. 
Consequently, the discovery of a mutation that allowed them to metabolize milk as adults led to a rapid dispersion of the mutation throughout the population.
They are the only ones that can....
This was due to the fact that dairy products contain an adequate quantity of vitamin D, which allowed them to survive in the environment.
Nevertheless, rickets were a widespread problem before this discovery, notably in the aftermath of the industrial revolution, which led to a decline in outdoor activity. 

Furthermore, individuals who immigrate to this region from other countries frequently face obstacles. If they have a darker complexion, they are even more susceptible to vitamin D deficiency than their native counterparts. 
This is the underlying cause of the melanin deficiency in this region.

Halliwell 2024-06-25 09:50:12 

In reply to dayne

You ‘doubt the law exists’. Please google it for US, Aus, Can, EU and UK.

Oprah was sued because it was false or misleading info she was peddling. What looks nice on a meme is sometimes not factual.

Brerzerk 2024-06-25 14:12:51 

In reply to sgtdjones

You can live a whole lifetime in that region of the world never ever drink milk and not have Vit D deficiency.
That region's diet is rich in oily fish and eggs two main sources of Vit D. Professor lie?
By the way Oprah was sued by the beef industry, not the dairy industry

DukeStreet 2024-06-25 15:43:31 

In reply to Halliwell

In other news, UK removes organic human breast milk from the market

People lambasting raw, organic and screened cow milk but got wonderful breast milk ice cream running rampant in the UK. lol

dayne 2024-06-25 16:00:32 

In reply to Halliwell

Well, you are not well informed, if you google it with this question " Is antibiotics and growth hormones used on farms" ? You will get a nice short definitive answer that will be in agreement with what I said. The use of those chemicals on farms have been a source of concern for decades, in Mexico where the use is overly done in some instances, it is reported that the young girls develop breast at six years old in some towns

sgtdjones 2024-06-25 16:18:22 

In reply to Brerzerk

That region's diet is rich in oily fish and eggs two main sources of Vit D. Professor lie?

Consequently, the discovery of a mutation that allowed them to metabolize milk as adults led to a rapid dispersion of the mutation throughout the population.
Nevertheless, rickets were a widespread problem before this discovery, since you are an expert on Vitamin explain about rickets?


sgtdjones 2024-06-25 16:20:29 

In reply to Halliwell

Well, you are not well informed, if you google it with this question

Don't you have google on your speed dial it knows every thing...this way you can be well informedrazz

Halliwell 2024-06-25 18:30:31 

In reply to sgtdjones

I give up with some people here.

No wonder Doctor Zinc and Vitamin TRUM&P showed up!

Brerzerk 2024-06-25 18:52:58 

In reply to sgtdjones

Rickets is vitamin D/Calcium deficiency disease. In the absence of Vit D the body. Cannot efficiently synthesize and absorb Calcium and Phosphorus. In adults both muscle and bones could be so weakened as to cause falls. Most obvious lack in young uns is rickets but many other things can occur even brittle teeth.
The source of D has no relationship to Rickets or else strict vegetarians who couldn't get enough sunlight would be bowlegged, with broken teeth and falling over because they don't drink milk. SMH!

nitro 2024-06-26 01:35:10 

In reply to Emir

I suffered from daily consumption of milk for years. A dermatologist told me that it was the cause of my severe acne when I was 17. Never listened to her, stopped at Devon House for ice cream after I left her office on Oxford Rd. Developed severe sinus problems later on, doctor told me the same thing but milk was too good. After having bun and cheese one Easter, woke up the next day with both eyes swollen. That was that.

methodic 2024-06-26 02:27:56 

In reply to KTom

Ah go hear bout you

sgtdjones 2024-06-26 03:15:52 

In reply to Brerzerk

Rickets is usually caused by a lack of vitamin D, calcium or phosphorus.
Vitamin D deficiency can occur as a result of having dark skin, lack of exposure of the skin to sunlight, nutritional deficiencies and disorders of the liver, kidney or small intestine.

KTom 2024-06-26 16:51:46 

In reply to sgtdjones

Consequently, the discovery of a mutation that allowed them to metabolize milk as adults led to a rapid dispersion of the mutation throughout the population.

Do you mean emergence, rather than discovery?

This was due to the fact that dairy products contain an adequate quantity of vitamin D, which allowed them to survive in the environment.

The vitamin D content of dairy products is considered to be low (where not fortified); the overall nutritional benefits of milk are more pertinent in this regard. It would seem you're confusing the incidence of lactose tolerance/persistence with that of lighter skin pigmentation.

KTom 2024-06-26 16:54:05 

In reply to dayne

I do not know if you remember about 15 years ago Oprah Winfrey was sued by the American Farmers Association, because on one of her shows she highlighted the same list of things I highlighted in my post. The Farmers won the lawsuit and the courts give them the greenlight to continue giving their cows the chemicals. Oprah had to pay 20 million dollars for the damages and loss of sales the farmers incurred.

Is there a single assertion here which could be said to be factually correct?

dayne 2024-06-26 19:19:09 

In reply to KTom

There are many, Oprah was sued, the farmers won the lawsuit and animals like chickens, cows and pigs are routinely given steroids, antibiotics and growth hormones. Some people's health is negatively affected by that practice.

KTom 2024-06-26 19:56:12 

In reply to dayne

Let's begin with the first assertion:

I do not know if you remember about 15 years ago

I don't remember. When was it?

granite 2024-06-26 21:45:50 

In reply to Chrissy

Recently I started drinking milk and now I get this sort of news,what do i do now,in fact I'll check it out because I kind of like it.

dayne 2024-06-27 10:01:22 

In reply to KTom

Search Google for the info, however Oprah was sued in 1996, so it is more than 20 years ago

KTom 2024-06-27 10:28:02 

In reply to dayne

Search Google for the info, however Oprah was sued in 1996, so it is more than 20 years ago

I'll take this as a concession that the first assertion was false or, at least, highly inaccurate.

sued by the American Farmers Association

Google turns up no information on such a body. Please advise.

Emir 2024-06-27 12:03:47 

In reply to granite

There is no value in drinking commercial milk if you are an adult.