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One man's campaign against black people

Casper 2024-07-08 05:01:01 

And he's winning.

He's winning because for years conservative Republicans have wanted to blunt the progress of Blacks in America. In their coordinated effort, they first endeavor to stack the courts from state through federal all the way up to the Supreme Court with as many conservative judges and justices they can find ( like the Aileen Cannons of the world), then litigate against every conceivable policy and or program that were put in place to help blacks disadvantaged for centuries, as a result of racism in America, from slavery to Jim Crow and beyond.

One man, the Jewish-American conservative Edward Jay Blum is the leader of the pack. He first fought against Affrimative Action and he won at the Supreme Court, now he's on course to win in his latest battle against Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and this one is a "beauty".

He has now successfully litigate against a black-owned venture capital which specifically caters to black women as "an unlawful form of racial discrimination"

hubert 2024-07-08 11:23:17 

In reply to Casper

Gotta be a Jew somewhere in anything in USA. Does not surprise me. They run America overtly or covertly lol

birdseye 2024-07-08 11:56:01 

In reply to hubert

You got to wonder why after what they have been thru. But I guess that’s just a human condition. There are many black people who are in the trump camp, again you have to wonder why. For some they can never have enough, and they wish crumbs and stagnation for others and will spare no effort… it is what it is. We can’t give up either

XDFIX 2024-07-08 14:35:55 

In reply to hubert

There must be something special about this little group of people that draws the attention of all and sundry in one way or another!

It may just be the ark of the covenant, Emir gonna castigate me for saying this!

But all good!

big grin big grin

nickoutr 2024-07-08 15:27:51 

lookeee here!

hThe best of Brandon

KTom 2024-07-08 16:17:08 

I think it's a good decision based on the legal merits, in that these grants evidently involve contracts. If the Fearless Fund's primary motivation is indeed philanthropic, it can just gift the money to any business it so desires.

Fearless would obtain the right to “discuss or otherwise disclose the ideas” in the contestant’s entry “or otherwise use th[ose] ideas without any additional compensation,” id. at 8, as well as the right to use the contestant’s name, image, and likeness for “public relations, advertising, promotional purposes,” and in other “media,” and that the contestant would release and indemnify Fearless for various liabilities and agree to forgo litigation in favor of arbitrating any and all disputes. Id. at 13.

Who's helping who here?

hubert 2024-07-08 16:31:12 

In reply to XDFIX

Emir is coming for ya..that is a sure thing smile