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Emir 2024-07-08 11:23:43 

When Ginsburg was confirmed ill with no return during the Obama Administration, and she was facing mortality, the President sent a delegation to gently and kindly prod her into resigning as the Dems had control of both houses and it meant Barack's appointee would have been confirmed.

She promptly kicked them out and no Democrat and MSNBC barked. The Republicans could not believe the gift. By the time of her death, Dems had loss control of the senate and the rest is history as Mitch did what the Dems were too stupid to do.

Now, a different branch, but same situation with Biden, polls show him behind Trump and though many prominent Dems are openly calling for him to step aside, the party still lack the boldness to force his hand.

This is the reckless nature of the democrats and every time they are in a hole, they come begging the base about how "this is the most important election in your history, doomsday is here if we don't win etc.

Perhaps the progressives need to take over the party and push aside the elitist white liberals who gave Trump the presidency in a platter when they cooked the primaries in Hillary's favor despite the base not wanting her.

dayne 2024-07-08 11:59:23 

In reply to Emir

Well said, the Democrats are known for being reactive and not proactive. If they keep on fumbling around and allow Trump to win, many of them might be putting themselves at risk of prosecution on some made charges by a vindictive Trump.

KTom 2024-07-08 14:18:28 

In reply to Emir

When Ginsburg was confirmed ill with no return during the Obama Administration, and she was facing mortality, the President sent a delegation to gently and kindly prod her into resigning as the Dems had control of both houses and it meant Barack's appointee would have been confirmed.

This was in 2013, wasn't it? She lasted to 2020. 'Ill with no return' makes it sound like she was at death's door.

XDFIX 2024-07-08 14:51:02 

In reply to Emir

In the big scheme of things, I don't even know whether it matters - Trump or Biden!

All poor people get is more of the same and a little feel good for the moment!

Democrats rob with one hand, the Republicans with both!

Casper 2024-07-08 14:59:23 

In reply to XDFIX

In the big scheme of things, I don't even whether it matters - Trump or Biden!

I don't think you have given much thought to that statement .

On further and deeper reflection, you may come to the conclusion that it matters

dayne 2024-07-08 15:56:42 

In reply to XDFIX

It certainly matters which Party wins, I would ignore the candidates, as both are past their prime and will only be figure heads, the Parties policies are the things of importance.