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Dem Presidents vs Republican Presidents

sudden 2024-06-28 23:04:11 

Extracted from a comment in a post-

Dems vs. GOP - Last 50 Years
Presidency held: Dem - 22 years, GOP - 28 yrs
Stock Market Return: Dem - 992%, GOP - 109%
Total Jobs Created: Dem-42 million, GOP - 24 million
Income Growth: Dem-2.2%, GOP-0.6%
GDP: Dem-4.1%, GOP-2.7%
The GOP is bad for the economy has been ever since Reagan.
Clinton took a weak economy from Bush Sr. and built a surplus.
Obama took a recession from Bush Jr. and built the longest job creation stretch in history.
Biden took a reckless budget from Trump and cut the deficit $1.4 Trillion in 2022 alone.
Republicans talk the talk on the economy while the Democrats walk the walk.
Since 1900 America has experienced the Great Depression and 6 major recessions.
100% of those economic collapses happened when a Republican was president.
3 Republican presidents served just before and during the beginning of the Great Depression.
Most don't realize the economy began to recover after the stock market crash of 1929, but there was a 2nd crash in 1931 which actually triggered the Great Depression. Hoover was president then.
Then for 24 years America's economy became strong under Democrats FDR & Truman.
Then came Republican Ike and the 1st major recession since the Depression.
The next major recession happened in the early 1970's when Nixon was president.
Then America experienced two major recessions in less than 10 years under Reagan & Daddy Bush.
The stock market crash of 1987 happened under Reagan.
Then came the Great Recession under Republican Baby Bush W Jr.

johndom90 2024-06-29 00:18:17 

In reply to sudden

To quote George Galloway......... " Malarkey"

Above nonsense is akin to a West Indian supporter regaling us of the glory days of West Indies Cricket.

The economy is in free fall, the dollar is skating on thin ice , major business chains are closing , at least 284 regional banks are on
the brink of insolvency , Wall street is selling off its commercial real estate in anticipation of a pending tsunami of foreclosures ,
the world is on fire , the draft is back, sneaked through the house in place/ready to send America's young to fight for what one knows, 14 million illegal immigrants have entered the US and living on taxpayer's dime ....and you are regaling about past President's .

What are you trying to justify?

sudden 2024-06-29 00:47:22 

In reply to johndom90

Just the truth

Dispute any of it

What you posted made no contact with my submission

Remember the past almost always dictates the future

Watch the ride

Brerzerk 2024-06-29 01:24:07 

In reply to johndom90

Where you got that BS about The US$ falling? It is the strongest it has been in 2 decades.

johndom90 2024-06-29 01:27:56 

In reply to Brerzerk

This is why I try to stay away from CC....

u eh seriously asking me that ....Janet Yellen ( a next long in the tooth) tell u that.

U have to to be joking ????? u cah be serious.....confused

Brerzerk 2024-06-29 01:46:51