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Emir 2024-06-30 16:26:31 

His mental capacity must be seen on the way he allowed Israel to get away with genocide, kept on saying that Israel accepted the plan, even when butcher Bibi went on tv and said no, he repeatedly is still saying the Palestinians said no to the plan, when at the UN, it is recorded they accepted the plan.

If Biden truly believes Trump pose a threat to America and the world, why then is he giving Trump the election on a platter.

If we are to rid the nation of Trump, the base must be convinced to come back in, they will do so and Trump will not get even 40% of the vote.

Drapsey 2024-06-30 17:36:22 

In reply to Emir

Where was the poll conducted, at your Mosque?

Brerzerk 2024-06-30 23:19:29 

Registered Dems especially ones over 35 will soon. calm dung...

VIX 2024-06-30 23:22:08 

Trump v2

dayne 2024-07-01 00:47:30 

Biden should give it up, even though he might be able to function at this time, he might not be able to two years from now. There is no multi-national company that would employ him to be their manager, why should a country give him four more years as their manager

JOJO 2024-07-01 01:16:21 

In reply to Emir

the base must be convinced to come back in

Again—almost every time you post, either you deliberately lying or you talking on stuff you know nothing about (and therefore making up shit).

The base? Somehow you think the base of the party is the “ceasefire now” crowd who do not realize that Hamas and your fundamentalist friends hate everything about their liberal lifestyle. If so, why weren’t they able to save Bowman?

Let me educate your sorry ass, once again: The base of the Democratic Party is black people. At its core it is black women. They never left (the polls always show the same predictions this far out—check Obama).

In fact, AFTER the debate, Biden had record fundraising. Guess which group drove the fundraising? Yes, the actual base. Guess which group is conspicuously absent in calling for Biden to be replaced?

Emir 2024-07-01 03:20:47 

In reply to JOJO

Every time you open your dutty mouth, you erase our suspicion that you are an ignorant jackass that drank the Zionist koolaid.

Better you had kept your dutty mouth shut and we would have only had a suspicion that you were a jerk.

Only a hater like you will conflate the victims of genocide with contempt and you know nothing about our politics

Emir 2024-07-01 03:21:39 

In reply to dayne

Agreed, the base that gave him power is turning away and are ashamed of him.