The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket


Emir 6/24/24, 12:41:55 PM
Emir avatar image

debut: 8/9/14
18,262 runs

Always been used by Elite White, a violent people

Throughout U.S. history, white men’s anxieties over their manhood and social class help explain many violent attacks on Black people, whom the perpetrators blame for denying them their rightful privileges.
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XDFIX 6/24/24, 1:19:26 PM
XDFIX avatar image

debut: 3/2/03
17,760 runs

In reply to Emir

I think black on black crime is a more serious issue!
dayne 6/24/24, 1:40:49 PM
dayne avatar image

debut: 5/29/07
8,095 runs

In reply to XDFIX

Don't you think that societal pressures and injustices practiced by White males contribute to the level of Black on Black crime in mainly under-funded minority areas? Over the last 400 years White men have practiced more crimes than anyone else. Slavery, the stealing of lands, stolen labour, genocides, ethnic cleansing, cancelling of cultures and native languages are all crimes against humanity.
XDFIX 6/24/24, 1:47:11 PM
XDFIX avatar image

debut: 3/2/03
17,760 runs

In reply to dayne

Black is not the only minority - say a prayer for the Red Indians!
Brerzerk 6/24/24, 2:33:53 PM
Brerzerk avatar image

debut: 3/16/21
11,330 runs

In reply to XDFIX

White on white? Aren’t there more of them with more guns hence more crime on black, brown and each other?
Did you watch The Chorlotville Tiki Torch March’ and next day violence, are you brainwashed? Sorry forgot you wouldn’t realize.
XDFIX 6/24/24, 3:52:48 PM
XDFIX avatar image

debut: 3/2/03
17,760 runs

In reply to Brerzerk

Bro, at some stage in our development, we have to take responsibility for ourselves!

My point is black on black crime is a more serious issue, at least to me!
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Brerzerk 6/24/24, 4:51:05 PM
Brerzerk avatar image

debut: 3/16/21
11,330 runs

In reply to XDFIX

Crime is crime, is crime. The greater the societal conditions that promote it the more there is.
Criminal minds exist yes, societal conditions are greater contributors
velo 6/24/24, 6:06:13 PM
velo avatar image

debut: 7/29/19
4,252 runs

In reply to XDFIX

What is a red indian ?that is a very outdated term which is not historically accurate in the first place .native americans have limited authority over the areas that were given to them by the us government which is significantly less than what they were promised .these reservations suffer from the same social blight that you find in inner city communities in black and latino communities. addiction ,crime,high levels of unemployment ,and low levels of higher education and lack of government funding.
So i do believe that people should be accountable for what they do. you can"t ignore the aspects that put them there either.
Brerzerk 6/24/24, 6:44:21 PM
Brerzerk avatar image

debut: 3/16/21
11,330 runs

In reply to velo

Notice how quickly rust-belt and coal-mining Appalachian areas that have lost jobs devolve into higher crime and drug addiction. Compare that with 400yrs of deprivation. Why are black people concentrated in certain areas instead of there being "spelled, polka-dotted" communities? 400yrs vs 2 generations
Chrissy 6/24/24, 6:56:39 PM
Chrissy avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
195,931 runs

In reply to Emir
Black people? First they came for the indigenous people.
The good news for humanity is that they are outnumbered. We won’t be around to see it, but between China and India ‘dis done’.