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2024:Guyana 10th Highest GDP/Capita in the world

Prako 2024-07-08 15:33:49 

IMF GDP/Capita

The IMF Statics shows that Guyanese are better off than their comrades in Canada, UK, Most of Europe, Australia and Multiples better than the West Indian islands, and within touching distance of the US.

Numbers are in Normalized International US Currency

Avg World GDP/Capita = $18,381

1. Luxembourg & Liechtenstein $143,743
2. Ireland $133,822
3. Singapore/Macau/Monaco $133,737
4. Qatar $112,283
5. United Arab Emirates/Bermuda  $96,846
6. Switzerland $91,932
7. San Marino $86,989
8. United States/Isle of Man/Cayman Islands $85,373
9. Norway $82,832
10.Guyana $80,137

WI_cricfan 2024-07-08 15:49:26 

In reply to Prako

Looks likes someone used the "PNC" calculator to do the calculations.

Prako 2024-07-08 16:22:18 

Facts mi bwoy. It also makes for poor reading for the West Indies

This is how it looks like in the West Indian territories
Guyana $80,137
St Kitts & Nevis $38,870
Monsterrat $34,000
Trinidad & Tobago $32,685
Antigua & Barbuda $27,309
Grenada $21,799
Barbados $20,592
St Lucia $19,328
St Vincent & the Grenadines $19,196
Dominica $15,280
Jamaica $13,543
Anguilla $12,200

googley 2024-07-08 18:06:52 

In reply to Prako

Guyanese are better off than their comrades in ....

Are they really though?

Prako 2024-07-08 18:37:09 

Edit - double post

Prako 2024-07-08 18:37:31 

In reply to googley

The numbers are showing there is money in the country. Are the people utilizing the money and supporting local business vs spending and saving it internationally?

$80k US/capita is a lot of money in circulation.

dayne 2024-07-08 19:24:48 

Those numbers are showing what the Oil companies are making and mostly exporting out of Guyana, from the last time I check, the nurses, teachers and public servants still believe that what they are being paid is not enough to keep up with the prices for a decent life in Guyana.

CricSham 2024-07-08 19:40:21 

In reply to dayne

Well said. The government should be ashamed of the education fiasco. But oh hell when you’re corrupt there is no shame. You sleep like a baby. Just ask the learned doctor, Irfan Ali and Bharrat Jagdeo, or is it Dr. Jagdeo now toobig grin

anansi 2024-07-08 20:20:52 

…..ask the Guyanese living in Sarah Johanna

Master_Blaster 2024-07-08 21:17:21 

"In the abundance of water the fool is thirsty"

Prako 2024-07-11 18:35:34 

In reply to Master_Blaster

And unfortunately Guyana does have a lot of water sad

Runs 2024-07-11 19:34:39 

Just returned only a few are seeing such, majority still poor and struggling

ray 2024-07-11 19:49:14 

In reply to Runs

Indeed...that is the truth
Lots of money flowing which causes inflation, thus people cannot afford stuff

Runs 2024-07-11 19:51:24 

In reply to ray

Correct, BJ on a live stating there is no inflationbig grin wages and salary have not kept up with the cost of living and yes inflation is high.

ray 2024-07-11 20:22:53 

In reply to Runs

Even my son, who don't much about Guyana was saying the oil has caused too much money to be in the hands of a few people...and that money is circulating causing prices to skyrocket

BeatDball 2024-07-11 20:31:59 

The Land of Many Waters gine end up like TT. That's all.

Runs 2024-07-11 20:52:16 

In reply to CricSham

Many Drs Docbig grin

Runs 2024-07-11 20:52:55 

In reply to ray

He is spot on