The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket

Biden Lost the Debate

Brerzerk 6/28/24, 4:28:07 AM
Brerzerk avatar image

debut: 3/16/21
11,145 runs

Emir 6/28/24, 4:34:29 AM
Emir avatar image

debut: 8/9/14
18,189 runs

In reply to Brerzerk

Bro, America loss tonight.

See the choices- a man who still lied for Nethanyahu tonight and sponsored genocide and another who is a convicted criminal and sexual predator who pose a threat to the country and accuse the supporter of genocide of not doing it good enough
nickoutr 6/28/24, 5:49:08 AM
nickoutr avatar image

debut: 3/21/08
12,180 runs

the very idea ........ that beijing joe is a vegetable has been confirmed
Brerzerk 6/28/24, 6:29:43 AM
Brerzerk avatar image

debut: 3/16/21
11,145 runs

one swallow does not a summer make and 400 lies per debate lose you the very ppl. you need to win.
Biden's loss doesn't a P...Grabber wins
Walco 6/28/24, 12:15:08 PM
Walco avatar image

debut: 6/22/08
13,577 runs

In reply to Brerzerk

That is the understatement of the year. Biden came off as old, bumbling and at times incoherent, and he did little to refute the deluge of lies coming from Trump's mouth last night. I don't think Trump answered one question posed by the moderators last night.
VIX 6/28/24, 12:26:56 PM
VIX avatar image

debut: 2/7/03
17,180 runs

Biden is generally lost.

Either one of those two dementia plagued idiots are apt for the great merica pruhsidency.
Chrissy 6/28/24, 12:29:10 PM
Chrissy avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
194,997 runs

In reply to Brerzerk
There was no debate - it was a Trump lie fest and unfortunately Biden having a cold and being hoarse did not respond effectively for a good part of the night.
And what upper was Trump on last night?
sudden 6/28/24, 12:46:19 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,341 runs

A stumbling bumbling Biden and a lying liar who didn’t answer any questions

What a choice?

At any rate, debates don’t decide Presidents
Emir 6/28/24, 2:01:01 PM
Emir avatar image

debut: 8/9/14
18,189 runs

In reply to sudden

This debate will.

Even the DNC owned MSNB will panicking last night, they couldn't even spin it. Biden could hardly answered a question coherently.

A high school student would clean Trump's clock last night.
sudden 6/28/24, 2:11:18 PM
sudden avatar image

debut: 11/27/06
53,341 runs


I just looked at a clip of a group of swing state voters who reportedly were undecided. All said that the debate caused them to make up their minds. When asked, one said she was concerned about how Biden came over and that she wanted a President who was strong and looked like he could do the job meaning not Biden. Some agreed with her.

But another said she was looking at the policies of the candidates and whilst Biden articulated policies for what he would do and has done Trump did not. Of the group it appeared either split or Biden had a slight majority

That surprised me
- edited -
VIX 6/28/24, 4:33:13 PM
VIX avatar image

debut: 2/7/03
17,180 runs

Biden was unfit for the job from day one, even moreso now. I dunno why the great merican left let it come to this!


Brerzerk 6/28/24, 4:39:13 PM
Brerzerk avatar image

debut: 3/16/21
11,145 runs

In reply to sudden

didn't surprise me, most swing voters with a comm college degree and above cannot countenance Trump, B-Biden is reparable.
What surprised me was the robotic moderators who not once stopped Trump or say Sir, that's not true because.... They were
more robotic than the robot dropping off food at my table last Sunday
pooranian 6/29/24, 12:18:35 PM
pooranian avatar image

debut: 4/11/20
1,305 runs

Only Michelle O can save democrats....I think that was the plan all along...