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All the gnashing of gums Obama lost to Romney

sudden 2024-06-28 20:21:11 

In his first debate for a 2nd term

Walco 2024-06-28 20:24:53 

In reply to sudden

I was thinking the same thing. Incumbent presidents usually do poorly in that first debate. But the Democrats are in full panic mode. Premature ejaculation if you ask me. There is still a long way to go, and Trump will not become more appealing to the electorate as November approaches.

sudden 2024-06-28 20:30:15 

In reply to Walco

Back then the Dems panicked too and Romney thought he had the presidency

The problem with the Dems is that they are always looking for the perfect candidate ( as if)

Biden sounded as though he had a cold

And Trump lied worse than STDJONES

googley 2024-06-28 20:57:58 

Unfortunately Biden is no Obama. Yes he did have a cold but that shouldn't impact his ability to remember stuff. What you say last night with Biden it was for real.

Brerzerk 2024-06-28 21:01:09 

Before the media even mentioned it I said at home that Obama did badly in the 1st debate for his reelection but came back like a boss

XDFIX 2024-06-28 21:15:36 

In reply to sudden

That may be true but it was not as bad as Joe to DJ Trump!

Joe’s optics alone is cause for concern!

hubert 2024-06-28 22:48:42 

I did not watch,or listen about this 'debate'.
What I am reading today suggests that Empty Suit
did better than I thought he would.\
He was still standing lol
I pity those who will waste their time to vote for this guy in November .

sudden 2024-06-28 22:58:09 

The plan was for Biden to win and then resign a year later and Harris becomes the first female President

If Biden is an empty suit, what is Trump?

Last time I heard that term it was Clint Eastwood referring to Obama

johndom90 2024-06-29 00:09:14 

In reply to sudden

If Biden is an empty suit, what is Trump? makes Trump the only coherent liar on to drop the mike and strut off stage on his own.

Two fossils .....the best of America.

Chrissy 2024-06-29 00:13:33 

In reply to sudden

hubert 2024-06-29 00:14:34 

In reply to sudden

Trump is a bigger ,younger and a con who can at least walk and chew gum of LIES in a full suit at the same time. lol
The Real Empty Suit ? Does not even know the time of the day or can tell you. lollol
Oman was not much better .Except for the Health Care, did nothing tangible
if you count the red line in Syria drawn with chalk and the Arab Spring.
His advantage is that he had a woman ,the smart one in the family,Michelle.
He ran with Empty Suit for 8 years lol

The bottom line: whoever wins in November means America loses. lol

johndom90 2024-06-29 00:20:55 

In reply to hubert

cool Touche.

All of a sudden Main stream media is pretending to be only now aware that some of the upstairs lights are best, shorting the fuse.

sudden 2024-06-29 00:49:34 

In reply to johndom90

What is Trump?

At least Hubert tried an answer.

What about you?

And that crap you posted doesn’t cut it

Try again

johndom90 2024-06-29 01:25:07 

In reply to sudden

Trump was the only coherent president on stage last night.

if bare facts don't cut it with you , then seek spiritual help.

" Biden sounded like he had a cold " ....u serious.

The commander in chief ...u boss , the man with the nuclear trigger had ah cold last nightlollol

sudden 2024-06-29 12:37:34 

In reply to johndom90

Presidents catch cold too, you know

Remember when your candidate Trump was President and caught Covid?

Then again I believe that might have been fake news

Yes, we all agree that Biden performed horrible cold or no cold

And Trump lied all night long, brave and bold

The choice for voters is ole man Biden or lied Trump

nitro 2024-06-29 12:48:53 

In reply to sudden

If Biden loves his country he should remove himself from this race.

sudden 2024-06-29 12:58:54 

In reply to nitro

So a convict can stay in but the ole man must go

Somehow that makes sense

Emir 2024-06-29 13:00:34 

In reply to sudden

Come in, it was different.

Obama loss the first debate performance to Romney- but, and this is where the panic is about:

Biden could hardly finish a sentence
Biden loss his train of thought several times
Biden looked meek, old, sick and weak
Biden allowed Trump to go on the offensive and walked all over him.

There is no comparison to this debate.


Biden's test- was to show that nation- he has mental capacity to lead- instead he showed that he is old, sickly, weak. But alas, he didn't forget to lie for Israel.

DukeStreet 2024-06-29 13:08:32 

In reply to Emir


And even tho I'm Independent, I kinda felt bad for Biden and how he presented himself on stage. Slow witted, incoherent, slurred speech, rambling sentences and incomplete or diverted sentences. Trump, on the other hand, smelled blood and went on the offensive with impunity. He rarely answered any questions but harped on Trump's failures and drilled into it over and over. A calculated move by Trump and I fear it will get worse in Round 2 and beyond.

sudden 2024-06-29 13:13:25 

Muslims wanting to punish Biden for his support of Israel reminds me of the Palestine nationals and Egypt siding with the British to push out the Turks during world war 1.

The rest is history and we never learn from it

sudden 2024-06-29 13:19:17 

In reply to DukeStreet

You are saying Biden never answered any questions or Trump?

Which one?

And you know that you are no independentbig grin

Emir 2024-06-29 14:27:27 

In reply to sudden

Muslims wanting to punish Biden for his support of Israel reminds me of the Palestine nationals and Egypt siding with the British to push out the Turks during world war 1.

So you getting nasty now- the topic is only about the debate performance and you go to the gutter about WW1. Wow.

Emir 2024-06-29 14:28:15 

In reply to DukeStreet

well said.

nitro 2024-06-29 15:08:19 

In reply to sudden

If ole Joe stays in then the convict can sleep easily.

hubert 2024-06-29 18:26:55 

In reply to nitro

You know what is really bad.?

It was Empty Suit.i.e.Biden who challenged Trump to debate..anytime any place .
In my political think tank forum, I expressed sadness that old Joe would go there.
The last thing he should do as a President is DEBATE a Convict.
My view was not received well but now the universal view from the group is that
I called it right.
Trump refused to debate in the Repubnuts Primaries.
And here we have a supposedly nuanced person and leader of the Free World
wanting to debate the recently convicted Trump.
He offered a forum to a Convict to brutalize him and the Mouth-a-minute LIAR did him in
for all the Universe to see.
I think Trump was onto something when he asked for drug Test prior to the debate.
Could be that the handlers of the Empty Suit must have sedated him in his stay
at Camp David in prep for the event.
Truth will out one day lol
Should he quit ? NO. Let the world see what America has become. A fallen Empire
that starts at the top like all before

nitro 2024-06-29 18:44:45 

In reply to hubert

I have not been following what has been happening. Why would the Democrats feel comfortable with Biden given his mental struggles?

hubert 2024-06-29 19:00:58 

In reply to nitro

They cultivated no alternatives. And the higher ups in the Party are more comfortable with status quo rather than strategic.
That is Dems MO unlike the Repubnuts as is being demonstrated once again.
Biden as defacto leader of the Democratic Party is a weakling and has been so all his career.
He is in my view not very smart but no one can tell him that.
Never won a Primary in two previous tries for the presidency and won his first only with the aid of a black Representative
from South Caroilina,Clyburn in 2020 and moved to presidency but did not Take Clyburn's advice regarding the
Vice President ,chosed Kamila who is not even regarded as the Alternative should he quit.
Its up to Bill Clinton and Obama to set him straight but as enablers they are not the Reality Box.
The Dems are hoping for a Miracle in next debate,but the turn off from the debacle is widespread with Dems
as well as Donors.
Maybe there is a miracle somewhere that will settle this BUT I cannot see

sudden 2024-06-29 19:30:08 

In reply to hubert

You are right about Biden debating Trump

Should have said he would never debate a convict and that as a convict Trump should not be able to run for President, whether it is legal or not.

Left to be seen if he withdraws but it will be messy

Kamala will have to be appeased or threatened

2 fresh faces would be good but I doubt it

Live by the sword, die by the sword

My take on all this is that we are entering the age of Aquarius which will be a new awakening

There will be mass upheaval socially and geographically

We can well see a pole shift, volcanic and other calamities

There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth

All the old ways will go away but not without a fight

The shift to the right in Europe and even the US is the dying throes of the old staid way (Yahweh’s / Enlil’s time)

Enki’s time is upon us

Who manages to survive will be in for a oneness with the universal consciousness (God)

hubert 2024-06-29 23:42:47 

In reply to sudden

The One thing he must not do is WITHDRAW.
Lots of pressure being exerted on him to do so.
BUT he must remain steadfast and play out the hand.
Of course the road ahead is much more difficult.However,a defeatist attitude must
not be exhibited.
Not a vote has been cast and the down ballot races for Congress, especially the SENATE
must be put to the fore. Its one thing to lose the White House but losing the Senate
will be the disaster of disasters.
Without the Senate, Trump could really do damage as the Supreme Court is already
in his pocket and that Filibuster 'rule' in the senate would vanish if Republicans control.
They are likely to expand the Court and throw away other Constitutional Constraints.
If Dems control the Senate they can and should refuse to act on any future Nominees.
Payback for McConnel actions and play hardball.
This is not in the playbook of weak hearted Dems however. But that is the only way to go
if Trump gets the White House.
Although I detest Biden and have long ceased to vote, I would still prefer to see Empty Suit in the WH than
a Con who will be a raging Fascist/Dictator who will destroy the USA.
That is the reality facing America with the Dotard Convict.
However, deep down, I trust the American Electorate to get this right as the majority of Americans are not
fools and if the Empty Suit wins, he should resign before his second year of the Term and let his VP,whoever
that may be to take over.

XDFIX 2024-06-30 00:39:50 

In reply to hubert

Whether Biden withdraws, stands down, retires or not, it's a Republican win - a fait accompli!

An open felon and convict will be in the White House, come Jan 2025!

It's sad but it's true - the system has not been kind to the over 330 million people!

If the most powerful country on earth cannot do better than Trump and Biden - it says something about the system!

It also tells you, 'Babylon' is falling!

hubert 2024-06-30 11:26:19 

In reply to XDFIX

Unbelievable. But it's looking that way. Hope I live to see this outcome as the next four
years will certainly turn this world wrong side up starting with a Trump led USA.
I could never even imagine this.. America ?? No way, no way !!!! A Con in charge /////evil

Emir 2024-06-30 12:33:03 

In reply to hubert

Here's why we really need to be deeply concern:

Its not MAGA we need to worry about, its not Trump we need to worry about- They told the world who they and what they will do and they are not kidding.

We need to worry about the elite white liberals who were bent hell in throwing their support for Biden & AIPAC/Zionist to support, finance and defend genocide.

They knew the base of the Democratic party- Blacks, Hispanics, Young people of all ethnic groups, progressives- the intersection of these diverse groups- DID NOT WANT THEIR COUNTRY TO SLUAGHTER PALESTINIANS FURHTER THE ZIONISM AGENDA- they told that to the white liberals elites-

But, as usual, the white elite liberals took the base, especially Black Americans for granted, "because they knew we will eventually come home come election day."

Even in genocide, they ignored this large base that elected Biden in the last election. In fact, so arrogant was Biden, he said early in the war and before it became a genocide- this is his words- "what choice do they have, the next guy wanted to ban them."

hubert 2024-06-30 17:42:09 

In reply to Emir

Perhaps the greatest President ,Abe Lincoln said it best that we be destroyed only from within.
Those words echo resoundingly now with a thug and Convict all set to destroy the Constitution
iif given a small chance.And he has the bias activist Supreme Court to aid him too.

However while it is darkest now before the dawn of the real election campaign after Labour Day,
I do have a certain faith in the majority of the country to really evaluate the situation and make the right
decision come November.
The rabble rousing and lying and the conviction of the Dotard will not fool all the people all the time.
I sure hope so.
What Dems have to do is double down on the Congressional races to recapture the House and more
critically, the SENATE.
That is first sure way to nullify Trump....Control of Congress through which all laws are made.
I am not hearing too much about the Congressional Races. That is where the Power lies as No President can
make any laws and No President can declare War. Those are the Exclusive to Congress and Congress only.
That's where I want to see the emphasis as of now. I hope the Dems don't get distracted and take their
eyes off the real Prize.