The Independent Voice of West Indies Cricket


Emir 7/7/24, 2:43:29 PM
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debut: 8/9/14
18,283 runs

Daily, the NYT- his biggest backer until the last debate and some at MSNBC are not airing stuff about Biden and his family that was previously knowm only to very close circles, it is detrimental to the nation.

We are now hearing the his convicted son, is a big part of his small circle involved in political and policy decisions- and no, it is not coming from Fox "News," but from the NYT yesterday.

Also from the NYT yesterday, we learnt the Biden Family, they are unelected and has no position in our government, including Joe's sister, has pushed the appointed advisors and campaign staff out and are fighting them aggressively. They are blaming Joe's advisors for his meltdown and medical and physical condition.

Many democrats who have backed the president, are now changing their tune and want Biden to leave with dignity on his own. It is apparent, he cannot last 4 more years, but worse, under his current condition, the criminal convict and sex abuser Trump will return and Biden will be responsible.
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XDFIX 7/7/24, 4:30:12 PM
XDFIX avatar image

debut: 3/2/03
17,802 runs

In reply to Emir

What Biden should do as part of his last act before departure is to pardon his son before everything goes haywire!
hubert 7/7/24, 4:58:28 PM
hubert avatar image

debut: 11/14/02
19,182 runs

In reply to XDFIX

What Biden should do as part of this last act is to rid the country of Trump
by any means necessary lollollollol
Knowing Empty Suit, he will probably pardon him on November 8 lol
JOJO 7/7/24, 5:15:00 PM
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debut: 1/29/03
6,352 runs

In reply to Emir

Daily, the NYT- his biggest backer until the last debate

As I always say—not only are you grossly misinformed, but you are also widely dishonest. You just make shit up.

NYT is Biden’s biggest backer? The same NYT that did not endorse him in 2020? The same NYT that he has refused to sit with for an interview? The same NYT that has heavily criticized him for not sitting with them for an interview and claiming that it sets a “dangerous precedent”?
Emir 7/7/24, 5:34:45 PM
Emir avatar image

debut: 8/9/14
18,283 runs

In reply to JOJO

Your brain is stuck in 2020? Once he became president- dummy, not when he was a candidate, Since his victory, they have backed every single policy he has championed, every single legislation he signed, every single foreign policy he implemented- not once has the NYT decry his policy prescriptions- this is called "backing the president to the fullest."

not the dotish crap you seem to believe. You need to learn about our politics before you jump in grown up conversations.
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Emir 7/7/24, 5:39:57 PM
Emir avatar image

debut: 8/9/14
18,283 runs

In reply to XDFIX

Let me ask you this? The Supreme Court said the President cannot be charge/prosecuted for "crimes" he committed if it was part of his official duties, what if Biden deems someone as a threat to the country and decided to get a person of that person, he officially deems a threat to the nation?
XDFIX 7/7/24, 10:02:43 PM
XDFIX avatar image

debut: 3/2/03
17,802 runs

In reply to Emir

It seems like you want Trump dead!

big grin big grin
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birdseye 7/7/24, 11:16:10 PM
birdseye avatar image

debut: 3/24/04
38,121 runs

In reply to Emir

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birdseye 7/7/24, 11:32:17 PM
birdseye avatar image

debut: 3/24/04
38,121 runs

In reply to Emir

We are now hearing the his convicted son, is a big part of his small circle involved in political and policy decisions- and no, it is not coming from Fox "News," but from the NYT yesterday.

what is the purpose this post?
carl0002 7/10/24, 3:49:16 AM
carl0002 avatar image

debut: 4/16/03
25,663 runs

He should order up Seal Team 6 den drop the mike pon dem. Exit center stage left. big grin