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Jamaica Vs Ecuador

birdseye 2024-06-26 22:01:46 

Starting at 6 pm (now)

hubert 2024-06-26 22:16:09 

In reply to birdseye

Down 0-1 after 12 minutes

birdseye 2024-06-26 22:22:46 

In reply to hubert

Own goal

hubert 2024-06-26 22:26:42 

Still 1-0 Ecuador after 20 minutes. Boyz won two corners but nothing going on
up front as they have been under pressure all game so far.
Conceded goal was a it strange as what appeared to be long range shot that dipped late,eluded
Waite over his left shoulder as he retreated across his goal .

hubert 2024-06-26 22:27:42 

Was it...strange one indeed on part of GK.
But that is what constant pressure does. Boyz defense looks woeful.
They need to get in the game.

30 minutes gone and they still don't look like they know what time it is

hubert 2024-06-26 22:35:22 

First good constructive work results in Reid taking a shot .save easily but .showed promise
for the first time in attack.

hubert 2024-06-26 22:43:40 

Hard tackle from Lowe gains him a yellow as Ecudaor continues to make
easy passage through Boyz territory.. Tempers flared briefly but after
40 minutes its still Boyz under the gun as they cannot mount any attack pf

hubert 2024-06-26 22:49:43 

In reply to hubert

Corner conceded off a defender and checks for Penalty underway as it came close to the arm of a defender as it goes
out for the corner. VAR taking time.

Penalty given as Leigh's elbow got in the way of the ball.

hubert 2024-06-26 22:50:53 

2-0 Paez converted well and came close again just high on stroke of half time.

Complete dominance by Ecuador in the half..
Coach 'Grimson' looks grim as Boyz are being domiinated .
The defense is breached too easily and too often and the Boyz unable to keep
and make use of their possessions to respond in attack.
Scoreline could have been bigger.

Gun_Play 2024-06-26 22:57:01 

The refs seem to be favoring Ecuador.
They're getting all the calls and doing a lot of diving.

Jamaica needs to hold the ball better. Keep moving it fast, Ecuador can't keep up this pace in the 2nd half.

hubert 2024-06-26 23:18:01 

In reply to Gun_Play

Yes...they scored from corner .there was a rebound and confusion from Ecuador defence and Antonio
buries it for 2-1...

birdseye 2024-06-26 23:18:30 

In reply to Gun_Play

we pull 1 back - now 2:1 Ecuador

hubert 2024-06-26 23:20:48 

Antonio has been dropping deeper in midfield and with the hussle of Palmer
the Boyz have been looking more constructive in buildups...

hubert 2024-06-26 23:26:42 

More constructive play among Palmer and Nicolson and better ball movement results in corner.
Palmer has been a live wire in midfield with tremendous enery is making a big difference
as passing is more cohesive and posing problems to the Ecuador defense. Good to see
although Gray needs to get involve more.

hubert 2024-06-26 23:33:23 

Boyz responding much better in attack.Nicholson just mishit one and fell tamely with off balance shot to keeper.

Boyz attacking well and calls for a Penalty as Boyz mount another attack causing a melee.
VAR being check. Boyz could get PK.

Ref sys no PK. Looked a bad decision to me.

Gun_Play 2024-06-26 23:43:24 

That was a clear penalty!
Even more so than the one Ecuador got.
VAR did not show the ref the video where the ball is seen clearly hitting the players hands.
There were similar instances like in La Liga this season.

This is unbelievable! VAR is an absolute joke, if it is used in this manner.

hubert 2024-06-26 23:46:37 

Lattibeaudiere working on another yellow for a red.

hubert 2024-06-26 23:48:50 

In reply to Gun_Play
Looked clear to me...that PK

Good move by coach to take out Lattibeaudiere...

Gun_Play 2024-06-26 23:49:02 

Ecuador is playing dirty.
I hope jamaica can pull this off

hubert 2024-06-26 23:51:10 

That right full back no2 makes too many errant passes
to my liking...hard worker but he makes too many basic errors
with his passing.

hubert 2024-06-26 23:53:23 

In reply to Gun_Play

They do...they strong armed the Jamaicans in the early part of the game and the Boyz
wilted instead of playing with good passes and constructive use of the ball from defense
to offense. That's why they were down 0-2 after 45.

hubert 2024-06-26 23:54:43 

Boyz gave up a cheap goal when countered easy goal for Ecuador

3-1. But when you attack you must also watch for a counter...defence was caught up field
disappointing when they were playing better.

ray 2024-06-26 23:55:32 

Boyz got worn such a bad call

Gun_Play 2024-06-26 23:56:34 

In reply to hubert

True, I believe the formation changed in the 2nd half helped as well.
Maybe if jamaican had started with that formation from the beginning they would have won.

JoeGrine 2024-06-26 23:59:50 

Waite – (4) Leigh – Pinnock – Bernard – Lembikisa – (4) Latibeaudiere – Lowe – Palmer – Reid (2) Antonio – Nicholson

Coach starts the game with SIX defenders against, arguably, the only team we could possibly beat. Just the same, for the first sixteen minutes, Jamaica seldom touched the ball. Around 16:32 we were finally able to string together three consecutive passes however, they were backward passes. Our offensive transition was "outta-mi-life" hoping to find Antonio and Nicholson. For the second consecutive game, one of Jamaica's most dangerous offensive players was our right back Lembikisa especially in the first half.

WAITE (6) - cannot be faulted for the goals, he was adequate between the sticks.
LEIGH (6) - held his own and was unfortunate to have the ball go to his hand for a penalty.
PINNOCK(7) - solid game especially when they went with a back three.
BERNARD (5) - decent game until subbed out.
LEMBIKISA (6.5) - was attacking minded and held his own defensively.
LATIBEAUDIERE (4) - I don't recall him doing much of anything, wait, I do remember his yellow card which stopped one of our attacking thrust.
PALMER (5)- turnover machine and I am still trying to see what he brings to the turf as a creative player though he was more of a presence in the second half.
LOWE (4.5) - I like my defenders to stay on their feet when they tackle ergo I do not like Lowe the player.
REID (6) - workmanlike as usual and impactful.
NICHOLSON (4.5) - didn't get much service but he's continuing his trend of missing his opportunities.
ANTONIO (7) - I have no idea why he is playing, who is going to provide him with passes, Lowe? (get real), Latibeaudiere? (keep dreaming), Palmer? (once in a blue moon, the moon is currently yellow. The man got busy all over the field. Good to have him scoring again
Hector (Bernard) (5.5) - his very first play was a yellow card.
Gray (Lowe) (4.5) - had a quiet game, he has not been the same since his injury.
Dixon - not long enough to critique
Anderson - see Dixon
Cephas - see Dixon
COACH GRIM (1) your team showed grit with their second half performance (2) stay with the back three, your best defender (Pinnock) thrives in that setting (3) you need a real creative midfielder - Palmer and Anderson are for lesser lever CONCACAF teams.

hubert 2024-06-27 00:00:29 

In reply to Gun_Play

No doubt they would have...they were able to control the ball and tempo well and worked
well together putting the Ecuador team in distress many times.
And not getting the PK was a Monstrous Blow and totally wrong.
Feel for the Boyz and Antonio and Palmer especially as they had big game

imusic 2024-06-27 00:06:55 

In reply to hubert

Hubert…..given the results & play thus far in the 2 matches, do you think Bailey’s decision to decline selection justifies or exacerbates that decision?

Does it portray him in a better or worse light? Or no difference.

BTW…..I don’t know why he declined selection in the first place.

Given what I saw of Jamaica in their first game (didn’t see this one), I believe their biggest area that needs improvement is defence. They don’t play constructively in defence and just end up giving the ball back to the opposition. That means they can’t sustain any link up play transitioning from defence into attack

hubert 2024-06-27 00:27:51 

In reply to imusic

Bailey will always be valuable to the Jamaica team because of his skills set.
Were I the coach he would be my ace midfielder as his skills and high work rate
would be invaluable. That is the role I think he should be given if and when he
It is unfortunate that he is not around but given the right environment and
personnel I think he will return.But he has to have on the field a Clear responsible role
which could different from his EPL team as i see it.
This Jamaica squad is lacking in midfeld generalship where the conduit between defense and attack
is critical to relieve pressure and then have control and initiate attacks. That is a missing
ingredient of all the Jamaica teams I have seen for too long now.
Tonite Antonio gave a glimpse of what I am talking about . He was all over the field from defense
middle and attack and he he brought a certain life to the team.
As for Bailey's portrayal...Many Jamaicans from what I have read and heard do not want him back.
That is understandable but also sad.
Sports people are competitors and their quirks,like us all, so it is imperative that good man management
is at the fore with all involved.
I see value in Bailey and as a Jamaican I want too inclusion to have the best players were the Black, Gold and Green
at all times.
Going to another WC in two years should inspire the Football fraternity to set its house in order as it
will probably be easier to get to the Finals than it was in 25 years ago.
If it means eating humble pie and subjugation of egos by all involved, so be it.Rebuild the bridges to ensure a smoother ride
with pride as host CONCACAF will be at the forefront.
The Mature Adults in the Fraternity must stand up and stand out to solve the problem(s).

XDFIX 2024-06-27 00:39:26 

In reply to JoeGrine

Excellent take as per usual!

This coach is up to play draw game, why not give Dixon a longer run?

The team needs Whisper and Bailey plus a good mid fielder!

Those guys can't do worse than the current crop!

imusic 2024-06-27 00:41:16 

In reply to hubert

Thank you for the in depth and considered response Hubert. Much appreciated.

I find the midfield general comment interesting. In my mind, the midfield general will not resolve the defensive disorganization and lack of contrastive play from the defence.

I believe the defence COLLECTIVELY needs to settle the ball down more and build from the back to get the ball to said “general”

As it is, they seem to be playing the whole game as if it’s the team trying to preserve a result in extra time.

That approach the entire game doesn’t work in modern football.

JoeGrine 2024-06-27 00:53:25 

In reply to imusic

Given what I saw of Jamaica in their first game (didn’t see this one), I believe their biggest area that needs improvement is defence. They don’t play constructively in defence and just end up giving the ball back to the opposition. That means they can’t sustain any link up play transitioning from defense into attack

What you are describing (contrary to what you suggest elsewhere) is a function of midfield weakness. The opposing teams do not respect our midfield so when we are to bring the ball out from the back they flood our defensive third, why, because every team know we lack the creativity to move the ball forward. As the flood overwhelm us, we resort to "outta-mi-life" kicks hoping our forwards will miraculously end up with the ball. This is why the first 16 minutes, we couldn't keep the ball. It was only when Lembikisa decided to go forward with dribbles and quick passes that Ecuador retreated.

You "cannot sustain any link up play transitioning from defense into attack" if you don't have a bonafide link man. Dominica ran roughshod over us going through our middle and pressing us when we were attempting to move out of defense. Top teams will be licking their chops to play us.

JoeGrine 2024-06-27 00:55:13 

In reply to XDFIX

This coach is up to play draw game

Same so!

imusic 2024-06-27 01:15:52 

In reply to JoeGrine

The opposing teams do not respect our midfield so when we are to bring the ball out from the back they flood our defensive third, why, because every team know we lack the creativity to move the ball forward

But is not the midfielders trying to bring the ball out of the back.

Basically, the team doesn’t appear to be able to handle it when they’re pressed. So they boom kick.

Almost every team in modern football presses when rhe opposition has the ball.

The objective of the press is to create a turnover and put the opposing team under pressure.

Maybe the midfield isn’t creative, but it still is on the defence to play constructively. You beat the press with quick one time passes and control. Sometimes dribbling and fakes.

Yesterday’s game between Chile and Argentina was an object lesson in this. The sustained speed of the game was incredible.

Players had to play quick, incisive passes because real blade was sharing. Plenty skipping in that game.

Cricket_101 2024-06-27 02:11:37 

This has to be the worst JA team i have seen… they look liturgic and unmotivated.. That 3rd goal by Ecuador sums up the team mental readiness and stamina to compete.

birdseye 2024-06-27 02:14:20 

Jamaica was just totally outhustled. Ecuador was beating yard to the ball, intercepting passes while Jamaica stood waiting for ball to get to them. It’s not that Ecuador had better talent, they out worked their opponents.
“Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work…” -Albert Einstein.

JoeGrine 2024-06-27 02:17:12 

In reply to imusic

Boss, look at Jamaica when Ravel Morrison is on the field, he goes deep to collect the ball and take it forward, the opponents do not just swarm the defensive end as they know he can split any defense in the world with one pass. Or they double him which creates space for the defenders to try to move forward. Good teams capitalize on their opponent's weakest link (pun intended). Also, he (Morrison) has the ability to accelerate the rate at which we move the ball up and around.

birdseye 2024-06-27 02:38:31 

In reply to JoeGrine

Boss, look at Jamaica when Ravel Morrison is on the field, he goes deep to collect the ball and take it forward, the opponents do not just swarm the defensive end as they know he can split any defense in the world with one pass.
the results of their two most recent JA matches is what again? Jamaica does not have destiny on their own feet - and with Venezuela beating Mexico right now – yard is just about eliminated, which would be a shame, because they have talent.