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Emir 2024-06-26 10:54:49 

The most expensive race for a house seat in US History.

AIPAC, the Government of Israel, White liberal democrats, including Hillary Clinton and others- all worked together to unseat Jamaal Bowman in the primary.

Democrats and MSNBC go up in arms when jerrymandering of seats in the south weakens minority strongholds giving white republicans victory in many seats in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia & Flordia.

Jamaals' seat was reconfigured- a part of his Bronc base which includes a heavy base of Afro West Indian Americans and South Asian Guyanese Americans were cut from the constituency and in place, a whiter part of Westchester county was added.

That along with foreign Zionist election meddling and White Liberal Democrats worked in smooth unity to remove a progressive.

And we will ask why is Biden falling in the polls.

dayne 2024-06-26 12:32:55 

In reply to Emir

Yes, Bowman have too many forces against him, but he could hold his head up high, he lost to a corrupt system

camos 2024-06-26 14:45:21 

In reply to Emir

the same coalition is working to elect Trump and a lot of people seem unaware!

Fantom 2024-06-26 16:57:29 

In reply to camos

the same coalition is working to elect Trump and a lot of people seem unaware!

This Emir is too smart for his own good.

Chrissy 2024-06-26 17:24:00 

In reply to Emir
They succeeded - hmmmmmmmm

birdseye 2024-06-26 18:28:37 

In reply to Emir

Bowman is his own worst enemy. He is to a certain extent like a bull in china shop, he often makes mistakes or causes damage in situations that require careful thinking and behavior….sad to say, but a successful politician has to be first and foremost a tactician/diplomat …I am not saying to compromise your principles, but somethings are better left unsaid when running for office. You have to understand your surroundings---AOC is part of his camp, but she has a different constituency, and won her primary.

KTom 2024-06-26 20:02:11 

After earning his undergraduate degree, Bowman decided not to pursue a career in sports management. Upon the suggestion of a family friend who worked for the New York City Department of Education, Bowman began working as an educator. His first job was as a crisis management teacher in a South Bronx elementary school.[13] In 2009, he founded Cornerstone Academy for Social Action, a public middle school in the Bronx.[12][13]

As principal of Cornerstone Academy for Social Action, Bowman curated a "wall of honor" featuring likenesses of prominent Black, Latino, and Asian individuals. Its honorees included Martin Luther King Jr., Sonia Sotomayor, Cynthia McKinney, Mutulu Shakur, and Assata Shakur.[19][20][21] HuffPost political reporter Daniel Marans criticized Bowman for including "a notorious antisemite and two Black militants convicted of murder and armed robbery"; Bowman's campaign spokesperson responded that it is "a rhetorical tool of the far right to insinuate educating students on major figures of Black American history is serving to promote hateful or divisive rhetoric or actions."[19]

Bowman became a leading advocate against standardized testing.[22][23] His blog on the role of standardized testing received national attention.[22] He wrote that high-stakes testing had a role in perpetuating inequalities,[24] including turnover, tumult, and a vicious cycle it creates in students' and educators' lives, saying performance assessments damage a school's ability to teach.

Bowman also advocated for children to receive arts, history, and science education in addition to the basics of literacy and numeracy.[22] Bowman's school policy used a restorative justice model to address the school-to-prison pipeline.[25] After 10 years as principal, he left the job to focus on his congressional campaign.

Performance on State Tests
of students at this school met State standards on the State English test; the average score was 2.4 out of 4.5
Comparison Group*: 42%
District 11: 38%
City: 50%

Performance on State Tests
of students at this school met State standards on the State math test; the average score was 2.5 out of 4.5
Comparison Group*: 43%
District 11: 41%
City: 53%


If my school had those results, I would be against standardised testing, too. Test results in arts, history and science education were unavailable.

Walco 2024-06-26 20:12:42 

Bowman was lucky to serve 2 terms as the congressman for that district. To say that his politics did not match the politics of his constituents would be an understatement. The Hamas-Israeli war brought things to a head. I was surprised by the number of Jews in Bowman's district.

Emir 2024-06-26 20:34:39 

In reply to Walco

After it was gerrymandered

Emir 2024-06-26 20:35:35 

In reply to camos

It is a shame, liberal democrats working with AIPAC and MAGA to unseat progressives

Emir 2024-06-26 20:36:13 

Yes, they did

He should now go up as an Independent.

Walco 2024-06-26 20:43:26 

In reply to Emir
That district had a lot of jews before and after redistricting. The main difference between 2022 and now is that a mostly Caribbean community in the north Bronx was switched for an older mostly black community in the north Bronx called coop city.

Walco 2024-06-26 20:46:37 

In reply to Emir
Running as an independent may get the Republican elected, which would not bode well for Bowman's future in the party. Recently I saw parts of a profanity laden campaign speech given by Bowman that was not a good look. I knew then that he knew he was losing his congressional seat.

alfa1975 2024-06-26 23:12:35 

[b]In reply to birdseye[
Not aware that AOC had a primary. Last election she was in my congressional district.In 2020 Bowman was in my district then newly configured to exclude some areas of the North Bronx. In 2022 they returned this area to the Queens /North Bronx district. Bowman also fell victim to the new redistricting that included more of north Westchester County.

Latimer will not be get any of the votes in my household.No voting down the line.

Brerzerk 2024-06-27 07:28:40 

AIPAC is on the verge of taking out Cory Bush too! Imagine her dem primary AIPAC backed opponent
once managed a Repub candidates campaign. That Repub is anti-abortion and all the rest.
Standardized testing does have many drawbacks. Since JA has upgraded Junior Sec to High many of those kids
are now competing with and even outdoing many from traditional high schools. We have much to learn about educating different children.

90% of JA's best early days musicians were boys taken from the streets, many considered hopeless or recommended to reform schools.

I came across a book in a public library in Berkeley authored by Mortimer Pllanno. The masters candidate who wrote the forward said Mortimer
authored it in one day. Mortimer was sent to reform school in Stony Hill because he was considered a 'bad bway'

KTom 2024-06-27 10:40:41 

In reply to Brerzerk

Since JA has upgraded Junior Sec to High many of those kids
are now competing with and even outdoing many from traditional high schools. We have much to learn about educating different children.

Are you suggesting that the below-average results in English and maths proficiency of the Cornerstone Academy for Social Action may have been the intended goal?

Emir 2024-06-27 12:00:05 

In reply to Walco

The main difference between 2022 and now is that a mostly Caribbean community in the north Bronx was switched for an older mostly black community in the north Bronx called coop city.

No, not true, this is exactly the statement made by the analyst at MSNBC- the attack ads by MAGA, AIPAIC AND White Liberals was just too much.

Brerzerk 2024-06-27 14:19:27 

In reply to KTom

Perhaps I'm not able to make a clear point. Generalizations based solely on standardized testing are not facts. You could test someone this morning then at noon and get different results and not because the morning test gave them more insight. Standardized test on its own is not an absolute measure of knowledge and ability

Emir 2024-06-27 15:06:14 

In reply to Brerzerk

AIPAC is on the verge of taking out Cory Bush too! Imagine her dem primary AIPAC backed opponent
once managed a Repub candidates campaign

And the sad thing is White Liberals- mainstream democrats are working with AIPAC, ignoring foreign government hacking by Israel and working with MAGA operatives to unseat minority progressives.

MSNBC, except Joy and a couple others, are lying and hiding this fact.

We cannot sat Russia is meddling and not equally calling out Israel and we hid that these White Liberals and mainstream democrats are working together to remove progressives who call out genocide.

Now, people, don't ask why the base is staying home.

JOJO 2024-06-27 16:05:04 

In reply to Emir

You so full of shit—as usual. You and others perpetuating this bullshit that somehow AIPAC bought the election. Bowman was polling about 17 points down BEFORE AIPAC spent one cent on the election.

In 2022, he won his primary—as an incumbent—with only about 52% of the vote. Since then, he did nothing except run his mouth.

The problem is that some of these folks believe that the loud, brash, white, rich trust fund leftists are the majority. They are not. So while they make the most noise, ordinary people go about their business…and vote.

Bowman voted against one of Biden’s most popular bills—the infrastructure bill. Guess how that played in a democratic primary in a liberal district.

Emir 2024-06-27 16:08:36 

In reply to JOJO

Jackass, go educate yourself then come back in my post.

JOJO 2024-06-27 16:15:34 

In reply to Emir

Jackass, go educate yourself then come back in my post

I just gave you some facts, not some bullshit to support your twisted Islam-centric view of the world.

Working with MAGA operatives? Keep making shit up, as you always do.

camos 2024-06-27 16:31:33 

In reply to JOJO

Infrastructure bill did not hurt him half as much as support for Palestine! APIAC spent $15 million because of his support for Palestine, and they have decided to support Trump because he will have no restrictions on Israel.

JOJO 2024-06-27 16:38:09 

In reply to camos

Once again—Fact 1: the guy was down about 17 points before AIPAC spent one cent on the race.

Fact 2: As an incumbent in 2022, he was only about to get about 52 percent of the vote.

He was a bad candidate who did not fit in the district…a district with a large Jewish population. Of course his support for Hamas hurt him. He denied (recorded) that Hamas raped women on October 7, despite the evidence.

So you think it would have been wise for a candidate running in little Havana to express support for Castro? And you think a candidate running in Dearborn Michigan would express support for Israel?

Emir 2024-06-27 18:11:15 

In reply to JOJO

You are even a bigger ass than I had given you credit for.

How can you be so dumb and dotish all at the same time.

Emir 2024-06-27 18:13:12 

In reply to camos

This is what Jackass JOJO wrote:

Of course his support for Hamas hurt him. He denied (recorded) that Hamas raped women on October 7, despite the evidence.

These words are exactly what was in one of AIPAC ad.

XDFIX 2024-06-27 18:31:53 

Bowman does not know the art of politics, let alone the science, period!

Trump winning this election, yuh reading it here first!

Brerzerk 2024-06-27 18:46:59 

In reply to JOJO

how is 52% of the vote in a NY congressional district that consist of city and conservative suburbs not a good win?
Surely Bowman was always iffy but don't discount that victory. Did the NY Times have to let go one of their journalists over
dem 'said same' rape claims?

imusic 2024-06-27 20:37:28 

JoJo knows his stuff

Emir 2024-06-27 20:57:19 

In reply to imusic

Yeah, like how he got trapped with AIPAC words- conflating Palestinians with Hamas. Supporting a ceasefire as support for Hamas and falling lock stock and barrel for the attack ads from AIPAC, MAGA and Israel.

camos 2024-06-27 21:45:42 

In reply to imusic

JoJo knows his stuff
JoJO using APIAC talking points, they are against anyone that does call into question aspects of the Israeli conduct in the war, another black woman was also targeted.

XDFIX 2024-06-28 00:14:55 

In reply to camos

JoJO using APIAC talking points

So, what if it makes sense?