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How accurate is this?

trev114 2024-07-05 14:02:53 

Jamaican billionaires

One black family

Brerzerk 2024-07-05 14:32:49 

In reply to trev114

I watched up to The Issas and can say it is reasonably accurate. The AI generated thing pronounced nuff of the names incorrectly DESNOES (DEH-NUH) MAH-FOOD. It is possible they are underestimating
the older Jewish money i.e. Sephardic Jews who came during Chris-Teefer Cum-bus-us times. However, The Lindo's for example lost a lot of their wealth but Chris Blackwell their descendant and owner of Island Records is a billionaire and has returned to JA but not mentioned up to where I watched. It is true that many Lebanese/Syrians Coptic and Menonite Christians came early 1900's and made fortunes in music, merchandising etc. Motta, Haddad, Shoucair, Hanna... Also, early 1900's Jews Issa, Matalon... But some old money may not have been mentioned. Wonder how much old and new money The Henriques, Levy's, Clarkes, DeCordova's have. Indians like The Ramson's have done well too. Will listen the rest later

hubert 2024-07-05 15:28:35 

In reply to Brerzerk

Interesting...Some of the names are the Reputed 5 Families who owned Jamaica .That we were told as youngsters
back in the

cricketmad 2024-07-05 17:32:50 

In reply to hubert

The black familieswith the potential to become mega-rich are too busy working on looking rich to become real rich.

Brerzerk 2024-07-05 17:47:06 

In reply to cricketmad

How do you know that?? Stop with your wild assumptions. Was Delroy Lindsey trying to look rich or was undone by Seaga's poor economic mgt?
How many black Jamaicans like David Panton who could be billionaires decided that being elsewhere than JA was a better decision? How many
others were not treated as favorably by institutions as their counterparts of other ethnicities? Stop with your stereotypical assumptions.

Emir 2024-07-06 14:03:06 

In reply to Brerzerk

These families had the advantage of capital access and the simultaneous political support of the British crown and the powerful Catholic Church. They were all given free crown land and other resources that allowed them start their business

Jamaica has never recovered and unless and until the people somehow become owners of these companies, the hundreds of billions in assets they control will not be used for the people's development.

Their wealth is well hidden in American and European institutions and their children visit Jamaica as tourist for short periods.

Brerzerk 2024-07-06 20:05:46 

In reply to Emir


camos 2024-07-07 18:21:15 

First heard of the 21 families in the '70s, are these people billionaires in US currency? I doubt that very much!